Best C++ compiler and options for windows build, regarding application speed? - c++

I am making a game for windows, mac and GNU, I can built it on windows already with MSVC and MingW...
But I am not finding good information regarding how much compilers optmize.
So what compiler, and options on that compiler, I can use to make my Windows version blazing fast?
Currently the profilers are showing some worring results like good portion of CPU time for example being wasted doing simple floating point math, and on the lua garbage collector.
EDIT: I am doing other stuff too... I am asking this question specifically about compilers, because the question is supposed to be one thing, and not several :)
Also, any minor speed improvement is good, specially with VSync turned on, a 1 frame per second drop at 60 FPS is sufficient to cause the game to run at 30 FPS to maintain sync.

First of all, don't expect compiler optimizations to make a huge difference. You can rarely expect more than a 15 or possibly 20% difference between compilers (as long as you don't try to compare one with all optimizations turn on to another with optimization completely disabled).
That said, the best (especially for F.P. math) tends to be Intel's. It's pretty much the standard that (at best) others attempt to match (and usually, truth be told, that attempt fails). Exact options to get optimal performance vary -- if there was one set that was consistently best, they probably wouldn't include the other possibilities.
I'd emphasize, however, that to get a really substantial difference, you're probably going to need to rewrite some code, not just recompile.


Profile optimised C++/C code

I have some heavily templated c++ code that I am working with. I can compile and profile with AMD tools and sleepy in debug mode. However without optimisation most of time spent concentrated in the templated code and STL. With optimised compilation, all the profile tools that I know produce garbage information. Does anybody know a good way to profile optimised native code
The code that I am writing is also heavily templated. Most of the time spent in the unoptimised code will be optimized away. I am talking about 96-97% of the run time are spent in templated code without optimisation. This is going to corrupt the accuracy of the profiling. And yes I can change many templated code or at least what part of the templated code is introducing the most trouble and I can do better in those places.
You should focus on the code you wrote because that is what you can change, time spent in STL is irrelevant, just ignore it and focus on the callers of that code. If too much time is spent in STL you probably can call some other STL primitive instead of the current one.
Profiling unoptimized code is less interesting, but you can still get some informations. If used algorithms from some parts of code are totally flawed it will show up even there. But you should be able to get useful informations from any good profiling tool in optimized code. What tools do you use exactly and why do you call their output garbage ?
Also it's usually easy enough to instrument your code by hand and find out exactly which parts are efficient and which are not. It's just a matter of calling timer functions (or reading cycle count of processor if possible) at well chosen points. I usually do that from unit tests to have reproducible results, but all depends of the specifics of your program.
Tools or instrumenting code are the easy part of optimization. The hard part is finding ways to get faster code where it's needed.
What do you mean by "garbage information"?
Profiling is only really meaningful on optimized builds, so tools are designed to work with them -- thus if you're getting meaningless results, it's probably due to the profiler not finding the right symbols, or needing to instrument the build.
In the case of Intel VTune, for example, I found I got impossible results from the sampler unless I explicitly told it where to find the PDBs for the executable I was tuning. In the instrumented version, I had to fiddle with the settings until it was reliably putting probes into the function calls.
When #kriss says
You should focus on the code you wrote
because that is what you can change
that's exactly what I was going to say.
I would add that in my opinion it is easier to do performance tuning first on code compiled without optimization, and then later turn on the optimizer, for the same reason. If something you can fix is costing excess time, it will cost proportionally excess time regardless of what the compiler does, and it's easier to find it in code that hasn't been scrambled.
I don't look for such code by measuring time. If the excess time is, say, 20%, then what I do is randomly pause it several times. As soon as I see something that can obviously be improved on 2 or more samples, then I've found it. It's an oddball method, but it doesn't really miss anything. I do measure the overall time before and after to see how much I saved. This can be done multiple times until you can't find anything to fix. (BTW, if you're on Linux, Zoom is a more automated way to do this.)
Then you can turn on the optimizer and see how much it gives you, but when you see what changes you made, you can see there's really no way the compiler could have done it for you.

Compiler optimization for fastest possible code

I would like to select the compiler optimizations to generate the fastest possible application.
Which of the following settings should I set to true?
Dead store elimination
Eliminate duplicate expressions within basic blocks and functions
Enable loop induction variable and strength reduction
Enable Pentium instruction scheduling
Expand common intrinsic functions
Optimize jumps
Use register variables
There is also the option 'Generate the fastest possible code.', which I have obviously set to true. However, when I set this to true, all the above options are still set at false.
So I would like to know if any of the above options will speed up the application if I set them to true?
So I would like to know if any of the above options will speed up the application if I set them to true?
I know some will hate me for this, but nobody here can answer you truthfully. You have to try your program with and without them, and profile each build and see what the results are. Guess-work won't get anybody anywhere.
Compilers already do tons(!) of great optimization, with or without your permission. Your best bet is to write your code in a clean and organized matter, and worry about maintainability and extensibility. As I like to say: Code now, optimize later.
Don't micromanage down to the individual optimization. Compiler writers are very smart people - just turn them all on unless you see a specific need not to. Your time is better spent by optimizing your code (improve algorithmic complexity of your functions, etc) rather than fiddling with compiler options.
My other advice, use a different compiler. Intel has a great reputation as an optimizing compiler. VC and GCC of course are also great choices.
You could look at the generated code with different compiled options to see which is fastest, but I understand nowadays many people don't have experience doing this.
Therefore, it would be useful to profile the application. If there is an obvious portion requiring speed, add some code to execute it a thousand or ten million times and time it using utime() if it's available. The loop should run long enough that other processes running intermittently don't affect the result—ten to twenty seconds is a popular benchmark range. Or run multiple timing trials. Compile different test cases and run it to see what works best.
Spending an hour or two playing with optimization options will quickly reveal that most have minor effect. However, that same time spent thinking about the essence of the algorithm and making small changes (code removal is especially effective) can often vastly improve execution time.

C/C++ compiler feedback optimization

Has anyone seen any real world numbers for different programs which are using the feedback optimization that C/C++ compilers offer to support the branch prediction, cache preloading functions etc.
I searched for it and amazingly not even the popular interpreter development groups seem to have checked the effect. And increasing ruby,python,php etc. performance by 10% or so should be considered usefull.
Is there really no benefit or is the whole developer community just to lazy to use it?
10% is a good ballpark figure. That said, ...
You have to REALLY care about the performance to go this route. The product I work on (DB2) uses PGO and other invasive and agressive optimizations. Among the costs are significant build time (triple on some platforms) and development and support nightmares.
When something goes wrong it can be non-trivial to map the fault location in the optimized code back to the source. Developers don't usually expect that functions in different modules can end up merged and inlined and this can have "interesting" effects.
Problems with pointer aliasing, which are nasty to track down also usually show up with these sorts of optimizations. You have the additional fun of having non-deterministic builds (an aliasing problem can show up in monday's build, vanish again till thursday's, ...).
The line between what is correct or incorrect compiler behaviour under these sorts of aggressive optimizations also becomes fairly blurred. Even with the luxury of having our compiler guys in house (literally) the optimization issues (either in our source or the compiler) are still not easy to understand and resolve.
From unladen-swallow (a project optimizing the CPython VM):
For us, the final nail in PyBench's coffin was when experimenting with gcc's feedback-directed optimization tools, we were able to produce a universal 15% performance increase across our macrobenchmarks; using the same training workload, PyBench got 10% slower.
So some people are at least looking at it. That said, PGO sets some pretty tricky requirements on the build environment that are hard to satisfy for open-source projects meant to be built by a distributed heterogeneous group of people. Heavy optimization also creates difficult to debug heisenbugs. It's less work to give the compiler explicit hints for the performance critical parts.
That said, I expect significant performance increases from runtime profile guided optimization. JIT'ing allows the optimizer to cope with the profile of data changing across the execution of a program and do many extremely runtime data specific optimizations that would explode the code size for static compilation. Especially dynamic languages need good runtime data based optimization to perform well. With dynamic language performance getting significant attention lately (JavaScript VM's, MS DLR, JSR-292, PyPy and so on) there's a lot of work being done in this area.
Traditional methods in improving the compiler efficiency via profiling is done by performance analysis tools. However, how the data from the tools may be of use in optimization still depends on the compiler you use. For example, GCC is a framework being worked on to produce compilers for different domains. Providing profiling mechanism in the such compiler framework will be extremely difficult.
We can rely on statistical data to do certain optimization. For instance, GCC unrolls a loop if the loop count is less than a constant (say 7). How it fixes up the constant will be based on statistical result of the code size generated for different target architecture.
Profile guided optimizations track the special areas of the source. Details regarding previous run results needs to be stored which is an overhead. The input on the other hand requires a statistical representation of the target application which may use the compiler. So the complexity level rises with the number of different inputs and outputs. In short, deciding profile guided optimization needs extreme data collection. Automation or embedding such profiling into source needs careful monitoring. If not, the entire result will be awry and in our effort to swim we actually will drown.
However, experimentation on this regard is ongoing. Just have a look at POGO.

How do you normally set up your compiler's optimization settings?

Do you normally set your compiler to optimize for maximum speed or smallest code size? or do you manually configure individual optimization settings? Why?
I notice most of the time people tend to just leave compiler optimization settings to their default state, which with visual c++ means max speed.
I've always felt that the default settings had more to do with looking good on benchmarks, which tend to be small programs that will fit entirely within the L2 cache than what's best for overall performance, so I normally set it optimize for smallest size.
As a Gentoo user I have tried quite a few optimizations on the complete OS and there have been endless discussions on the Gentoo forums about it. Some good flags for GCC can be found in the wiki.
In short, optimizing for size worked best on an old Pentium3 laptop with limited ram, but on my main desktop machine with a Core2Duo, -O2 gave better results over all.
There's also a small script if you are interested in the x86 (32 bit) specific flags that are the most optimized.
If you use gcc and really want to optimize a specific application, try ACOVEA. It runs a set of benchmarks, then recompile them with all possible combinations of compile flags. There's an example using Huffman encoding on the site (lower is better):
A relative graph of fitnesses:
Acovea Best-of-the-Best: ************************************** (2.55366)
Acovea Common Options: ******************************************* (2.86788)
-O1: ********************************************** (3.0752)
-O2: *********************************************** (3.12343)
-O3: *********************************************** (3.1277)
-O3 -ffast-math: ************************************************** (3.31539)
-Os: ************************************************* (3.30573)
(Note that it found -Os to be the slowest on this Opteron system.)
I prefer to use minimal size. Memory may be cheap, cache is not.
Besides the fact that cache locality matters (as On Freund said), one other things Microsoft does is to profile their application and find out which code paths are executed during the first few seconds of startup. After that they feed this data back to the compiler and ask it to put the parts which are executed during startup close together. This results in faster startup time.
I do believe that this technique is available publicly in VS, but I'm not 100% sure.
For me it depends on what platform I'm using. For some embedded platforms or when I worked on the Cell processor you have restraints such as a very small cache or minimal space provided for code.
I use GCC and tend to leave it on "-O2" which is the "safest" level of optimisation and favours speed over a minimal size.
I'd say it probably doesn't make a huge difference unless you are developing for a very high-performance application in which case you should probably be benchmarking the various options for your particular use-case.
Microsoft ships all its C/C++ software optimized for size. After benchmarking they discovered that it actually gives better speed (due to cache locality).
There are many types of optimization, maximum speed versus small code is just one. In this case, I'd choose maximum speed, as the executable will be just a bit bigger.
On the other hand, you could optimize your application for a specific type of processor. In some cases this is a good idea (if you intend to run the program only on your station), but in this case it is probable that the program will not work on other architecture (eg: you compile your program to work on a Pentium 4 machine -> it will probably not work on a Pentium 3).
Build both, profile, choose which works better on specific project and hardware.
For performance critical code, that is - otherwise choose any and don't bother.
We always use maximize for optimal speed but then, all the code I write in C++ is somehow related to bioinformatics algorithms and speed is crucial while the code size is relatively small.
Memory is cheap now days :) So it can be meaningful to set compiler settings to max speed unless you work with embedded systems. Of course answer depends on concrete situation.
This depends on the application of your program. When programming an application to control a fast industrial process, optimize for speed would make sense. When programming an application that only needs to react to a user's input, optimization for size could make sense. That is, if you are concerned about the size of your executable.
Tweaking compiler settings like that is an optimization. On the principle that "premature optimization is the root of all evil," I don't bother with it until the program is near its final shipping state and I've discovered that it's not fast enough -- i.e. almost never.

profile-guided optimization (C)

Anyone know this compiler feature? It seems GCC support that. How does it work? What is the potential gain? In which case it's good? Inner loops?
(this question is specific, not about optimization in general, thanks)
It works by placing extra code to count the number of times each codepath is taken. When you compile a second time the compiler uses the knowledge gained about execution of your program that it could only guess at before. There are a couple things PGO can work toward:
Deciding which functions should be inlined or not depending on how often they are called.
Deciding how to place hints about which branch of an "if" statement should be predicted on based on the percentage of calls going one way or the other.
Deciding how to optimize loops based on how many iterations get taken each time that loop is called.
You never really know how much these things can help until you test it.
PGO gives about a 5% speed boost when compiling x264, the project I work on, and we have a built-in system for it (make fprofiled). Its a nice free speed boost in some cases, and probably helps more in applications that, unlike x264, are less made up of handwritten assembly.
Jason's advise is right on. The best speedups you are going to get come from "discovering" that you let an O(n2) algorithm slip into an inner loop somewhere, or that you can cache certain computations outside of expensive functions.
Compared to the micro-optimizations that PGO can trigger, these are the big winners. Once you've done that level of optimization PGO might be able to help. We never had much luck with it though - the cost of the instrumentation was such that our application become unusably slow (by several orders of magnitude).
I like using Intel VTune as a profiler primarily because it is non-invasive compared to instrumenting profilers which change behaviour too much.
The fun thing about optimization is that speed gains are found in the unlikeliest of places.
It's also the reason you need a profiler, rather than guessing where the speed problems are.
I recommend starting with a profiler (gperf if you're using GCC) and just start poking around the results of running your application through some normal operations.