Django settings app? - django

Has anyone run into an idea of a "settings app" for a django project?
It's a set of application variables set by an administrator (not developer, so fails) using admin panel.
Are there any apps ready to use?
I probably didn't state my question clear. I don't mean editing the things like connection settings, rather things like "file size limit".

There is a very nice app that does this, called django-dbsettings. The official repo hasn't been updated in years, but I have an up-to-date fork on my github page.

The question is how would you store the settings.
Cause... if you store the settings in the database it will be troublesome since most of the code will already be initialized (using the settings before that) before you have a database connection.
If it's the filesystem that means you're going to have to include a Python file that's being modified by your webserver which sounds like a huge security risk to me.
So... in my opinion, it could be done but I would vote against it since it's dangerous. If things should be configurable from the web, implement that in the app :)

It sounds a bit like you're asking "how does an administrator change the settings (like database connection parameters) without changing"
If your admin isn't familiar enough with python to change the file directly, you might consider giving the admin a simpler file to edit, perhaps a config file that you loaded from Then all your admin has to do is edit the config file and restart the server.
This has an added benefit that you can limit the config file to only those parameters which your admin would need to mess with (like database connection parameters).
(Another option would be to get a better admin ...)


Can't get access to configuration.php Joomla 2.5

Got a site to make some changes. Unfortunately I can't get an access to www/root/configuration.php . Suppose the file was blocked by another user who had admin rights. Am I right?
I'm not clear exactly what you mean by 'can't get access' to the configuration file. Maybe it's permission related or maybe the site was customised and the configuration file is in a non-standard location.
Either way there are a couple of options you could try.
I presume you have access to the backend of the site and so you could make most changes from there via Site > Global Configuration.
You can also view almost all the details of the config file from Site > Sytem Information > Configuration File
If neither of these suggestions solved your problem, maybe you could instal a file management component like and acces the config file that way.
Good luck!

Sitecore: default database upon login

How do you change the default database used when loggin in to the backend of Sitecore?
I an solution i am currently working on, whenever a user logs in to the backend it defults to the web database and not the master as it should.
i have checked the sites definition in the web.config, but no luck - it is set to master.
Where else could i look?
Unfortunately there is a number of ways this could be configured. Without actually seeing your configuration files, it is difficult to point out which.
I can tell you this however. The likely cause would either be:
Your site definition for the "shell" site. By default it has a content="master" attribute - by changing this, you would (likely) change the database the users work in. I say "likely", since it isn't really the recommended approach to my knowledge.
The same setting could also be set in a .config include file, so it may not be in the main web.config file itself.
For a reference to how these (web.config include files) work; check out

How to handle project or app specific settings in django?

How can one store, retrieve and allow the user to change the settings of a project or an app? A constant in is not good enough, as I want some users to be able to change the value of the setting. A way to present these in the admin interface would be optimal.
If it's via an admin interface then using the database sounds like a sure bet. Check out this similar looking question on StackOverflow.

Loadable/Unloadable django apps

I wanted to make an application which could handle other applications as plugins, that the user could download and load/unload at any time. I read all the django documentation, and there doesn't seem to be a proper way to do it apart from installing the app by hand a doing a syncdb, with no possibility of unloading.
A good example of what I want to do could be the wordpress plugins. I wanted something like that for my django project, downloadable "plugins" that the user can load and unload at any time.
Is there any way to accomplish this?
I don't think it's possible. Django loads all its .py files only once, when its *cgi process is started. So to updating your or requires restarting cgi, and I don't think you want to allow your users doing this. :-)

Pinax: Customize Signup and profile

I want to gather some more information when the user signs up and also display this as part of the profile information - so that the user can edit it once he creates a login.
How can I extend the sign-up and profile form and model without changing directly pinax code?
From pinax docs
As more sites are built using Pinax,
more best practices will emerge, but
for now what we recommend is:
Always work off a stable release. The most current release is 0.7.1.
Use the pinax-admin setup_project command.
Make necessary changes to the and files in your copied directory.
Change the domain and display name of the Site in the admin interface.
Develop your custom apps under your new project or anywhere on Python path.
Develop your own templates under your new project.
This thread is very relevant to your question and discusses options for overriding the default pinax apps.
It suggests looking at, (an extensible profile app designed to replace the profiles apps in Pinax).
This blog has some comments about overriding the default pinax apps:
Overriding build-in Pinax Applications
Assuming we want to override
$PINAX_ROOT/apps/blog with
$PROJECT_ROOT/apps/blog we can do so
simply by copying the application and
make our project-local (read
individual) changes to it. Pinax will
then load $PROJECT_ROOT/apps/blog
rather than $PINAX_ROOT/apps/blog.
Those who do not care about merging in
upstream changes nor submitting
bugfixes/features upstream would just
issue cp -a $PINAX_ROOT/apps/blog
$PROJECT_ROOT/apps and be done. Those
who consider themselves good
FLOSS-country citizens however care
about contributing back as well ...
The default pinax apps you would be looking to override (if necessary), would be:
You probably want to have a go at overriding the built-in Pinax applications, which is gone over in a little detail in this article. I imagine you'd want to extend (or override) Pinax's Profile model.
This chap seems to have been in a situation that sounds like what you want, have a quick read of his chat logs to see what I mean. Sorry that this answer isn't too specific, it's more of a pointer.