Excluding a blob column from active record/linq query results - subsonic3

What's the easiest way to exclude a column from the result set in a Subsonic/ActiveRecord/Linq query?
I've a got a table of images, and often I only want the meta data associated with the image (image id/name/dimensions for example). Seems fairly wasteful to be pulling in the entire image data for these requests.
My current thought is to split out the image data to a separate table, but I'm wondering if there's an easier/better way.

As You can see in the docs via the link below its possible to use LINQ and detail your query that way.


Groupby existing attribute present in json string line in apache beam java

I am reading json files from GCS and I have to load data into different BigQuery tables. These file may have multiple records for same customer with different timestamp. I have to pick latest among them for each customer. I am planning to achieve as below
Read files
Group by customer id
Apply DoFn to compare timestamp of records in each group and have only latest one from them
Flat it, convert to table row insert into BQ.
But I am unable to proceed with step 1. I see GroupByKey.create() but unable to make it use customer id as key.
I am implementing using JAVA. Any suggestions would be of great help. Thank you.
Before you GroupByKey you need to have your dataset in key-value pairs. It would be good if you had shown some of your code, but without knowing much, you'd do the following:
PCollection<JsonObject> objects = p.apply(FileIO.read(....)).apply(FormatData...)
// Once we have the data in JsonObjects, we key by customer ID:
PCollection<KV<String, Iterable<JsonObject>>> groupedData =
objects.apply(MapElements.via(elm -> KV.of(elm.getString("customerId"), elm)))
Once that's done, you can check timestamps and discard all bot the most recent as you were thinking.
Note that you will need to set coders, etc - if you get stuck with that we can iterate.
As a hint / tip, you can consider this example of a Json Coder.

Alternatives to dynamically creating model fields

I'm trying to build a web application where users can upload a file (specifically the MDF file format) and view the data in forms of various charts. The files can contain any number of time based signals (various numeric data types) and users may name the signals wildly.
My thought on saving the data involves 2 steps:
Maintain a master table as an index, to save such meta information as file names, who uploaded it, when, etc. Records (rows) are added each time a new file is uploaded.
Create a new table (I'll refer to this as data tables) for each file uploaded, within the table each column will be one signal (first column being timestamps).
This brings the problem that I can't pre-define the Model for the data tables because the number, name, and datatype of the fields will differ among virtually all uploaded files.
I'm aware of some libs that help to build runtime dynamic models but they're all dated and questions about them on SO basically get zero answers. So despite the effort to make it work, I'm not even sure my approach is the optimal way to do what I want to do.
I also came across this Postgres specifc model field which can take nested arrays (which I believe fits the 2-D time based signals lists). In theory I could parse the raw uploaded file and construct such an array and basically save all the data in one field. Not knowing the limit of size of data, this could also be a nightmare for the queries later on, since to create the charts it usually takes only a few columns of signals at a time, compared to a total of up to hundreds of signals.
So my question is:
Is there a better way to organize the storage of data? And how?
Any insight is greatly appreciated!
If the name, number and datatypes of the fields will differ for each user, then you do not need an ORM. What you need is a query builder or SQL string composition like Psycopg. You will be programatically creating a table for each combination of user and uploaded file (if they are different) and programtically inserting the records.
Using postgresql might be a good choice, you might also create a GIN index on the arrays to speed up queries.
However, if you are primarily working with time-series data, then using a time-series database like InfluxDB, Prometheus makes more sense.

Mapping user spreadsheet columns to database fields

I’m not sure where to start on this project. I know how to read the contents of the excel spreadsheet, I know how to identify the header row, I know how to loop over the contents. I believe I have the UX portion worked out but I am not sure how to process the data.
I’ve googled and only found .Net solutions but I’m looking for a ColdFusion/Lucee solution.
I have a working form allowing me to map a user's spreasheet column to my database values (this is being kept simple for this post; user does not have direct access to the database).
Now that I have my data, I'm not sure how to loop over the data results. I believe there will be several loops (an outer and an inner). Then of course I also need to loop over the file contents but I think if I can get the headings mapped out,I can figure out the remaining.
Any good links, tutorials, or guides would be greatly appreciated.
Some pseudo code might be enough to get me started.
User uploads form
System reads headers and content.
User is presented form with a list of columns from their uploaded spreadsheet to match with available database fields (eg “column1” matches “customer name”.
User submits form.
Now what?
Here is what the data looks like AFTER the mapping has been done in my form. The column deliiter is the ::: and within the column the ||| indicates the ID associated with the selected column value. I've included the id and the column value since I plan on displaying the mapping again as a confirmation. Having the ID saves a trip to the database.
If I understand correctly, your question is: how do you provide the user a form allowing them to map their spreadsheet columns to that of the database
Since you have their spreadsheet column names, and you have the database column names, then this problem is essentially a UI/UX problem. You need to show both lists, and allow the user to map them. I can imagine several approaches to this. My first thought would be some sort of drag/drop operation, as follows:
Create a list of boxes, one for each field in your database table, and include the field name in (or above) the box. I'll call this the db field list. Then, create another list for each column from the spreadsheet, which I'll call the spreadsheet column list. The user would drag/drop items from the spreadsheet column list to the db field list.
When a mapping has been completed by the user, you would store the column/field names in as data for the DOM element of the db field list box. Then upon submission, you would acquire the mapping data by visiting each box and adding it to an array. Then you would serialize that array into JSON and send that to your form submission handler.
This could be difficult or easy, depending on your knowledge of UI implementations using JavaScript. jQuery makes this easy (if you know jQuery). There's even a jquery UI plugin that does this: https://jqueryui.com/droppable/.
A quick search for javascript drag drop would help, and here's a few articles I found:
You would also need to submit the array of mappings using javascript. You could search for that as well, and here's an article I found:

Fetching data from large BigQuery table in python

What I have is a BigQuery table(>5mil rows).
I need to fetch this data in batches and process it inside AppEngine, python.
The only way to fetch from a table that I know is to run SELECT query on this table and then iterate the result using tokens fetch_data returns.
It looks like this:
query = u"""\
""" % (query_table)
query_job = client.run_async_query(str(uuid.uuid4()), query)
wait_for_job(query_job, 1)
query_results = query_job.results()
rows, total_rows, next_token = query_results.fetch_data(max_results=per_page, page_token=page_token)
This works on smaller tables, but on larger ones like mine it asks to allow large requests and specify target table. But this makes no sense to me. For to simply fetch data from a table I have to copy it to another table?
What you are running into is described in this documentation. In summary, apart from the limit on how much data can be fetched at a time, there is a point where your results become "large results." This is when your results are more than 128MB compressed as described here. When your results are classified as large, you can only store the result of a query in a table in Big Query.
Unfortunately I'm not sure there's a nice way to do what you want without reducing how many rows you are retrieving at once. What you'll likely need to do is explore the exporting data documentation for big query.
You should use tabledata.list API for fetching data from table.
Using parameters (startIndex or pageToken) and maxResults you can control size of page you fetch.
I think this is exactly what you need link, as far as I understood you can't get a large result of a query but you can get the entire table data to your app no mater how big it is, thats why you need to put the large result in a table and then get this table data to your app and do whatever you want with it
good luck :)

Specifying a list fields for searching result in django-haystack

I just wondering is there a way to specify returned fields for search request to the backend elasticsearch. See http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-request-fields.html for how to specify list in JSON API.
Let me explain why i need this. I have lots of articles with a large text data. Searching in this case is very slow, cause elasticsearch returns a whole large texts for each search results, but i want to render only titles except a whole text.
May be is there another way to do it?
There are multiple options here
You can use the fields option in Elasticsearch to specify the list of fields value that has to be returned. This will save some latency time as only less data has to be transported back. But then actual data would be stored as _source and it has to be fetched from hard disk and deserialized for each call.
LINK - http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-request-fields.html
In case we don't want to retrieve this field but you just want that field to be searchable. You can disable _source and enable store for each field whose data needs to be retrievable.
LINK , _source - http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping-source-field.html
LINK , store - http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/index-modules-store.html
Djanko haystack documentation - http://django-haystack.readthedocs.org/en/latest/searchresult_api.html#SearchResult.get_additional_fields