How to mock HttpClientCertificate? - unit-testing

I am trying to unit test an action filter I wrote. I want to mock the HttpClientCertificate but when I use MOQ I get exception. HttpClientCertificate doesnt have a public default constructor.
//Stub HttpClientCertificate </br>
var certMock = new Mock<HttpClientCertificate>();
HttpClientCertificate clientCertificate = certMock.Object;
requestMock.Setup(b => b.ClientCertificate).Returns(clientCertificate);
certMock.Setup(b => b.Certificate).Returns(new Byte[] { });

This is the most awkward case of creating unit testable systems in .NET. I invariable end up adding a layer of abstraction over the component that I can't mock. Normally this is required for classes with inaccessible constructors (like this case), non-virtual methods or extension methods.
Here is the pattern I use (which I think is Adapter pattern) and is similar to what MVC team has done with all the RequestBase/ResponseBase classes to make them unit testable.
//Here is the original HttpClientCertificate class
//Not actual class, rather generated from metadata in Visual Studio
public class HttpClientCertificate : NameValueCollection {
public byte[] BinaryIssuer { get; }
public int CertEncoding { get; }
//other methods
public class HttpClientCertificateBase {
private HttpClientCertificate m_cert;
public HttpClientCertificateBase(HttpClientCertificate cert) {
m_cert = cert;
public virtual byte[] BinaryIssuer { get{return m_cert.BinaryIssuer;} }
public virtual int CertEncoding { get{return m_cert.CertEncoding;} }
//other methods
public class TestClass {
public void Test() {
//we can pass null as constructor argument, since the mocked class will never use it and mock methods will be called instead
var certMock = new Mock<HttpClientCertificate>(null);
certMock.Setup(cert=>cert.BinaryIssuer).Returns(new byte[1]);
In your code that uses HttpClientCertificate you instead use HttpClientCertificateBase, which you can instantiate like this - new HttpClientCertificateBase(httpClientCertificateInstance). This way you are creating a test surface for you to plug in mock objects.

The issue is that you need to specify constructor parameters when creating the mock of the HttpClientCertificate.
var certMock = new Mock<HttpClientCertificate>(ctorArgument);
The bad news is that the ctor for HttpClientCertificate is internal and takes in an HttpContext, so it probably won't work.

Unless you want to write more code to make the class "Testable" I suggest you use Typemock Isolator, Unless specified otherwise it looks for the first c'tor available - public, internal or private and fake (mocks) it's parameters so you won't have to.
Creating the fake object is as simple as:
var fakeHttpClientCertificate = Isolate.Fake.Instance<HttpClientCertificate>();

Another alternative is to use the free Microsoft Moles framework. It will allow you to replace any .NET method with your own delegate. Check out the link as it gives an example that is pretty easy to understand. I think you'll find it much nicer than adding layers of indirection to get HttpClientCertificate into a testable state.


AutoFixture + NSubstitute + Virtual methods

Wanting to know if there's a way to mock a virtual method on a concrete class using AutoFixture and NSubstitute. I've been able to do this easily with Moq, as can be seen here:
public class SomeConcreteClass
public string MethodA()
return MethodB();
public virtual string MethodB()
return "AAA";
public class SomeConcreteClassTests
private IFixture _fixture;
private SomeConcreteClass _someConcreteClass;
protected void Setup()
_fixture = new Fixture()
.Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
var someConcreteClassMock = _fixture.Create<Mock<SomeConcreteClass>>();
_someConcreteClass = someConcreteClassMock.Object;
someConcreteClassMock.CallBase = true;
public void SomeScenario()
Mock.Get(_someConcreteClass).Setup(m => m.MethodB()).Returns("BBB");
var actual = _someConcreteClass.MethodA();
This is best achieved if you use AutoFixture's support for Parametrised Tests, here illustrated using (but, IIRC, there's similar support for NUnit):
[Theory, AutoNSubstituteData]
public void ImplicitSubtituteViaAttribute([Substitute]SomeConcreteClass scc)
var actual = scc.MethodB();
Assert.Equal("BBB", actual);
Using the [Substitute] attribute enables you to explicitly tell AutoFixture that, although you asked for a concrete class, it should create it via NSubstitute so that you can override any virtual members it might have.
AutoNSubstituteData is defined like this:
public class AutoNSubstituteDataAttribute : AutoDataAttribute
public AutoNSubstituteDataAttribute() :
base(() => new Fixture().Customize(new AutoNSubstituteCustomization()))
AutoDataAttribute comes from AutoFixture.Xunit2, but if you prefer NUnit over, you should be able to use AutoFixture.NUnit3 instead.
Otherwise, I'm not sure you can achieve exactly the same result as with AutoFixture.AutoMoq. In this degenerate example, you can do this:
public void ImperativeWorkaround()
var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoNSubstituteCustomization());
fixture.Register(() => Substitute.For<SomeConcreteClass>());
var scc = fixture.Create<SomeConcreteClass>();
var actual = scc.MethodB();
Assert.Equal("BBB", actual);
This is, however, fairly pointless, as you could just as well have written this:
public void Reduction()
var scc = Substitute.For<SomeConcreteClass>();
var actual = scc.MethodB();
Assert.Equal("BBB", actual);
In other words, AutoFixture doesn't actually do anything in that workaround.
I could imagine that the real issue is that in real usage, the concrete class in question has other members or constructor data that you wish to fill with data. The problem is that due to the way NSubstitute is designed, I'm not aware of any way you can declaratively ask for a 'substitute'; you'll have to use the Substitute.For method, which then completely short-circuits AutoFixture's ability to hook into the process and add its own behaviour.
With Moq, this is possible because in the OP, you're not asking AutoFixture for a SomeConcreteClass object, but rather for a Mock<SomeConcreteClass>, and that enables AutoFixture to distinguish.
In other words, Moq follows the Zen of Python that explicit is better than implicit, and that makes it extensible to a degree not easily achieved with NSubstitute. For that reason, I've always considered Moq to have the better API.

How to write unit tests for classes with CheckedProviders in their constructors

I have a class under test whose constructer looks like this :
public class ClassUnderTest {
ClientOne clientOne;
ClientTwo clientTwo;
OtherDependency otherDependency;
public ClassUnderTest(MyCheckedProvider<ClientOne> myCheckedProviderOne,
MyCheckedProvider<ClientTwo> myCheckedProviderTwo,
OtherDependency otherDependency) throws Exception {
this.clientOne = myCheckedProviderOne.get();
this.clientTwo = myCheckedProviderTwo.get();
this.otherDependency = otherDependency;
And the CheckedProvider looks thus :
public interface MyCheckedProvider<T> extends CheckedProvider<T> {
T get() throws Exception;
I could mock the clients, but how do I initialise the providers with my mocked clients.I use a combination of junit and mockito for writing tests.Any inputs would be appreciated.
What you could do is to mock providers rather than clients. ClientOne and ClientTwo are the types you are passing into your generic class, they are not variables and hence not something you want to mock. In contrast, the providers you are passing to the constructor are really variables, and what you need to control (simulate) are the behaviors of these variables.
public class ClassTest {
private static final CientOne CLIENT_ONE = new ClientOne();
private static final ClientTwo CLIENT_TWO = new ClientTwo();
private MyCheckedProvider<ClientOne> providerOne;
private MycheckedProvider<ClientTwo> providerTwo;
private ClassUnderTest classUnderTest;
public void setUp() {
classUnderTest = new ClassUnderTest(providerOne, providerTwo, otherDependency);
As the other answer suggests, you could easily mock the providers, too.
But youMyCheckedProvider don't have to.
You already have an interface sitting there, so what would prevent you from creating something like
class MyCheckedProviderImpl<T> implements MyCheckedProvider<T> {
and that think takes a T object in its constructor and returns exactly that?
That is more or less the same what the mocking framework would be doing.

How to unit test a method that uses a dependency to copy an object?

Consider the following code (in C# but it could be any other language):
public interface IObjectCopier
void Copy<T>(T source, T target);
public class Model
public string Name { get; set; }
public class ViewModel
private readonly IObjectCopier _objectCopier;
public ViewModel(IObjectCopier objectCopier)
_objectCopier = objectCopier;
public Model ViewBindData { get; set; }
public void Load(Model model)
_objectCopier.Copy(model, ViewBindData);
How do I construct a unit test for the Load method? If I mock IObjectCopier then I need to supply a mock implementation of the Copy method. In this example it is trivial but in a real world scenario Model can be large with sub models and the mocking exercise feel like it is just copying what the IObjectCopier implementation does.
The problem is simplified if I could change the Copy method to the following:
T Copy<T>(T source);
As in this case the mock setup is drastically simplified. The problem is that there are view bindings to the Model object and I cannot simply destroy and re-create the object.
Is there an elegant way to get around this problem?
If you're using mocks, then the only thing you care about is that the copier is invoked with the 2 parameters.
So in some sort of pseudo code
test "populates model from view data" {
objectCopiermock = mock(IObjectCopier)
model = new Model() //create empty or use a TestDataBuilder
viewBindData = new viewBindData() //create empty or use a TestDataBuilder
viewModel = new ViewModel(objectCopiermock)
verifyMock(objectCopiermock).copy(model, viewBindData)
The important thing with mocks is to verify the interactions, and not the values inside model or viewBindData.
If this is confused, don't panic! (tm) - and I would suggest you to read a bit about the difference between the London and Chicaco/Detroit schools of TDD

Moq partial class like in Rhino Mocks

Hi I'm new to Mocking.
I have a class:
public class Car
public virtual void Register() {
public virtual void Warrant() {
I was wanting to test that Register calls Warrant. Using RhinoMocks I came up with:
public void RhinoCarTest() {
var mocks = new Rhino.Mocks.MockRepository();
var car = mocks.PartialMock<Car>();
car.Stub(x => x.Warrant());
car.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Warrant());
I'm not even sure if this is correct but it seemed to do the job. I was wanting to do the same thing in Moq. I couldn't seem to find a partial Moq.
What I came up with was:
public void MoqCarTest() {
var car = new Mock<Car>();
car.Setup(x => x.Warrant());
car.Verify(x => x.Warrant());
This doesn't even work though. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Partial classes in Rhino.Mocks will call the base class methods unless you set up a Mock and/or stub. By default, Moq will only call base class methods if you create the mock to specifically do that. Here's an example that will work for your example:
var car = new Mock<Car> {CallBase = true};
car.Verify(c => c.Warrant(), Times.Once());
However, I would try and avoid this approach (verifying that a specific method was called). Instead, your test should simply ensure that the correct "work" was done after calling the method. How that work gets done is a private implementation of the method.
If you write tests that ensure certain methods are called, your tests can become more brittle over time -- especially as you refactor for performance or other issues.

How to use Rhino Mock to mock a local function calling?

Here is my situation:
I want to test on the "HasSomething()" function, which is in the following class:
public class Something
private object _thing;
public virtual bool HasSomething()
if (HasSomething(_thing))
return true;
return false;
public virtual bool HasSomething(object thing)
....some algo here to check on the object...
return true;
So, i write my test to be like this:
public void HasSomethingTest1()
MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
Something target = mocks.DynamicMock(typeof(Something)) as Something;
Expect.Call(target.HasSomething(new Object())).IgnoreArguments().Return(true);
bool expected = true;
bool actual;
actual = target.HasSomething();
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Is my test written correctly?
Please help me as i can't even get the result as expected. the "HasSomething(object)" just can't be mock in that way. it did not return me 'true' as being set in expectation.
In response to OP's 'answer': Your main problem is that RhinoMocks does not mock members of classes - instead it creates mock classes and we can then set expectations and canned responses for its members (i.e. Properties and Functions). If you attempt to test a member function of a mock/stub class, you run the risk of testing the mocking framework rather than your implementation.
For the particular scenario of the logical path being dependent on the return value of a local (usually private) function, you really need an external dependency (another object) which would affect the return value that you require from that local function. For your code snippet above, I would write the test as follows:
public void TestHasSomething()
// here I am assuming that _thing is being injected in via the constructor
// you could also do it via a property setter or a function
var sut = new Something(new object());
i.e. no mocking required.
This is one point of misunderstanding that I often had in the past with regards to mocking; we mock the behaviour of a dependency of the system under test (SUT). Something like: the SUT calls several methods of the dependency and the mocking process provides canned responses (rather than going to the database, etc) to guide the way the logic flows.
A simple example would be as follows (note that I have used RhinoMocks AAA syntax for this test. As an aside, I notice that the syntax that you are using in your code sample is using the Record-Replay paradigm, except that it isn't using Record and Replay! That would probably cause problems as well):
public class SUT
Dependency _depend
public SUT (Dependency depend)
_depend = depend;
public int MethodUnderTest()
if (_depend.IsReady)
return 1;
return -1;
public void TestSUT_MethodUnderTest()
var dependency = MockRepository.GenerateMock<Dependency>();
dependency.Stub(d => d.IsReady).Return(true);
var sut = new SUT(dependency);
Assert.AreEqual(1, sut.MethodUnderTest());
And so the problem that you have is that you are attempting to test the behaviour of a mocked object. Which means that you aren't actually testing your class at all!
In a case like this, your test double should be a derived version of class Something. Then you override the method HasSomething(object) and ensure that HasSomething() calls your one.
If I understand correctly, you are actually interested in testing the method HasDynamicFlow (not depicted in your example above) without concerning yourself with the algorithm for HasSomething.
Preet is right in that you could simply subclass Something and override the behavior of HasSomething to short-circuit the algorithm, but that would require creating some additional test-dummy code which Rhino is efficient at eliminating.
Consider using a Partial Mock Stub instead of a Dynamic Mock. A stub is less strict and is ideal for working with Properties. Methods however require some extra effort.
public void CanStubMethod()
Foo foo = MockRepository.GenerateStub<Foo>();
foo.Expect(f => f.HasDynamicFlow()).CallOriginalMethod(OriginalCallOptions.NoExpectation);
foo.Expect(f => f.HasSomething()).CallOriginalMethod(OriginalCallOptions.NoExpectation);
foo.Expect(f => f.HasSomething(null)).IgnoreArguments().Return(true);
EDIT: added code example and switched Partial Mock to Stub