Fixing Segmentation faults in C++ - c++

I am writing a cross-platform C++ program for Windows and Unix. On the Window side, the code will compile and execute no problem. On the Unix side, it will compile however when I try to run it, I get a segmentation fault. My initial hunch is that there is a problem with pointers.
What are good methodologies to find and fix segmentation fault errors?

Compile your application with -g, then you'll have debug symbols in the binary file.
Use gdb to open the gdb console.
Use file and pass it your application's binary file in the console.
Use run and pass in any arguments your application needs to start.
Do something to cause a Segmentation Fault.
Type bt in the gdb console to get a stack trace of the Segmentation Fault.

Sometimes the crash itself isn't the real cause of the problem-- perhaps the memory got smashed at an earlier point but it took a while for the corruption to show itself. Check out valgrind, which has lots of checks for pointer problems (including array bounds checking). It'll tell you where the problem starts, not just the line where the crash occurs.

Before the problem arises, try to avoid it as much as possible:
Compile and run your code as often as you can. It will be easier to locate the faulty part.
Try to encapsulate low-level / error prone routines so that you rarely have to work directly with memory (pay attention to the modelization of your program)
Maintain a test-suite. Having an overview of what is currently working, what is no more working etc, will help you to figure out where the problem is (Boost test is a possible solution, I don't use it myself but the documentation can help to understand what kind of information must be displayed).
Use appropriate tools for debugging. On Unix:
GDB can tell you where you program crash and will let you see in what context.
Valgrind will help you to detect many memory-related errors.
With GCC you can also use mudflap With GCC, Clang and since October experimentally MSVC you can use Address/Memory Sanitizer. It can detect some errors that Valgrind doesn't and the performance loss is lighter. It is used by compiling with the-fsanitize=address flag.
Finally I would recommend the usual things. The more your program is readable, maintainable, clear and neat, the easiest it will be to debug.

On Unix you can use valgrind to find issues. It's free and powerful. If you'd rather do it yourself you can overload the new and delete operators to set up a configuration where you have 1 byte with 0xDEADBEEF before and after each new object. Then track what happens at each iteration. This can fail to catch everything (you aren't guaranteed to even touch those bytes) but it has worked for me in the past on a Windows platform.

Yes, there is a problem with pointers. Very likely you're using one that's not initialized properly, but it's also possible that you're messing up your memory management with double frees or some such.
To avoid uninitialized pointers as local variables, try declaring them as late as possible, preferably (and this isn't always possible) when they can be initialized with a meaningful value. Convince yourself that they will have a value before they're being used, by examining the code. If you have difficulty with that, initialize them to a null pointer constant (usually written as NULL or 0) and check them.
To avoid uninitialized pointers as member values, make sure they're initialized properly in the constructor, and handled properly in copy constructors and assignment operators. Don't rely on an init function for memory management, although you can for other initialization.
If your class doesn't need copy constructors or assignment operators, you can declare them as private member functions and never define them. That will cause a compiler error if they're explicitly or implicitly used.
Use smart pointers when applicable. The big advantage here is that, if you stick to them and use them consistently, you can completely avoid writing delete and nothing will be double-deleted.
Use C++ strings and container classes whenever possible, instead of C-style strings and arrays. Consider using .at(i) rather than [i], because that will force bounds checking. See if your compiler or library can be set to check bounds on [i], at least in debug mode. Segmentation faults can be caused by buffer overruns that write garbage over perfectly good pointers.
Doing those things will considerably reduce the likelihood of segmentation faults and other memory problems. They will doubtless fail to fix everything, and that's why you should use valgrind now and then when you don't have problems, and valgrind and gdb when you do.

I don't know of any methodology to use to fix things like this. I don't think it would be possible to come up with one either for the very issue at hand is that your program's behavior is undefined (I don't know of any case when SEGFAULT hasn't been caused by some sort of UB).
There are all kinds of "methodologies" to avoid the issue before it arises. One important one is RAII.
Besides that, you just have to throw your best psychic energies at it.


VS 2005 - Command Line Program Crashes

There is a command line program developed in VS 2005. It processes some file and creates an output file. There is an input file which causes crash, but only in some cases. If program started using command line (either release or debug build is issued) it crashes during processing that file. But, if it is started from VS 2005, by pressing F5 (Debug mode), it works fine, doesn't crash and result is correct. Any hint?
You could look at destructors or copy constructors.
Building in release mode can optimize things like unnecessary object copies.
What happens when you start the program from command line and attach to it afterwards?
While there are various kinds of undefined behaviors that can magically work fine in debug but not in release, or on one system but not another, or maybe only triggers noticeable behavior once in a full moon, probably the most common culprit for single-threaded code is uninitialized memory.
Most of the time this would be an uninitialized variable. It could also be a memory block that is allocated (like a buffer full of garbage) but wasn't filled, yet the code assumed it to be. Debug builds of some popular compilers have a tendency to zero out newly allocated memory, whether on the stack or heap, while release builds don't do this. They even have some debugging tools out there that deliberately fill memory with garbage to help catch these kinds of errors at runtime.
We're plagued by these in a legacy C system we work on. I'd say about 80% of the time, when we encounter such situations in single-threaded code, it's due to uninitialized memory of some sort (typically uninitialized variable). For multithreaded code which tends to exhibit timing-specific problems, that is a data race more often than not.
It's very important to practice safe practices to avoid undefined behaviors like this, since as you can see, it can become quite a pain reproducing the problem in the first place let alone narrowing down where the problem is in the code. Undefined behavior really is undefined which is what's so dangerous avoid it - it might work sometimes and sometimes not, on some systems and not others, and the fact that it works sometimes is what makes these bugs the nastiest (something that fails every time would actually be a whole lot better).
Another common beginner one that can be quite a head scratcher is failing to make a base class virtual while deleting through a base pointer. While not nearly as common, it can certainly lead to some very perplexing behavior on the systems I've tested. Again, it's hard to know in advance what your problem is with such a vague description, but it's typically going to be undefined behavior of some sort.

Dwarf Error: Cannot find DIE

I am having a lot of trouble debugging a segmentation fault in a C++ project in XCode 4.
I only get a segfault when I built with the "LLVM 2.0" compiler option and use -O3 optimization. From what I understand, there are limited debugging options when one is using optimization, but here is the debug output I get after I run in Xcode with gdb turned on:
warning: Got an error handling event: "Dwarf Error: Cannot find DIE at 0x3be2 referenced from DIE at 0x11d [in module /Users/imran/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/cgo-hczcifktgscxjigfphieegbpxxsq/Build/Products/Debug/cgo]".
No memory available to program now: unsafe to call malloc
I can't get gdb to give me any useful info after that (like a trace), but I'm not sure I really know how to use it properly. When I try to use the "LLDB" debugger Xcode just crashes (which has been a common theme since I started using it).
My program is deterministic, but when I try to isolate the problem with print statements the behavior will change. For example if I add cout << "hello"; at one point the segfault goes away. Other print statements cause my program to segfault in a different iteration of its main loop. And naturally when I put in enough print statements to supposedly pinpoint the offending code, the segfault seems to occur after one line but before the next (i.e. nowhere).
I am using pointers and dynamic memory allocation, which is likely the cause of the problem, but since I can't narrow down the block of code causing the error I don't know what code to show here.
I tried profiling with the "Leaks" tool in Instruments, but it didn't find any leaks.
Any advice? I am very inexperienced with debugging so anything would help, really.
EDIT: Solved. Given certain inputs, my program would try to read past the end of an array.
I don't think there's enough information that I can help you with the DWARF issue. I am not familiar enough with that toolchain to know how robust it is.
Your crashing symptoms however smell a lot like heap corruption. I don't know what allocator OSX uses by default, but common optimizations store metadata inline with objects and/or thread the freelist through empty objects, which makes them very sensitive to buffer overflows on the heap. Freeing an object twice or using a dangling pointer (a pointer that has been freed but whose space may now be in use by another allocation) can also cause seemingly nondeterministic and hard to track errors, since the layout of the heap is likely to change between runs. Print statements also use the allocator, which means changing the print statements can change when and where the problem will appear.
A tool that you may find helpful in determining if this is a heap problem or something unrelated is a heap replacement called DieHard by my advisor ( I believe it will build on OSX, and you can link it into your program using LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/ to replace the default allocator at runtime. Its sole purpose is to resist memory errors and heap corruption, so if your application actually runs with it, that's probably where you need to look.

compiling with o2 flag makes program to trow access violation

I know it may be some once in life time question but I've stuck with it and i cann't think of any possible problem that's cousing this, I've written a code in c++ (somthing around 500 lines in seperate classes and files) using visual studio and while I compile it without optimization flag (/od) it works fine, but when I try to compile it using release configuration (/o2 flag for optimization) the program gives access violation and crashes. after some debuging i found out there is a this value is changing inside one of member functions but i can't see any direct use of pointer in the call stack were the pointer changes, can any one give any suggestion what makes that happen in only when optimization is enabled?
don't know if this may help you or not, but when I'm compiling using optimization I can see there is an assembly instuction added at the end of my first function call pop ebp don't know what this one does but what ever it is, this is where this pointer changes.
something new that i found while trying to debug using disassembler, there is 13 push instructions and only 10 pop instructions in the function that is causing the problem (the problem is caused by the last pop just before ret instruction) is it okay or not? (i'm counting all push,pop instructions in the functions that are called too.)
The reason you're seeing different behavior with and without optimizations is that your code (unintentionally) relies on undefined behavior. It just so happens to work if the compiler lays out data in one way, and breaks if the compiler lays it out differently.
In other words, you have a bug.
It may be in your already tested code, or it may be in how you use that code. In any case, as #Nim said in the comments, check wherever you allocate and free memory. Check that your classes follow the rule of three. Verify that you don't have a buffer overrun somewhere. And perhaps, try compiling it with different compilers as well. Use static analysis tools (MSVC has /analyze, Clang has --analyze. On Linux Valgrind may be a good bet).
But don't assume that it is a compiler bug. Those do occur, sure, but they're not commonly the source of such errors. In nearly every case, it is a latent bug in the developers own code. Just because it doesn't trigger every time, with every compiler flag doesn't mean it doesn't exist, or that it's the compiler's fault.
Since you say that a this pointer suddenly changes value leads me to believe that this is related to a heap corruption. On the other hand since you say this is related to optimized code or not, it might as well be related to the stack. One of the things the optimizer does, is that it removes unused variables put on the stack, that are never accessed.
This in fact means that when you are not compiling in optimized mode, there will be more variables present on the stack, thus making the memory layout somewhat different and in a sense add more memory space to the stack, which might have huge impact to how the software reacts to for example stack overflow.
If there are local variables that are never used, the program doesn't care if you corrupt the memory of the never used local variables. It's only when you corrupt memory that you actually use, when it becomes a problem.
There are different warning levels (four if I'm not mistaken) that you can tell the compiler to use. If you use the highest one a warning will be treated as a compiler error, which will halt the compilation process. This way you can notice local variables that will be removed when the code is optimized and can move you closer to the real problem. Start searching around these areas of the code to start with.
I also suggest that you cut away code and test, just to rule out where the problematic code is located, and gradually dig down close the problem. When you have no information you must start from the beginning (the main loop of the program) and try to isolate and rule out portions of the code that is working ok. "If I comment out this function call, then it doesn't crashes" might give you a hint :)

Why do certain things never crash whith debugger on?

My application uses GLUTesselator to tesselate complex concave polygons. It randomly crashes when I run the plain release exe, but it never crashes if I do start debugging in VS. I found this right here which is basically my problem:
The multi-thread debug CRT (/MTd) masks the problem, because, like
Windows does with processes spawned by
a debugger, it provides to your
program a debug heap, that is
initialized to the 0xCD pattern.
Probably somewhere you use some
uninitialized area of memory from the
heap as a pointer and you dereference
it; with the two debug heaps you get
away with it for some reason (maybe
because at address 0xbaadf00d and
0xcdcdcdcd there's valid allocated
memory), but with the "normal" heap
(which is often initialized to 0) you
get an access violation, because you
dereference a NULL pointer.
The problem is the crash occurs in GLU32.dll and I have no way to find out why its trying to dereference a null pointer sometimes. it seems to do this when my polygons get fairly large and have lots of points. What can I do?
It's a fact of life that sometimes programs behave differently in the debugger. In your case, some memory is initialized differently, and it's probably laid out differently as well. Another common case in concurrent programs is that the timing is different, and race conditions often happen less often in a debugger.
You could try to manually initialize the heap to a different value (or see if there is an option for this in Visual Studio). Usually initializing to nonzero catches more bugs, but that may not be the case in your situation. You could also try to play with your program's memory mapping to arrange that the page 0xcdcdc000 is unmapped.
Visual Studio can set a breakpoint on accesses to a particular memory address, you could try this (it may slow your program significantly more than a variable breakpoint).
but it never crashes if I do start debugging in VS.
Well, I'm not sure exactly why but while debugging in visual studio program sometimes can get away with accessing some memory regions that would crash it without debugger. I do not know exact reasons, though, but sometimes 0xcdcdcdcd and 0xbaadfood doesn't have anything to do with that. It is just accessing certain addresses doesn't cause problems. When this happens, you'll need to find alternative methods of guessing the problem.
What can I do?
Possible solutions:
Install exception handler in your program (_set_se_translator, if I remember correctly). On access violation try MinidumpWriteDump. Debug it later using Visual Studio (afaik, crash dump debugging is n/a in express edition), or using windbg.
Use just-in-time debuggers. Non-express edition of visual studio have this feature. There are probably alternatives.
Write custom memory manager (that'll override new/delete and will provide malloc/free alternatives (if you use them)) that will grab large chunk of memory, lock all unused memory with VirtualProtect. In this case all invalid access will cause crashes even in debug mode. You'll need a lot of memory for such memory manager, because to be locked, each block should be aligned to pages.
Add excessive logging to all suspicious function calls. Dump a lot of text/debug information into file (or stderr) - parameter values, arrays, everything you suspect could be related to crash, flush after every write to file, otherwise some info will be lost during the crash. This way you'll be able to guess what happened before program crashed.
Try debugging release build. You should be able to do it to some extent if you enable "debug information" for release build in project settings.
Try switching on/off "basic runtime checks" and "buffer security check" in project properties (configuration properties->c/c++->code genration).
Try to find some kind of external tool - something like valgrind or bounds checker. Although, to my expereinece, #3 is more reliable than that approach. Although that really depends on the problem.
A link to an earlier question and two thoughts.
First off you may want to look at a previous question about valgrind substitutes for windows. Lots of good hints on programs that will help you.
Now the thoughts:
1) The debugger may stop your program from crashing in the code you're testing, but it's not fixing the problem. At worst you're just kicking the can down the street, there's still corruption but it's not evident from the way you're running. When you ship you can be assured someone will run into the problem again.
2) What often happens in cases like this is that the error isn't near where the problem occurs. While you may be noticing the problem in GLU32.dll, there was probably corruption earlier, maybe even in a different thread or function, which didn't cause a problem and at some later point the program came back to the corrupted region and failed.

C++: Where to start when my application crashes at random places?

I'm developing a game and when I do a specific action in the game, it crashes.
So I went debugging and I saw my application crashed at simple C++ statements like if, return, ... Each time when I re-run, it crashes randomly at one of 3 lines and it never succeeds.
line 1:
if (dynamic) { ... } // dynamic is a bool member of my class
line 2:
return m_Fixture; // a line of the Box2D physical engine. m_Fixture is a pointer.
line 3:
return m_Density; // The body of a simple getter for an integer.
I get no errors from the app nor the OS...
Are there hints, tips or tricks to debug more efficient and get known what is going on?
That's why I love Java...
Random crashes like this are usually caused by stack corruption, since these are branching instructions and thus are sensitive to the condition of the stack. These are somewhat hard to track down, but you should run valgrind and examine the call stack on each crash to try and identify common functions that might be the root cause of the error.
Are there hints, tips or tricks to debug more efficient and get known what is going on?
Run game in debugger, on the point of crash, check values of all arguments. Either using visual studio watch window or using gdb. Using "call stack" check parent routines, try to think what could go wrong.
In suspicious(potentially related to crash) routines, consider dumping all arguments to stderr (if you're using libsdl or on *nixlike systems), or write a logfile, or send dupilcates of all error messages using (on Windows) OutputDebugString. This will make them visible in "output" window in visual studio or debugger. You can also write "traces" (log("function %s was called", __FUNCTION__))
If you can't debug immediately, produce core dumps on crash. On windows it can be done using MiniDumpWriteDump, on linux it is set somewhere in configuration variables. core dumps can be handled by debugger. I'm not sure if VS express can deal with them on Windows, but you still can debug them using WinDBG.
if crash happens within class, check *this argument. It could be invalid or zero.
If the bug is truly evil (elusive stack corruption in multithreaded app that leads to delayed crash), write custom memory manager, that will override new/delete, provide alternative to malloc(if your app for some reason uses it, which may be possible), AND that locks all unused memory memory using VirtualProtect (windows) or OS-specific alternative. In this case all potentially dangerous operation will crash app instantly, which will allow you to debug the problem (if you have Just-In-Time debugger) and instantly find dangerous routine. I prefer such "custom memory manager" to boundschecker and such - since in my experience it was more useful. As an alternative you could try to use valgrind, which is available on linux only. Note, that if your app very frequently allocates memory, you'll need a large amount of RAM in order to be able to lock every unused memory block (because in order to be locked, block should be PAGE_SIZE bytes big).
In areas where you need sanity check either use ASSERT, or (IMO better solution) write a routine that will crash the application (by throwing an std::exception with a meaningful message) if some condition isn't met.
If you've identified a problematic routine, walk through it using debugger's step into/step over. Watch the arguments.
If you've identified a problematic routine, but can't directly debug it for whatever reason, after every statement within that routine, dump all variables into stderr or logfile (fprintf or iostreams - your choice). Then analyze outputs and think how it could have happened. Make sure to flush logfile after every write, or you might miss the data right before the crash.
In general you should be happy that app crashes somewhere. Crash means a bug you can quickly find using debugger and exterminate. Bugs that don't crash the program are much more difficult (example of truly complex bug: given 100000 values of input, after few hundreds of manipulations with values, among thousands of outputs, app produces 1 absolutely incorrect result, which shouldn't have happened at all)
That's why I love Java...
Excuse me, if you can't deal with language, it is entirely your fault. If you can't handle the tool, either pick another one or improve your skill. It is possible to make game in java, by the way.
These are mostly due to stack corruption, but heap corruption can also affect programs in this way.
stack corruption occurs most of the time because of "off by one errors".
heap corruption occurs because of new/delete not being handled carefully, like double delete.
Basically what happens is that the overflow/corruption overwrites an important instruction, then much much later on, when you try to execute the instruction, it will crash.
I generally like to take a second to step back and think through the code, trying to catch any logic errors.
You might try commenting out different parts of the code and seeing if it affects how the program is compiled.
Besides those two things you could try using a debugger like Visual Studio or Eclipse etc...
Lastly you could try to post your code and the error you are getting on a website with a community that knows programming and could help you work through the error (read: stackoverflow)
Crashes / Seg faults usually happen when you access a memory location that it is not allowed to access, or you attempt to access a memory location in a way that is not allowed (for example, attempting to write to a read-only location).
There are many memory analyzer tools, for example I use Valgrind which is really great in telling what the issue is (not only the line number, but also what's causing the crash).
There are no simple C++ statements. An if is only as simple as the condition you evaluate. A return is only as simple as the expression you return.
You should use a debugger and/or post some of the crashing code. Can't be of much use with "my app crashed" as information.
I had problems like this before. I was trying to refresh the GUI from different threads.
If the if statements involve dereferencing pointers, you're almost certainly corrupting the stack (this explains why an innocent return 0 would crash...)
This can happen, for instance, by going out of bounds in an array (you should be using std::vector!), trying to strcpy a char[]-based string missing the ending '\0' (you should be using std::string!), passing a bad size to memcpy (you should be using copy-constructors!), etc.
Try to figure out a way to reproduce it reliably, then place a watch on the corrupted pointer. Run through the code line-by-line until you find the very line that corrupts the pointer.
Look at the disassembly. Almost any C/C++ debugger will be happy to show you the machine code and the registers where the program crashed. The registers include the Instruction Pointer (EIP or RIP on x86/x64) which is where the program was when it stopped. The other registers usually have memory addresses or data. If the memory address is 0 or a bad pointer, there is your problem.
Then you just have to work backward to find out how it got that way. Hardware breakpoints on memory changes are very helpful here.
On a Linux/BSD/Mac, using GDB's scripting features can help a lot here. You can script things so that after the breakpoint is hit 20 times it enables a hardware watch on the address of array element 17. Etc.
You can also write debugging into your program. Use the assert() function. Everywhere!
Use assert to check the arguments to every function. Use assert to check the state of every object before you exit the function. In a game, assert that the player is on the map, that the player has health between 0 and 100, assert everything that you can think of. For complicated objects write verify() or validate() functions into the object itself that checks everything about it and then call those from an assert().
Another way to write in debugging is to have the program use signal() in Linux or asm int 3 in Windows to break into the debugger from the program. Then you can write temporary code into the program to check if it is on iteration 1117321 of the main loop. That can be useful if the bug always happens at 1117322. The program will execute much faster this way than to use a debugger breakpoint.
some tips :
- run your application under a debugger, with the symbol files (PDB) together.
- How to set Visual Studio as the default post-mortem debugger?
- set default debugger for WinDbg Just-in-time Debugging
- check memory allocations Overriding new and delete, and Overriding malloc and free
One other trick: turn off code optimization and see if the crash points make more sense. Optimization is allowed to float little bits of your code to surprising places; mapping that back to source code lines can be less than perfect.
Check pointers. At a guess, you're dereferencing a null pointer.
I've found 'random' crashes when there are some reference to a deleted object. As the memory is not necessarily overwritten, in many cases you don't notice it and the program works correctly, and than crashes after the memory was updated and is not valid anymore.
JUST FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES, try commenting out some suspicious 'deletes'. Then, if it doesn't crash anymore, there you are.
use the GNU Debugger
Scan all the code, make it clearer if not clear at first read, try to understand what you wrote and immediately fix what seems incorrect.
You'll certainly discover the problem(s) this way and fix a lot of other problems too.