Use Django admin modules inside own forms - django

In the Django admin i have a customized changelist with added search and filters. I have been looking alot but cannot seem to find a way to use the whole "changelist module" outside of admin. So i can embed it in one of my own pages.
I do not need any of the authentication or anything like that. I just want to show a table (for a content management backend) that has the nice search, sort and filter capabilities.
Is there perhaps any documentation about doing this?

Of course you can use the ChangeList class for your own projects. I cannot give you a full documentation on doing so here, but some points to start with.
Have a look here to see how the
ChangeList has to be initialized in
your view. (The ChangeList class
lives at
django.contrib.admin.views.main, so
import it from there!)
Look at the admin templates to see how the
corresponding template tags are used.
(also this template)
Maybe you will also find the django.contrib.databrowse-application helpful!


How can I reuse Django admin search feature?

I'm developing an application with Django.I'm using Django admin's search feature like this:
class ProductAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
search_fields = ('image_name', 'product_name', )
And it gives a very nice search on these columns. Now I want to use this search in my views and inside my code. I mean I want to reuse this search which Django uses for the admin page in my code.
I've read the code of ModelAdmin class but I couldn't reuse it, because it uses some objects from other layers of Django.
So I couldn't figure out how can I do this.
I found an answer to this. My main concern was being able to use Django admin search because it was completely identical to what I needed and not because of I wanted to adhere to the "write once" philosophy. So I read the code and copied the part which was doing the search thing. I removed some error detection parts and general purpose codes and passed the variables which it needed to work correctly and then it worked.

Django Haystack override class's index_queryset in subclass

I'm using Django Haystack (with Aldryn Search) to search content on a client site. However, we need to modify the Articles indexed from the Aldryn NewsBlog plugin - Articles assigned to the Intranet Section should not be indexed. So I made a subclass in my plugin to override that like the documentation says to do:
Subclasses can override this method to avoid indexing certain objects.
However, when I try to rebuild the index it says:
aldryn_newsblog.models.Article has more than one 'SearchIndex`` handling it. Please exclude either aldryn_newsblog.search_indexes.ArticleIndex object or search_modifier.search_indexes.BlogHelperIndex object
The documentation is not clear to me what I need to write to have this modify the existing index from the NewsBlog plugin. I don't want to totally exclude it like the error is suggesting, but to subclass it like the documentation says to do.
Here is my file:
from aldryn_newsblog.search_indexes import ArticleIndex
class BlogHelperIndex(ArticleIndex):
def index_queryset(self):
# make sure only public posts are pulled
return self.get_model().objects.exclude(app_config__app_title='DirectConnection')
I'm a moron. Aldryn Newsblog provides a simple checkbox in the Sections' settings to enable/disable indexing of that section without the need for a code change.

How to add report section to the Django admin?

I want to implement a report section in Django admin. This would mean adding a custom section in the admin homepage where instead of a list of models I would see a list of reports. I want to use Django's admin tables with filters, sorting, everything if possible.
What would be the "best" way of achieving this? I realize this is a "big" question so I'm not asking for code snippets necessarily, a summary of needed actions would be just fine :)
P.S. Be report I mean a "made up" model by custom queries (queryset or how it's called).
P.S.2 Maybe this question should be something like: How to use Django admin tables functionality in own admin view?
P.S.3 Or maybe there is a way of providing to the existing admin interface my own data. This way I don't have to do anything else. I just want to say instead of a model take this data and display it in a nice table which I can sort, filter etc etc.
So you are attempting to add in new pages into the django admin.
This section explains to you exactly how you can do so -
The basic idea is to add in new urls that you want in your as if you are adding urls for your "front end" pages. The key difference is that these new urls you are adding should start with ^admin/ and would look something like ^admin/my_special_link_in_admin and this url will point to your own custom view function at a location you so prefer.
(r'^admin/my_special_link_in_admin/$', 'my_custom_admin_app.views.special_admin_page'),
So this is the way for complete customization. There's a very good tutorial which I refer to here -
In addition, if you don't want to do too much work, consider using Django Admin Plus -
Or a django-admin-views -

Best way to fix django admin preview of flatpage attached to multiple sites

I have flatpage attached to multiple sites. Its admin preview chooses
arbitrary site, which is quite obvious after debugging up to lines 35-36 of
What would be the best way of fixing this problem?
I see that the shortcut() function takes a request object, so I could just extract host from there, but I prefer to not patch the live server.
I haven't looked at catching admin url yet, so maybe someone can suggest some nice solution?
In my opinion, this could be considered a bug in Django, and at least a partial fix would be to check if the current SITE_ID is one of the sites related to the object, and if so use that one instead of an arbitrary one. You could file a ticket with a patch.
To fix it without patching Django, you might look into overriding the admin edit-form template for the flatpages model so that you can put the URL you want into that link instead of the default one that goes to the shortcut view. I haven't looked into it enough to know how clean that would be.
Another option might be to monkeypatch the Flatpage model with a get_absolute_url method that actually returns a complete absolute url, including the domain, based on Site.objects.get_current().domain.

How to approach creating Related Links generic (like Comments/Tags) in Django

Since I have not found a Related Links app that works with Django 1.0/trunk, I was looking to create my own.
I would like to attach "Related Links" to models in the same generic way that Comments framework or Tags work.
I've looked over the Content Types documentation but can't wrap my head around (nor find much documentation for) how to use Generic inline formsets - which is what I'm pretty sure I have to use, but correct me if I'm wrong.
My specific requirement is to be able to relate these "Related Links" to almost any model, and to have the form available outside of the Admin - I'll have logged in members of a certain role adding these links, in my specific case.
I thought about tearing into the source of the Comments app, but I know that it uses special template tags, etc, and I'm just not sure if that'd be overkill for this task.
Looking for links, extra documentation, and possibly even examples of using the generic inline formsets (in Generic Views), or solving the problem in a different way if I'm approaching it wrong.
EDIT: I've used James Bennett's example of Generic Inlines to construct and successfully use those Related Links in the Admin. So the real question is: How do I use James' Related Links outside of the Admin?
You can use django.contrib.contenttypes.generic.generic_inlineformset_factory for that. It has the same interface as inlineformset_factory (with 2 additional parameters: ct_field and fk_field, they can be used to specify your model's contenttype's related field names instead of inlineformset_factory's fk_name).
Documentation for inlineformset_factory can be found here:
Documentation for formsets is also useful.