point - plane collision without the glutLookAt* functions - opengl

As I have understood, it is recommended to use glTranslate / glRotate in favour of glutLootAt. I am not going to seek the reasons beyond the obvious HW vs SW computation mode, but just go with the wave. However, this is giving me some headaches as I do not exactly know how to efficiently stop the camera from breaking through walls. I am only interested in point-plane intersections, not AABB or anything else.
So, using glTranslates and glRotates means that the viewpoint stays still (at (0,0,0) for simplicity) while the world revolves around it. This means to me that in order to check for any intersection points, I now need to recompute the world's vertices coordinates (which was not needed with the glutLookAt approach) for every camera movement.
As there is no way in obtaining the needed new coordinates from GPU-land, they need to be calculated in CPU land by hand. For every camera movement ... :(
It seems there is the need to retain the current rotations aside each of the 3 axises and the same for translations. There is no scaling used in my program. My questions:
1 - is the above reasoning flawed ? How ?
2 - if not, there has to be a way to avoid such recalculations.
The way I see it (and by looking at http://www.glprogramming.com/red/appendixf.html) it needs one matrix multiplication for translations and another one for rotating (only aside the y axis needed). However, having to compute so many additions / multiplications and especially the sine / cosine will certainly be killing FPS. There are going to be thousands or even tens of thousands of vertices to compute on. Every frame... all the maths... After having computed the new coordinates of the world things seem to be very easy - just see if there is any plane that changed its 'd' sign (from the planes equation ax + by + cz + d = 0). If it did, use a lightweight cross products approach to test if the point is inside the space inside each 'moving' triangle of that plane.
edit: I have found about glGet and I think it is the way to go but I do not know how to properly use it:
// Retains the current modelview matrix
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, m_vt16CurrentMatrixVerts);
m_vt16CurrentMatrixVerts is a float[16] which gets filled with 0.f or 8.67453e-13 or something similar. Where am I screwing up ?

gluLookAt is a very handy function with absolutely no performance penalty. There is no reason not to use it, and, above all, no "HW vs SW" consideration about that. As Mk12 stated, glRotatef is also done on the CPU. The GPU part is : gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix x ViewMatrix x ModelMatrix x VertexPosition.
"using glTranslates and glRotates means that the viewpoint stays still" -> same thing for gluLookAt
"at (0,0,0) for simplicity" -> not for simplicity, it's a fact. However, this (0,0,0) is in the Camera coordinate system. It makes sense : relatively to the camera, the camera is at the origin...
Now, if you want to prevent the camera from going through the walls, the usual method is to trace a ray from the camera. I suspect this is what you're talking about ("to check for any intersection points"). But there is no need to do this in camera space. You can do this in world space. Here's a comparison :
Tracing rays in camera space : ray always starts from (0,0,0) and goes to (0,0,-1). Geometry must be transformed from Model space to World space, and then to Camera space, which is what annoys you
Tracing rays in world space : ray starts from camera position (in world space) and goes to (eyeCenter - eyePos).normalize(). Geometry must be transformed from Model space to World space.
Note that there is no third option (Tracing rays in Model space) which would avoid to transform the geometry from Model space to World space. However, you have a pair of workarounds :
First, your game's world is probably still : the Model matrix is probably always identity. So transforming its geometry from Model to World space is equivalent to doing nothing at all.
Secondly, for all other objets, you can take the opposite approach. Intead of transforming the entire geometry in one direction, transform only the ray the other way around : Take your Model matrix, inverse it, and you've got a matrix which goes from world space to model space. Multiply your ray's origin and direction by this matrix : your ray is now in model space. Intersect the normal way. Done.
Note that all I've said is standard techniques. No hacks or other weird stuff, just math :)


How to determine the XYZ coords of a point on the back buffer

If I pick a spot on my monitor in screen X/Y, how can I obtain the point in 3D space, based on my projection and view matrices?
For example, I want to put an object at depth and have it located at 10,10 in screen coords. So when I update its world matrix it will render onscreen at 10,10.
I presume it's fairly straightforward given I have my camera matrices, but I'm not sure offhand how to 'reverse' the normal process.
DirectXTk XMMath would be best, but I can no doubt sort it out from any linear algebra system (OpenGL, D3DX, etc).
What I'm actually trying to do is find a random point on the back clipping plane where I can start an object that then drifts straight towards the camera along its projection line. So I want to keep picking points in deep space that are still within my view (no point creating ones outside in my case) and starting alien ships (or whatever) at that point.
As discussed in my comments, you need four things to do this generally.
ModelView (GL) or View (D3D / general) matrix
Projection matrix
Depth Range (let us assume default, [0, 1])
What you are trying to do is locate in world-space a point that lies on the far clipping plane at a specific x,y coordinate in window-space. The point you are looking for is <x,y,1> (z=1 corresponds to the far plane in window-space).
Given this point, you need to transform back to NDC-space
The specifics are actually API-dependent since D3D's definition of NDC is different from OpenGL's -- they do not agree on the range of Z (D3D = [0, 1], GL = [-1, 1]).
Once in NDC-space, you can apply the inverse Projection matrix to transform back to view-space.
These are homogeneous coordinates and division by W is necessary.
From view-space, apply the inverse View matrix to arrive at a point in world-space that satisfies your criteria.
Most math libraries have a function called UnProject (...) that will do all of this for you. I would suggest using that because you tagged this question D3D and OpenGL and the specifics of some of these transformations is different depending on API.
You are better off knowing how they work, even if you never implement them yourself. I think the key thing you were missing was the viewport, I have an answer here that explains this step visually.

Translate/Rotate "World" or "Camera" in OpenGL

Before I ask the question: Yes I know that there doesn't exist a camera in OpenGL - but the setLookAt-Method is nearly the same for me ;)
What I was wondering about: If I have the task, to look at a specific point with a specific distance in my scene I basically have two options:
I could change the eyeX,eyeY,eyeZ and the centerX, centerY, centerZ values of my lookAt-Method to achieve this or I could translate my model itself.
Let's say I'm translating/rotating my model. How would I ever know where to put my center/eye-coords of my setLookAt to look at a specific point? Because the world is rotated, the point (x,y,z) is also translated and rotated. So basically when I want to look at the point x,y,z the values are changing after the rotation/translation and it's impossible for me, to look at this point.
When I only transform my eye and center-values of my lookAt I can easily look at the point again - am I missing something? Seems not like a good way to move the model instead of the camera...
It helps to understand your vector spaces.
Model Space: The intrinsic coordinate system of an object. Basically how it lines up with XYZ axes in your 3D modeling software.
World Space: Where everything is in your universe. When you move your camera in a scene layout program, the XYZ axes don't change. This is the coordinate system you're used to interacting with and thinking about.
Camera Space: This is where everything is with respect to your camera. The camera's position in camera space is the by definition the origin, and your XYZ axes are your orthonormalized right, up, and look vectors. When you move or rotate your camera, all the positions and orientations of your objects change with it in camera space. This isn't intuitive - when you walk around, you see think of everything "staying the same way" - it didn't actually move. That's because you're thinking in world space. In camera space, the position and orientation of everything is relative to your eye. If a chair's position is 5 units in front of you (ie (0,0,-5) in camera space) and you want 2 units towards it, the chair's position is now (0,0,-3).
How do I set a lookat?
What does a lookat function do, exactly? It's a convenient way to set up your view matrix without you having to understand what it's doing.
Your eye variables are the camera's position in world space. IE they're what you think they are. The same goes for the center variables - they're the position of your object in world space. From here you get the transformation from world space to camera space that you give to OpenGL.

OpenGL spectrum between perspective and orthogonal projection

In OpenGL (all versions, though I happen to be working in OpenGL ES 2.0) there is the option of using a perspective projection versus an orthogonal one. Is there a way to control the degree of orthogonality?
For the sake of picturing the issue (and please don't take this as the actual question, I am well aware there is no camera in OpenGL) assume that a scene is rendered with the viewport "looking" down the -z axis. Two parallel lines extending a finite distance down the -z axis at (x,y)=1,1 and (x,y)=-1,1 will appear as points in orthogonal projection, or as two lines that eventually converge to a single pixel in perspective projection. Is there a way to have the x- and y- values represented by the outer edges of the screen remain the same as in projection space - I assume this requires not changing the frustum - but have the lines only converge part of the way to a single pixel?
Is there a way to control the degree of orthogonality?
Either something is orthogonal, or it is not. There's no such thing like "just a little orthogonal".
Anyway, from a mathematical point of view, a perspective projection with an infinitely narrow field of view is orthogonal. So you can use glFrustum with a very large near and far plane distance, together with a countering translation in modelview to bring the far away viewing volume back to the origin.

Why do you use camera space instead of model space for normals?

I am learning OpenGL graphics, and am getting into shadows. The tutorials that I am reading are telling me to transform my normals and light vector to camera space. Why is this? Why can't you just keep the coords in model space?
A follow up question to this is how to handle model transformations. I am unable to find a definitive answer. I currently have this code:
vec3 normCamSpace = normalize(mat3(V) * normal);"
vec3 dirToLight = (V*vec4(lightPos, 0.0)).xyz;"
float cosTheta = clamp(dot(normCamSpace, dirToLight),0,1);"
V is the view matrix, or the camera matrix. I am unsure how to move or edit the light when the model changes in position, rotation, and scale.
The main reason is, that usually your light positions will not be given in model space, but world space. However for illumination to work efficiently all calculations must happen in a common space. In your usual transformation chain, model local coordinates are transformed by the modelview matrix directly into view space
p_view = MV · p_local
Since you normally have only one modelview matrix it would be cumbersome to separate this steap into something like
p_world = M · p_local
p_view = V · p_world
For that you required MV to be separated.
Since the projection transformation traditionally happens as a separate step, view space is the natural "common lower ground" on which illumination calculation to base on. It just involves transforming transforming your light positions from world to view space, and since light positions are not very complex, this is done on the CPU and the pretransformed light positions given as shader.
Note that nothing is stopping you from performing illumination calculations in world space, or model local space. It just takes transforming the light positions correctly.
I am learning OpenGL graphics, and am getting into shadows. The tutorials that I am reading are telling me to transform my normals and light vector to camera space. Why is this? Why can't you just keep the coords in model space?
Actually if you're the one writing the shader, you can use whatever coordinate space you want. IMO calculating lighting in world space feels more "natural", but that's matter of taste.
However, there are two small details:
You cannot "naturally" calculate lighting in object space, if your object is a skinned mesh (character model animated by bones). Such model will require world space or view space. If your object can be only translated and rotated (affine transforms only), then lighting can be easily calculated in model/object space. I think some game engines actualy worked this way.
If you use camera space, you can drop one subtraction when calculating specular highlights. Blinn/phong specular models require vector to(or from) eye to calculate specular factor. In camera space vector from eye to point is equal to point position. This is a very small optimization and it probably isn't worth the effort.

OpenGL: Understanding transformation

I was trying to understand lesson 9 from NEHEs tutorial, which is about bitmaps being moved in 3d space.
the most interesting thing here is to move 2d bitmap texture on a simple quad through 3d space and keep it facing the screen (viewer) all the time. So the bitmap looks 3d but is 2d facing the viewer all the time no matter where it is in the 3d space.
In lesson 9 a list of stars is generated moving in a circle, which looks really nice. To avoid seeing the star from its side the coder is doing some tricky coding to keep the star facing the viewer all the time.
the code for this is as follows: ( the following code is called for each star in a loop)
After the lines above, the drawing of the star begins. If you check the last two lines, you see that the transformations from line 3 and 4 are just cancelled (like undo). These two lines at the end give us the possibility to get the star facing the viewer all the time. But i dont know why this is working.
And i think this comes from my misunderstanding of how OpenGL really does the transformations.
For me the last two lines are just like undoing what is done before, which for me, doesnt make sense. But its working.
So when i call glTranslatef, i know that the current matrix of the view gets multiplied with the translation values provided with glTranslatef.
In other words "glTranslatef(0.0f,0.0f,zoom);" would move the place where im going to draw my stars into the scene if zoom is negative. OK.
but WHAT exactly is moved here? Is the viewer moved "away" or is there some sort of object coordinate system which gets moved into scene with glTranslatef? Whats happening here?
Then glRotatef, what is rotated here? Again a coordinate system, the viewer itself?
In a real world. I would place the star somewhere in the 3d space, then rotate it in the world space around my worlds origin, then do the moving as the star is moving to the origin and starts at the edge again, then i would do a rotate for the star itself so its facing to the viewer. And i guess this is done here. But how do i rotate first around the worlds origin, then around the star itself? for me it looks like opengl is switching between a world coord system and a object coord system which doesnt really happen as you see.
I dont need to add the rest of the code, because its pretty standard. Simple GL initializing for 3d drawings, the rotating stuff, and then the simple drawing of QUADS with the star texture using blending. Thats it.
Could somebody explain what im misunderstanding here?
Another way of thinking about the gl matrix stack is to walk up it, backwards, from your draw call. In your case, since your draw is the last line, let's step up the code:
1) First, the star is rotated by -tilt around the X axis, with respect to the origin.
2) The star is rotated by -star[loop].angle around the Y axis, with respect to the origin.
3) The star is moved by star[loop].dist down the X axis.
4) The star is rotated by star[loop].angle around the Y axis, with respect to the origin. Since the star is not at the origin any more due to step 3, this rotation both moves the center of the star, AND rotates it locally.
5) The star is rotated by tilt around the X axis, with respect to the origin. (Same note as 4)
6) The star is moved down the Z axis by zoom units.
The trick here is difficult to type in text, but try and picture the sequence of moves. While steps 2 and 4 may seem like they invert each other, the move in between them changes the nature of the rotation. The key phrase is that the rotations are defined around the Origin. Moving the star changes the effect of the rotation.
This leads to a typical use of stacking matrices when you want to rotate something in-place. First you move it to the origin, then you rotate it, then you move it back. What you have here is pretty much the same concept.
I find that using two hands to visualize matrices is useful. Keep one hand to represent the origin, and the second (usually the right, if you're in a right-handed coordinate system like OpenGL), represents the object. I splay my fingers like the XYZ axes to I can visualize the rotation locally as well as around the origin. Starting like this, the sequence of rotations around the origin, and linear moves, should be easier to picture.
The second question you asked pertains to how the camera matrix behaves in a typical OpenGL setup. First, understand the concept of screen-space coordinates (similarly, device-coordinates). This is the space that is actually displayed. X and Y are the vectors of your screen, and Z is depth. The space is usually in the range -1 to 1. Moving an object down Z effectively moves the object away.
The Camera (or Perspective Matrix) is typically responsible for converting 'World' space into this screen space. This matrix defines the 'viewer', but in the end it is just another matrix. The matrix is always applied 'last', so if you are reading the transforms upward as I described before, the camera is usually at the very top, just as you are seeing. In this case you could think of that last transform (translate by zoom) as a very simple camera matrix, that moves the camera back by zoom units.
Good luck. :)
The glTranslatef in the middle is affected by the rotation : it moves the star along axis x' to distance dist, and axis x' is at that time rotated by ( tilt + angle ) compared to the original x axis.
In opengl you have object coordinates which are multiplied by a (a stack of) projection matrix. So you are moving the objects. If you want to "move a camera" you have to mutiply by the inverse matrix of the camera position and axis :
ProjectedCoords = CameraMatrix^-1 . ObjectMatrix . ObjectCoord
I also found this very confusing but I just played around with some of the NeHe code to get a better understanding of glTranslatef() and glRotatef().
My current understanding is that glRotatef() actually rotates the coordinate system, such that glRotatef(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) will cause the x-axis to be where the y-axis was previously. After this rotation, glTranslatef(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) will move an object upwards on the screen.
Thus, glTranslatef() moves objects in accordance with the current rotation of the coordinate system. Therefore, the order of glTranslatef and glRotatef are important in tutorial 9.
In technical terms my description might not be perfect, but it works for me.