How can I manage bits/binary in c++? - c++

What I need to do is open a text file with 0s and 1s to find patterns between the columns in the file.
So my first thought was to parse each column into a big array of bools, and then do the logic between the columns (now in arrays). Until I found that the size of bools is actually a byte not a bit, so i would be wasting 1/8 of memory, assigning each value to a bool.
Is it even relevant in a grid of 800x800 values? What would be the best way to handle this?
I would appreciate a code snippet in case its a complicated answer

You could use std::bitset or Boosts dynamic_bitset which provide different methods which will help you manage your bits.
They for example support constructors which create bitsets from other default types like int or char. You can also export the bitset into an ulong or into a string (which then could be turned into a bitset again etc)
I once asked about concatenating those, which wasn't performantly possible to do. But perhaps you could use the info in that question too.

you can use std::vector<bool> which is a specialization of vector that uses a compact store for booleans....1 bit not 8 bits.

I think it was Knuth who said "premature optimization is the root of all evil." Let's find out a little bit more about the problem. Your array is 800**2 == 640,000 bytes, which is no big deal on anything more powerful than a digital watch.
While storing it as bytes may seem wasteful -- as you say, 7/8ths of the memory is redundant -- but on the other hand, most machines don't do bit operations as efficiently as bytes; by saving the memory, you might waste so much effort masking and testing that you would have been better off with the bytes model.
On the other hand, if what you want to do with it is look for larger patterns, you might want to use a bitwise representation because you can do things with 8 bits at a time.
The real point here is that there are several possibilities, but no one can tell you the "right" representation without knowing what the problem is.

For that size grid your array of bools would be about 640KB. Depends how much memory you have if that will be a problem. It would probably be the simplest for the logic analysis code.
By grouping the bits and storing in an array of int you could drop the memory requirement to 80KB, but the logic code would be more complicated as you'd be always isolating the bits you wanted to check.


Looking for a concept related to "either or" in a data structure (almost like std::variant)

I'm modernizing the code that reads and writes to a custom binary file format now.
I'm allowed to use C++17 and have already modernized large parts of the code base.
There are mainly two problems at hand.
binary selectors (my own name)
cased selectors (my own name as well)
For #1 it is as follows:
Given that 1 bit is set in a binary string. You either (read/write) two completely different structs.
For example, if bit 17 is set to true, it means bits 18+ should be streamed with Struct1.
But if bit 17 is false, bits 18+ should be streamed with Struct2.
Struct1 and Struct2 are completely different with minimal overlap.
For #2 it is basically the same but as follows:
Given that x bits in the bit stream are set. You have a potential pool of completely different structs. The number of structs is allowed to be between [0, 2**x] (inclusive range).
For instance, in one case you might have 3 bits and 5 structs.
But in another case, you might have 3 bits and 8 structs.
Again the overlap between the structs is minimal.
I'm currently using std::variant for this.
For case #1, it would be just two structs std::variant<Struct1, Struct2>
For case #2, it would be just a flat list of the structs again using std::variant.
The selector I use is naturally the index in the variant, but it needs to be remapped for a different bit pattern that actually needs to be written/read to/from the format.
Have any of you used or encountered some better strategies for these cases?
Is there a generally known approach to solve this in a much better way?
Is there a generally known approach to solve this in a much better way?
Nope, it's highly specific.
Have any of you used or encountered some better strategies for these cases?
The bit patterns should be encoded in the type, somehow. Almost all the (de)serialization can be generic so long as the required information is stored somewhere.
For example,
template <uint8_t BitPattern, typename T>
struct IdentifiedVariant;
// ...
using Field1 = std::variant< IdentifiedVariant<0x01, Field1a>,
IdentifiedVariant<0x02, Field1b> >;
I've absolutely used types like this in the past to automate all the boilerplate, but the details are extremely specific to the format and rarely reusable.
Note that even though you can't overlay your variant type on a buffer, there's no need for (de)serialization to proceed bit-by-bit. There's hardly any speed penalty so long as the data is already read into a buffer - if you really need to go full zero-copy, you can just have your FieldNx types keep a pointer into the buffer and decode fields on demand.
If you want your data to be bit-continuous you can't use std::variant You will need to use std::bitset or managing the memory completely manually to do that. But it isn't practical to do so because your structs will not be byte-aligned so you will need to do every read/write manually bit by bit. This will reduce speed greatly, so I only recommend this way if you want to save every bit of memory even at the cost of speed. And at this storage it will be hard to find the nth element you will need to iterate.
std::variant<T1,T2> will waste a bit of space because 1) it will always use enough space for storing the the bigger data, but using that over bit-manipulation will increase the speed and the readability of the code. (And will be easier to write)

memcmp - is there a faster way to bitwise compare two buffers

I want to most quickly & efficiently find out if two memory buffers - holding arbitrarily defined values - are identical in a bitwise comparision.
I'm not interested in anything but the Boolean "is identical" and I want the method to return as quickly as possible, i.e. at first difference found.
What is the best way to achieve this?
I'm currenlty first comparing the overall size - which I know - and use
memcmp if they are of same size
memcmp( buf1_ptr, buf2_ptr, sizeof(buf1) )
Is this the most efficient I can do? Should I split the comparison into junks of a for-loop?
In general, memcmp will have been written in assembler by experts. It is very, very, unlikely you can do any better than them at the general purpose problem it solves.
If you can promise that the pointers will always be (eg) aligned on a 16 byte boundary, and that the length will always be a multiple of 16 bytes, you might be able to do a little better by using some vectorized solution like SSE. (memcmp wil probably end up using SSE too under those circumstances, but it will have to do some tests first to make sure - and you can save the cost of those tests).
Otherwise - just use memcmp.

What are the advantages to using bitsets for bitmap storage?

I'm currently evaluating whether I should utilize a single large bitset or many 64-bit unsigned longs (uint_64) to store a large amount of bitmap information. In this case, the bitmap represents the current status of a few GB of memory pages (dirty / not dirty), and has thousands of entries.
The work which I am performing requires that I be able to query and update the dirty pages, including performing OR operations between two dirty page bitmaps.
To be clear, I will be performing the following:
Importing a bitmap from a file, and performing a bitwise OR operation with the existing bitmap
Computing the hamming weight (counting the number of bits set to 1, which represents the number of dirty pages)
Resetting / clearing a bit, to mark it as updated / clean
Checking the current status of a bit, to determine if it is clean
It looks like it is easy to perform bitwise operations on a C++ bitset, and easily compute the hamming weight. However, I imagine there is no magic here -- the CPU can only perform bitwise operations on as many bytes as it can store in a register -- so the routine utilized by the bitset is likely the same I would implement myself. This is probably also true for the hamming weight.
In addition, importing the bitmap data from the file to the bitset looks ugly -- I need to perform bitshifts multiple times, as shown here. I imagine given the size of the bitsets I would be working with, this would have a negative performance impact. Of course, I imagine I could just use many small bitsets instead, but there may be no advantage to this (other then perhaps ease of implementation).
Any advice is appriciated, as always. Thanks!
Sounds like you have a very specific single-use application. Personally, I've never used a bitset, but from what I can tell its advantages are in being accessible as if it was an array of bools as well as being able to grow dynamically like a vector.
From what I can gather, you don't really have a need for either of those. If that's the case and if populating the bitset is a drama, I would tend towards doing it myself, given that it really is quite simple to allocate a whole bunch of integers and do bit operations on them.
Given that have very specific requirements, you will probably benefit from making your own optimizations. Having access to the raw bit data is kinda crucial for this (for example, using pre-calculated tables of hamming weights for a single byte, or even two bytes if you have memory to spare).
I don't generally advocate reinventing the wheel... But if you have special optimization requirements, it might be best to tailor your solution towards those. In this case, the functionality you are implementing is pretty simple.
Thousands bits does not sound as a lot. But maybe you have millions.
I suggest you write your code as-if you had the ideal implementation by abstracting it (to begin with use whatever implementation is easier to code, ignoring any performance and memory requirement problems) then try several alternative specific implementations to verify (by measuring them) which performs best.
One solution that you did not even consider is to use Judy arrays (specifically Judy1 arrays).
I think if I were you I would probably just save myself the hassle of any DIY and use boost::dynamic_bitset. They've got all the bases covered in terms of functionality, including stream operator overloads which you could use for file IO (or just read your data in as unsigned ints and use their conversions, see their examples) and a count method for your Hamming weight. Boost is very highly regarded a least by Sutter & Alexandrescu, and they do everything in the header file--no linking, just #include the appropriate files. In addition, unlike the Standard Library bitset, you can wait until runtime to specify the size of the bitset.
Edit: Boost does seem to allow for the fast input reading that you need. dynamic_bitset supplies the following constructor:
template <typename BlockInputIterator>
dynamic_bitset(BlockInputIterator first, BlockInputIterator last,
const Allocator& alloc = Allocator());
The underlying storage is a std::vector (or something almost identical to it) of Blocks, e.g. uint64s. So if you read in your bitmap as a std::vector of uint64s, this constructor will write them directly into memory without any bitshifting.

How to use bit values instead of chars in c++ program?

I got some code that I'd like to improve. It's a simple app for one of the variations of 2DBPP and you can take a look at the source at
Here's an outline of things that I use chars for (I'd like to switch to binary values instead.) Initialize a block of memory with '0's ():
char* bin;
bin = new (nothrow) char[area];
memset(bin, '\0', area);
sometimes I check particular values:
if (!bin[j*height+k]) {...}
or blocks:
if (memchr(bin+i*height+pos.y, '\1', pos.height)) {...}
or set values to '1's:
I don't know of any standart types or methods to work with binary values. How do I get to use the bits instead of bytes?
There's a related question that you might be interested in -
C++ performance: checking a block of memory for having specific values in specific cells
Thank you!
Edit: There's still a bigger question - would it be an improvement? I'm only concerned with time.
For starters, you can refer to this post:
How do you set, clear, and toggle a single bit?
Also, try looking into the C++ Std Bitset, or bit field.
I recommend reading up on boost.dynamic_bitset, which is a runtime-sized version of std::bitset.
Alternatively, if you don't want to use boost for some reason, consider using a std::vector<bool>. Quoting
Note that a boolean vector (std::vector<bool>) is a specialization of the vector template that is designed to use less memory. A normal boolean variable usually uses 1-4 bytes of memory, but a boolean vector uses only one bit per boolean value.
Unless memory space is an issue, I would stay away from bit twiddling. You may save some memory space but extend performance time. Packing and unpacking bits takes time, and extra code.
Get the code more robust and correct before attempting bit twiddling. Play with different (high level) designs that can improve performance and memory usage.
If you are going to the bit level, study up on boolean arithmetic and logic. Redesign your data to be easier to manipulate at the bit level.

When to use STL bitsets instead of separate variables?

In what situation would it be more appropriate for me to use a bitset (STL container) to manage a set of flags rather than having them declared as a number of separate (bool) variables?
Will I get a significant performance gain if I used a bitset for 50 flags rather than using 50 separate bool variables?
Well, 50 bools as a bitset will take 7 bytes, while 50 bools as bools will take 50 bytes. These days that's not really a big deal, so using bools is probably fine.
However, one place a bitset might be useful is if you need to pass those bools around a lot, especially if you need to return the set from a function. Using a bitset you have less data that has to be moved around on the stack for returns. Then again, you could just use refs instead and have even less data to pass around. :)
std::bitset will give you extra points when you need to serialize / deserialize it. You can just write it to a stream or read from a stream with it. But certainly, the separate bools are going to be faster. They are optimized for this kind of use after all, while a bitset is optimized for space, and has still function calls involved. It will never be faster than separate bools.
Very space efficient
Less efficient due to bit fiddling
Provides serialize / de-serialize with op<< and op>>
All bits packed together: You will have the flags at one place.
Separate bools
Very fast
Bools are not packed together. They will be members somewhere.
Decide on the facts. I, personally, would use std::bitset for some not-performance critical, and would use bools if I either have only a few bools (and thus it's quite overview-able), or if I need the extra performance.
It depends what you mean by 'performance gain'. If you only need 50 of them, and you're not low on memory then separate bools is pretty much always a better choice than a bitset. They will take more memory, but the bools will be much faster. A bitset is usually implemented as an array of ints (the bools are packed into those ints). So the first 32 bools (bits) in your bitset will only take up a single 32bit int, but to read each value you have to do some bitwise operations first to mask out all the values you don't want. E.g. to read the 2nd bit of a bitset, you need to:
Find the int that contains the bit you want (in this case, it's the first int)
Bitwise And that int with '2' (i.e. value & 0x02) to find out if that bit is set
However, if memory is a bottleneck and you have a lot of bools using a bitset could make sense (e.g. if you're target platform is a mobile phone, or it's some state in a very busy web service)
NOTE: A std::vector of bool usually has a specialisation to use the equivalent of a bitset, thus making it much smaller and also slower for the same reasons. So if speed is an issue, you'll be better off using a vector of char (or even int), or even just use an old school bool array.
RE #Wilka:
Actually, bitsets are supported by C/C++ in a way that doesn't require you to do your own masking. I don't remember the exact syntax, but it's something like this:
struct MyBitset {
bool firstOption:1;
bool secondOption:1;
bool thirdOption:1;
int fourBitNumber:4;
You can reference any value in that struct by just using dot notation, and the right things will happen:
MyBitset bits;
bits.firstOption = true;
bits.fourBitNumber = 2;
if(bits.thirdOption) {
// Whatever!
You can use arbitrary bit sizes for things. The resulting struct can be up to 7 bits larger than the data you define (its size is always the minimum number of bytes needed to store the data you defined).