Keeping memory usage within available amount - c++

I'm writing a program (a theorem prover as it happens) whose memory requirement is "as much as possible, please"; that is, it can always do better by using more memory, for practical purposes without upper bound, so what it actually needs to do is use just as much memory as is available, no more and no less. I can figure out how to prioritize data to delete the lowest value stuff when memory runs short; the problem I'm trying to solve is how to tell when this is happening.
Ideally I would like a system call that returns "how much memory is left" or "are we out of memory yet?"; as far as I can tell, no such thing exists?
Of course, malloc can signal out of memory by returning 0 and new can call a handler; these aren't ideal signals, but would be better than nothing. A problem, however, is that I really want to know when physical memory is running out, so I can avoid going deep into swap and thereby making everything grind to a halt; I don't suppose there's any way to ask "are we having to swap yet?" or tell the operating system "don't swap on my account, just fail my requests if it comes to that"?
Another approach would be to find out how much RAM is in the machine, and monitor how much memory the program is using at the moment. As far as I know, there is generally no way to tell the former? I also get the impression there is no reliable way to tell the latter except by wrapping malloc/free with a bookkeeper function (which is then more problematic in C++).
Are there any approaches I'm missing?
The ideal would be a portable solution, but I suspect that's not going to happen. Failing that, a solution that works on Windows and another one that works on Unix would be nice. Failing that, I could get by with a solution that works on Windows and another one that works on Linux.

I think the most useful and flexible way to use all the memory available is to let the user specify how much memory to use.
Let the user write it in a config file or through an interface, then create an allocator (or something similar) that will not provide more than this memory.
That way, you don't have to find statistics about the current computer as this will allways be biased by the fact that the OS could also run other programs as well. Don't even talk about the way the OS will manage cache, the differences between 32 and 64 bit making adress space limit your allocations etc.
In the end, human intelligence (assuming the user know about the context of use) is cheaper to implement when provided by the user.

To find out how much system memory is still unused, under Linux you can parse the file /proc/meminfo and look for a line starting with "MemFree:". Under Windows you can use GlobalMemoryStatusEx

Relying on malloc to return 0 when no memory is available might cause problems on Linux, because Linux overcommits memory allocations. malloc will usually return a valid pointer (unless the process is out of virtual address space), but accessing the memory it points to may trigger the "OOM killer", a mechanism that kills your process or another process on the system. The system administrator can tune this behavior.

The best solution I can think of might be to query how many page faults have occurred within, say, the last second. If there's a lot of swapping going on, you should probably release some memory, and if not, you can try allocating more memory.
On Windows, WMI can probably give you some statistics you can use.
But it's a tough problem, since there is no hard limit you can ask the OS for and then stay below. You can keep allocating memory far beyond the point where you've run out of physical memory, which just means you'll cripple your process with excessive swapping.
So the best you can really do is some kind of approximation.

You can keep allocating memory beyond the point where it is useful to do so - i.e. that which requires the OS to swap, or page out important things. The trouble is, it is not necessarily easy to tell where this is.
Also, if your task does any (significant) IO, you will need to have some left for the OS buffers.
I recommend just examining how much there is in the machine, then allocating an amount as a function of that (proportion, or leave some free etc).


What amount of memory is free for us to use it(C++ , windows 7)

When dynamically allocating some objects or variables in C++ (I'm using Windows 7).. is there a way to find out how much memory(in bytes) is there free for us to use so we can prevent a crash? Also I would like to know is it OS-specific? If it is, what's the difference for example between windows and some other widely used OS?
You can't easily find out how much free memory there is. Even the concept of free memory is unclear, since the OS may offer disk-backed virtual memory. Essentially, on modern personal computers and up, the main problem isn't running out of memory but running out of fast memory, getting into a regime with much page file activity and things really slowing down.
If a dynamic memory allocation fails in C++, you get a std::bad_alloc exception.
You can install a so called new-handler to deal with an out-of-memory situation. It can log something and fail, or perhaps release some memory from a crisis fund (so to speak). In some cases this may allow a controlled program exit.
Even if you do find out much memory would have been available at the time of the checking call, by the time you get to your allocation some other process or thread in your process may have used up much of that, so that the allocation still fails.
Thus, you need to either be prepared for allocation failure, or design for so reasonable memory consumption that you feel safe in just ignoring the issue.
Thus, the answer to your question …
“is there a way to find out how much memory(in bytes) is there free for us to use so we can prevent a crash?”
is “no” – crashing (presumably due to not handling the bad_alloc exception) can not be prevented by checking available memory beforehand.
It depends not upon the OS but upon the processor architecture.The amount of memory available to a process is determined by the number of address pins available in the processor.
If you are about to allocate a contiguous space,say array, that can be more difficult and a very less number of cells can be available.
The best approach would be allow the error to happen.malloc returns NULL in case of no memory available/error.Check that case take necessary recovery action.

Risk of damaging your computer by altering memory in C++

I know some Java and am right now trying C++ instead and apparently in C++ you can do things like declare an int array of size 6, then change the 10th element of that array, which I'm understanding to be simply the 4th byte after the end of the section of memory that was allocated for the 6-integer array.
So my question is, if I'm careless is it possible to accidentally alter memory in my C++ program that is being used by other programs on my system? Is there an actual risk of seriously messing something up this way? I mean I know you can just restart your computer and clear the memory if you have to, but if I don't do that, there could be some lasting damage.
It depends on your system. Formally, an out of bounds access is
undefined behavior. On a modern general purpose system, each user
process has its own address space, and one process can't modify, or even
read, that of another process (barring shared memory), so unless you're
writing kernel code, you shouldn't be able to break anything outside of
your own process (and non-kernel code can't normally do physical IO, so
I don't see how anything in the hardware could break).
If you're writing kernel code, however, or working on an embedded
processor with no memory mapping or protection, you can literally
destroy hardware with an out of bounds write; if the program is
controlling something like a nuclear power plant, you can even destroy a
lot more than just the machine your code is running on.
Each process is given its own virtual address space, so naturally processes don't see each others memory. Don't forget that even a buffer overrun that is local to your program can have dire consequences - the overrun may cause the program to misbehave and do something that has lasting effect (like deleting all files for example).
This depends on what operating system and environment you are in:
Normal OS (Windows, Linux etc) userspace program: You can only mess up your own process memory. However having really bad luck this can be enough. Imagine for example that you make a call to some function that deletes files. If your memory is corrupted at the time of the call, the parameters to the function might be messed up to mean deletion of something else than you intended. As long as you keep from calling delete file routines etc. in the programs where you test memory handling, this risk is non-existent.
Normal OS, kernel space device driver: You can access system memory and the memory of the currently running process, possibly destroying everything.
Simple embedded OS without memory protection: You can access everything and destroy anything.
Legacey OS without memory protection (Win 3.X, MS-DOS): You can access everyting and destroy anything.
Every program runs in its own address space and one program cannot access (read / modify) any other programs address space (this is a memory management technique called paging).
If you try to access an address in memory that your program cannot read it will cause a segmentation or page fault and your program will crash.
In answer to your question, no permanent damage will be caused.
I'm not sure modern OS (especially win7) allows you to do that. The OS will block the buffer overrun action as you've described
Back in the day (DOS times) some viruses would try to damage hardware by directly programming video or hard drive controller, but even then it was not easy or sure thing. Modern hardware and OSs make it practicaly impossible for user level applications to damage hardware. So program away :) you wont break anything.
There is a different possibility. Having a buffer overrun might allow ill reputed people to exploit that bug and execute arbitrary code in your clients computer. I guess thats bad enough. And the most dangerous part about overrun is that you may not find it even after a seriously excessive test.

What's the graceful way of handling out of memory situations in C/C++?

I'm writing an caching app that consumes large amounts of memory.
Hopefully, I'll manage my memory well enough, but I'm just thinking about what
to do if I do run out of memory.
If a call to allocate even a simple object fails, is it likely that even a syslog call
will also fail?
EDIT: Ok perhaps I should clarify the question. If malloc or new returns a NULL or 0L value then it essentially means the call failed and it can't give you the memory for some reason. So, what would be the sensible thing to do in that case?
EDIT2: I've just realised that a call to "new" can throw an exception. This could be caught at a higher level so I can perhaps gracefully exit further up. At that point, it may even be possible to recover depending on how much memory is freed. In the least I should by that point hopefully be able to log something. So while I have seen code that checks the value of a pointer after new, it is unnecessary. While in C, you should check the return value for malloc.
Well, if you are in a case where there is a failure to allocate memory, you're going to get a std::bad_alloc exception. The exception causes the stack of your program to be unwound. In all likelihood, the inner loops of your application logic are not going to be handling out of memory conditions, only higher levels of your application should be doing that. Because the stack is getting unwound, a significant chunk of memory is going to be free'd -- which in fact should be almost all the memory used by your program.
The one exception to this is when you ask for a very large (several hundred MB, for example) chunk of memory which cannot be satisfied. When this happens though, there's usually enough smaller chunks of memory remaining which will allow you to gracefully handle the failure.
Stack unwinding is your friend ;)
EDIT: Just realized that the question was also tagged with C -- if that is the case, then you should be having your functions free their internal structures manually when out of memory conditions are found; not to do so is a memory leak.
EDIT2: Example:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
void DoStuff()
std::vector<int> data;
//insert a whole crapload of stuff into data here.
//Assume std::vector::push_back does the actual throwing
//i.e. data.resize(SOME_LARGE_VALUE_HERE);
int main()
return 0;
catch (const std::bad_alloc& ex)
{ //Observe that the local variable `data` no longer exists here.
std::cerr << "Oops. Looks like you need to use a 64 bit system (or "
"get a bigger hard disk) for that calculation!";
return -1;
EDIT3: Okay, according to commenters there are systems out there which do not follow the standard in this regard. On the other hand, on such systems, you're going to be SOL in any case, so I don't see why they merit discussion. But if you are on such a platform, it is something to keep in mind.
Doesn't this question make assumptions regarding overcommitted memory?
I.e., an out of memory situation might not be recoverable! Even if you have no memory left, calls to malloc and other allocators may still succeed until the program attempts to use the memory. Then, BAM!, some process gets killed by the kernel in order to satisfy memory load.
I don't have any specific experience on Linux, but I spent a lot of time working in video games on games consoles, where running out of memory is verboten, and on Windows-based tools.
On a modern OS, you're most likely to run out of address space. Running out of memory, as such, is basically impossible. So just allocate a large buffer, or buffers, on startup, in order to hold all the data you'll ever need, whilst leaving a small amount for the OS. Writing random junk to these regions would probably be a good idea in order to force the OS to actually assign the memory to your process. If your process survives this attempt to use every byte it's asked for, there's some kind of backing now reserved for all of this stuff, so now you're golden.
Write/steal your own memory manager, and direct it to allocate from these buffers. Then use it, consistently, in your app, or take advantage of gcc's --wrap option to forward calls from malloc and friends appropriately. If you use any libraries that can't be directed to call into your memory manager, junk them, because they'll just get in your way. Lack of overridable memory management calls is evidence of deeper-seated issues; you're better of without this particular component. (Note: even if you're using --wrap, trust me, this is still evidence of a problem! Life is too short to use those libraries that don't let you overload their memory management!)
Once you run out of memory, OK, you're screwed, but you've still got that space you left free before, so if freeing up some of the memory you've asked for is too difficult you can (with care) call system calls to write a message to the system log and then terminate, or whatever. Just make sure to avoid calls to the C library, because they'll probably try to allocate some memory when you least expect it -- programmers who work with systems that have virtualised address spaces are notorious for this kind of thing -- and that's the very thing that has caused the problem in the first place.
This approach might sound like a pain in the arse. Well... it is. But it's straightforward, and it's worth putting in a bit of effort for that. I think there's a Kernighan-and/or-Ritche quote about this.
If your application is likely to allocate large blocks of memory and risks hitting the per-process or VM limits, waiting until an allocation actually fails is a difficult situation from which to recover. By the time malloc returns NULL or new throws std::bad_alloc, things may be too far gone to reliably recover. Depending on your recovery strategy, many operations may still require heap allocations themselves, so you have to be extremely careful on which routines you can rely.
Another strategy you may wish to consider is to query the OS and monitor the available memory, proactively managing your allocations. This way you can avoid allocating a large block if you know it is likely to fail, and will thus have a better chance of recovery.
Also, depending on your memory usage patterns, using a custom allocator may give you better results than the standard built-in malloc. For example, certain allocation patterns can actually lead to memory fragmentation over time, so even though you have free memory, the available blocks in the heap arena may not have an available block of the right size. A good example of this is Firefox, which switched to dmalloc and saw a great increase in memory efficiency.
I don't think that capturing the failure of malloc or new will gain you much in your situation. linux allocates large chunks of virtual pages in malloc by means of mmap. By this you may find yourself in a situation where you allocate much more virtual memory than you have (real + swap).
The program then will only fail much later with a segfault (SIGSEGV) when you write to the first page for which there isn't any place in swap. In theory you could test for such situations by writing a signal handler and then dirtying all pages that you allocate.
But usually this will not help much either, since your application will be in a very bad state long before that: constantly swapping, computing mechanically with your harddisk...
It's possible for writes to the syslog to fail in low memory conditions: there's no way to know that for every platform without looking at the source for the relevant functions. They could need dynamic memory to format strings that are passed in, for instance.
Long before you run out of memory, however, you'll start paging stuff to disk. And when that happens, you can forget any performance advantages from caching.
Personally, I'm convinced by the design behind Varnish: the operating system offers services to solve a lot of the relevant problems, and it makes sense to use those services (minor editing):
So what happens with Squid's elaborate memory management is that it gets into fights with the kernel's elaborate memory management ...
Squid creates a HTTP object in RAM and it gets used some times rapidly after creation. Then after some time it get no more hits and the kernel notices this. Then somebody tries to get memory from the kernel for something and the kernel decides to push those unused pages of memory out to swap space and use the (cache-RAM) more sensibly for some data which is actually used by a program. This however, is done without Squid knowing about it. Squid still thinks that these http objects are in RAM, and they will be, the very second it tries to access them, but until then, the RAM is used for something productive. ...
After some time, Squid will also notice that these objects are unused, and it decides to move them to disk so the RAM can be used for more busy data. So Squid goes out, creates a file and then it writes the http objects to the file.
Here we switch to the high-speed camera: Squid calls write(2), the address it gives is a "virtual address" and the kernel has it marked as "not at home". ...
The kernel tries to find a free page, if there are none, it will take a little used page from somewhere, likely another little used Squid object, write it to the paging ... space on the disk (the "swap area") when that write completes, it will read from another place in the paging pool the data it "paged out" into the now unused RAM page, fix up the paging tables, and retry the instruction which failed. ...
So now Squid has the object in a page in RAM and written to the disk two places: one copy in the operating system's paging space and one copy in the filesystem. ...
Here is how Varnish does it:
Varnish allocate some virtual memory, it tells the operating system to back this memory with space from a disk file. When it needs to send the object to a client, it simply refers to that piece of virtual memory and leaves the rest to the kernel.
If/when the kernel decides it needs to use RAM for something else, the page will get written to the backing file and the RAM page reused elsewhere.
When Varnish next time refers to the virtual memory, the operating system will find a RAM page, possibly freeing one, and read the contents in from the backing file.
And that's it. Varnish doesn't really try to control what is cached in RAM and what is not, the kernel has code and hardware support to do a good job at that, and it does a good job.
You may not need to write caching code at all.
As has been stated, exhausting memory means that all bets are off. IMHO the best method of handling this situation is to fail gracefully (as opposed to simply crashing!). Your cache could allocate a reasonable amount of memory on instantiation. The size of this memory would equate to an amount that, when freed, will allow the program to terminate reasonably. When your cache detects that memory is becoming low then it should release this memory and instigate a graceful shutdown.
I'm writing an caching app that consumes large amounts of memory.
Hopefully, I'll manage my memory well enough, but I'm just thinking about what to do if I do run out of memory.
If you are writing deamon which should run 24/7/365, then you should not use dynamic memory management: preallocate all the memory in advance and manage it using some slab allocator/memory pool mechanism. That will also protect you again the heap fragmentation.
If a call to allocate even a simple object fails, is it likely that even a syslog call will also fail?
Should not. This is partially reason why syslog exists as a syscall: that application can report an error independent of its internal state.
If malloc or new returns a NULL or 0L value then it essentially means the call failed and it can't give you the memory for some reason. So, what would be the sensible thing to do in that case?
I generally try in the situations to properly handle the error condition, applying the general error handling rules. If error happens during initialization - terminate with error, probably configuration error. If error happens during request processing - fail the request with out-of-memory error.
For plain heap memory, malloc() returning 0 generally means:
that you have exhausted the heap and unless your application free some memory, further malloc()s wouldn't succeed.
the wrong allocation size: it is quite common coding error to mix signed and unsigned types when calculating block size. If the size ends up mistakenly negative, passed to malloc() where size_t is expected, it becomes very large number.
So in some sense it is also not wrong to abort() to produce the core file which can be analyzed later to see why the malloc() returned 0. Though I prefer to (1) include the attempted allocation size in the error message and (2) try to proceed further. If application would crash due to other memory problem down the road (*), it would produce core file anyway.
(*) From my experience of making software with dynamic memory management resilient to malloc() errors I see that often malloc() returns 0 not reliably. First attempts returning 0 are followed by a successful malloc() returning valid pointer. But first access to the pointed memory would crash the application. This is my experience on both Linux and HP-UX - and I have seen similar pattern on Solaris 10 too. The behavior isn't unique to Linux. To my knowledge the only way to make an application 100% resilient to memory problems is to preallocate all memory in advance. And that is mandatory for mission critical, safety, life support and carrier grade applications - they are not allowed dynamic memory management past initialization phase.
I don't know why many of the sensible answers are voted down. In most server environments, running out of memory means that you have a leak somewhere, and that it makes little sense to 'free some memory and try to go on'. The nature of C++ and especially the standard library is that it requires allocations all the time. If you are lucky, you might be able to free some memory and execute a clean shutdown, or at least emit a warning.
It is however far more likely that you won't be able to do a thing, unless the allocation that failed was a huge one, and there is still memory available for 'normal' things.
Dan Bernstein is one of the very few guys I know that can implement server software that operates in memory constrained situations.
For most of the rest of us, we should probably design our software that it leaves things in a useful state when it bails out because of an out of memory error.
Unless you are some kind of brain surgeon, there isn't a lot else to do.
Also, very often you won't even get an std::bad_alloc or something like that, you'll just get a pointer in return to your malloc/new, and only die when you actually try to touch all of that memory. This can be prevented by turning off overcommit in the operating system, but still.
Don't count on being able to deal with the SIGSEGV when you touch memory that the kernel hoped you wouldn't be.. I'm not quite sure how this works on the windows side of things, but I bet they do overcommit too.
All in all, this is not one of C++'s strong spots.

how to find allocated memory in linux

Good afternoon all,
What I'm trying to accomplish: I'd like to implement an extension to a C++ unit test fixture to detect if the test allocates memory and doesn't free it. My idea was to record allocation levels or free memory levels before and after the test. If they don't match then you're leaking memory.
What I've tried so far: I've written a routine to read /proc/self/stat to get the vm size and resident set size. Resident set size seems like what I need but it's obviously not right. It changes between successive calls to the function with no memory allocation. I believe it's returning the cached memory used not what's allocated. It also changes in 4k increments so it's too coarse to be of any real use.
I can get the stack size by allocating a local and saving it's address. Are there any problems with doing this?
Is there a way to get real free or allocated memory on linux?
Your best bet may actually be to use a tool specifically designed for the job of finding memory leaks. I have personal experience with Electric Fence, which is easy to use and seems to do the job nicely (not sure how well it will handle C++). Also recommended by others is Dmalloc.
For sure though, everyone seems to like Valgrind, which can do just about anything and even has front-ends (though anything that has a front-end built for it means that it probably isn't the simplest thing in the world). If the KDE folks can recommend it, it must be able to handle just about anything. (I'm not saying anything bad about KDE, just that it is a very large C++ codebase, so if Valgrind can handle KDE software, it must have something going for it. Though I don't have personal experience with it as Electric Fence was always enough for me)
I'd have to agree with those suggesting Valgrind and similar, but if the run-time overhead is too great, one option may be to use mallinfo() call to retrieve statistics on currently allocated memory, and check whether uordblks is nonzero.
Note that this will have to be run before global destructors are called - so if you have any allocations that are cleaned up there, this will register a false positive. It also won't tell you where the allocation is made - but it's a good first pass to figure out which test cases need work.
don't look a the OS to get allocation info. the C library manages memory internally, and only asks the OS for more RAM in chunks (4KB in your case). In most cases, it's never released to back to the OS, so you can't really check anything there.
You'll have to patch malloc() and free() to get the info you need.
Or, use Valgrind.
Not a direct answer but you could re-define the ::new and ::delete operators, and internally either via a singleton or global objects, keep track of the allocated, and de-allocated memory.
Edit: If this is a personal, DIY project then cool. But if its for something critical you can always jump onto one of the many leak detection libraries/programs available, a quick google search should suffice.
google-perftools can be used in your test code.

Is it acceptable not to deallocate memory

I'm working on a project that is supposed to be used from the command line with the following syntax:
program-name input-file
The program is supposed to process the input, compute some stuff and spit out results on stdout.
My language of choice is C++ for several reasons I'm not willing to debate. The computation phase will be highly symbolic (think compiler) and will use pretty complex dynamically allocated data structures. In particular, it's not amenable to RAII style programming.
I'm wondering if it is acceptable to forget about freeing memory, given that I expect the entire computation to consume less than the available memory and that the OS is free to reclaim all the memory in one step after the program finishes (assume program terminates in seconds). What are your feeling about this?
As a backup plan, if ever my project will require to run as a server or interactively, I figured that I can always refit a garbage collector into the source code. Does anyone have experience using garbage collectors for C++? Do they work well?
It shouldn't cause any problems in the specific situation described the question.
However, it's not exactly normal. Static analysis tools will complain about it. Most importantly, it builds bad habits.
Sometimes not deallocating memory is the right thing to do.
I used to write compilers. After building the parse tree and traversing it to write the intermediate code, we would simply just exit. Deallocating the tree would have
added a bit of slowness to the compiler, which we wanted of course to be as fast as possible.
taken up code space
taken time to code and test the deallocators
violated the "no code executes better than 'no code'" dictum.
HTH! FWIW, this was "back in the day" when memory was non-virtual and minimal, the boxes were much slower, and the first two were non-trivial considerations.
My feeling would be something like "WTF!!!"
Look at it this way:
You choose a programming language that does not include a garbage collector, we are not allowed to ask why.
You are basically stating that you are too lazy to care about freeing the memory.
Well, WTF again. Laziness isn't a good reason for anything, the least of what is playing around with memory without freeing it.
Just free the memory, it's a bad practice, the scenario may change and then can be a million reasons you can need that memory freed and the only reason for not doing it is laziness, don't get bad habits, and get used to do things right, that way you'll tend to do them right in the future!!
Not deallocating memory should not be problem but it is a bad practice.
Joel Coehoorn is right:
It shouldn't cause any problems.
However, it's not exactly normal.
Static analysis tools will complain
about it. Most importantly, it builds
bad habits.
I'd also like to add that thinking about deallocation as you write the code is probably a lot easier than trying to retrofit it afterwards. So I would probably make it deallocate memory; you don't know how your program might be used in future.
If you want a really simple way to free memory, look at the "pools" concept that Apache uses.
Well, I think that it's not acceptable. You've already alluded to potential future problems yourself. Don't think they're necessarily easy to solve.
Things like “… given that I expect the entire computation to consume less …” are famous last phrases. Similarly, refitting code with some feature is one of these things they all talk of and never do.
Not deallocating memory might sound good in the short run but can potentially create a huge load of problems in the long run. Personally, I just don't think that's worth it.
There are two strategies. Either you build in the GC design from the very beginning. It's more work but it will pay off. For a lot of small objects it might pay to use a pool allocator and just keep track of the memory pool. That way, you can keep track of the memory consumption and simply avoid a lot of problems that similar code, but without allocation pool, would create.
Or you use smart pointers throughout the program from the beginning. I actually prefer this method even though it clutters the code. One solution is to rely heavily on templates, which takes out a lot of redundancy when referring to types.
Take a look at projects such as WebKit. Their computation phase resembles yours since they build parse trees for HTML. They use smart pointers throughout their program.
Finally: “It’s a question of style … Sloppy work tends to be habit-forming.”
– Silk in Castle of Wizardry by David Eddings.
will use pretty complex dynamically
allocated data structures. In
particular, it's not amenable to RAII
style programming.
I'm almost sure that's an excuse for lazy programming. Why can't you use RAII? Is it because you don't want to keep track of your allocations, there's no pointer to them that you keep? If so, how do you expect to use the allocated memory - there's always a pointer to it that contains some data.
Is it because you don't know when it should be released? Leave the memory in RAII objects, each one referenced by something, and they'll all trickle-down free each other when the containing object gets freed - this is particularly important if you want to run it as a server one day, each iteration of the server effective runs a 'master' object that holds all others so you can just delete it and all the memory disappears. It also helps prevent you retro-fitting a GC.
Is it because all your memory is allocated and kept in-use all the time, and only freed at the end? If so see above.
If you really, really cannot think of a design where you cannot leak memory, at least have the decency to use a private heap. Destroy that heap before you quit and you'll have a better design already, if a little 'hacky'.
There are instances where memory leaks are ok - static variables, globally initialised data, things like that. These aren't generally large though.
Reference counting smart pointers like shared_ptr in boost and TR1 could also help you manage your memory in a simple manner.
The drawback is that you have to wrap every pointers that use these objects.
I've done this before, only to find that, much later, I needed the program to be able to process several inputs without separate commands, or that the guts of the program were so useful that they needed to be turned into a library routine that could be called many times from within another program that was not expected to terminate. It was much harder to go back later and re-engineer the program than it would have been to make it leak-less from the start.
So, while it's technically safe as you've described the requirements, I advise against the practice since it's likely that your requirements may someday change.
If the run time of your program is very short, it should not be a problem. However, being too lazy to free what you allocate and losing track of what you allocate are two entirely different things. If you have simply lost track, its time to ask yourself if you actually know what your code is doing to a computer.
If you are just in a hurry or lazy and the life of your program is small in relation to what it actually allocates (i.e. allocating 10 MB per second is not small if running for 30 seconds) .. then you should be OK.
The only 'noble' argument regarding freeing allocated memory sets in when a program exits .. should one free everything to keep valgrind from complaining about leaks, or just let the OS do it? That entirely depends on the OS and if your code might become a library and not a short running executable.
Leaks during run time are generally bad, unless you know your program will run in a short amount of time and not cause other programs far more important than your's as far as the OS is concerned to skid to dirty paging.
What are your feeling about this?
Some O/Ses might not reclaim the memory, but I guess you're not intenting to run on those O/Ses.
As a backup plan, if ever my project will require to run as a server or interactively, I figured that I can always refit a garbage collector into the source code.
Instead, I figure you can spawn a child process to do the dirty work, grab the output from the child process, let the child process die as soon as possible after that and then expect the O/S to do the garbage collection.
I have not personally used this, but since you are starting from scratch you may wish to consider the Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector
The answer really depends on how large your program will be and what performance characteristics it needs to exhibit. If you never deallocate memory, your process's memory footprint will be much larger than it would otherwise be. Depeding on the system, this could cause a lot of paging and slow down the performance for you or other applications on the system.
Beyond that, what everyone above says is correct. It probably won't cause harm in the short term, but it's a bad practice that you should avoid. You'll never be able to use the code again. Trying to retrofit a GC on afterwards will be a nightmare. Just think about going to each place you allocate memory and trying to retrofit it but not break anything.
One more reason to avoid doing this: reputation. If you fail to deallocate, everyone who maintains the code will curse your name and your rep in the company will take a hit. "Can you believe how dumb he was? Look at this code."
If it is non-trivial for you to determine where to deallocate the memory, I would be concerned that other aspects of the data structure manipulation may not be fully understood either.
Apart from the fact that the OS (kernel and/or C/C++ library) can choose not to free the memory when the execution ends, your application should always provide proper freeing of allocated memory as a good practice. Why? Suppose you decide to extend that application or reuse the code; you'll quickly get in trouble if the code you had previously written hogs up the memory unnecessarily, after finishing its job. It's a recipe for memory leaks.
In general, I agree it's a bad practice.
For a one shot program, it can be OK, but it kinda shows like you don't what you are doing.
There is one solution to your problem though - use a custom allocator, which preallocates larger blocks from malloc, and then, after the computation phase, instead of freeing all the little blocks from you custom allocator, just release the larger preallocated blocks of memory. Then you don't need to keep track of all objects you need to deallocate and when. One guy who wrote a compiler too explained this approach many years ago to me, so if it worked for him, it will probably work for you as well.
Try to use automatic variables in methods so that they will be freed automatically from the stack.
The only useful reason to not free heap memory is to save a tiny amount of computational power used in the free() method. You might loose any advantage if page faults become an issue due to large virtual memory needs with small physical memory resources. Some factors to consider are:
If you are allocating a few huge chunks of memory or many small chunks.
Is the memory going to need to be locked into physical memory.
Are you absolutely positive the code and memory needed will fit into 2GB, for a Win32 system, including memory holes and padding.
That's generally a bad idea. You might encounter some cases where the program will try to consume more memory than it's available. Plus you risk being unable to start several copies of the program.
You can still do this if you don't care of the mentioned issues.
When you exit from a program, the memory allocated is automatically returned to the system. So you may not deallocate the memory you had allocated.
But deallocations becomes necessary when you go for bigger programs such as an OS or Embedded systems where the program is meant to run forever & hence a small memory leak can be malicious.
Hence it is always recommended to deallocate the memory you have allocated.