Select new to create complex object with nested new throws cast exception - subsonic3

Has anyone had this issue? I am trying to get objects from the database and create a complex poco but I get a cast issue.
The Account property on the poco message type is a poco account type and it will tell me that whatever the first field type is can't be cast to PocoAccount, so in the example below, AccountID is an int so i'll get int cant' be cast to PocoAccount.
var result = (from a in DbAccount.All()
join m in DbMessage.All() on m.AccountID equals a.AccountID
select new PocoMessage {
Account = new PocoAccount {
AccountID = a.AccountID,
FirstName = a.FirstName,
LastName = a.LastName
MessageID = m.MessageID,
Subject = m.Subject,
Body = m.Body

If found a similar post that suggested using ToList() which seems to fix the issue however it doesn't feel quite right and I haven't checked out the sql consequence.
var result = (from a in DbAccount.All().ToList()
join m in DbMessage.All().ToList() on m.AccountID equals a.AccountID
select new PocoMessage {
Account = new PocoAccount {
AccountID = a.AccountID,
FirstName = a.FirstName,
LastName = a.LastName
MessageID = m.MessageID,
Subject = m.Subject,
Body = m.Body


WebMethod returning multiple line (list<>) from SQL query in WCF with Entity Framework Linq

Creating a WCF in VisualStudio 2017, I need to create a WebMethod that will return multiple rows from a SQL query. Here is the code that is not working...
public List<TABLE_NAME> GetAllLineInfoDetailes(string OrderNumberSM)
string #OrdNumLG = OrderNumberSM;
List<TABLE_NAME> OrdNo = new List<TABLE_NAME>();
var OrdNo_LINES = (from p in pubs.TABLE_NAME select p.OrderNumber == #OrdNumLG);
foreach (TABLE_NAME OrderLine in OrdNo_LINES)
a.ItemNumber = OrderLine.ItemNumber;
a.LineNumber = OrderLine.LineNumber;
a.OrderNumber = OrderLine.OrderNumber;
return OrdNo;
The foreach is giving error "Cannot convert type 'bool' to 'CONNECTION_NAME.TABLE_NAME'"
Any help with this, or a better way to return the full result set, would be appreciated.
As the error says, it's a type conversion problem.
You need to
var OrdNo_LINES = (from p in pubs.TABLE_NAME select p.OrderNumber = #OrdNumLG);
var OrdNo_LINES = (from p in pubs.TABLE_NAME select p.OrderNumber == #OrdNumLG);
Found what will work...
public List<TABLE_NAME> GetAllLineInfoDetailes(string OrderNumberSM)
string #OrdNumSM = OrderNumberSM;
var query = (from c in pubs.TABLE_NAME
where c.OrderNumber == #OrdNumSM
orderby c.LineNumber ascending
select c).ToList();
return query;

MS CRM 2013 Attribute parentcustomeridtype must not be NULL if attribute parentcustomerid is not NULL

Dear smart developers out there,
I encounter a problem when I want to create a contact belonging to an organization in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 via web services
client = new OrganizationServiceClient("CustomBinding_IOrganizationService");
var newContactProperties = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{ "lastname", "TestContact"},
{ "firstname", "A"},
{ "fullname", "A TestContact"}
/* organizationType is a CRM.CRMWebServices.OptionSetValue
* with ExtensionData null, PropertyChanged null and a valid Value
* orgReference is a CRM.CRMWebServices.EntityReference
* with a valid Id
newContactProperties.Add("parentcustomeridtype", organizationType);
newContactProperties.Add("parentcustomerid", orgReference);
var entity = new Entity();
entity.LogicalName = "contact";
entity.Attributes = new AttributeCollection();
This gives me error 'Attribute parentcustomeridtype must not be NULL if attribute parentcustomerid is not NULL'
I am puzzled why this happens and how I can solve this problem. Please help me if you can.
Thank you,
You don't need to set "parentcustomeridtype" attribute separately. It's a system field, will be set by platform and in parentcustomerid exists for legacy reason, when it was Customer type in earlier versions of Dynamics CRM.
You need to specify only EntityReference in lookup field.
newContactProperties.Add("parentcustomerid", new EntityReference("account", new Guid("{accountid guid}")));
Also it's not clear what type you use in "orgReference" field. For contact valid entity types should be "account" or "contact".
thank you for the answers, I did not manage to get it right using web services this way.
I tried using Early Bound access with success:
Generated proxy objects using
Added line [assembly: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client.ProxyTypesAssemblyAttribute()] to assemblyInfo to have Intellisense available (even for customized fields)
Now I manage to create a contact and assign it to an organization (something like this):
var contact = new Contact()
FirstName = "Bob",
LastName = "Dobalina",
Address1_Line1 = "123 Strasse",
Address1_City = "Berlin",
Address1_PostalCode = "32254",
Telephone1 = "425-555-5678",
EMailAddress1 = ""
var account = new Account()
Name = "Siemens Germany",
context.AddLink(account, "contact_customer_accounts", contact);

What is the preferred method of updating Money fields in Dynamics CRM 2013 via Web Services?

I have an entity in CRM that has some Money fields on them. At the time of the creation of the entity there is no value for those fields, so the entity is created and saved. However if I then have values and go to update them (either through the UI or Web Services) I basically get an error stating "The currency cannot be null".
In the UI:
I then get a red circle with an X through it if I go to update the value.
In the code (web service call):
var crmService = new CrmServiceReference.IFAAContext(new Uri(crmWebServicesUrl));
crmService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
var crmAccount = crmService.AccountSet.Where(a => a.AccountId == accountId).FirstOrDefault();
crmAccount.myitems_MoneyValueItem.Value = 10.0m;
I then get the "The currency cannot be null" on the .SaveChanges() call.
In the code (second attempt):
var crmService = new CrmServiceReference.IFAAContext(new Uri(crmWebServicesUrl));
crmService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
var crmAccount = crmService.AccountSet.Where(a => a.AccountId == accountId).FirstOrDefault();
var crmCurrency = crmService.TransactionCurrencySet.Where(c => c.ISOCurrencyCode == "AUD").First();
crmService.SetLink(crmAccount, "TransactionCurrency_Account", crmCurrency);
//crmService.SaveChanges() /* tried with this uncommented as well to try and "set currency" before setting value */
crmAccount.myitems_MoneyValueItem.Value = 10.0m;
So this attempt fails in the same way, however if I run it a second time (without the currency and SetLink) so that the currency was saved before then it does work - hence the atempt to do a second .SaveChanges() but really need it to sort of work the first time through.
In the code (third attempt):
var crmService = new CrmServiceReference.IFAAContext(new Uri(crmWebServicesUrl));
crmService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
var crmAccount = crmService.AccountSet.Where(a => a.AccountId == accountId).FirstOrDefault();
crmAccount.athos_MoneyValueItem= new CrmServiceReference.Money() { Value = 10.0m };
This doesn't appear to work either
When you create a new record containing a Money field (or updating an existing one where no Money fields are filled before) , you need to specify the currency, the right field to set is TransactionCurrencyId (logical name transactioncurrencyid), it's a lookup (so inside the code is an EntityReference) to the currency entity.
assuming you have the Guid of your currency stored inside the currencyId variable:
var crmAccount = crmService.AccountSet.Where(a => a.AccountId == accountId).FirstOrDefault();
crmAccount.TransactionCurrencyId = new EntityReference(TransactionCurrency.LogicalName, currencyId);
crmAccount.myitems_MoneyValueItem = new Money(10.0m); //better to update the money field with this syntax
CRM 2013 expects a Money object for a currency field.
crmAccount.myitems_MoneyValueItem = new Money(10.0m);
You shouldn't have to explicitly declare a currency unless your CRM organization doesn't have a default currency set (and since you need to set this when creating an organization, it should always be set).
It looks like if I do a lookup on currency (shame as an extra data call) and then use that to set the TransactionCurrencyId it then "works" ... seems like I shouldn't have to do this as I do have a default set for the organisation though. But this does appear to be working in that it results in being able to update those fields.
var crmCurrency = crmService.TransactionCurrencySet.Where(c => c.ISOCurrencyCode == currencyCode).First();
var crmService = new CrmServiceReference.IFAAContext(new Uri(crmWebServicesUrl));
crmService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
var crmAccount = crmService.AccountSet.Where(a => a.AccountId == accountId).FirstOrDefault();
crmAccount.TransactionCurrencyId = new CrmServiceReference.EntityReference() { Id = crmCurrency.TransactionCurrencyId, LogicalName = "transactioncurrency", Name = crmCurrency.CurrencyName };
crmAccount.myitems_MoneyValueItem.Value = 10.0m;
i am doing the same thing as you but unable to set the money field value during service.create.
I have already put in
entity.Attributes["transactioncurrencyid"] = currencyGuid;
entity.Attributes["new_moneyfield"] = new Money(123.45M);
but in the end, the record is created with the transactioncurrency field populated, while the money field is blank.
Its a custom workflow on CRM online 2016 by the way..

Invoking AX web service via C#

I am trying to connect to the AX web services. What I will do it to fetch the right price given a product and a customer.
I realised the right webservice to use is PriceListServiceClient and I am able to log in to it using windows authentication, but I cannot retrieve any data from it.
Here is my code:
PriceListServiceClient priceListServiceClient = new PriceListServiceClient();
priceListServiceClient.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = "yyy";
priceListServiceClient.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = "zzz!";
priceListServiceClient.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Domain = "xxx";
CriteriaElement[] criteriaElement = new CriteriaElement[1];
criteriaElement[0] = new CriteriaElement();
criteriaElement[0].DataSourceName = "SalesPrice";
criteriaElement[0].FieldName = "ItemId";
criteriaElement[0].Operator = Operator.NotEqual;
criteriaElement[0].Value1 = "5637153175";
QueryCriteria queryCriteria = new QueryCriteria();
queryCriteria.CriteriaElement = criteriaElement;
CallContext callContext = new CallContext();
var found = priceListServiceClient.find(callContext, queryCriteria);
Any idea about why this is happening?
Try filling in the properties in the CallContext (company and language).
new CallContext { Company = "zzz", Language = "nl" };
I found the answer here:
The Ax class for Price List document is AxPriceDiscTmpPrintout Class. This class wraps the TmpPriceDiscPrintout table, which is a TMP table. That's why you are not getting anything in return.

subsonic 3.0 active record update

I am able to retrieve database values and insert database values, but I can't figure out what the Update() syntax should be with a where statement.
Environment -> ASP.Net, C#
const string Namespace = "subsonic_db.Data";
const string ConnectionStringName = "subsonic_dbConnectionString";
//This is the name of your database and is used in naming
//the repository. By default we set it to the connection string name
const string DatabaseName = "subsonic_db";
Retreive example
var product = equipment.SingleOrDefault(x => == 1);
Insert Example
equipment my_equipment = new equipment();
// insert
my_equipment.parent_id = 0;
my_equipment.primary_id = 0;
my_equipment.product_code = product_code.Text;
my_equipment.product_description = product_description.Text;
my_equipment.product_type_id = Convert.ToInt32(product_type_id.SelectedItem.Value);
my_equipment.created_date = DateTime.Now;
my_equipment.serial_number = serial_number.Text;
catch (Exception err)
lblError.Text = err.Message;
Edit: Think that I was just too tired last night, it is pretty easy to update. Just use the retrieve function and use the Update() on that.
var equip = Equipment.SingleOrDefault(x => == 1);
lblGeneral.Text = equip.product_description;
equip.product_description = "Test";
Resolved. View answer above.