Is MFC only available with Visual Studio, and not Visual C++ Express? - c++

Is MFC only available with Visual Studio, or is it also possible to use it with Visual C++ Express?

Now there exists a solution to this problem, for all the people want to use a free version.
Visual Studio Community 2013 comes with the MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) included. Download link:
Edit: Visual Studio Community 2015 is now also released.

From the FAQ:
Does Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
include MFC and ATL?
No, MFC and ATL are not included with
Visual C++ 2008 Express. MFC and ATL
will be included in Visual Studio 2008
Standard and above editions.
Same for Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition.


visual studio creating vb windows form in c++ project?

Is it possible to create visual basic(vb) windows form in c++ project in visual studio? and how?
thanks before.
btw, I'm using visual studio community 2015
No. In C++ projects you use C++ and in VB projects you use VB.

Why does WiX not work in Visual Studio 2012 Express? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Wix project template for Visual Studio Express versions?
Was looking for a free installer creator that integrates with Visual Studio 2012 Express. I have read great things about Windows Installer XML (WiX), but is seems like it won't work out of the box with the Express version of Visual Studio. Are there any work-arounds? I was wondering why a free and open-source capability wouldn't or couldn't support the project templates in the Express edition but can in all the others. Is this a built-in barrier from Microsoft to get people to upgrade?
Visual Studio Express does not support Extensibility by 3rd parties. This is a limitation Microsoft has placed on all the free editions of Visual Studio. Since Wix is being maintained as an open source project, it cannot integrate into Visual Studio Express as deep as it can into Visual Studio Professional and better.
You can still call Wix from the command-line or through WixEdit.

Compiling in Visual C++ 2005

I wrote a C++ DLL and it has been compiled. It requires Visual C++ 2010. How can I compile it for Visual C++ 2005, and will it work for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7?
My DLL uses detours 1.5 and windows sockets. I use Visual Studio 2010.
I guess you need to install Visual C++ 2005 on the same machine, and read this article:
(I have used multi targeting of VS 2010 only for the VS 2008 tool chain, but with the patch above it should work in a similar manner).

ATL VS C++ 2010

I start using the visual studio c++ express 2010 at home but there is no ATL and MFC in it.
How can I add ATL/MFC to visual studio c++ express 2010?
There is no support for MFC and ATL for Express editions. Refer for comparison between editions.
ATL, MFC, and OpenMP are not supported in Visual C++ Express 2010.
Visual C++ Product Comparison (see the Libraries and Headers section)
I guess, Microsoft would not mind much if you try to learn MFC at home. There is a possibility to work with existing MFC projects in VC++ Express: How to compile MFC code in Visual C++ Express

Visual C++ 2010 Express: extension SDK available?

Allegedly, Visual C++ 2010 Express, unlike previous versions, supports third party extensions. I just downloaded the release candidate SDK for Visual Studio 2010, but the installer fails saying that I don't have Visual Studio installed (which is true since i use Visual C++ 2010 Express). Have I missed something? Is there a version of the extension SDK that works with Express?
Visual C++ 2010 Express (or any of the Express versions for that matter) are NOT extensible.
The Visual Studio 2010 SDK can only be used with Professional or higher (as stated in the requirements on the download page).
You haven't missed anything, but your source of information was incorrect.