At will scaling and rotation in a 2D space - c++

I'm trying to write a graphical program in C++ with QT where users can scale and rotate objects with the mouse (just like inkscape or CorelDraw does), however after many months trying to make it happen I still cannot make it work. It currently works for example by just rotating or just scaling, but not when the user want to transform the object in an arbitrary way. There is an example in QT about affine transformation but it is very simple (e.g., it scales using a single factor not x and Y factors), it not provides scale directions or fixed scaling point) so I don't know how to extend it or use it.
This is how the program is expected to behave:
The user drop a polygon in the canvas.
If the user clicks on the polygon a set of blue boxes will appear around the object. These boxes are used to scale the object in any direction (e.g., up, down, left, right, etc)
If the user clicks again in the polygon a set of red boxes will appear around the object. These boxes are used to rotate the object in any direction.
So, how can I implement at least the following:
If the user click on the top blue box (scale towards up), hold the left button and moves the mouse toward up, how can I make the polygon to scale towards up? Do I need scale direction? Do I need a general Fixed-point of scaling? How can I calculate the scale factors as the mouse move towards up so the polygon is scaled in "real time"?
Here is the code that in my perspective could make it work: See the code here But it does not work :-( . If you can help me with a better implementation I will appreciate it.
Sorry to put to many questions but I am completely frustrated.

cannot make it work
the result is just wrong
Doesn't describe your problem very well.
Basically I don't know what is needed in terms of the concatenation/multiplications of matrices
In object store:
1. position
2. rotation
3. scale
When you need to draw object, perform operations in this order:
1. Scale using stored scale factor
2. Rotate using stored angle
3. Translate to position
Given scale factor s and rotation angle r, to rotate/scale object (point array, or whatever) around arbitrary point (p.x, p.y), do this:
1. Translate object to -p.x, -p.y . I.e. for every vertex do vertex -= p;
2. Scale object. For every vertex do vertex *= s
3. Rotate object. Rotate every vertex around point zero using angle r.
4. Translate object to p.x, p.y.
Also I'd recommend to take a look at "Affine Transformations" demo in Qt 4. To view demo, launch qtdemo, select "Demonstrations->Affine Transformations".
Consider hiring a geometry tutor. "Months" is too long to deal with rotate/scale/translate problem.
But, I have no clue on how to combine of these function in a proper order
If you're rotating and scaling around same point, the order of operations doesn't matter.
Live example:
Points indicate pivot, start of transform, and end of transform.
Wireframe letters represent original image.
Red letter represent "rotate and uniformly scale" transform.
Green letters represent "2D scale" transform.
For both transform you need pivot, point where you began to drag shape, and point where you stopped dragging shape.
I will not ever explain this again.
# Input
HEADERS += MainWindow.h
SOURCES += main.cpp MainWindow.cpp
#include <QApplication>
#include "MainWindow.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv){
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainWindow window;;
return app.exec();
#include <QGLWidget>
class QPaintEvent;
class MainWindow: public QWidget{
MainWindow(QWidget* parent = 0);
protected slots:
void updateAngle();
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* ev);
float angle;
float distAngle;
#include "MainWindow.h"
#include <QTimer>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QColor>
#include <QVector2D>
#include <math.h>
static const int timerMsec = 50;
static const float pi = 3.14159265f;
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget* parent)
:QWidget(parent), angle(0), distAngle(0){
QTimer* timer = new QTimer(this);
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update()));
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateAngle()));
float randFloat(){
return (qrand()&0xFF)/255.0f;
float randFloat(float f){
return randFloat()*f;
inline QVector2D perp(const QVector2D v){
return QVector2D(-v.y(), v.x());
void MainWindow::updateAngle(){
angle = fmod(angle + pi*5.0f/180.0f, pi*2.0f);
distAngle = fmod(distAngle + pi*1.0f/180.0f, pi*2.0f);
QTransform buildRotateScale(QVector2D pivot, QVector2D start, QVector2D end){
QVector2D startDiff = start - pivot;
QVector2D endDiff = end - pivot;
float startLength = startDiff.length();
float endLength = endDiff.length();
if (startLength == 0)
return QTransform();
if (endLength == 0)
return QTransform();
float s = endLength/startLength;
QVector2D startPerp = perp(startDiff);
float rotationAngle = acos(QVector2D::dotProduct(startDiff, endDiff))*180.0f/pi;
if (QVector2D::dotProduct(startPerp, endDiff) < 0)
rotationAngle = -rotationAngle;
return QTransform().translate(pivot.x(), pivot.y()).rotate(rotationAngle).scale(s, s).translate(-pivot.x(), -pivot.y());
QTransform buildScale(QVector2D pivot, QVector2D start, QVector2D end){
QVector2D startDiff = start - pivot;
QVector2D endDiff = end - pivot;
float startLength = startDiff.length();
float endLength = endDiff.length();
if ((startDiff.x() == 0)||(startDiff.y() == 0))
return QTransform();
QVector2D s(endDiff.x()/startDiff.x(), endDiff.y()/startDiff.y());
return QTransform().translate(pivot.x(), pivot.y()).scale(s.x(), s.y()).translate(-pivot.x(), -pivot.y());
void MainWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* ev){
QPainter painter(this);
QPointF pivot(width()/2, height()/2);
QPointF transformStart(pivot.x() + 100.0f, pivot.y() - 100.0f);
float r = sinf(distAngle)*100.0f + 150.0f;
QPointF transformEnd(pivot.x() + r*cosf(angle), pivot.y() - r*sinf(angle));
painter.fillRect(this->rect(), QBrush(QColor(Qt::white)));
QPainterPath path;
QString str(tr("This is a test!"));
QFont textFont("Arial", 40);
QFontMetrics metrics(textFont);
QRect rect = metrics.boundingRect(str);
path.addText(QPoint((width()-rect.width())/2, (height()-rect.height())/2), textFont, str);
painter.setPen(QColor(200, 200, 255));
painter.setTransform(buildRotateScale(QVector2D(pivot), QVector2D(transformStart), QVector2D(transformEnd)));
painter.fillPath(path, QBrush(QColor(255, 100, 100)));
painter.setPen(QColor(100, 255, 100));
painter.setTransform(buildScale(QVector2D(pivot), QVector2D(transformStart), QVector2D(transformEnd)));
painter.fillPath(path, QBrush(QColor(100, 255, 100)));
QPainterPath coords;
r = 10.0f;
coords.addEllipse(pivot, r, r);
coords.addEllipse(transformStart, r, r);
coords.addEllipse(transformEnd, r, r);
painter.setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::red), 5.0f));
painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(127, 0, 0)));
painter.setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::green), 5.0f));
painter.drawLine(QLineF(pivot, transformStart));
painter.setPen(QPen(QBrush(Qt::blue), 5.0f));
painter.drawLine(QLineF(transformStart, transformEnd));

Basically, you have a point (or series of points) that you want to transform with two linear transformations, R (rotation) and S (scaling). So you're trying to calculate something like
where x is a point. If you represent these operations using matrices, then performing consecutive operations is equivalent to multiplying the matrices, i.e.
Unfortunately, you haven't given enough information for me to be more specific...could you post some code (just the small, relevant parts) showing what you're doing? What do you mean by "natural way"? What about your result is "just wrong"?


QPainter rotation prevents correct QPixmap rendering

Reported to Qt as a bug:
I am re-drawing a QPixmap multiple times in different locations, with differnt rotations by transforming the QPainter. In certain situations the QPixmap is not drawing correctly. The GIF below shows my initial discovery of this issue with a QPixmap containing a green cylinder, notice how the rendering behaves as expected to the left of the GIF, but there is a boundary beyond which the rendering is incorrect. The QPixmap content appears to stick in place, and the pixels at the edge appear to smear out accross the rest of the pixmap. In the GIF there is a magenta background to the QPixmap, this because the targetRect used by QPainter::drawPixmap() is also beuing used to seperately fill a rectangle underneath the pixmap, this was because I wanted to check that the target rect was being computed correctly.
Minimum reproducable example:
To keep things simple I am simply filling the QPixmap with magenta pixels, with a 1 pixel wide transparent edge so that the smearing causes the pixmaps to dissapear completely. It doesn't show the image "sticking" in place but it clearly shows the boundary as beyond it the pixmaps seem to dissapear.
I have been experimenting with this myself and I believe this to be entirely caused by the rotating of the QPainter.
The angle of rotation seems to have an effect, if all of the pixmaps are rotated to the same angle then the boundary changes from a fuzzy diagonal line (where fuzzy means the boundary for dissapearing is different for each pixmap) to a sharp 90 degree corner (where sharp means that the boundary for dissapearing is the same for all pixmaps).
The range of different angles also seems to play a part, if the randomly generated angles are in a small 10 degree range, then the boundary is just a slightly fuzzier right angle, with a bevelled corner. There seems to be a progression from sharp right angle to fuzzy diagonal line as the number of different rotations is applied.
QT += widgets
CONFIG += c++17
CONFIG -= app_bundle
# The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
# any feature of Qt which as been marked deprecated (the exact warnings
# depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the
# deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.
# You can also make your code fail to compile if you use deprecated APIs.
# In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
# You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt.
#DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
MainWindow.cpp \
# Default rules for deployment.
qnx: target.path = /tmp/$${TARGET}/bin
else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/bin
!isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target
#include "MainWindow.h"
#include <QApplication>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;;
return a.exec();
#include <QWidget>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QWheelEvent>
#include <QPainter>
#include <random>
class MainWindow : public QWidget {
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) override;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* /*event*/) override;
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) override;
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) override;
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* /*event*/) override;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) override;
struct PixmapLocation {
QPointF location_;
qreal rotation_;
qreal radius_;
QPixmap pixmap_;
std::vector<PixmapLocation> drawLocations_;
qreal panX_ = 0.0;
qreal panY_ = 0.0;
qreal scale_ = 1.0;
bool dragging_ = false;
qreal dragX_ = 0.0;
qreal dragY_ = 0.0;
QPointF transformWindowToSimCoords(const QPointF& local) const;
QPointF transformSimToWindowCoords(const QPointF& sim) const;
static qreal randomNumber(qreal min, qreal max);
#endif // MAINWINDOW_H
#include "MainWindow.h"
: pixmap_(30, 50)
constexpr int count = 10000;
constexpr qreal area = 10000.0;
constexpr qreal size = 44.0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
// qreal rotation = 0.0; // No rotation fixes the issue
// qreal rotation = 360.0; // No rotation fixes the issue
// qreal rotation = 180.0; // Mirroring also fixes the issue
// qreal rotation = 90.0; // The boundary is now a corner, and has a sharp edge (i.e. all images dissapear at the same point)
// qreal rotation = 0.1; // The boundary is now a corner, and has a sharp edge (i.e. all images dissapear at the same point)
// qreal rotation = randomNumber(0.0, 10.0); // The boundary is still a corner, with a bevel, with a fuzzy edge (i.e. not all images dissapear at the same point)
qreal rotation = randomNumber(0.0, 360.0); // The boundary appears to be a diagonal line with a fuzzy edge (i.e. not all images dissapear at the same point)
drawLocations_.push_back(PixmapLocation{ QPointF(randomNumber(-area, area), randomNumber(-area, area)), rotation, size });
// Make edges transparent (the middle will be drawn over)
* Fill with magenta almost up to the edge
* The transparent edge is required to see the effect, the misdrawn pixmaps
* appear to be a smear of the edge closest to the boundary between proper
* rendering and misrendering. If the pixmap is a solid block of colour then
* the effect is masked by the fact that the smeared edge looks the same as
* the correctly drawn pixmap.
QPainter p(&pixmap_);
constexpr int inset = 1;
p.fillRect(pixmap_.rect().adjusted(inset, inset, -inset, -inset), Qt::magenta);
void MainWindow::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event)
double d = 1.0 + (0.001 * double(event->angleDelta().y()));
scale_ *= d;
void MainWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*)
dragging_ = false;
void MainWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
dragging_ = true;
dragX_ = event->pos().x();
dragY_ = event->pos().y();
void MainWindow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
if (dragging_) {
panX_ += ((event->pos().x() - dragX_) / scale_);
panY_ += ((event->pos().y() - dragY_) / scale_);
dragX_ = event->pos().x();
dragY_ = event->pos().y();
void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*)
void MainWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
QPainter paint(this);
paint.translate(width() / 2, height() / 2);
paint.scale(scale_, scale_);
paint.translate(panX_, panY_);
for (const PixmapLocation& entity : drawLocations_) {;
QPointF centre = entity.location_;
const qreal scale = (entity.radius_ * 2) / std::max(pixmap_.width(), pixmap_.height());
QRectF targetRect(QPointF(0, 0), pixmap_.size() * scale);
targetRect.translate(centre - QPointF(targetRect.width() / 2, targetRect.height() / 2));
// Rotate our pixmap
// paint.setClipping(false); // This doesn't fix it so it isn't clipping
paint.drawPixmap(targetRect, pixmap_, QRectF(pixmap_.rect()));
// paint.setClipping(true); // This doesn't fix it so it isn't clipping
QPointF MainWindow::transformWindowToSimCoords(const QPointF& local) const
qreal x = local.x();
qreal y = local.y();
// Sim is centred on screen
x -= (width() / 2);
y -= (height() / 2);
// Sim is scaled
x /= scale_;
y /= scale_;
// Sim is transformed
x -= panX_;
y -= panY_;
return { x, y };
QPointF MainWindow::transformSimToWindowCoords(const QPointF& sim) const
qreal x = sim.x();
qreal y = sim.y();
// Sim is transformed
x += panX_;
y += panY_;
// Sim is scaled
x *= scale_;
y *= scale_;
// Sim is centred on screen
x += (width() / 2);
y += (height() / 2);
return { x, y };
qreal MainWindow::randomNumber(qreal min, qreal max)
static std::mt19937 entropy = std::mt19937();
std::uniform_real_distribution<qreal> distribution{ min, max };
// distribution.param(typename decltype(distribution)::param_type(min, max));
return distribution(entropy);
My research into the issue
Top left above shows all pixmaps drawing correctly, at random angles
Top right above shows the same instance as top left, panned so that the pixmaps are over the fuzzy boundary, with the bottom rightmost pixmaps not being drawn (or to be more accurate, are being drawn as entirely transparent pixels, due to the transparent edge being smeared over the entire image)
Bottom left shows all pixmaps being rotated by 0.1 degree, this leads to a sharp boundary, which when the square is panned to overlap it, clips the square to a rectangle.
Bottom right shows a small range of random angles, between 0.0 and 10.0, this leads to a slightly fuzzier, but still vertical edge, this looks similar to bottom left, but as well as the sharp clipped edge, there is also a slight gradient effect as some of the pixmaps closer to the edge have also not be rendered correctly.
I have tried turning clipping off in the QPainter when drawing the pixmaps, this has had no effect.
I have tried seperately saving a copy of the QPainters transform and setting it back afterwards, this had no effect.
I have tried upgrading to Qt 6.0.3 (which claimed to have solved a number of graphical bugs), issue still present.
The absolute coordinates don't matter, I can offset all of the locations by QPointF(-10000, 10000), pan over to them and the dissapearing point is in the same relative position in the window.
To see the bug in action, scroll out, then click and drag in the window to move the pixmaps to the lower right of the screen, depending on how far out you have zoomed, a number of the pixmaps will no longer be drawn.
I have also discovered that making the original QPixmap larger makes the issue worse, i.e. the boundary becomes apparent at more zoomed in levels, plus further rendering abberations occur. Note that they are still being scaled down to the same size as before, there are just more source pixels.
I changed pixmap_(30, 50) to pixmap_(300, 500)
The image above shows that when panning to move the pixmaps towards the bottom right, they dissapear sooner than before (i.e. while zoomed further in and more towards the top left), the curved arrow indicates the movement of the pixmaps drawn in an arc beyond the dissapearance boundary, they seem to be moving faster than the correct pixmaps are drawn as they are moved.
EDIT: Closer inspection shows that the apparent circular motion is not real, the order in which pixmaps are appearing and dissapearing just made it look that way. With the below update, you can see that there are concentric rings where the pixmaps that have dissapeard re-appear (very briefly) in the correct place, but the re-appeaance is only for a thin window that seems to be narrower than the size of the pixmap, so the content that is drawn appears again to be stuck in place, but the part shown is clipped.
To see the pixmaps "stick" at the boundary, you can adjust the contents of MainWindow::MainWindow() to
: pixmap_(500, 500)
constexpr int count = 10000;
constexpr qreal area = 10000.0;
constexpr qreal size = 44.0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
qreal rotation = randomNumber(0.0, 360.0);
drawLocations_.push_back(PixmapLocation{ QPointF(randomNumber(-area, area), randomNumber(-area, area)), rotation, size });
// Make edges transparent (the middle will be drawn over)
* Fill with magenta almost up to the edge
* The transparent edge is required to see the effect, the misdrawn pixmaps
* appear to be a smear of the edge closest to the boundary between proper
* rendering and misrendering. If the pixmap is a solid block of colour then
* the effect is masked by the fact that the smeared edge looks the same as
* the correctly drawn pixmap.
QPainter p(&pixmap_);
constexpr int smallInset = 1;
const int bigInset = std::min(pixmap_.width(), pixmap_.height()) / 5;
p.fillRect(pixmap_.rect().adjusted(smallInset, smallInset, -smallInset, -smallInset), Qt::magenta);
p.fillRect(pixmap_.rect().adjusted(bigInset, bigInset, -bigInset, -bigInset), Qt::green);
Which results in see right hand edge for squares that appear to have been clipped. When moving them around, the square seems to get stuck in place and instead of the edge at the boundary dissapearing, the edge furthest from the boundary dissapears first.
This issue is very interesting. As far as I could test, your code looks good, I feel like this is a Qt bug, and I think you need to report it to Qt: You should post a single piece of code to illustrate the issue, your second one from your "Update" edit is good: it makes it easy to reproduce the issu. Maybe you should also post a small video to illustrate how things are getting wrong when you zoom in/out or move the area with the mouse.
I tried some alternatives to hopefully find a workaround, but I found none:
Tried to use a QImage rather than a QPixmap, same issue
Tried to load the pixmap from a frozen png/qrc file, same issue
Tried to use QTransform to play with scale/translation/rotation, same issue
Tried Linux and Windows 10: same issue observed
Note that:
If you don't rotate (comment paint.rotate(entity.rotation_);), the issue is not visible
If your pixmap is a simple mono-colored square (simply fill your pixmap with a single color using pixmap_.fill(QColor::fromRgba(0x12345600));), the issue is not visible anymore. That's the most surprising, looks like a pixel from the image is being reused as background and messes things up but if all the image pixels are the same it does not lead to any display issue.
Workaround proposed by the Qt team
"The issue can easily be worked around by enabling the SmoothPixmapTransform render hint on the painter"

Why does QPainter::drawPoint draw a horizontal line segment?

I'm trying to draw a 3-pixel large point with QPainter. But the following code instead draws a horizontal line with width of 3 pixels.
#include <QPainter>
#include <QImage>
int main()
const int w=1000, h=1000;
QImage img(w, h, QImage::Format_RGBX8888);
QPainter p(&img);
p.setPen(QPen(Qt::red, 3./w, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap));
Here's the top left corner of the resulting image:
I am expecting to get a point which is red circle, or at least a square — but instead I get this line segment. If I comment out p.scale(w,h) and draw the point with width 3 (instead of 3./w) at position (100,100), then I get a small mostly symmetric 3-pixel in height and width point.
What's going on? Why do I get a line segment instead of point as expected? And how to fix it, without resorting to drawing an ellipse or to avoiding QPainter::scale?
I'm using Qt 5.10.0 on Linux x86 with g++ 5.5.0. The same happens on Qt 5.5.1.
It appears that QPaintEngineEx::drawPoints renders points as line segments of length 1/63.. See the following code from qtbase/src/gui/painting/qpaintengineex.cpp in the Qt sources:
void QPaintEngineEx::drawPoints(const QPointF *points, int pointCount)
QPen pen = state()->pen;
if (pen.capStyle() == Qt::FlatCap)
if (pen.brush().isOpaque()) {
while (pointCount > 0) {
int count = qMin(pointCount, 16);
qreal pts[64];
int oset = -1;
for (int i=0; i<count; ++i) {
pts[++oset] = points[i].x();
pts[++oset] = points[i].y();
pts[++oset] = points[i].x() + 1/63.;
pts[++oset] = points[i].y();
QVectorPath path(pts, count * 2, qpaintengineex_line_types_16, QVectorPath::LinesHint);
stroke(path, pen);
pointCount -= 16;
points += 16;
} else {
for (int i=0; i<pointCount; ++i) {
qreal pts[] = { points[i].x(), points[i].y(), points[i].x() + qreal(1/63.), points[i].y() };
QVectorPath path(pts, 2, 0);
stroke(path, pen);
Notice the pts[++oset] = points[i].x() + 1/63.; line in the opaque brush branch. This is the second vertex of the path — shifted with respect to the desired position of the point.
This explains why the line extends to the right of the position requested and why it depends on the scale. So, it seems the code in the OP isn't wrong for an ideal QPainter implementation, but just has come across a Qt bug (be it in the implementation of the method or in its documentation).
So the conclusion: one has to work around this problem by either using different scale, or drawing ellipses, or drawing line segments with much smaller lengths than what QPainter::drawPoints does.
I've reported this as QTBUG-70409.
Though I have not been able to pin point why exactly the problem occurs, I have got relatively close to the solution. The problem lies with scaling. I did a lots of trial and error with different scaling and width of point with the below code.
const int w=500, h=500;
const int scale = 100;
float xPos = 250;
float yPos = 250;
float widthF = 5;
QImage img(w, h, QImage::Format_RGBX8888);
QPainter p(&img);
p.scale(scale, scale);
p.setPen(QPen(Qt::red, widthF/(scale), Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap));
p.drawPoint(QPointF(xPos/scale, yPos/scale));
The above code produces the image
My observations are
1) Due to high scaling, the point (which is just 3 pixel wide) is not able to scale proportionally at lower width (width of point), if you set width as something like 30 the round shape is visible.
2) If you want to keep the width of point low then you have to decrease the scaling.
Sadly I can not explain why at high scaling it is not expanding proportionally.

QGraphicsScene/View Scale Understanding

I'm lost with understanding the scale value of QGraphicsScene/View.
Here is how I'm placing my targets in the scene.
QPointF Mainwindow::pointLocation(double bearing, double range){
int offset = 90; //used to offset Cartesian system
double centerX = baseSceneSize/2;//push my center location out to halfway point
double centerY = baseSceneSize/2;
double newX = centerX + qCos(qDegreesToRadians(bearing - offset)) * range;
double newY = centerY + qSin(qDegreesToRadians(bearing - offset)) * range;
QPointF newPoint = QPointF(newX, newY);
return newPoint;
So each target has a bearing and range. As long as I don't scale, or zoom, the scene, these values work sufficiently. My problem is that I need to implement the zooming.
Here's where things go wrong:
I have a target at Bearing 270, Range 10.
When the app runs, and my vertical slider is at a value of zero, I can see this target in my view. I should not. I need for this target to only come into view when the slider has gotten to a value of 10. Just think each position value on the slider equates to 1 nautical mile. So if a target is at 10 NMs it should only be visible once the slider is >= 10.
here is how I'm doing the zooming:
void MainWindow:: on_PlotSlider_sliderMoved(int position){
const qreal factor = 1.01;
viewScaleValue = qPow(factor, -position);//-position to invert the scale
QMatrix matrix;
matrix.scale(viewScaleValue, viewScaleValue);
I've tried making the View bigger, the Scene bigger, but nothing is having the proper effect.
Here is my Scene setup:
view = ui->GraphicsView;
scene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
int baseSize = 355;
baseSceneSize = scene->sceneRect().width();
How do I take the range of my target and push it out into the scene so that it lines up with the slider value?
QGraphicsView::fitInView is everything you need to select the displayed range and center the view.
Here's how you might do it. It's a complete example.
#include <QtWidgets>
#include <random>
First, let's obtain random target positions. The scene is scaled in e.g. Nautical Miles: thus any coordinate in the scene is meant to be in these units. This is only a convention: the scene otherwise doesn't care, nor does the view. The reference point is at 0,0: all ranges/bearings are relative to the origin.
QPointF randomPosition() {
static std::random_device dev;
static std::default_random_engine eng(dev());
static std::uniform_real_distribution<double> posDis(-100., 100.); // NM
return {posDis(eng), posDis(eng)};
Then, to aid in turning groups of scene items on and off (e.g. graticules), it helps to have an empty parent item for them:
class EmptyItem : public QGraphicsItem {
QRectF boundingRect() const override { return QRectF(); }
void paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) override {}
A scene manager sets up the display. The empty items act as item collections and they can be easily made hidden/visible without having to modify child items. They also enforce the relative Z-order of their children.
class SceneManager : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(bool microGraticuleVisible READ microGraticuleVisible WRITE setMicroGraticuleVisible)
QGraphicsScene m_scene;
QPen m_targetPen{Qt::green, 1};
EmptyItem m_target, m_center, m_macroGraticule, m_microGraticule;
An event filter can be installed on the view to signal when the view has been resized. This can be used to keep the view centered in spite of resizing:
bool eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) override {
if (event->type() == QEvent::Resize
&& qobject_cast<QGraphicsView*>(watched))
emit viewResized();
return QObject::eventFilter(watched, event);
Scene has the following Z-order: center cross, macro- and micro-graticule, then the targets are on top.
SceneManager() {
We can monitor a graphics view for resizing; we also expose the visibility of the micro graticule.
void monitor(QGraphicsView *view) { view->installEventFilter(this); }
QGraphicsScene * scene() { return &m_scene; }
Q_SLOT void setMicroGraticuleVisible(bool vis) { m_microGraticule.setVisible(vis); }
bool microGraticuleVisible() const { return m_microGraticule.isVisible(); }
Q_SIGNAL void viewResized();
Targets can be randomly generated. A target has a fixed size in view coordinates. Its position, though, is subject to any scene-to-view transformations.
The pens for targets and graticules are cosmetic pens: their width is given in the view device units (pixels), not scene units.
void newTargets(int count = 200) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
auto target = new QGraphicsEllipseItem(-1.5, -1.5, 3., 3., &m_target);
The graticules are concentric circles centered at the origin (range reference point) and a cross at the origin. The origin cross has fixed size in view units - this is indicated by the ItemIgnoresTransformations flag.
void addGraticules() {
QPen pen{Qt::white, 1};
auto center = {QLineF{-5.,0.,5.,0.}, QLineF{0.,-5.,0.,5.}};
for (auto l : center) {
auto c = new QGraphicsLineItem{l, &m_center};
for (auto range = 10.; range < 101.; range += 10.) {
auto circle = new QGraphicsEllipseItem(0.-range, 0.-range, 2.*range, 2.*range, &m_macroGraticule);
pen = QPen{Qt::white, 1, Qt::DashLine};
for (auto range = 2.5; range < 9.9; range += 2.5) {
auto circle = new QGraphicsEllipseItem(0.-range, 0.-range, 2.*range, 2.*range, &m_microGraticule);
The mapping between the scene units and the view is maintained as follows:
Each time the view range is changed (from e.g. the combo box), the QGraphicsView::fitInView method is called with a rectangle in scene units (of nautical miles). This takes care of all of the scaling, centering, etc.. E.g. to select a range of 10NM, we'd call view.fitInView(QRect{-10.,-10.,20.,20.), Qt::KeepAspectRatio)
The graticule(s) can be disabled/enabled as appropriate for a given range to unclutter the view.
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QApplication app{argc, argv};
SceneManager mgr;
QWidget w;
QGridLayout layout{&w};
QGraphicsView view;
QComboBox combo;
QPushButton newTargets{"New Targets"};
layout.addWidget(&view, 0, 0, 1, 2);
layout.addWidget(&combo, 1, 0);
layout.addWidget(&newTargets, 1, 1);
combo.addItems({"10", "25", "50", "100"});
auto const recenterView = [&]{
auto range = combo.currentText().toDouble();
view.fitInView(-range, -range, 2.*range, 2.*range, Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
mgr.setMicroGraticuleVisible(range <= 20.);
QObject::connect(&combo, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, recenterView);
QObject::connect(&mgr, &SceneManager::viewResized, recenterView);
QObject::connect(&newTargets, &QPushButton::clicked, [&]{ mgr.newTargets(); });;
return app.exec();
#include "main.moc"
So as Kuba suggested, I was overcomplicating this a bit. With his help this is what ended up getting me the result I needed. Not 100% sure on some of it, but for now it's working the way I need it to.
view = ui->GraphicsView;
scene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
int baseSize = 1000; // MAGIC value that works, anything other than this, not so much
baseViewSize = view->sceneRect().width();
My drawPoint method works fine, no changes were needed.
Finally, here is my slider
void MainWindow:: on_PlotSlider_sliderMoved(int position){
const qreal factor = 1.01;
viewScaleValue = qPow(factor, -position);//-position to invert the scale
QMatrix matrix;
// below is the update, again 6 is a MAGIC number, no clue why 6 works...
matrix.scale((baseViewSize/6 / position, baseViewSize/6 / position);
While my problem is solved, I would love some explanation as to my 2 MAGIC numbers.
Why does it all only work is the baseSize is 1000?
Why does it only scale correctly if I divide the BaseViewSize by 6?

How to zoom in a QgraphicsView using pushbuttons?

I'm building a very simple image editor on Qt creator.I have my image displayed on a QGraphicsView and i want to give the user the ability to zoom in and out by a pushbutton.
I've searched a lot and found how to zoom in and out through the mouse wheel.As i am very new to Qt i can't adjust it to the pushbutton because i don't understand everything clearly.
I' ve tried this(without understanding completely what i'm doing)but the result isn't the wanted.It zooms in only once and quite abruptly.I want a smoother zoom and as many times as i want.
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked(){
QMatrix matrix;
I would be very grateful if you guys can help
Below is how I implemented zooming in my subclass of QGraphicsView. Note that you'd need to pass in different values of "zoom" to get different magnifications as the zoom factor is an absolute value, not a relative one.
(The optMousePos argument can be set to point to a QPoint indicating the spot that should be the central-point of the zoom transformation, or it can be left NULL if you don't care about that. I use it because I zoom in and out based on the user turning the wheel in his mouse, and when doing that, the user usually wants to zoom in towards the point where his mouse point is currently positioned, rather than in towards the center of the graphics area)
qreal _zoom = 0.0;
void MyQGraphWidgetSubclass :: SetZoomFactor(qreal zoom, const QPoint * optMousePos)
if ((zoom != _zoom)&&(zoom >= 0.02f)&&(zoom <= 1000000.0f))
QPointF oldPos;
if (optMousePos) oldPos = mapToScene(*optMousePos);
// Remember what point we were centered on before...
_zoom = zoom;
QMatrix m;
m.scale(_zoom, _zoom);
if (optMousePos)
const QPointF newPos = mapFromScene(oldPos);
const QPointF move = newPos-*optMousePos;
horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(move.x() + horizontalScrollBar()->value());
verticalScrollBar()->setValue(move.y() + verticalScrollBar()->value());
void MyQGraphWidgetSubclass :: wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event)
QPoint pos = event->pos();
SetZoomFactor(_zoom*pow(1.2, event->delta() / 240.0), &pos);

qt rotations around the x- and y-axes

Qt uses a 3x3 transformation matrix for both perspective and affine transformations. A matrix is considered affine if the last row of the matrix equals [0 0 1]. For this reason, the x- and y-axis rotation matrices are "non-affine" and perspective distortion results. But there are further implications. Every pixel the user paints has the coordinates (x, y, 1). There is no way to set the z coordinate to 0, rotate and set z to something else after. Is it still possible to somehow fake being able to rotate around an arbitrary point? Perhaps by setting z to some value "close" to zero and then rotating?
What I want to do, exactly. By crossing out the 3rd row and column of the "usual" perspective projection matrix, one can obtain one usable with Qt. I also use a window matrix to transform into the QGraphicsItem. That makes for 2 matrices for now:
window * projection
Some code:
float const w(rect.width());
float const h(rect.height());
// aspect ratio
auto const ar(h / w);
// symmetrical infinite frustum
f_[4] = 1.f;
f_[1] = ::std::tan(.5f * hFov_) * f_[4];
f_[0] = -f_[1];
f_[3] = ar * f_[1];
f_[2] = -f_[3];
// perspective projection matrix
auto const rml(f_[1] - f_[0]);
auto const tmb(f_[3] - f_[2]);
::etl::matrix<float, 3, 3> const pMatrix{
2.f * f_[4] / rml, 0.f , (f_[1] + f_[0]) / rml,
0.f , 2.f * f_[4] / tmb, (f_[3] + f_[2]) / tmb,
0.f , 0.f , -1.f};
auto const halfW(.5f * w);
auto const halfH(.5f * h);
// window matrix
::etl::matrix<float, 3, 3> const wMatrix{
halfW, 0.f , halfW,
0.f , -halfH, halfH,
0.f , 0.f , 1.f};
wpvMatrix_ = wMatrix * pMatrix;
Now we want to transform a QPixmap into the world we project. This is done, for example with this matrix:
zMatrix =
worldPixmapWidth / pixmap.width(), 0, p(0),
0, -worldPixmapHeight / pixmap.height(), p(1),
0, 0, p(2);
So we can use wMatrix * pMatrix * zMatrix to transform the pixmap.
p is the point we want to translate the QPixmap to. Now that the pixmap is at p = (p(0), p(1), p(2)). We would like to rotate around an axis parallel to the y axis, going through p. How to do it? Usually, we would do T(p) * Ry(phi) * T(-p), but we can't, as there is no translation matrix, that could set the z coordinate. Applying Ry directly will rotate around the origin. Even without doing any transformations at all, z will be 1, not 0, as we would like it to be for Ry.
How to rotate a vertex around a certain point?
The order of when you do a translation, then a rotation, and then translating back will effectively rotate about whatever point you translate to and from.
This applies the same way with matrix transformations and the order that they are called and applied.
After reading your question over again, it sounds like what you are really asking for is a 3D projection of a QPixmap to simulate it in the process of flipping over, like a playing card flipping over in a card game. This rotation about some axis parallel to the y-axis needs to show the proper distortions to make it look like one side of the image is farther away and the other side is closer.
Qt's rotations plan on you using the third 3x3 matrix in the equation above. Rotations about the z axis.
Or even more specifically, you can see it here:, it shows the 2x2 matrix with added rows to account for a translation.
Now with all that being said... this is the closest thing I could find for faking it without using a full on 3D graphics library, like OpenGL:
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include <QApplication>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;;
return a.exec();
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QtGui>
#include <QPropertyAnimation>
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
QGraphicsScene * m_pScene;
QGraphicsView * m_pView;
QSlider * sliderx;
QSlider * slidery;
QGraphicsPolygonItem* transformedItem;
QPointF itemCenter;
public slots:
void updateRotation();
#endif // MAINWINDOW_H
#include "mainwindow.h"
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
: QMainWindow(parent)
this->setCentralWidget(new QWidget);
QVBoxLayout * layout = new QVBoxLayout;
m_pScene = new QGraphicsScene(0,0,800,480);
m_pView = new QGraphicsView(m_pScene);
sliderx = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
slidery = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
QObject::connect(sliderx, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this, SLOT(updateRotation()));
QObject::connect(slidery, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this, SLOT(updateRotation()));
QPolygonF polygon;
polygon << QPointF(100.0,250.0);
polygon << QPointF(170.0, 350.0);
polygon << QPointF(30.0, 350.0);
QGraphicsPolygonItem* testItem = new QGraphicsPolygonItem(polygon);
transformedItem = new QGraphicsPolygonItem(polygon);
// Here the fun starts:
itemCenter = transformedItem->mapToParent(transformedItem->boundingRect().center());
// // Method 1
// QTransform transform = QTransform();
// transform.translate(itemCenter.x(),
// itemCenter.y());
// transform.scale(1.0, -1.0);
// transform.translate(-itemCenter.x(),
// -itemCenter.y());
// transformedItem->setTransform(transform);
// // Method 2
// transformedItem->setTransform(QTransform::fromTranslate(itemCenter.x(),
// itemCenter.y()),true);
// transformedItem->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(1.0, -1.0),true);
// transformedItem->setTransform(QTransform::fromTranslate(-itemCenter.x(),
// -itemCenter.y()), true);
// // Method 3
// transformedItem->translate(itemCenter.x(),
// itemCenter.y());
// transformedItem->scale(1.0, -1.0);
// transformedItem->translate(-itemCenter.x(),
// -itemCenter.y());
void MainWindow::updateRotation()
transformedItem->scale((qreal)sliderx->value()/100., (qreal)slidery->value()/100.);
MainWindow::~MainWindow() { }
Hope that helps.