Advance tab position in C++? - c++

I'm currently writing a program that has debug output strewn throughout it. This is all well and good, but I'd like to be able to advance the tab position for things in different scopes, for instance, this is what I have right now:
#ifndef NDEBUG
printf("Updating player\n");
#ifndef NDEBUG
printf("Done updating player\n");
I'd like to have so that all the output called between these two blocks is advanced by one tab position; however, simply adding tabs to the beginning of Player::Update() output is incredibly clunky AND difficult to maintain.
Anybody got any help? (Note: I have no problem with using cout instead; I was just recently lectured about the overhead and insecurity with cout)

Instead of using printf directly, create a class to handle console output and have a member function such as SetTabLevel() -- and perhaps also IncrementTabLevel() and DecrementTabLevel() -- which tells the class how many tabs to add at the beginning of each subsequent line.

You could have a class that essentially maintained a "tab count" and had a print_line function: when called, it would output tab-count tabs, and then print the line. While you could have a increment_indent function, you could create a sister object TabIndent using RAII: When it is created, increment the tab, when it is destructed, decrement the indent:
TabIndent ti(global_debug_outputter);
global_debug_outputted.print_line("foo bar baz");
// ti's d-tor calls global_debug_outputted.unindent()
class TabIndent
TabIndent(Outputter &o) : m_outputter(o)
class Outputter
// functions indent, unindent, print_line...
Good use of inlines will let the compiler optimize them out when their bodies are empty. Use #ifndef in the Outputter class, and let the compiler optimize the rest out.

The good news is that C++ iostreams are very customizable. The bad news is that the interface is a bit weird.
#include <iostream>
class scoped_streambuf : public std::streambuf {
std::streambuf *sb;
size_t tabs;
bool at_nl;
virtual int_type overflow( int_type c = traits_type::eof() ) {
if ( at_nl ) for ( size_t t = 0; t < tabs; ++ t ) {
int_type r = sb->sputc( '\t' );
if ( r == traits_type::eof() ) return r;
int_type r = sb->sputc( c );
if ( r == traits_type::eof() ) return r;
at_nl = c == '\n';
return c;
virtual int sync() { return sb->pubsync(); }
static void uninstall( std::ios_base::event what, std::ios_base &ios, int ) {
if ( what != std::ios_base::erase_event ) return;
std::ostream &os = dynamic_cast< std::ostream & >( ios );
scoped_streambuf *this_ = static_cast< scoped_streambuf * >( os.rdbuf() );
os.rdbuf( this_->sb );
delete this_;
scoped_streambuf( std::ostream &inos )
: sb( inos.rdbuf( this ) ), tabs(), at_nl() {
inos.register_callback( &uninstall, 0 );
friend std::ostream &indent( std::ostream &os ) {
++ dynamic_cast< scoped_streambuf & >( * os.rdbuf() ).tabs;
return os;
friend std::ostream &outdent( std::ostream &os ) {
-- dynamic_cast< scoped_streambuf & >( * os.rdbuf() ).tabs;
return os;
std::ostream &indent( std::ostream & );
std::ostream &outdent( std::ostream & );
struct indent_scope {
std::ostream &os;
indent_scope( std::ostream &inos ) : os( inos ) { os << indent; }
~indent_scope() { os << outdent; }
int main() {
new scoped_streambuf( std::cout );
std::cout << "hello\n";
indent_scope s( std::cout );
std::cout << "world" << std::endl;
std::cout << "!\n";
I checked that the scoped_streambuf indeed deletes itself when the associated stream is destroyed, but apparently std::cout itself is never destroyed on GCC.
Level-up iostream fu, whee!


Implementing polymorphic components for entity-component system

Without polymorphism
I have implemented an entity-component system that useses templates to get the components. An id is generated for each type. The function size_t GetComponentTypeId<T>() will always return the same id for a given type T.
For better understanding, here the function to add components
template <typename TComponent, typename... TArguments>
inline TComponent & Entity::AddComponent(TArguments&&... arguments)
// Check whether the component doesn't already exist
assert(componentBitSet[detail::GetComponentTypeID<TComponent>()] == false && "The component already exists");
assert(componentArray[detail::GetComponentTypeID<TComponent>()] == nullptr && "The component already exists");
TComponent * c = new TComponent(*this, std::forward<TArguments>(arguments)...);
Component::UPtr uPtr{ c };
// set the component * in the array
componentArray[detail::GetComponentTypeID<TComponent>()] = c;
// set the according component flag to true
componentBitSet[detail::GetComponentTypeID<TComponent>()] = true;
return *c;
And here the function to get components
template<typename TComponent>
inline TComponent & Entity::GetComponent() const
Component * component = componentArray[getComponentTypeID<TComponent>()];
if (component == nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("Entity: This entity does not have the requested component");
return *static_cast<TComponent*>(component);
Nothing special here
Also my current implementation if the GetComponentTypeID() method:
namespace detail
typedef std::size_t ComponentTypeID;
/// #brief Returns a unique number (for each function call) of type std::size_t
inline ComponentTypeID GetComponentID() noexcept
// This will only be initialised once
static ComponentTypeID lastId = 0;
// After the first initialisation a new number will be returned for every function call
return lastId++;
/// #brief Returns a unique number (of type std::size_t) for each type T
/// #details Each component type will have its own unique id.
/// The id will be the same for every instance of that type
/// #tparam T The type for which the id is generated
template <typename T>
inline ComponentTypeID GetComponentTypeID() noexcept
// There will be only one static variable for each template type
static ComponentTypeID typeId = GetComponentID();
return typeId;
} // namespace detail
Adding polymorphism
Now I want to add polymorphic behaivour to my classes. E.g. there might be a SpriteRenderComponent which inherits from RenderComponent (which of course inherits Component). The RenderComponent would have a virtual draw method that is implemented in the SpriteRenderComponent. I want to be able to only add the sprite component and still be able to get the a reference to the renderComponent by calling entity.GetComponent<RenderComponent>() on the entity to which the sprite component has been added to. Calling the draw method on the returned render component reference should call SpriteRenderComponent.draw(). Also I should not be able to add any other components that inherit from render component.
Some of my thoughts
I think, the basic solution would be to add a pointer of the one instance of the SpriteRenderComponent for both ids; RenderComponent and SpriteRenderComponent. This would also prevent the user from adding multiple components that inherit from RenderComponent. The component itself would only be added once to the componentList and so only be updated once per frame (as wanted)
Problem: Making it typesafe
My problem is that I am struggeling to make it typesafe. Also I want to include some kind of check that makes sure that SpriteRenderComponent actually inherits from RenderComponent. My favourite solution would be one that 'automatically adds gets the superclass's ids and adds the component pointer for them as well. I am quite new to this kind of meta programming (perhaps the wrong word) so help would be much appreciated.
One possible solution I found was to add an AddPolymorphism<class TDerivedComponent, class TBaseComponent>() method to the entity class. Here is the implementation:
template<class TDerivedComponent, class TBaseComponent>
inline void Entity::AddPolymorphism()
// Needed since std::is_base_of<T, T> == true
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Component, TBaseComponent>::value, "Entity: TBaseComponent must inherit from Component");
static_assert(std::is_same<Component, TBaseComponent>::value == false, "Entity: TBaseComponent must inherit from Component");
static_assert(std::is_base_of<TBaseComponent, TDerivedComponent>::value, "Entity: TDerivedComponent must inherit from TBaseComponent");
static_assert(std::is_same<Component, TBaseComponent>::value == false, "Entity: TBaseComponent must inherit from Component");
assert(this->HasComponent<TDerivedComponent>() && "Entity: The entity must have the derived component");
auto derivedComponentPtr = componentDictionary.find(detail::GetComponentTypeID<TDerivedComponent>())->second.lock();
componentDictionary.insert(std::make_pair(detail::GetComponentTypeID<TBaseComponent>(), derivedComponentPtr));
I guess its kinda typesafe but for me it has one major issue. It requires me to call this function every single time I add an component that has polymorphic behaivour. Although this is a solution (kinda) I'd much prefer a static way to specify this behaivour.
For the part about making sure it inherits from:
template<typename T>
struct Foo {
static_assert(is_base_of<Base, T>::value, "T must inherit from Base");
Might help you out there; as for the other questions; I will need more time as I have to soon leave... I'll come back to this later on when I get the chance to update this answer.
EDIT - Added some additional classes and show their uses.
I've had some time to work on something; I don't know for sure if this is what you are looking for; but this is a storage-manager type system that I've used before. It does support polymorphic behavior of classes. So maybe this structure will help you out.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include "FooManager.h"
#include "DerivedFoos.h"
int main() {
try {
std::unique_ptr<FooManager> pFooManager;
pFooManager.reset( new FooManager() );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
DerivedA* pA = new DerivedA();
DerivedB* pB = new DerivedB();
pFooManager->add( pA, FOO_A );
pFooManager->add( pB, FOO_B );
} catch ( std::exception& e ) {
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nPress any key to quit.\n";
return -1;
} catch ( std::string str ) {
std::cout << str << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nPress any key to quit.\n";
return -1;
} catch ( ... ) {
std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << " caught unknown exception." << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nPress any key to quit.\n";
return -1;
std::cout << "\nPress any key to quit.\n";
return 0;
#ifndef FOO_BASE_H
#define FOO_BASE_H
enum FooTypes {
class FooBase {
std::string _nameAndId;
std::string _id;
static int _baseCounter;
std::string idOfBase();
virtual std::string idOf() const = 0;
#endif // !FOO_BASE_H
#include "FooBase.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int FooBase::_baseCounter = 0;
FooBase::FooBase() {
_id = std::string( __FUNCTION__ ) + std::to_string( ++_baseCounter );
std::cout << _id << " was created." << std::endl;
std::string FooBase::idOfBase() {
return _id;
std::string FooBase::idOf() const {
return "";
} // empty
#include "FooBase.h"
class DerivedA : public FooBase {
static int _derivedCounter;
std::string idOf() const override;
class DerivedB : public FooBase {
static int _derivedCounter;
std::string idOf() const override;
#endif // !DERIVED_FOOS_H
#include "DerivedFoos.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int DerivedA::_derivedCounter = 0;
int DerivedB::_derivedCounter = 0;
DerivedA::DerivedA() : FooBase() {
_nameAndId = std::string( __FUNCTION__ ) + std::to_string( ++DerivedA::_derivedCounter );
std::cout << _nameAndId << " was created." << std::endl;
std::string DerivedA::idOf() const {
return _nameAndId;
DerivedB::DerivedB() : FooBase() {
_nameAndId = std::string( __FUNCTION__ ) + std::to_string( ++DerivedB::_derivedCounter );
std::cout << _nameAndId << " was created." << std::endl;
std::string DerivedB::idOf() const {
return _nameAndId;
FooManager.h - I'm not going to change the code for this class to replace its name. After looking at this for a little while; it became apparent that something like FooStore or Storage etc. would be a more suitable name for this class. It doesn't really manage anything other than the adding and removing of objects from its member container(s). You could keep its name as is if you decide to add more functionality that does more than just the add and remove objects.
class FooBase;
class DerivedA;
class DerivedB;
enum FooTypes;
class FooManager final {
static bool _alreadyExists;
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<FooBase>> MapFoos;
MapFoos _idsA;
MapFoos _idsB;
std::vector<std::string> _foosForRemoval;
// Foo Objects
FooBase* getFoo( const std::string& id, FooTypes type ) const;
void add( FooBase* foo, FooTypes type );
bool removeFoo( const std::string& id );
template<typename T>
bool removeFoo( T* pFoo );
void markFooForRemoval( const std::string& id );
FooBase* getFoo( const std::string& id, const MapFoos& fooMap ) const;
void add( FooBase* pFoo, MapFoos& fooMap );
bool removeFoo( const std::string& strId, MapFoos& fooMap );
template<typename T>
inline bool FooManager::removeFoo( T* pFoo ) {
return false;
#endif // !FOO_MANAGER_H
#include "FooManager.h"
#include "DerivedFoos.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <memory>
bool FooManager::_alreadyExists = false;
FooManager::FooManager() {
// First check if no other instance is created.
if ( _alreadyExists ) {
std::ostringstream strStream;
strStream << "Failed to create " << __FUNCTION__ << " as it was already created." << std::endl;
throw strStream.str();
// Make sure this is last
_alreadyExists = true;
std::cout << __FUNCTION__ + std::string( " was created successfully." ) << std::endl;
FooManager::~FooManager() {
// If we are destroying make sure to reset flag
// So it can be constructed again.
_alreadyExists = false;
std::cout << __FUNCTION__ + std::string( " was destroyed successfully." ) << std::endl;
FooBase* FooManager::getFoo( const std::string& id, FooTypes type ) const {
switch ( type ) {
case FOO_A: {
return getFoo( id, _idsA );
case FOO_B: {
return getFoo( id, _idsB );
default: {
std::ostringstream strStream;
strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " Unrecognized FooType = " << type;
throw strStream.str();
return nullptr;
FooBase* FooManager::getFoo( const std::string& id, const MapFoos& fooMap ) const {
MapFoos::const_iterator itFoo = fooMap.find( id );
if ( itFoo == fooMap.cend() ) {
return nullptr;
return itFoo->second.get();
void FooManager::add( FooBase* pFoo, FooTypes type ) {
// first check to see foo is valid
if ( nullptr == pFoo ) {
std::ostringstream strStream;
strStream << __FUNCTION__ + std::string( " pFoo == nullptr passed in" );
// Make Sure Name Is Unique Across All Foo Types
for ( int i = 0; i < FOO_UNKNOWN; ++i ) {
if ( getFoo( pFoo->idOf(), (FooTypes)i ) != nullptr ) {
std::ostringstream strStream;
strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " attempting to store " << pFoo->idOf() << " multiple times" << std::endl;
throw strStream.str();
switch ( type ) {
case FOO_A: {
add( pFoo, _idsA );
case FOO_B: {
add( pFoo, _idsB );
default: {
std::ostringstream strStream;
strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " uncrecognized FooType = " << type;
void FooManager::add( FooBase* pFoo, MapFoos& fooMap ) {
fooMap.insert( MapFoos::value_type( pFoo->idOf(), std::shared_ptr<FooBase>( pFoo ) ) );
bool FooManager::removeFoo( DerivedA* pFoo ) {
return removeFoo( pFoo->idOf(), _idsA );
bool FooManager::removeFoo( DerivedB* pFoo ) {
return removeFoo( pFoo->idOf(), _idsB );
bool FooManager::removeFoo( const std::string& id ) {
// Find which type this Foo is in
for ( int i = 0; i < FOO_UNKNOWN; ++i ) {
FooBase* pFoo = getFoo( id, (FooTypes)i );
if ( pFoo != nullptr ) {
// Found It
switch ( static_cast<FooTypes>(i) ) {
case FOO_A: {
return removeFoo( pFoo->idOf(), _idsA );
case FOO_B: {
return removeFoo( pFoo->idOf(), _idsB );
default: {
std::ostringstream strStream;
strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " uncrecognized FooType = " << i;
throw strStream.str();
std::ostringstream strStream;
strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " failed. " << id << " was not found in FooManager";
// don't throw just display message (typically write to log file).
std::cout << strStream.str() << std::endl;
return false;
bool FooManager::removeFoo( const std::string& id, MapFoos& fooMap ) {
MapFoos::iterator itFoo = fooMap.find( id );
if ( itFoo == fooMap.end() ) {
std::ostringstream strStream;
strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " failed. " << id << " was not found in AssetStorage";
// don't throw just display message (typically write to log file).
std::cout << strStream.str() << std::endl;
return false;
} else {
// do what ever from Foo's functions to clean up its internals
// itFoo->second.get()->cleanUp(); // etc.
fooMap.erase( itFoo );
// When the above foo was deleted, there might have been some children
// that were also marked for removal. We can remove them here.
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _foosForRemoval.size(); ++i ) {
itFoo = _idsB.find( _foosForRemoval[i] );
if ( itFoo != _idsB.end() ) {
// Remove this Foo
// do what ever from Foo's functions to clean up its internals.
// itFoo->second.get()->cleanUp(); // etc.
_idsB.erase( itFoo );
} else {
std::ostringstream strStream;
strStream << __FUNCTION__ << " failed to find " << _foosForRemoval[i] << " for removal from the _idsB";
// don't throw just display message (typically write to log file).
std::cout << strStream.str() << std::endl;
return true;
void FooManager::markFooForRemoval( const std::string& id ) {
_foosForRemoval.push_back( id );
It's a nice way to store items dynamically and yes you can see that I'm using new on the pointers in main, but you never see me using delete. This is because once we add that pointer to the manager class, it takes over and handles all the memory for us, since it will turn them into shared_ptr<T>. This manager class also supports polymorphic behavior. This is just a basic shell or structure.
Then from here. You can write another class that holds a pointer to this storage or manager class that will then add and remove items from these containers. The other class would be responsible for finding the objects in this storage and then invoking the methods of the internally stored objects; or you could just add all of that functionality directly into this class. I kind of like to try and keep the storage of things separate from the implementation of things. I hope this structure helps you out, or gives you some ideas to work off of. You can see that I did use function templates within this class to access specific maps of specific derived foos.
You should be able to integrate into the above classes the concept of the is_derived_from as well as checking to see if a specific item already exists and if does don't add it. Final note: you could also split the storage into 2 types where one container will be able to add multiple components that can be rendered multiple times per frame, while the other container can be restrictive. Not sure what kind of benefit you could get with that, maybe in a particle generator or engine system, but the flexibility is there to do that if you need it.
You just need to make detail::GetComponentTypeID<T>() smarter.
You have, in practice, a list of component types.
struct type_list_t {};
using ComponentList = type_list_t<RenderComponent, PhysicsComponent, CharmComponent>;
this list determines how long your pointer and bit flag arrays are. Place this list explicitly in a famous location that everyone knows about.
Yes, this means you have to rebuild if it changes. Tough.
Now you just have to improve detail::GetComponentTypeID<T>(). Have it constexpr or template metaprogramming search the ComponentList for the first type that passes std::is_base_of< ListElement, T >.
And your code now works as written.

Storing vector of doubles into a text file [duplicate]

How do I do the following with std::cout?
double my_double = 42.0;
char str[12];
printf_s("%11.6lf", my_double); // Prints " 42.000000"
I am just about ready to give up and use sprintf_s.
More generally, where can I find a reference on std::ostream formatting that lists everything in one place, rather than spreading it all out in a long tutorial?
EDIT Dec 21, 2017 - See my answer below. It uses features that were not available when I asked this question in 2012.
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setw(11) << std::setprecision(6) << my_double;
You need to add
#include <iomanip>
You need stream manipulators
You may "fill" the empty places with whatever char you want. Like this:
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setw(11) << std::setprecision(6)
<< std::setfill('0') << my_double;
std::cout << boost::format("%11.6f") % my_double;
You have to #include <boost\format.hpp>
In C++20 you can to do
double my_double = 42.0;
char str[12];
std::format_to_n(str, sizeof(str), "{:11.6}", my_double);
std::string s = std::format("{:11.6}", my_double);
In pre-C++20 you can use the {fmt} library that provides an implementation of format_to_n.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of {fmt} and C++20 std::format.
In general, you want to avoid specifying things like 11 and 6 at the
point of output. That's physical markup, and you want logical markup;
e.g. pressure, or volume. That way, you define in a single place
how pressure or volume are formatted, and if that formatting changes,
you don't have to search through out the program to find where to change
the format (and accidentally change the format of something else). In
C++, you do this by defining a manipulator, which sets the various
formatting options, and preferrably restores them at the end of the full
expression. So you end up writing things like:
std::cout << pressure << my_double;
Although I definitly wouldn't use it in production code, I've found the
following FFmt formatter useful for quicky jobs:
class FFmt : public StateSavingManip
explicit FFmt(
int width,
int prec = 6,
std::ios::fmtflags additionalFlags
= static_cast<std::ios::fmtflags>(),
char fill = ' ' );
virtual void setState( std::ios& targetStream ) const;
int myWidth;
int myPrec;
std::ios::fmtflags myFlags;
char myFill;
int width,
int prec,
std::ios::fmtflags additionalFlags,
char fill )
: myWidth( width )
, myPrec( prec )
, myFlags( additionalFlags )
, myFill( fill )
myFlags &= ~ std::ios::floatfield
myFlags |= std::ios::fixed
if ( isdigit( static_cast< unsigned char >( fill ) )
&& (myFlags & std::ios::adjustfield) == 0 ) {
myFlags |= std::ios::internal
std::ios& targetStream ) const
targetStream.flags( myFlags )
targetStream.width( myWidth )
targetStream.precision( myPrec )
targetStream.fill( myFill )
This allows writing things like:
std::cout << FFmt( 11, 6 ) << my_double;
And for the record:
class StateSavingManip
StateSavingManip const& other );
virtual ~StateSavingManip();
void operator()( std::ios& stream ) const;
virtual void setState( std::ios& stream ) const = 0;
StateSavingManip& operator=( StateSavingManip const& );
mutable std::ios* myStream;
mutable std::ios::fmtflags
mutable int mySavedPrec;
mutable char mySavedFill;
inline std::ostream&
std::ostream& out,
StateSavingManip const&
manip )
manip( out );
return out;
inline std::istream&
std::istream& in,
StateSavingManip const&
manip )
manip( in );
return in;
namespace {
// We maintain the value returned by ios::xalloc() + 1, and not
// the value itself. The actual value may be zero, and we need
// to be able to distinguish it from the 0 resulting from 0
// initialization. The function getXAlloc() returns this value
// -1, so we add one in the initialization.
int getXAlloc();
int ourXAlloc = getXAlloc() + 1;
if ( ourXAlloc == 0 ) {
ourXAlloc = std::ios::xalloc() + 1;
assert( ourXAlloc != 0 );
return ourXAlloc - 1;
: myStream( NULL )
StateSavingManip const&
other )
assert( other.myStream == NULL );
if ( myStream != NULL ) {
myStream->flags( mySavedFlags );
myStream->precision( mySavedPrec );
myStream->fill( mySavedFill );
myStream->pword( getXAlloc() ) = NULL;
std::ios& stream ) const
void*& backptr = stream.pword( getXAlloc() );
if ( backptr == NULL ) {
backptr = const_cast< StateSavingManip* >( this );
myStream = &stream;
mySavedFlags = stream.flags();
mySavedPrec = stream.precision();
mySavedFill = stream.fill();
setState( stream );
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main() {
double my_double = 42.0;
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setw(11)
<< std::setprecision(6) << my_double << std::endl;
return 0;
For future visitors who prefer actual printf-style format specs with std::ostream, here is yet another variation, based on Martin York's excellent post in another SO question:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdio.h> //snprintf
class FMT
explicit FMT(const char* fmt): m_fmt(fmt) {}
class fmter //actual worker class
explicit fmter(std::ostream& strm, const FMT& fmt): m_strm(strm), m_fmt(fmt.m_fmt) {}
//output next object (any type) to stream:
template<typename TYPE>
std::ostream& operator<<(const TYPE& value)
// return m_strm << "FMT(" << m_fmt << "," << value << ")";
char buf[40]; //enlarge as needed
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), m_fmt, value);
return m_strm << buf;
std::ostream& m_strm;
const char* m_fmt;
const char* m_fmt; //save fmt string for inner class
//kludge: return derived stream to allow operator overloading:
friend FMT::fmter operator<<(std::ostream& strm, const FMT& fmt)
return FMT::fmter(strm, fmt);
usage example:
double my_double = 42.0;
cout << FMT("%11.6f") << my_double << "more stuff\n";
or even:
int val = 42;
cout << val << " in hex is " << FMT(" 0x%x") << val << "\n";
it's me, the OP, Jive Dadson - five years on. C++17 is becoming a reality.
The advent of variadic template parameters with perfect forwarding has made life so much simpler. The chained madness of ostream<< and boost::format% can be dispensed with. The function oprintf below fills the bill. Work in progress. Feel free to chime in on error-handling, etc...
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string_view>
namespace dj {
template<class Out, class... Args>
Out& oprintf(Out &out, const std::string_view &fmt, Args&&... args) {
const int sz = 512;
char buffer[sz];
int cx = snprintf(buffer, sz,, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if (cx >= 0 && cx < sz) {
return out.write(buffer, cx);
} else if (cx > 0) {
// Big output
std::string buff2;
buff2.resize(cx + 1);
snprintf(, cx,, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return out.write(, cx);
} else {
// Throw?
return out;
int main() {
const double my_double = 42.0;
dj::oprintf(std::cout, "%s %11.6lf\n", "My double ", my_double);
return 0;
Some great answers already; kudos to those!
This is based on some of them. I have added type assertions for POD types, since they are the only safe types usable with printf().
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <type_traits>
namespace fmt {
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct printf_impl
const char* fmt;
const T v;
printf_impl(const char* fmt, const T& v) : fmt(fmt), v(v) {}
template<typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value, std::ostream& >::type
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const printf_impl<T>& p)
char buf[40];
::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), p.fmt, p.v, 40);
return os << buf;
} // namespace detail
template<typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value, detail::printf_impl<T> >::type
printf(const char* fmt, const T& v)
return detail::printf_impl<T>(fmt, v);
} // namespace fmt
Example usage it as below.
std::cout << fmt::printf("%11.6f", my_double);
Give it a try on Coliru.

Getting ostream template to print instance attributes in list of pointers

I'm trying to use a template function to print the attributes of the objects that are pointed to in my list.
class SomeClass {
double myVal;
int myID;
std::list< boost::shared_ptr< SomeClass > > myListOfPtrs;
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
boost::shared_ptr< SomeClass > classPtr( new SomeClass );
myListOfPtrs.push_back( classPtr );
template < typename T > void printList ( const std::list< T > &listRef ) {
if ( listRef.empty() ) {
cout << "List empty.";
} else {
std::ostream_iterator< T > output( cout, " " ); // How to reference myVal near here?
std::copy( listRef.begin(), listRef.end(), output );
printList( myListOfPtrs );
What's printing instead are the pointer addresses. I know what I'd normally do is something like (*itr)->myVal, but I'm not clear how to adapt the template function.
Firstly, don't use shared_ptr here. Your code doesn't give us any reason to use memory management:
std::list<SomeClass> myListofPtrs;
Then you need to provide your own implementation of the stream insertion operator for your class:
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, SomeClass const& obj)
return os << obj.myVal;
If you must use pointers then you can create your own loop:
for (auto a : myListOfPtrs)
std::cout << (*a).myVal << " ";

Floating point format for std::ostream

How do I do the following with std::cout?
double my_double = 42.0;
char str[12];
printf_s("%11.6lf", my_double); // Prints " 42.000000"
I am just about ready to give up and use sprintf_s.
More generally, where can I find a reference on std::ostream formatting that lists everything in one place, rather than spreading it all out in a long tutorial?
EDIT Dec 21, 2017 - See my answer below. It uses features that were not available when I asked this question in 2012.
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setw(11) << std::setprecision(6) << my_double;
You need to add
#include <iomanip>
You need stream manipulators
You may "fill" the empty places with whatever char you want. Like this:
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setw(11) << std::setprecision(6)
<< std::setfill('0') << my_double;
std::cout << boost::format("%11.6f") % my_double;
You have to #include <boost\format.hpp>
In C++20 you can to do
double my_double = 42.0;
char str[12];
std::format_to_n(str, sizeof(str), "{:11.6}", my_double);
std::string s = std::format("{:11.6}", my_double);
In pre-C++20 you can use the {fmt} library that provides an implementation of format_to_n.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of {fmt} and C++20 std::format.
In general, you want to avoid specifying things like 11 and 6 at the
point of output. That's physical markup, and you want logical markup;
e.g. pressure, or volume. That way, you define in a single place
how pressure or volume are formatted, and if that formatting changes,
you don't have to search through out the program to find where to change
the format (and accidentally change the format of something else). In
C++, you do this by defining a manipulator, which sets the various
formatting options, and preferrably restores them at the end of the full
expression. So you end up writing things like:
std::cout << pressure << my_double;
Although I definitly wouldn't use it in production code, I've found the
following FFmt formatter useful for quicky jobs:
class FFmt : public StateSavingManip
explicit FFmt(
int width,
int prec = 6,
std::ios::fmtflags additionalFlags
= static_cast<std::ios::fmtflags>(),
char fill = ' ' );
virtual void setState( std::ios& targetStream ) const;
int myWidth;
int myPrec;
std::ios::fmtflags myFlags;
char myFill;
int width,
int prec,
std::ios::fmtflags additionalFlags,
char fill )
: myWidth( width )
, myPrec( prec )
, myFlags( additionalFlags )
, myFill( fill )
myFlags &= ~ std::ios::floatfield
myFlags |= std::ios::fixed
if ( isdigit( static_cast< unsigned char >( fill ) )
&& (myFlags & std::ios::adjustfield) == 0 ) {
myFlags |= std::ios::internal
std::ios& targetStream ) const
targetStream.flags( myFlags )
targetStream.width( myWidth )
targetStream.precision( myPrec )
targetStream.fill( myFill )
This allows writing things like:
std::cout << FFmt( 11, 6 ) << my_double;
And for the record:
class StateSavingManip
StateSavingManip const& other );
virtual ~StateSavingManip();
void operator()( std::ios& stream ) const;
virtual void setState( std::ios& stream ) const = 0;
StateSavingManip& operator=( StateSavingManip const& );
mutable std::ios* myStream;
mutable std::ios::fmtflags
mutable int mySavedPrec;
mutable char mySavedFill;
inline std::ostream&
std::ostream& out,
StateSavingManip const&
manip )
manip( out );
return out;
inline std::istream&
std::istream& in,
StateSavingManip const&
manip )
manip( in );
return in;
namespace {
// We maintain the value returned by ios::xalloc() + 1, and not
// the value itself. The actual value may be zero, and we need
// to be able to distinguish it from the 0 resulting from 0
// initialization. The function getXAlloc() returns this value
// -1, so we add one in the initialization.
int getXAlloc();
int ourXAlloc = getXAlloc() + 1;
if ( ourXAlloc == 0 ) {
ourXAlloc = std::ios::xalloc() + 1;
assert( ourXAlloc != 0 );
return ourXAlloc - 1;
: myStream( NULL )
StateSavingManip const&
other )
assert( other.myStream == NULL );
if ( myStream != NULL ) {
myStream->flags( mySavedFlags );
myStream->precision( mySavedPrec );
myStream->fill( mySavedFill );
myStream->pword( getXAlloc() ) = NULL;
std::ios& stream ) const
void*& backptr = stream.pword( getXAlloc() );
if ( backptr == NULL ) {
backptr = const_cast< StateSavingManip* >( this );
myStream = &stream;
mySavedFlags = stream.flags();
mySavedPrec = stream.precision();
mySavedFill = stream.fill();
setState( stream );
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main() {
double my_double = 42.0;
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setw(11)
<< std::setprecision(6) << my_double << std::endl;
return 0;
For future visitors who prefer actual printf-style format specs with std::ostream, here is yet another variation, based on Martin York's excellent post in another SO question:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdio.h> //snprintf
class FMT
explicit FMT(const char* fmt): m_fmt(fmt) {}
class fmter //actual worker class
explicit fmter(std::ostream& strm, const FMT& fmt): m_strm(strm), m_fmt(fmt.m_fmt) {}
//output next object (any type) to stream:
template<typename TYPE>
std::ostream& operator<<(const TYPE& value)
// return m_strm << "FMT(" << m_fmt << "," << value << ")";
char buf[40]; //enlarge as needed
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), m_fmt, value);
return m_strm << buf;
std::ostream& m_strm;
const char* m_fmt;
const char* m_fmt; //save fmt string for inner class
//kludge: return derived stream to allow operator overloading:
friend FMT::fmter operator<<(std::ostream& strm, const FMT& fmt)
return FMT::fmter(strm, fmt);
usage example:
double my_double = 42.0;
cout << FMT("%11.6f") << my_double << "more stuff\n";
or even:
int val = 42;
cout << val << " in hex is " << FMT(" 0x%x") << val << "\n";
it's me, the OP, Jive Dadson - five years on. C++17 is becoming a reality.
The advent of variadic template parameters with perfect forwarding has made life so much simpler. The chained madness of ostream<< and boost::format% can be dispensed with. The function oprintf below fills the bill. Work in progress. Feel free to chime in on error-handling, etc...
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string_view>
namespace dj {
template<class Out, class... Args>
Out& oprintf(Out &out, const std::string_view &fmt, Args&&... args) {
const int sz = 512;
char buffer[sz];
int cx = snprintf(buffer, sz,, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if (cx >= 0 && cx < sz) {
return out.write(buffer, cx);
} else if (cx > 0) {
// Big output
std::string buff2;
buff2.resize(cx + 1);
snprintf(, cx,, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return out.write(, cx);
} else {
// Throw?
return out;
int main() {
const double my_double = 42.0;
dj::oprintf(std::cout, "%s %11.6lf\n", "My double ", my_double);
return 0;
Some great answers already; kudos to those!
This is based on some of them. I have added type assertions for POD types, since they are the only safe types usable with printf().
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <type_traits>
namespace fmt {
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct printf_impl
const char* fmt;
const T v;
printf_impl(const char* fmt, const T& v) : fmt(fmt), v(v) {}
template<typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value, std::ostream& >::type
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const printf_impl<T>& p)
char buf[40];
::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), p.fmt, p.v, 40);
return os << buf;
} // namespace detail
template<typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value, detail::printf_impl<T> >::type
printf(const char* fmt, const T& v)
return detail::printf_impl<T>(fmt, v);
} // namespace fmt
Example usage it as below.
std::cout << fmt::printf("%11.6f", my_double);
Give it a try on Coliru.

ofstream reset precision

I'm using c++ to manipulate txt files.
I need to write some numbers with a certain precision so I'm doing:
ofstrem file;, ios::app);
file.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floafield);
//writing number on the file.....
now I need to write other stuff, so I need to reset precision.
how can I do it?
Retrieve the stream's original precision value first with precision(), store it, change it, do your insertions, then change it back to the stored value.
int main() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << 1.12345 << " ";
std::streamsize p = ss.precision();
ss << 1.12345 << " ";
ss << 1.12345;
cout << ss.str(); // 1.12345 1.1 1.12345
Live demo.
There are two possible solutions. If you're handling a large block of
output which uses the same formatting parameters, you can use something
like this:
class IOSave
std::ios& myStream;
std::ios::fmtflags myFlags;
std::streamsize myPrecision;
char myFill;
IOSave( std::ios& userStream )
: myStream( userStream )
, myFlags( userStream.flags() )
, myPrecision( userStream.precision() )
, myFill( userStream.fill() )
myStream.flags( myFlags );
myStream.precision( myPrecision );
myStream.fill( myFill );
Just define an instance of it at the top of the block doing the output.
Most of the time, however, I'll be defining my own manipulator, which
derives from something like:
class StateSavingManipulator
mutable std::ios* myStream;
mutable std::ios::fmtflags mySavedFlags;
mutable int mySavedPrec;
mutable char mySavedFill;
virtual void setState( std::ios& stream ) const = 0 ;
virtual ~StateSavingManipulator();
void operator()( std::ios& stream ) const ;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& out,
StateSavingManip const& manip)
manip( out ) ;
return out ;
inline std::istream&
std::istream& in,
StateSavingManip const& manip )
manip( in ) ;
return in ;
The implementation is a bit tricky, since you have to take into account
that if several manipulators are used in the same expression, the
compiler can construct them (and thus destruct them) in any order it
pleases. So:
namespace {
int getXAlloc() ;
int ourXAlloc = getXAlloc() + 1 ;
int getXAlloc()
if ( ourXAlloc == 0 ) {
ourXAlloc = std::ios::xalloc() + 1 ;
assert( ourXAlloc != 0 ) ;
return ourXAlloc - 1 ;
: myStream( NULL )
if ( myStream != NULL ) {
myStream->flags( mySavedFlags ) ;
myStream->precision( mySavedPrec ) ;
myStream->fill( mySavedFill ) ;
myStream->pword( getXAlloc() ) = NULL ;
void StateSavingManipulator::operator()(
std::ios& stream ) const
void*& backptr = stream.pword( getXAlloc() ) ;
if ( backptr == NULL ) {
backptr = const_cast< StateSavingManip* >( this ) ;
myStream = &stream ;
mySavedFlags = stream.flags() ;
mySavedPrec = stream.precision() ;
mySavedFill = stream.fill() ;
setState( stream ) ;
The derived manipulator then does whatever it has to in its implementation of setState. Given this, you can write things like:
std::cout << FFmt( 6, 2 ) << someValue << std::endl;
without having to worry about saving and restoring the formatting state.
One solution:
std::streamsize oldPres = file.precision(2);
file.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floafield);
… code continues …