C++: How to escape user input for safe system calls? - c++

On a Linux platform, I have C++ code that goes like this:
// ...
std::string myDir;
myDir = argv[1]; // myDir is initialized using user input from the command line.
std::string command;
command = "mkdir " + myDir;
if (system(command.c_str()) != 0) {
return 1;
// continue....
Is passing user input to a system() call safe at all?
Should the user input be escaped / sanitized?
How could the above code be exploited for malicious purposes?

Just don't use system. Prefer execl.
execl ("/bin/mkdir", "mkdir", myDir, (char *)0);
That way, myDir is always passed as a single argument to mkdir, and the shell isn't involved. Note that you need to fork if you use this method.
But if this is not just an example, you should use the mkdir C function:
mkdir(myDir, someMode);

Using system() call with command line parameters without sanitizing the input can be highly insecure.
The potential security threat could be a user passing the following as directory name
somedir ; rm -rf /
To prevent this , use a mixture of the following
use getopt to ensure your input is
sanitize the input
use execl instead of system to execute
the command
The best option would be to use all three

Further to Matthew's answer, don't spawn a shell process unless you absolutely need it. If you use a fork/execl combination, individual parameters will never be parsed so don't need to be escaped. Beware of null characters however which will still prematurely terminate the parameter (this is not a security problem in some cases).
I assume mkdir is just an example, as mkdir can trivially be called from C++ much more easily than these subprocess suggestions.

Reviving this ancient question as I ran into the same problem and the top answers, based on fork() + execl(), weren't working for me. (They create a separate process, whereas I wanted to use async to launch the command in a thread and have the system call stay in-process to share state more easily.) So I'll give an alternative solution.
It's not usually safe to pass user input as-is, especially if the utility is designed to be sudo'd; in order to sanitize it, instead of composing the string to be executed yourself, use environment variables, which the shell has built-in escape mechanisms for.
For your example:
// ...
std::string myDir;
myDir = argv[1]; // myDir is initialized using user input from the command line.
setenv("MY_DIR", myDir, 1);
if (system("mkdir \"${MY_DIR}\"") != 0) {
return 1;
// continue....


Are ALL system() calls a security risk in c++?

A post in this (Are system() calls evil?) thread says:
Your program's privileges are inherited by its spawned programs. If your application ever runs as a privileged user, all someone has to do is put their own program with the name of the thing you shell out too, and then can execute arbitrary code (this implies you should never run a program that uses system as root or setuid root).
But system("PAUSE") and system("CLS") shell to the OS, so how could a hacker possibly intervene if it ONLY shells to a specific secure location on the hard-drive?
Does explicitly flush—by using fflush or _flushall—or closing any stream before calling system eliminate all risk?
The system function passes command to the command interpreter, which executes the string as an operating-system command. system uses the COMSPEC and PATH environment variables to locate the command-interpreter file CMD.exe. If command is NULL, the function just checks whether the command interpreter exists.
You must explicitly flush—by using fflush or _flushall—or close any stream before you call system.
In case, there are any doubts here's the actual snippet from the MS' implementation (very simple and straightforward):
// omitted for brevity
argv[1] = _T("/c");
argv[2] = (_TSCHAR *) command;
argv[3] = NULL;
/* If there is a COMSPEC defined, try spawning the shell */
/* Do not try to spawn the null string */
if (argv[0])
// calls spawnve on value of COMSPEC vairable, if present
// omitted for brevity
/* No COMSPEC so set argv[0] to what COMSPEC should be. */
argv[0] = _T("cmd.exe");
/* Let the _spawnvpe routine do the path search and spawn. */
retval = (int)_tspawnvpe(_P_WAIT,argv[0],argv,NULL);
// clean-up part omitted
As to concerns of what _tspawnvpe may actually be doing, the answer is: nothing magical. The exact invocation sequence for spawnvpe and friends goes as following (as anybody with licensed version of MSVC can easily learn by inspecting the spanwnvpe.c source file):
Do some sanity checks on parameters
Try to invoke _tspawnve on the passed file name. spawnve will succeed if the file name represents an absolute path to an executable or a valid path relative to the current working directory. No further checks are done - so yes, if a file named cmd.exe exists in current directory it will be invoked first in the context of system() call discussed.
In a loop: obtain the next path element using `_getpath()
Append the file name to the path element
Pass the resulted path to spwanvpe, check if it was successful
That's it. No special tricks/checks involved.
The original question references POSIX not windows. Here there is no COMSPEC (there is SHELL but system() deliberately does not use it); however /bin/sh is completely, utterly vulnerable.
Suppose /opt/vuln/program does system("/bin/ls"); Looks completely harmless, right? Nope!
$ PATH=. IFS='/ ' /opt/vuln/program
This runs the program called bin in the current directory. Oops. Defending against this kind of thing is so difficult it should be left to the extreme experts, like the guys who wrote sudo. Sanitizing environment is extremely hard.
So you might be thinking what is that system() api for. I don't actually know why it was created, but if you wanted to do a feature like ftp has where !command is executed locally in the shell you could do ... else if (terminalline[0] == '!') system(terminalline+1); else ... Since it's going to be completely insecure anyway there's no point in making it secure. Of course a truly modern use case wouldn't do it that way because system() doesn't look at $SHELL but oh well.

How can I find why system can not run my application?

I have a c++ program that run a command and pass some arguments to it. The code is as follow:
int RunApplication(fs::path applicationPathName,std::string arguments)
std::string applicationShortPath=GetShortFileName(applicationPathName);
std::string cmd="\""+applicationShortPath +"\" "+ arguments+" >>log.txt 2>&1 \"";
int result=std::system(cmd.c_str());
return result;
When I run system command, the cmd window appears shortly and then closes, but the result is 1 and the cmd was not run (the command should generate output which is not generated).
To check that the cmd is correct, I stopped the application just before system line and copy/ paste cmd content to a cmd window and it worked.
I am wondering how can I find why application is not run in system()?
the cmd has this value just before running it:
"D:/DEVELO~3/x64/Debug/enfuse.exe" -w --hard-mask --exposure-weight=1 --saturation-weight=0.328 --contrast-weight=0.164 -o "C:/Users/m/AppData/Local/Temp/1.tif" "C:/Users/m/AppData/Local/Temp/1.jpg" "C:/Users/m/AppData/Local/Temp/2.jpg" >>log.txt 2>&1 "
How can I find why it is not working?
Is there any way that I set the system so it doesn't close cmd window so I can inspect it?
is there any better way to run a command on OS?
Does Boost has any solution for this?
After running it with cmd /k, I get this error message:
The input line is too long.
How can I fix it other than reducing cmd line?
There are two different things here: if you have to start a suprocess, "system" is not the best way of doing it (better to use the proper API, like CreateProcess, or a multiplatform wrapper, but avoid to go through the command interpreter, to avoid to open to potential malware injection).
But in this case system() is probably the right way to go since you in fact need the command interpreter (you cannot manage things like >>log.txt 2>&1 with only a process creation.)
The problem looks like a failure in the called program: may be the path is not correct or some of the files it has to work with are not existent or accessible with appropriate-permission and so on.
One of the firt thing to do: open a command prompt and paste the string you posted, in there. Does it run? Does it say something about any error?
Another thing to check is how escape sequence are used in C++ literals: to get a '\', you need '\\' since the first is the escape for the second (like \n, or \t etc.). Although it seems not the case, here, it is one of the most common mistakes.
Use cmd /k to keep the terminal: http://ss64.com/nt/cmd.html
Or just spawn cmd.exe instead and inspect the environment, permissions, etc. You can manually paste that command to see whether it would work from that shell. If it does, you know that paths, permssions and environment are ok, so you have some other issue on your hands (argument escaping, character encoding issues)
Check here How to execute a command and get output of command within C++ using POSIX?
Boost.Process is not official yet http://www.highscore.de/boost/process/

pidof from a background script for another background process

I wrote a c++ program to check if a process is running or not . this process is independently launched at background . my program works fine when I run it on foreground but when I time schedule it, it do not work .
int PID= ReadCommanOutput("pidof /root/test/testProg1"); /// also tested with pidof -m
I made a script in /etc/cron.d/myscript to time schedule it as follows :-
45 15 * * * root /root/ProgramMonitor/./testBkg > /root/ProgramMonitor/OutPut.txt
what could be the reason for this ?
string ReadCommanOutput(string command)
string output="";
int its=system((command+" > /root/ProgramMonitor/macinfo.txt").c_str());
ifstream reader1("/root/ProgramMonitor/macinfo.txt",fstream::in);
string line;
if(reader1.fail())// for last read
stringstream ss(line.c_str());
cout<<command<<" output = ["<<output<<"]"<<endl;
cout<<"/root/ProgramMonitor/macinfo.txt not found !"<<endl;
cout<<"ERROR: code = "<<its<<endl;
return output;
its output coming as "ERROR: code = 256"
thanks in advacee .
If you really wanted to pipe(2), fork(2), execve(2) then read the output of a pidof command, you should at least use popen(3) since ReadCommandOutput is not in the Posix API; at the very least
pid_t thepid = 0;
FILE* fpidof = popen("pidof /root/test/testProg1");
if (fpidof) {
int p=0;
if (fscanf(fpidof, "%d", &p)>0 && p>0)
thepid = (pid_t)p;
BTW, you did not specify what should happen if several processes (or none) are running the testProg1....; you also need to check the result of pclose
But you don't need to; actually you'll want to build, perhaps using snprintf, the pidof command (and you should be scared of code injection into that command, so quote arguments appropriately). You could simply find your command by accessing the proc(5) file system: you would opendir(3) on "/proc/", then loop on readdir(3) and for every entry which has a numerical name like 1234 (starts with a digit) readlink(2) its exe entry like e.g. /proc/1234/exe ...). Don't forget the closedir and test every syscall.
Please read Advanced Linux Programming
Notice that libraries like Poco or toolkits like Qt (which has a layer QCore without any GUI, and providing QProcess ....) could be useful to you.
As to why your pidof is failing, we can't guess (perhaps a permission issue, or perhaps there is no more any process like you want). Try to run it as root in another terminal at least. Test its exit code, and display both its stdout & stderr at least for debugging purposes.
Also, a better way (assuming that testProg1 is some kind of a server application, to be run in at most one single process) might be to define different conventions. Your testProg1 might start by writing its own pid into /var/run/testProg1.pid and your current application might then read the pid from that file and check, with kill(2) and a 0 signal number, that the process is still existing.
BTW, you could also improve your crontab(5) entry. You could make it run some shell script which uses logger(1) and (for debugging) runs pidof with its output redirected elsewhere. You might also read the mail perhaps sent to root by cron.
Finally I solved this problem by using su command
I have used
ReadCommanOutput("su -c 'pidof /root/test/testProg1' - root");
ReadCommanOutput("pidof /root/test/testProg1");

What does execve() do?

What exactly does execve() do? I've tried looking at the documentation (http://linux.die.net/man/2/execve) but given that I'm very new to linux and this sort of programming it doesn't make a lot of sense. What I want to do is be able to execute this command:
nc -l -p someport -e /bin/sh
Can I do something like the following (where someport is a number such as 4444)
char *command[2];
command[0] = "nc -l -p someport -e /bin/sh"
execve(command[0], name, NULL);
execve asks the operating system to start executing a different program in the current process.
Chances are pretty decent that you want execvp or execlp instead -- you haven't mentioned anything about wanting to provide the environment for the child, but from the looks of things you probably do want the path searched to find the executable you're using.
Correct usage is
extern char * const environ[];
char * const command[] = {"nc", "-l", "-p", "porthere", "-e", "/bin/sh", NULL};
execve("/usr/bin/nc", command, environ);
You must use a full pathname, not a short name such as "nc" (more precisely: no PATH search is done, the pathname must be an actual existing file), and you must split arguments into separate strings beforehand. You also need to propagate the environment somehow, either via the extern environ mentioned in the above snippet or as obtained from the third parameter of main(); the latter is slightly more standards-blessed but may be more painful to pass around as needed.

Executing a command from C++, What is expected in argv[0]?

I am using execv() to run commands from /bin/ such as 'ls', 'pwd', 'echo' from my c++ program, and I am wondering what value I should provide in argv[0];
const char * path = getPath();
char ** argv = getArgs();
argv[0] is supposed to be the program name. It's passed to the program's main function. Some programs differentiate their behavior depending on what string argv[0] is. For example the GNU bash shell will disable some of its features if called using sh instead of bash. Best give it the same value that you pass to path.
In linux, argv[0] is the process name displayed by the top utility (which it probably gets from reading entries in /proc/)
argv[0] should be the full path of the command that you want to run.
I know that this is not the answer you're looking for but is there a specific reason why you're doing this? The reason I ask is that most if not all of the actions people normally run with either system() or execv() are available in libraries on either Windows or Unix and are safer, faster and less likely to suffer from circumstantial errors. By that I mean, for example, when the PATH changes and suddenly your code stops working.
If you're passing in a string, either in whole or in part, and running it then you also leave yourself open to a user gaining access to the system by entering a command that could be damaging. E.g. imagine you've implemented a file search using find /home -name and your user types in:
"%" -exec rm {} \;