I have a resizable dialog that contains a CTabCtrl, the tab control has 4 tabs that when clicked on displays one of four different CTreeCtrls.
I have derived a class from CTabCtrl, which keeps track of its "child" controls like so:
class Container: public CTabCtrl {
vector<CWnd*> _children;
int Container::AddTab(CWnd* Child) {
CString txt;Child->GetWindowText(txt);
int idx = this->InsertItem(this->GetItemCount(), txt, 0);
if(idx == 0) {
CRect c;
this->AdjustRect(FALSE, c);
Child->SetWindowPos(&wndTop, c.left, c.top, c.Width(), c.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
} else Child->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
return idx;
And I attempt to draw the child controls like so:
void Container::OnTabChanging(NMHDR*, LRESULT* pResult) { // hide the changed from tab
int selected = this->GetCurSel();
if(selected != -1)
// move old window to bottom of the zorder and hide
_children[selected]->SetWindowPos(&wndBottom, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_HIDEWINDOW);
*pResult = 0;
// show the child for the tab being changed to
void CNodeContainer::OnTabChanged(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) {
int selected = this->GetCurSel();
CRect c;
this->AdjustRect(FALSE, c);
_children[selected]->SetWindowPos(&wndTop, c.left, c.top, c.Width(), c.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_FRAMECHANGED);
*pResult = 0;
However the child controls, whilst they appear, don't always draw correctly, they sort of mix up their content together and only show the right content when i click on them (the actual tree controls).
Is this the best way of drawing and moving windows around in the zorder, what am I missing?
Many thanks
Instead of just changing the z-order of your children, completely hide every child except the top one. I use the same approach in a custom CTabCtrl and it works fine.
Its fixed now - the problem came from the fact that the in the resize code for the tabctrl, I was using movewindow to move the child windows into place - This was changing the zorder of the child windows.
This could solve the problem after your window or tab apears. Try to use
In OnTabChanging() function before it returns.
(Update, see original question below)
After doing a bit of digging, I'm basically trying to understand the following; In the context of an MDI application, if a menu (which is associated with a specific CChildWnd) has an MF_OWNERDRAW, why are the ON_WM_MEASUREITEM and ON_WM_DRAWITEM events send to the CMainWnd instead of the CChildWnd?
In my InitInstance, the document template is registered and the associated menu is modified to add the MF_OWNERDRAW:
BOOL CMyApp::InitInstance()
// ...
CMultiDocTemplate* pDocTemplate;
pDocTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate(
if (pDocTemplate->m_hMenuShared != NULL) {
CMenu* pMenu = CMenu::FromHandle(pDocTemplate->m_hMenuShared);
// Add MF_ONWERDRAW to the items that need it.
pMenu->ModifyMenu([item_id], MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_OWNERDRAW, [item_id]);
// ...
So, once the document template is registered, the menu associated with the document/frame is modified to add the MF_ONWERDRAW flag to each of the required items (the color selection items in my case).
However, why are the OnMeasureItem and OnDrawItem events send to the CMainWnd and not the CFooWnd? And how can I direct the events to the CFooWnd instead?
The reason I'am asking, if I have 5 different types of documents in my MDI application, each needing custom menus, then the CMainWnd basically becomes a mess of message handling. The logical place for the custom menu logic is in the CChildWnd, not the CMainWnd.
Original question:
I'm doing some work on a very old application (MFC 4.2) and I'm running into a problem with drawing in a menu item.
The original application has a menu to select a color and it actually draws the colors in the menu when opened so it easier for the user to select the color.
The behavior for this implemented in CMainWnd using the OnMeasureItem and the OnDrawItem.
class CMainWnd : public CMDIFrameWnd
afx_msg void OnMeasureItem(int, LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT);
afx_msg void OnDrawItem(int, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT);
Then, in the implementation (omitted bits and pieces for brevity):
void CMainWnd::OnMeasureItem(int nIDCtl, LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpmis)
lpmis->itemWidth = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU) * 4;
lpmis->itemHeight = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU) * 1;
void CMainWnd::OnDrawItem(int nIDCtl, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis)
CDC dc;
CBrush* pBrush;
// draw the hover/selection rectangle
pBrush = new CBrush(::GetSysColor((lpdis->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) ? COLOR_HIGHLIGHT :
dc.FrameRect(&(lpdis->rcItem), pBrush);
delete pBrush;
// load a checkbox icon into a bitmap
CBitmap bitmap;
bitmap.GetObject(sizeof(bm), &bm);
// if color/item selected then draw the checkbox
if (lpdis->itemState & ODS_CHECKED) {
CDC dcMem;
CBitmap* pOldBitmap = dcMem.SelectObject(&bitmap);
lpdis->rcItem.left + 4,
lpdis->rcItem.top + (((lpdis->rcItem.bottom - lpdis->rcItem.top) - bm.bmHeight) / bm.bmWidth,
// draw the actual color bar
pBrush = new CBrush(CPaintDoc::m_crColors[lpdis->itemID - ID_COLOR_BLACK]);
CRect rect = lpdis->rcItem;
rect.DeflateRect(6, 4);
rect.left += bm.bmWidth;
dc.FillRect(rect, pBrush);
delete pBrush;
What the OnDrawItem does is; it draws a horizontal color bar with a color, prefixed by a check icon if that color is selected and the menu item being hovered over is highlighted by a box being drawn around it.
However, since I'm turning this application into a Multidoc application and I don't really feel that this logic should be in the CMainWnd (since none of the other documents will have this type of menu), but that it should be part of the CChildWnd (which inherits from CMDIChildWnd).
But when I move this logic to that class, when I run the application, I get following message in the console logger:
Warning: unknown WM_MEASUREITEM for menu item 0x0082.
And none of the custom menu behavior seems to work.
so, the question is; How can move the custom behavior of a menu into the frame class of an MDI document rather than having it located in the application main frame?
I figured out a work around. Not ideal but I can understand that this is a quirk in the framework, i.e. the menu seems to be part of the MainWnd so from a technical point of view, that is where the ON_WM_MEASUREITEM and ON_WM_DRAWITEM would be handled.
Anyhow, my work around. Basically capture the events in the MainWnd and then delegate the behaviour to the ChildWnd. The trick here (I guess) is to figure out what ChildWnd to delegate to since in an MDI application there can be any number of different ChildWnd's (each with their own Document and View types).
The work around:
void CMainWnd::OnMeasureItem(int nIDCtl, LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpmis)
CMDIChildWnd* pActiveWnd = MDIGetActive();
if(pActiveWnd && pActiveWnd->IsWindowVisible())
if(pActiveWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyChildWnd))) {
CMyChildWnd* pMyChildWnd = (CMyChildWnd*)pActiveWnd;
CMyChildWnd->DoMeasureItem(nIDCtl, lpmis);
void CMainWnd::OnDrawItem(int nIDCtl, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis)
CMDIChildWnd* pActiveWnd = MDIGetActive();
if(pActiveWnd && pActiveWnd->IsWindowVisible())
if(pActiveWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyChildWnd))) {
CMyChildWnd* pMyChildWnd = (CMyChildWnd*)pActiveWnd;
CMyChildWnd->DoDrawItem(nIDCtl, lpdis);
Pretty straight forward, in the context of the MainWnd, get a pointer to the active MDI ChildWnd, check if it is active, then check the type by using IsKindOf and RUNTIME_CLASS and if so, voila, delegate the behavior to the ChildWnd. To DoMeasureItem and the DoDrawItem are just public methods implemented on the ChildWnd (see question for details).
I have CMFCRibbonBar control. I need to create my custom tooltip. My tooltip derives from CMFCToolTipCtrl and works quite well. But...
When I hover a ribbon button, tooltip shows up. That's great. But when I move the mouse out of the button, tooltip is closed. That is not what I want. I just need to be able to move the mouse on the tooltip and click the link that is on the tooltip. Imagine this is some kind of interactive tooltip. What can I do to achieve that?
OK, I've done something that is useful, but the outcome is not satisfying 100%.
So, first of all, create your own tooltip, inheriting from CMfcToolTipCtrl.
The idea is that:
- user may want to interact with your tooltip, or not. So we have to create some smart way from closing and showing the tooltip.
- We can assume, that when user hovers the tooltip with mouse, then he wants to interact.
Unfortunately whenever user moves the mouse from the ribbon button, the tooltip dissapears. But sometimes we can catch MouseMove inside it. But it's rather rare. So, we have to get the moment, when tooltip is closed by a system.
There is such a message that we can add to message map:
ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT(TTN_POP, &CAsInteractiveToolTip::OnPop)
Now, our OnPop will look like that (I am using pImpl idiom):
void CAsInteractiveToolTip::OnPop(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
if (m_pImpl->m_forceClose)
CMFCToolTipCtrl::OnPop(pNMHDR, pResult);
m_pImpl->m_forceOpened = false;
m_pImpl->m_forceClose = false;
*pResult = 0;
Now, what's happening here is:
- when tooltip is being closed, check if it's force closed by our code. If not, it means that it's closed by system. In such case, we have to give the user a chance to hover the mouse over our tooltip. So, we have to show the tooltip again (force it to show). This is done in timer method. StartForceOpenTimer is simple method that starts the timer:
void StartForceOpenTimer()
if (!m_forceOpenTimerActive)
m_forceOpenTimerActive = true;
Now, the magic starts in timer method:
void CAsInteractiveToolTip::OnForceTimer()
static DWORD waitForUserStartTime = 0;
static bool waitingForUserReaction = false;
if (!waitingForUserReaction)
//open and give the user chance to mouse move over it within 0.5 seconds
SetWindowPos(&wndTopMost, -1, -1, -1, -1, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
waitForUserStartTime = GetTickCount();
waitingForUserReaction = true;
if (GetTickCount() - waitForUserStartTime > 500)
m_pImpl->m_forceClose = true;
waitingForUserReaction = false;
if (m_pImpl->m_doForceOpen)
waitingForUserReaction = false;
m_pImpl->m_forceOpened = true;
Overall idea is:
- force to show the tooltip
- wait about 0.5 second for a user to hover the mouse
- if user hovers the mouse over tooltip window, we can assume that he wants to interact. So we can leave the window opened.
- if user doens't interact with the window within 0.5 second, just close the tooltip again.
Now, PopToolTip method just starts another timer with interval of 100 ms.
And here is the other part of the magic:
void CAsInteractiveToolTip::OnPopTimer()
m_pImpl->m_forceClose = true;
m_pImpl->m_hdr.idFrom = 2;
m_pImpl->m_hdr.hwndFrom = GetSafeHwnd();
m_pImpl->m_hdr.code = (int)TTN_POP; //4294966774
GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, 1, (LPARAM)&m_pImpl->m_hdr);
//GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, 2, (LPARAM)&m_pImpl->m_hdr);
Now, this method should just pop (hide) the tooltip. But for some reason in my case calling Pop() method does nothing. So I would have to send WM_NOTIFY message with appropriate parameters (they are taken from my debug observations).
Now, OnPop will start again, but this time m_forceClose is set to true, so the tooltip will not show again (the first timer will not run).
Now the third part of the magic - Mouse Move. Just add it to your message map:
And the method:
void CAsInteractiveToolTip::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
m_pImpl->m_doForceOpen = true; //let the first timer know, that user wants to interact
CMFCToolTipCtrl::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);
And you can just hide the tooltip when user clicks on it. Just:
void CAsInteractiveToolTip::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
m_pImpl->m_forceClose = true;
This is not the ideal solution, but it somehow works. If anyone has any suggestions, I will be happy to hear them :)
I want to create a ToolTip for a tab on a CTabView which is in one of the CSplitterWnd panes. In this case the tab is a CHtmlView. I put the CToolTipCtrl m_ToolTip in the CMainFrame as public. I create it on OnCreate(), then attempt to add test text to it on OnInitialUpdate() of the CHtmlView tab item. But when hovering over the tab or client area of the tab, no tool tip shows. What am I doing wrong or missing?
int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
// ...
return 0;
BOOL CMainFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext)
// create spliter windows - one of which will end up with CTabView
// One of the tabs in the CTabView is based on CHtmlView
void CMyHtmlView::OnInitialUpdate()
CToolTipCtrl &tooltip=((CMainFrame*) AfxGetMainWnd())->m_ToolTip;
tooltip.AddTool(this, _T("Test Tooltip"));
Abandoning the above, I implemented the suggestion on page 941-942 in the book Programming Windows with MFC second Edition to derive from CToolTipCtrl and implement new functions that use TTF_SUBCLASS. I tried it with in the CMyTabView on the client area of the tabs. It sort of works with the Edit and Rich Views but not HTML view. By sort of, I mean, it works maybe twice then doesn't come up again. Here's that part:
int CMyTabView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
if (CTabView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
return -1;
AddView(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyEditView), _T("Tab1"));
AddView(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyRichView), _T("Tab2"));
AddView(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyHtmlView), _T("Tab3"));
m_ToolTip.Create(this, TTS_ALWAYSTIP);
CMFCTabCtrl &tabctrl=GetTabControl();
for (int i=0; i < tabctrl.GetTabsNum(); ++i) {
m_ToolTip.AddWindowTool(tabctrl.GetTabWnd(i), _T("Test Tool Tip"));
return 0;
Not working on the HTML View was fine because I really just want it on the tab. So I change it up and got rid of the stuff above (except the .Create) and added:
void CMyTabView::OnInitialUpdate()
CMFCTabCtrl &tabctrl=GetTabControl();
CRect rc;
if (!rc.IsRectEmpty()) {
m_ToolTip.AddRectTool(&tabctrl, _T("test tip"), &rc, (UINT_PTR) tabctrl.GetSafeHwnd());
But that doesn't work. It tried using this as well, still didn't work. So while something worked, still can't get it to work on the tabs? Any ideas?
I have this very strange issue. I'm trying to get a window hierarchy to be replicated. So on creating the 1st level dialog, I'm start the instance of the 2nd level dialog.
I've done this in many different ways, but it always shows up as the 2nd level being below the 1st level and then usually a zorder inversion happens (they flip positions). Occasionally, the inversion doesn't happen, but if I click on the owner, the owned immediately jumps to the top of the zorder.
Here are the main parts of a small example to show this happening:
const unsigned short WMA_DIALOGACTION = WM_APP+1;
// Button event handler for the 0th level
void CdialogcallingdialogsDlg::OnBnClickedDlgLvl1()
CDlgLvl1 x(this);
void CDlgLvl1::OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS* lpwndpos)
if (!m_shownDlg) {
m_shownDlg = true;
// Level 1 dialog opening up level 2 dialog
LRESULT CDlgLvl1::OnDialogAction(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
CDlgLvl2 x(this);
return LRESULT();
// Level 2 dialog offseting its position
void CDlgLvl2::OnWindowPosChanging(WINDOWPOS* lpwndpos)
ASSERT(lpwndpos->hwnd == m_hWnd);
// Offset dialog to see the problem of dlg2 showing up below dlg1
if (!(lpwndpos->flags & SWP_NOMOVE)) {
lpwndpos->x += 10;
lpwndpos->y += 10;
In the example, you click on the button in the main dialog. That then starts up CDlgLvl1 which then starts up CDlgLvl2. The dialogs are the default dialogs except for the message handling that is shown here and a button on the main application dialog. If you look at it carefully, you can see the inversion.
What am I doing wrong? Perhaps there is a better way to do this?
In case it makes a difference, the issue is more pronounced under Windows 10 and doesn't seem to be visible on Windows 8.1.
A copy of the solution can be pulled from my git repo here:
I've just added some bitmaps on the dialogs to really show the issue, but I've not tested on my 8.1 box yet.
I did a recording of how it pops up and here is frame 0, 2, and 3 of that recording:
Frame 0
Frame 2
Frame 3
As you can see, LVL1 appears over LVL2 in Frame 2, and then flips position in Frame 3.
Full video can be found here.
Using this example project, I've not been able to replicate LVL1 staying overtop of LVL2, but I believe that the behaviour of the zorder inversion not happening is some sort of race condition.
The problem is caused when windows "transition animation" is enabled. WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED is being sent before the animation is finished.
To fix this problem, you can simply disable the transition for the dialog:
BOOL CDlgLvl2::OnInitDialog()
BOOL res = CDialogEx::OnInitDialog();
BOOL attrib = TRUE;
DwmSetWindowAttribute(m_hWnd, DWMWA_TRANSITIONS_FORCEDISABLED, &attrib, sizeof(attrib));
return res;
If you don't want to disable the transition, you have to wait until this transition is finished. I don't know how to detect it or how to determine the transition time. It seems to be 250 milliseconds. SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETMENUSHOWDELAY...) gives a value of 400 milliseconds which seems a bit too long.
Assuming we know the time, use SetTimer to run the function after transition is over:
BOOL CDlgLvl2::OnInitDialog()
BOOL res = CDialogEx::OnInitDialog();
ANIMATIONINFO info = { sizeof info };
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETANIMATION, sizeof(ANIMATIONINFO), &info, 0);
if (info.iMinAnimate)
SetTimer(1, 250, nullptr);
SetTimer(1, 1, nullptr);
return res;
void CDlgLvl2::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent)
if(nIDEvent == 1)
CDlgLvl2(this).DoModal();//note, PostMessage is not needed in SetTimer
Maybe the problem is caused because the 1st level dialog creates the 2nd one before it has a chance to display itself. And yes, this can vary from system to system. There's no really a fix, but I would suggest a workaround, employing a timer. Below is some code.
Header file for CDlgLvl1:
class CDlgLvl1 : public CDialogEx
UINT_PTR nIDTimer = 0; // Add this
Source file for CDlgLvl1:
BOOL CDlgLvl1::OnInitDialog()
nIDTimer = SetTimer(1, 250, NULL);
return TRUE;
void CDlgLvl1::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent)
if (nIDTimer && nIDEvent == nIDTimer)
nIDTimer = 0;
LRESULT CDlgLvl1::OnDialogAction(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
CDlgLvl2 x(this);
return 0;
The mechanism you provided to prevent the 2nd window being displayed multiple times (the m_shownDlg variable) has been replaced by the nIDTimer check.
Please experiment with the timer's elapse value. The one I suggest (250 - 1/4 sec) is OK for most systems and imperceptible to to the user.
I wrote this in the SO editor, no actual test in VS (so it may contain some few syntax errors - pls fix them if so).
Note: You do not need to override OnWindowPosChanging() if you only want to set the position of the 2nd dialog. It's relative to its parent, so you can simply set the X Pos and Y Pos properties of the dialog's resource.
I tried your project in Visual Studio 2019:
I ran it in DEBUG mode and it works fine. The third dialogue showed up as a child of the second dialog (that is, with the correct ZORDER). The same is true for RELEASE build.
See: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8f5z5ltq3vfc10r/Test.mp4?dl=0
If one of my classes I had a timer and I did this:
void CChristianLifeMinistryEditorDlg::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent)
eState = m_pPrintHtmlPreview->GetReadyState();
You could adapt the principle and then just simulate pressing the button to display the second next dialog. Might work.
I need to create a caption bar button for a CDockablePane which will call up a menu with various options. I tried to use CMFCCaptionMenuButton and the button and menu show up but the message map methods for the menu ids don't fire. The MFC documentation states that CMFCCaptionMenuButton is meant for internal infrastructure and not really for your code.
So assuming that is what my problem is should I be using a CMFCCaptionBarButton and then making a separate popup menu? Has anyone made a similar caption bar based menu in MFC before?
Here's some slimmed down code snippets in case I just made a stupid mistake in hooking up the events:
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDockPane, CDockablePane)
void CDockPane::OnPressButtons(UINT nHit)
// only for custom button handling don't call base
// close, maximize, and pin will be handled by default
switch (nHit)
CMorphMenuButton* pButton = dynamic_cast<CMorphMenuButton*>(m_arrButtons.GetAt(m_morphIndex));
void CDockPane::SetCaptionButtons()
CDockablePane::SetCaptionButtons(); // for close, pin etc
m_morphIndex = m_arrButtons.Add(new CMorphMenuButton(ID_MORPHTEST));
void CDockPane::OnMorphBrowser()
// do stuff on menu item click
Edit: Removed previous code no longer in use
Now that the sound of crickets chirping has dwindled in the background I guess I'll post the workaround I currently have in place:
Instead of inheriting and extending CMFCCaptionMenuButton I build my class by extending CMFCCaptionButton. I then create a menu and provide a ShowMenu method to be explicitly called when handling the custom button events as well as overriding GetIconID to return a particular system icon for the button for each menu added to the caption bar ending up with something like this for the example outlined in the question:
#pragma once
// CMorphMenuButton command target
class CMorphMenuButton : public CMFCCaptionButton
CMorphMenuButton(UINT nHit);
virtual ~CMorphMenuButton();
virtual CMenuImages::IMAGES_IDS GetIconID (BOOL bHorz, BOOL bMaximized) const;
void ShowMenu(CWnd* pWnd);
CMenu m_dockMenu;
CMenu* m_subMenu;
// MorphMenuButton.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MorphMenuButton.h"
// CMorphMenuButton
CMorphMenuButton::CMorphMenuButton(UINT nHit)
: CMFCCaptionButton(nHit)
SetMiniFrameButton(); // already defaulted?
m_dockMenu.LoadMenu(IDR_DOCKPANE); // resource ID for dock pane menus
CMenuImages::IMAGES_IDS CMorphMenuButton::GetIconID(BOOL bHorz, BOOL bMaximized) const
return CMenuImages::IdArrowForward;
void CMorphMenuButton::ShowMenu(CWnd* pWnd)
CRect windowRect, buttonRect;
buttonRect = GetRect();
CPoint menuPos(windowRect.left + buttonRect.right, windowRect.top + buttonRect.bottom);
m_subMenu = m_dockMenu.GetSubMenu(0);
if (!m_subMenu->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, menuPos.x, menuPos.y, pWnd))
DWORD id = GetLastError();
wchar_t errMsg[256];
FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, id, 0, errMsg, sizeof(errMsg), 0);
MessageBox(0, errMsg, L"Error", MB_OK);
The setting of caption bar buttons and handling of click events for both buttons and menus are the same as defined in the question and this works.