Handling C++ exception thrown in function exported to QtScript - c++

I am using the Qt script engine in my application as an alternative way for the user to access its functionality. As such, I export some C++ classes to the Qt ScriptEngine, that will serve as the interface to the application. The problem is, these C++ classes can throw exceptions.
I have a "ScriptInterface" class running on its own thread, listening for requests to process scripts. So when I evaluate a user's script, I have a try/catch block around it to handle exceptions, and print the error to the console in the application.
try {
m_engine->evaluate(script, name);
catch (Exception const& e) {
// deal with it
catch (...) {
// scary message
This works perfectly in windows... but doesn't work in linux- the program terminates with this message:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Basilisk::InvalidArgumentException'
what(): N8Basilisk24InvalidArgumentExceptionE
I had a hunch that it was because the exceptions bubbled up to the event handler (since the script engine uses signals to call the functions in my exported classes), so I reimplemented QApplication::notify, to handle exceptions there, but they weren't caught.
My question is, am I doing something fundamentally wrong? Also, as an alternative, is it possible to explicitly throw script exceptions from within my C++ classes?
Thanks in advance
EDIT: fixed the description to include the catch(...) statement.
UPDATE (SOLUTION): I "fixed" this problem by following a strategy similar to the one outlined in the accepted answer. Although I haven't gone to the source of why the exceptions don't get caught on linux (my suspicion now, is that m_engine->evaluate spawn a seperate thread on linux), but I have started using the intended way of exception throwing in Qt Scripts, and that is QScriptContext::throwError().
In cases where my function would look like this: (random example)
void SomeClass::doStuff(unsigned int argument) {
if (argument != 42) {
throw InvalidArgumentException(
"Not the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything.");
// function that is not part of the scripting environment,
// and can throw a C++ exception
It is now this: (pay particular attention to the return type)
QScriptValue SomeClass::doStuff(unsigned int argument) {
if (argument != 42) {
// assuming m_engine points to an instance of
// QScriptEngine that will be calling this function
return m_engine->currentContext()->throwError(QScriptContext::SyntaxError,
"Not the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything.");
try {
// function that is not part of the scripting environment,
// and can throw a C++ exception
} catch (ExpectedException const& e) {
return m_engine->currentContext()->throwError(QScriptContext::UnknownError,
// if no errors returned, return an invalid QScriptValue,
// equivalent to void
return QScriptValue();
So where does one deal with these script errors? After the call to QScriptEngine::evaluate() you can check whether there are any uncaught exceptions, with QScriptEngine::hasUncaughtException(), obtain the error object with uncaughtException(), and now you have the message, the trace, and line number in the script where the error occured!
Hope this helps someone out!

I ran into a similar type of problem when trying to use SWIG with Python to wrap C++ libraries. Eventually what happened was that I made a stub for all the wrapped classes which caught the exception and failed quietly. Luckily I had the luxury of wrapping functionality which only passed container classes and state pattern objects, so I could easily check if something was amiss. May I suggest the same for you?
Wrap the functions you want with another function, same interface except the return value.
Create an object that contains not only the requested return type but also an error indicator.
Have the script make sure to check for the exceptions.
And yes, it's very possible for a script engine to throw C++ exceptions if you've given it access to an exception factory (a class whose sole purpose is to throw C++ exceptions.)

Run your program under a debugger and place a breakpoint inside your runtime library's terminate() function. That way you'll stop on terminate() in the debugger and by inspecting the call stack you will then see from where terminate() was called.


C++ Exception handling without try

I am currently trying to write a function for a specific type of hardware exception handling.
The program should test, whether a certain condition is true and start a short emergency procedure and finally terminate.
This test will have to be done quite often and should be rather quick.
Further, it is implemented in a project without any further exception handling.
Therefore, putting try statements everywhere is not really an option.
Ideally, such a function would look like this:
void CheckForException(){
if (Condition == true){
cout << "The chosen configuration is very dangerous, do something different!" << endl;
In principle, I am looking for someStatementEndingTheProgram.
I figured, end(), terminate() and the like are bad style.
Could a throw statement without a try work in this case?
Not answering the title, but the actual problem description: even if putting try's everywhere is not an option, you can wrap the complete code of the main() function in a try block and catch std::exception, so when CheckForException will throw, it will be caught there, so displaying a message and exiting the application can be done easily.
The downside to this approach is that there can be try blocks in your program later on that could catch this exception, so it should be rethrown.
This reeks of bad design in your app.
If you want to prevent the overhead of try-catch but still handle exceptions/error-conditions in a robust way, the code must cater for it: in effect replacing the exception-handling with a custom optimized handler.
In your example you have two basic choices:
if the someStatementEndingTheProgram needs to do cleanup you can call exit() at the exit-point of that function, otherwise just replace it with exit().
redesign your app to handle CheckForException() returning a status, and check that status higher-up the call-chain, e.g.:
int main()
bool okay=true;
while (okay)
//other code
if (okay) return 0; else return ERROR_CODE;
which will let your app terminate normally.

Uncaught exception in a callback from a 3rd party static library

I am compiling my program with a 3rd party library. That library contains an error callback if an error occurs internally. Inside that error callback I am throwing an exception and I have a unit test to verify that when I do something invalid that the exception is thrown. This all works beautifully in Windows, but when I test this in linux (fedora) I am getting an abort from an uncaught exception.
I tried wrapping my call directly with a try-catch block but no luck. ( Also, all my code is running within the google test framework which also normally catches exceptions ). The only thing that seems to catch the exception is if I wrap the throw statement in a try block directly within the error callback.
Does anyone have any idea why this would happen and if there is a way to catch the exception?
When you interface with third-party libraries you usually have to catch all exception on the border between your code and their code:
int yourCallback( params )
try {
doStuff( params );
return Okay;
} catch (...) {
return Error;
The reason is you can't be sure that library is written in C++ or it uses the very same version of C++ runtime as your code uses.
Unless you're completely sure that code can deal with your exceptions you can't propagate exceptions to third-party code. The extreme example is COM where both your code and "other code" can be in whatever language and with whatever runtime and you are not allowed to let exceptions propagate through COM boundary.
Usually you should not throw exceptions "through" code you do not know anything about. It might be C code, which will not even clean up after itself.
How to deal with your concrete problem would require concrete information about the 3rd-party library you are interfacing with. What is that callback there for? To give you a chance to fix stuff? To inform you that an error occurred? Can you cancel whatever operation it is called from?
One way to deal with such a scenario is to store some information somewhere when the callback is called and check for that information when the actual processing finishes from your function that calls into that library.

How to log exceptional situations in C++?

When writing a function, my implementation very frequently looks like this:
Call a subfunction
If this subfunction fails to execute (because of an exceptional situation): log this failure and abort the current function
Otherwise continue calling other subfunctions, which in turn can fail
A crucial part is the logging. Every function that fails should add a short description to the log. This way, at the level where the exception is handled, the user can be shown a detailed error message.
For example, consider an application where a new user account can be created, and there is a problem with the database connection. The following inverse stack trace results:
SQLDriverConnect() -> "SQLDriverConnect error: Data source not found and no default driver specified"
OpenDatabaseConnection() -> "Failed to open database connection"
CreateUser() -> "Failed to create the new user"
ValidateAndSaveNewUserAccount() -> "Failed to save the user profile"
Catch the exception and show the logged messages to the user
Using the exceptions feature, I would implement this as follows:
void CreateUser()
try {
catch(std::exception& e) {
e.AddLog("Failed to create the new user");
Using a simple return value, I'd write the following:
bool CreateUser(Log& log)
if (!OpenDatabaseConnection(log))
log.Add("Failed to create the new user");
return false;
return true;
I find both implementations equally good. Therefore, I don't see much advantage in using exceptions. I am well aware that exception handling is generally considered a useful feature, but I don't really understand why. A long time ago, I used exception handling extensively, but I didn't see the big advantage, so now I never use them anymore. Hence my questions:
Using exceptions, how can this be implemented in C++ more concisely?
If not, what is then the advantage of throwing exceptions over returning an "is successful" boolean?
Note: I use the term logging as "collecting an explanation of what went wrong, so it can be presented to the user later on". I'd rather not store that explanation in a global collection of log messages (in memory, in a file or in a database), as it directly describes the specific exception.
Update: Thanks for you responses so far. I understand that exceptions are only useful if the user doesn't need detailed feedback on what went wrong. (Please correct me if I misinterpreted this.)
Your strategy seems to avoid the most useful aspect of exceptions, you can throw an exception class which already has the text of the log information in it - that is generate the text for the log at time the exception is thrown not at the time the exception is caught. Then you don't have to catch at every level going up the stack, but only at the top level.
Thus only one try block, and one log.add - much less code in general.
Something like this seems to remove all your replication.
void OpenDatabaseConnection()
if (Error) throw MyException("Failed opening database");
void CreateUser()
try {
//...... do everything here
catch(MyException& E) { //only one copy of this code
If you always want to handle your exceptional conditions immediately after the call, then there is no real advantage.
The advantage comes when you want to handle the condition several layers up the call chain. To do that with your success flag, you'd have to bubble the flag up several layers of subroutine calls. Every layer would have to be written with the knowldege that it has to keep track of the special flag from way down in the bowels of the code. This is just a major primo PITA.
For instance, for realtime work we typically build our applications around an iteration loop. Any error during the loop generally just aborts that iteration of the loop (excepting "fatal" errors, which abort the entire app). The easiest way to handle this is to just throw exceptions from wherever they occur, and handle them all in their own catch blocks at the very outermost of the application.
I think a big case for using exceptions here is that you've now made logging part of your method signatures. In general, I don't think that should be the case, because it's a cross-cutting concern. Imagine trying to do an analogous thing with user permissions, for example. Are you going to write this everywhere?
bool CreateUser(Log& log, UserSecurityContext& u) {
if (!HasPermissionsFor(u, SecurityRoles::AddUser)) {
log.Add("Insufficient permissions");
return false;
return true;
There are other reasons to want to use exceptions (see Elemental's answer), but anytime the non-use of a language feature impacts the design of your software, it's worth thinking about whether that was the right way to do it.
Exception handling removes error handling from the normal control flow. This way, the code structured more clean. Exception handling also unwinds the stack automatically. This way, you need not to include error handling code in each method called on the way to the error. If you need one of those features, go with exceptions. If you don't, use error-codes or any other method because exceptions have costs (computing time) even if they are not thrown.
Additional answers to your comment. Imagine a code, that calls several functions that may fail.
procedure exceptionTest(...)
catch (...)
//errorhandling outside the normal control flow
without exception:
procedure normalTest(...)
if (!call1())
else if (!call2())
else if ....
As you can easily see, the normal control flow is disrupted with error handling. Compared to this code, the code using exceptions is easier to read.
If you need to add error handling in each method you call, exceptions may not provide benefits. But if you have nested calls that each may generate errors, it may be easier to catch the exception at top level. That's what I meant. It is not the case in your example, still it's good to know where to benefit from exceptions.
Exceptions are using in only extreme situations. Execution of exception is too slow. For log not great errors try use return value.
int someMethod{
logger.add("File not found");
return 1;
logger.add("You have not permissons to write this file");
return 2;
return 0;
In this case you can print error and process this error on higher level.
Or (more complex):
int someMethod{
int retval=0;
goto _return;
case 1:logger.add("Situation 1");break;
case 2:logger.add("Situation 2");break;
close files, sockets, etc.
return retval;
This way is more hard but most fast.
Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to log from a constructor of your exception (maybe asynchronously) That way your code would look like:
void CreateUser()
Of course, you would need to throw your custom exception from OpenDatabaseConnection().
I worked on two projects when this strategy was used with success.
I would propose to separate error handling from logging and from the user interaction.
Every method can write to log files for itself. With a small log message framework, methods can output debug, informational and error message. Depending on the context your applications runs in defined by a config file, e.g., only critical error messages are actually written.
Especially in networking applications, connection failures can always occur and are not exceptional. Use exceptions for unexpected errors that should not occur or that occur only rarely. It can also make sense to use exceptions internally if you need e.g. the stack unrolling feature:
void CreateUser() {
try {
CDatabaseConnection db = ConnectToDatabase();
InsertIntoDB(db, "INSERT INTO ... ");
} catch(...) {}
If InsertIntoDB throws an exception because the network connection is lost again, object CDatabaseConnection will be destroyed and SetPermission is never run. Using this can lead to better code.
The third thing you want to do is give the user feedback in an interactive application. That's a whole different thing. Let your internal methods return enumerations of possible error codes eerrorCONNECTIONLOST, eerrorUSERNAMEINVALID, etc Don't return the error strings from core methods. The user interface layer should bother which strings to display (possibly internationalizing them). Internally, the error codes will be much more useful. You could e.g. retry five times if your login method returned eerrorCONNECTIONLOST.

Why are my C++ exceptions not being caught?

I have some C++ code that uses a very standard exception pattern:
try {
// some code that throws a std::exception
catch (std::exception &e) {
// handle the exception
The problem is that the exceptions are not being caught and I cannot figure out why.
The code compiles to a static library in OS X (via Xcode). The library is linked into a Cocoa application, with a call to the function in question happening via an Objective-C++ thunk. I suspect that the interplay between Objective-C and C++ is the culprit but all my attempts to pin this down have failed.
I have not been able to create a simple example that reproduces this behavior in a simple example. When I take the relevant code out of the context of my big program everything works.
Can anyone suggest why my exceptions are not being caught?
C++ allows you a variety of options for catching: value, reference or pointer.
Note that this code only catches std::exceptions passed by reference or value:
try {
// some code that throws a std::exception
catch (std::exception &e) {
// handle the exception
It's likely that the exception is being passed by pointer:
catch (std::exception* e)
Check the code that is throwing the exception, and see how it's doing it.
As Mark points out, if you catch by value instead of by reference you risk slicing your object.
Try a catch(...) {} block, see if an exception is really thrown.
I suspect that the interplay between Objective-C and C++ is the culprit but all my attempts to pin this down have failed.
You're probably right, although it's hard to track down.
First, GCC explicitly does not allow you to throw exceptions in Objective C++ and catch them in C++ ("when used from Objective-C++, the Objective-C exception model does not interoperate with C++ exceptions at this time. This means you cannot #throw an exception from Objective-C and catch it in C++, or vice versa (i.e., throw ... #catch).")
However, I think you're describing a case where Objective C++ calls C++ code, the C++ code throws and you're hoping for C++ code to catch the exception. Unfortunately I'm having difficulty finding documentation for this specific case. There is some hope because, "It is believed to be safe to throw a C++ exception from one file through another file compiled for the Java exception model, or vice versa, but there may be bugs in this area." If they can do it for Java, there is a chance they can do it for Objective C++.
At the very least, you'll need to specify -fexceptions at compile time ("you may need to enable this option when compiling C code that needs to interoperate properly with exception handlers written in C++"). Again, that doesn't specifically mention Objective C++ but it may apply.
One little known gotcha with exceptions relates to the access of the base class.
If you are actually throwing a class that derives privately from std::exception then the std::exception handler will not be chosen.
For example:
#include <iostream>
class A { };
class B : private A { } ;
int main ()
throw B ();
catch (A & )
std::cout << "Caught an 'A'" << std::endl;
catch (B & )
std::cout << "Caught an 'B'" << std::endl;
Usually, such an order of handlers would result in the 'B' handler never being selected, but in this case 'B' dervies from 'A' privately and so the catch handler for type 'A' is not considered.
I can offer two theories:
the exception gets caught before it comes your catch clause; any function on the stack might be the culprit. As Michael proposes, try catching everything.
exception unwinding fails to locate your handler. To analyze this in more detail, you would have to step through the exception unwinding code, which is very hairy. See whether compiling the Objective-C code with -fobjc-exceptions helps.
This might be a long shot, but in Visual Studio's compiler settings there is an option to switch off exceptions entirely. Perhaps there's something similar in GCC / XCode.
C++ exceptions can be just about anything, quite frequently a char*. As suggested before add catch (...) to at least get it to break and see what's going on.
Thanks for the input from everyone. Those are good suggestions for anyone who runs into a similar problem. It's working now, but I'm not 100% sure which of various changes I made caused things to become sane again. Once again, the approach of simplifying down to something that works and building back up from there paid off.
One thing that wasn't mentioned in the responses, and which I think was part of my confusion, is to make sure that the handler makes it obvious that it actually caught the exception. I think that in some of my formulations of the handler it was masking that fact and passing the exception on to a higher level handler.

C++ catching all exceptions

Is there a c++ equivalent of Java's
try {
catch (Throwable t) {
I am trying to debug Java/jni code that calls native windows functions and the virtual machine keeps crashing. The native code appears fine in unit testing and only seems to crash when called through jni. A generic exception catching mechanism would prove extremely useful.
// ...
} catch (...) {
// ...
will catch all C++ exceptions, but it should be considered bad design. You can use c++11's new current_exception mechanism, but if you don't have the ability to use c++11 (legacy code systems requiring a rewrite), then you have no named exception pointer to use to get a message or name. You may want to add separate catch clauses for the various exceptions you can catch, and only catch everything at the bottom to record an unexpected exception. E.g.:
// ...
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
// ...
} catch (const std::string& ex) {
// ...
} catch (...) {
// ...
Someone should add that one cannot catch "crashes" in C++ code. Those don't throw exceptions, but do anything they like. When you see a program crashing because of say a null-pointer dereference, it's doing undefined behavior. There is no std::null_pointer_exception. Trying to catch exceptions won't help there.
Just for the case someone is reading this thread and thinks he can get the cause of the program crashes. A Debugger like gdb should be used instead.
This is how you can reverse-engineer the exception type from within catch(...) should you need to (may be useful when catching unknown from a third party library) with GCC:
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <stdexcept>
int main()
try {
throw ...; // throw something
std::exception_ptr p = std::current_exception();
std::clog <<(p ? p.__cxa_exception_type()->name() : "null") << std::endl;
return 1;
and if you can afford using Boost you can make your catch section even simpler (on the outside) and potentially cross-platform
catch (...)
std::clog << boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information() << std::endl;
try {
// ...
} catch (...) {
// ...
Note that the ... inside the catch is a real ellipsis, ie. three dots.
However, because C++ exceptions are not necessarily subclasses of a base Exception class, there isn't any way to actually see the exception variable that is thrown when using this construct.
it is not possible (in C++) to catch all exceptions in a portable manner. This is because some exceptions are not exceptions in a C++ context. This includes things like division by zero errors and others. It is possible to hack about and thus get the ability to throw exceptions when these errors happen, but it's not easy to do and certainly not easy to get right in a portable manner.
If you want to catch all STL exceptions, you can do
try { ... } catch( const std::exception &e) { ... }
Which will allow you do use e.what(), which will return a const char*, which can tell you more about the exception itself. This is the construct that resembles the Java construct, you asked about, the most.
This will not help you if someone is stupid enough to throw an exception that does not inherit from std::exception.
In short, use catch(...). However, note that catch(...) is meant to be used in conjunction with throw; basically:
foo = new Foo;
bar = new Bar;
catch(...) // will catch all possible errors thrown.
delete foo;
delete bar;
throw; // throw the same error again to be handled somewhere else
This is the proper way to use catch(...).
it is possible to do this by writing:
catch(...) // <<- catch all
But there is a very not noticeable risk here: you can not find the exact type of error that has been thrown in the try block, so use this kind of catch when you are sure that no matter what the type of exception is, the program must persist in the way defined in the catch block.
You can use
but that is very dangerous. In his book Debugging Windows, John Robbins tells a war story about a really nasty bug that was masked by a catch(...) command. You're much better off catching specific exceptions. Catch whatever you think your try block might reasonably throw, but let the code throw an exception higher up if something really unexpected happens.
Let me just mention this here: the Java
catch (Exception e)
may NOT catch all exceptions! I've actually had this sort of thing happen before, and it's insantiy-provoking; Exception derives from Throwable. So literally, to catch everything, you DON'T want to catch Exceptions; you want to catch Throwable.
I know it sounds nitpicky, but when you've spent several days trying to figure out where the "uncaught exception" came from in code that was surrounded by a try ... catch (Exception e)" block comes from, it sticks with you.
Well, if you would like to catch all exception to create a minidump for example...
Somebody did the work on Windows.
See http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/207464/Exception-Handling-in-Visual-Cplusplus
In the article, he explains how he found out how to catch all kind of exceptions and he provides code that works.
Here is the list you can catch:
SEH exception
pure virtual method call
invalid parameter
new operator fault
Raised exception
C++ typed exception
And the usage:
CCrashHandler ch;
ch.SetProcessExceptionHandlers(); // do this for one thread
ch.SetThreadExceptionHandlers(); // for each thred
By default, this creates a minidump in the current directory (crashdump.dmp)
Be aware
// ...
} catch (...) {
// ...
catches only language-level exceptions, other low-level exceptions/errors like Access Violation and Segmentation Fault wont be caught.
A generic exception catching mechanism
would prove extremely useful.
Doubtful. You already know your code is broken, because it's crashing. Eating exceptions may mask this, but that'll probably just result in even nastier, more subtle bugs.
What you really want is a debugger...
Can you run your JNI-using Java application from a console window (launch it from a java command line) to see if there is any report of what may have been detected before the JVM was crashed. When running directly as a Java window application, you may be missing messages that would appear if you ran from a console window instead.
Secondly, can you stub your JNI DLL implementation to show that methods in your DLL are being entered from JNI, you are returning properly, etc?
Just in case the problem is with an incorrect use of one of the JNI-interface methods from the C++ code, have you verified that some simple JNI examples compile and work with your setup? I'm thinking in particular of using the JNI-interface methods for converting parameters to native C++ formats and turning function results into Java types. It is useful to stub those to make sure that the data conversions are working and you are not going haywire in the COM-like calls into the JNI interface.
There are other things to check, but it is hard to suggest any without knowing more about what your native Java methods are and what the JNI implementation of them is trying to do. It is not clear that catching an exception from the C++ code level is related to your problem. (You can use the JNI interface to rethrow the exception as a Java one, but it is not clear from what you provide that this is going to help.)
For the real problem about being unable to properly debug a program that uses JNI (or the bug does not appear when running it under a debugger):
In this case it often helps to add Java wrappers around your JNI calls (i.e. all native methods are private and your public methods in the class call them) that do some basic sanity checking (check that all "objects" are freed and "objects" are not used after freeing) or synchronization (just synchronize all methods from one DLL to a single object instance). Let the java wrapper methods log the mistake and throw an exception.
This will often help to find the real error (which surprisingly is mostly in the Java code that does not obey the semantics of the called functions causing some nasty double-frees or similar) more easily than trying to debug a massively parallel Java program in a native debugger...
If you know the cause, keep the code in your wrapper methods that avoids it. Better have your wrapper methods throw exceptions than your JNI code crash the VM...
If you are looking for Windows-specific solution then there is structured exception handling:
The code looks as follows
// code here may throw or make access violation
// after exception code here, e.g. log the error
It will catch not only C++ exceptions but also access violations or other system exceptions.
Well this really depends on the compiler environment.
gcc does not catch these.
Visual Studio and the last Borland that I used did.
So the conclusion about crashes is that it depends on the quality of your development environment.
The C++
specification says that catch(...) must catch any exceptions, but it doesn't in all cases.
At least from what I tried.