Using modal progress bar dialogs in Windows CE? - c++

I'm writing a Windows CE application in C++ directly applying the WINAPI. In this application I parse a text file, which may or may not be large and thus may or may not take a while to load; and as I will add functionality to load files across the wireless network, I figured it would be best to add a progress bar.
My aim is to display the progress bar in a modal dialog, thereby preventing the user from interacting with the main window. A thread is then created to perform the loading in the background, leaving the main thread to update the GUI.
However, using EndDialog() prevents me to return to the code which loads the file until the dialog has been closed. Obviously I want to show the dialog and then load the load, periodically updating the progress from the background thread. At this point I only know of two options to circumvent this:
Create the dialog using CreateDialog, modify the message handler to accommodate messages designated to the dialog, disable the main window and lastly create the background thread.
Create the background thread in a suspended initial state, create the dialog using DialogBoxParam passing along the thread ID, and when capturing the WM_INITDIALOG resume the thread.
Although any of these two would probably work (I'm leaning towards the second option), I'm curious about whether this is the way progress bars are supposed to be handled in a Windows environment -- or if there is a leaner, more clever way of doing it.

You don't have to do anything particularly tricky or unusual. Just create the modal dialog box with DialogBox(). In the WM_INITDIALOG handler of your dialog box procedure, create the background thread to load the file. As the loading progresses, send the PBM_SETPOS message to the progress bar control to update it.
When the loading completes, call EndDialog() to close the dialog box. However, EndDialog() must be called from within your dialog procedure. So to do that, you need to send a dummy message (e.g. WM_APP):
DialogBox(..., DlgProc);
// File loading is done and dialog box is gone now
INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, LPARAM lparam, WPARAM wparam)
CreateThread(..., LoadingThread, ...);
return TRUE;
case WM_APP:
return TRUE;
return FALSE:
DWORD WINAPI LoadingThread(LPVOID param)
// Load the file
SendMessage(hwndProgressBar, PBM_SETPOS, progress, 0);
SendMessage(hwndDialogBox, WM_APP, 0, 0);
return 0;


Catch OnMouseMove messages for edit control in a window created by createdialog?

I have a dialog window that is created by CreateDialog().
Within the dialog window is a text edit control which is created automatically by the CreateDialog() call, however I can't seem to catch OnMouseMove messages for it - only its parent window (of the controls, not the dialog). CreateDialog() only allows you to set a procedure function for the main dialog (not the sub objects, like the edit controls) and if I catch the OnMouseMove messages there, they only trigger for mouse movement on the main dialog itself (anywhere there is NOT a control, ex. buttons, text edit boxes, etc).
Short of creating the window manually with CreateWindowEx() (and all the sub objects), is there a way to catch the OnMouseMove messages associated with the specific text edit control by its ID or something? I have its handle retrieved by GetDlgItem().
What I am ultimately trying to accomplish is to both read the text below the mouse cursor and display a relevant tooltip if the word is recognized/matched, and I am definitely open to other alternatives if you have any ideas!
Here is the basic code :
Creation of the dialog, using the DBG_DLG template to define the controls
hDbg = CreateDialog(hCurInst, TEXT("DBG_DLG"), 0, DbgDlgProc);
The DBG_DLG template is defined in the project's .rc file. I couldn't find a simple way to paste that code here, but it has a particular text edit control that I am trying to catch with an ID of ID_OP_ED.
Relevant code from DbgDlgProc() that does NOT work, and only catches messages associated with the main dialog and not the controls themselves. Hovering over the controls causes no messages to be caught by this routine.
HWND hwnd,
UINT message,
WPARAM wParam,
return TRUE;
OnMouseMove(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam), (DWORD)wParam);
return FALSE;
Once you have the HWND of the child text edit (from GetDlgItem()), you can subclass it directly, using SetWindowLongPtr() or better SetWindowSubclass(). Your subclass will receive all of the messages sent directly to the control.
Refer to MSDN for more details:
Subclassing Controls

WinAPI timer callback not called while child window is in focus

I'm working on a 3D editor app using Direct3D and WinAPI. I create a main window, which has a child window that takes up a portion of the main window's client area. This is used by D3D as the render target. I then also create a separate window with CreateWindow, which is built the same way as the main window (i.e a "main window" and an internal child used as a render target), and I make this window a child of the main application window (to ensure that they are minimized/restored/closed together).
The D3D rendering is executed by the render target child windows processing their WM_PAINT messages. To reduce unnecessary overhead, I set the window procedures to only render on WM_PAINT if GetForegroundWindow and GetFocus match the respective window handles. In other words, I only want a window's rendering to be refreshed if it's on top and is focused.
This is my main message loop:
HWND mainWnd;
HWND mainRenderWnd;
HWND childWnd;
HWND childRenderWnd;
// ...
MSG msg = {};
while (WM_QUIT != msg.message)
if (PeekMessage(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
if (!TranslateAccelerator(mainWnd, accel, &msg))
// Run non-UI code...
When the main window gets WM_SETFOCUS, I have it set the focus to its render target child window, since I'll want to process inputs there (e.g camera controls):
// ...
return 0;
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
I do the same in the window procedure for childWnd, setting the focus to childRenderWnd. This window is opened and closed by the user, i.e at any one time it may or may not exist, but when it does and is not minimized, it needs to be the foreground window with focus. Also, to control the framerate for the child window, I use a Timer to refresh it:
static constexpr UINT_PTR RENDER_TIMER_ID = (UINT_PTR)0x200;
void TimerCallback(HWND Arg1, UINT Arg2, UINT_PTR Arg3, DWORD Arg4)
if (IsIconic(childWnd) || !(GetFocus() == childRenderWnd))
// Invalidate the render area to make sure it gets redrawn
InvalidateRect(childRenderWnd, nullptr, false);
// ...
SetTimer(childWnd, RENDER_TIMER_ID, 16, (TIMERPROC)TimerCallback);
With all this set up, mainWnd and mainRenderWnd seem to work just fine. However, childRenderWnd refuses to have anything rendered to it when it is in the foreground and in focus. While debugging, I found that while this is the case, the timer callback never gets executed, nor does a WM_TIMER message get dispatched to the child window.
On the other hand, the moment I deliberately move focus out of the child window and onto the main window (while keeping both open), the timer message gets sent, and the callback is executed. Another problem is that when I minimize the app while both windows are open, and then restore them both, the render target of neither of the windows is refreshed. Instead, it seems like the focus got "flipped", as I have to click on my child window first, then my main window, and that makes it refresh properly (while the child still refuses to render anything).
What am I missing? I searched for others having problem, e.g an incorrect message pump setup blocking WM_TIMER, but nothing seems to explain what's going on here.
Thanks in advance for the help!
IInspectable and Raymond Chen's comments have helped lead me to the answer. I tried to reproduce the error in a minimal app and finally came upon the source of my trouble. Originally, the main window would just call InvalidateRect in the message loop if there were no messages to be dispatched, effectively redrawing itself every chance it got. This originally did not seem to cause any harm, the scene was rendered just fine, and the window responded to inputs. Once I introduced a second window, however, it must have flooded the message loop with paint messages, making it impossible for any timer messages to get through.
The solution, quite simply, was to give a timer to both windows to set the rate at which they would refresh their D3D render targets. Coupled with focus checks, I can now easily alternate between both windows, with only one refreshing itself at any given time.
The question remains whether the WinAPI timer system is the best choice. My bad code aside, people have mentioned that the timer's messages are low-priority, which might make it a poor choice for framerate control in the long run.
EDIT: I ended up going with IInspectable's suggestion to use a while loop within the main message loop to process to dispatch all messages, and once those are processed, I perform a frame update. This allows me to consistently update all windows and control the frame rate without risking the issue of window messages being stuck.

How to kill focus of "edit" control on "Enter" key press

I have a main window created in main function. In procedure for the main window on WM_CREATE message I create a edit control which as a child of parent window using system "edit" window class. I want the focus to be transferred to main window when enter key is pressed in edit control. Since I used system class I don't have access to its procedure.
I am using C++ for this in Visual Studio 10
Since I'm new to win32 apps I want a simple solution no matter how long the code is
If your window has only one focusable control (such as an edit control), then that control will always have the focus. You cannot have a window with no focused controls, and the parent window itself is not focusable (i.e. cannot have the focus).
So you will first need to add another focusable control to your window, if you don't have one already (I couldn't tell from the question). For example, you might add an "OK" or "Cancel" button. That way, whenever you unfocus the edit control, the button can receive the focus.
Then, you will need to subclass the edit control so that you can process its key press events (e.g. WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP). To subclass a single window, call the SetWindowLongPtr function and pass the window handle along with the GWLP_WNDPROC flag and a pointer to your custom window procedure. This effectively replaces the default window procedure for that class of control with your custom window procedure. For example:
// Stores the old original window procedure for the edit control.
WNDPROC wpOldEditProc;
// The new custom window procedure for the edit control.
LRESULT CALLBACK CustomEditProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
switch (msg)
if (wParam == VK_RETURN)
// The user pressed Enter, so set the focus to the other control
// on the window (where 'hwndOther' is a handle to that window).
// Indicate that we processed the message.
return 0;
// Pass the messages we don't process here on to the
// original window procedure for default handling.
CallWindowProc(wpOldEditProc, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
// ----- Add to the parent window's WM_CREATE: -----
// Create the edit control
HWND hwndEdit = CreateWindowEx(...);
// Subclass it.
wpOldEditProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(hwndEdit,
// Show it.
ShowWindow(hwndEdit, SW_SHOW);
// ... your other code (e.g. creating and showing the other control)
// ----- Add to the parent window's WM_DESTROY: -----
// Unsubclass the edit control.
SetWindowLongPtr(hwndEdit, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)wpOldEditProc);
// ... your other code (e.g. calling PostQuitMessage(...) to close your app)
Further reading about subclassing windows is here on MSDN. The sample code there (and lots of other places on the web) assumes that you're subclassing an edit control in a dialog window. Because dialogs are special types of parent windows that handle a lot of keyboard processing automatically, you need to take extra steps to overcome this default processing done by the dialog. If you're using a regular window created with CreateWindowEx, that is not necessary.
If you want multiple edit controls that all behave the same way in response to certain key presses, it is much cleaner and better design to register a custom window subclass. Whereas the above code subclassed only a single edit control object, this approach would create a new type of custom edit control class. You could create as many instances of this new type of edit control as you wanted, and they would all behave the same way.
But I won't go into how to do that here. You can find the code online if you're interested, and your particular use case makes it a bit more complicated. In order to change the focus, the control has to know which other control it should set the focus to. This is difficult to handle globally. Using a dialog window as the parent might be advisable. It manages the Z order and setting the focus for you automatically.

win32 DialogBox app: how to show text from callback on the DialogBox?

I'm working on a win32 DialogBox based app. This uses DialogBox() to create the dialog box, and has a dialog box procedure which does all the usual things.
The dialog box has some static text controls on it, and generally I'm showing text in these via SendDlgItemMessage() from within the dialog box procedure.
However at one point the DialogBox initiates a lengthy operation. This operation has a callback with a series of status messages. I'm having some trouble showing these messages on the dialog box, for two reasons:
The callback function doesn't know what the dialog box HWND is, because it gets called from the code which carries out the lengthy operation. I suppose I can define a file scope HWND variable and copy the dialog box HWND into it from the dialog box procedure just before the lengthy operation is started. That way, the callback function could have access to the dialog box HWND. But that seems awfully kludgy: is there a more elegant way?
The dialog box procedure is blocked while the lengthy operation happens. This doesn't matter because it's an embedded system. But will Windows even show the text in the dialog box if I issue a SendDlgItemMessage() while the dialog box procedure is blocked?
edit I've done some investigations using SendDlgItemMessage() to send a WM_SETTEXT to a static text control on a dialog. The text is displayed immediately even if the dialog box procedure is blocked.
Well, your dialog HWND is a singleton so it isn't the end of the world. But yes, the standard way this is done is by passing an opaque pointer to the code that gets the job done. Compare with the lParam argument of EnumWindows() for example, the callback gets that pointer back.
Whether a control repaints itself immediately is an implementation detail. I only know of progress bar doing this. You could call UpdateWindow on the dialog window handle to get any pending paint updates flushed to the screen.
The all-around better mouse trap is to perform long running tasks on a worker thread. Avoids Windows displaying the "Not Responding" ghost window, avoids timeouts on broadcast messages and numerous potential deadlock problems. But tends to be tricky to get right, you cannot update the window directly from the worker thread.

How can I show a modeless dialog and display information in it immediately?

I want to show a modeless dialog on the screen and display some information in it.
However if I use it the following way, it has some problems:
//heavy work.
update the dialog..
//heavy work.
update the dialog...
It seems the dialog displayed, but it does not draw any information in it. It only draw all information when the function is over.
How can I modify the modeless dialog so it will display the information immediately?
There are a few things you can do.
(1) You could post the dialog a message from inside the CDialog::OnInitDialog method and then handle the long function in the message handler of that posted message. That way the dialog will first be displayed and then later the long function will get run.
(2) The second option is to make sure the message loop gets some processing time. So if your long function is some sort of loop just add the occasional call to the ProcessMessages to make sure the message queue is kept empty:
void ProcessMessages()
MSG msg;
CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE))
Edit: It certainly is possible to use threads is such a situation, but doing so is not always without risk and complexity.
Using threads with a GUI means having to deal with multiple message queues which then means using API's like PostThreadMessage and that introduces a new set of issues to be wary of.
For an example of one such issue refer to this link:
where is says:
Messages sent by PostThreadMessage are
not associated with a window. As a
general rule, messages that are not
associated with a window cannot be
dispatched by the DispatchMessage
function. Therefore, if the recipient
thread is in a modal loop (as used by
MessageBox or DialogBox), the
messages will be lost. To intercept
thread messages while in a modal
loop, use a thread-specific hook.
I use the process message approach in the Zeus IDE and it works very well at making sure the GUI remains responsive to the user. It is also has the advantage of being very easy to implement.
In OnInitDialog, start a worker thread to perform the computations. Post a user message from the worker thread to update the dialog.
This is superior to the ProcessMessages implementation for several reasons:
The code for doing the calculations can be separated out of the UI code, where it does not belong.
The UI remains responsive while the actual calculations are being performed. ProcessMessages allows multiple UI updates during the single calculation function, but the UI will still be blocked during the actual calculations.
Dialog code:
#define WM_NEW_COUNT (WM_USER + 0x101)
BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
CWinThread* pThread = AfxBeginThread(MyCountFunc, this->GetSafeHwnd());
return TRUE;
LRESULT CMyDialog::OnNewCount(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
int newCount = (int)wParam;
// m_count is DDX member, e.g. for label
m_count = newCount;
return 0;
The worker thread:
UINT MyCountFunc(LPVOID lParam)
HWND hDialogWnd = (HWND)lParam;
for (int i=0; i < 100; ++i)
PostMessage(hDialogWnd, WM_NEW_COUNT, i, NULL);
As a rule of thumb, heavy computations should never be placed in the GUI thread. Since it is a modeless dialog, the dialog will not own the message loop. The ProcessMessage() solution will work, but is IMO not the right way. My suggestion is:
1) Spawn a new thread in OnInitDialog()
2) Have the separate thread post messages to the dialog when something interesting happens. One of these interesting things is that the work is done.
Note, however, that this will mean that you need to perform proper synchronization.
Don't try to do your heavy work all at once. Have the dialog post itself a message in the WM_APP range in OnInitDialog. The WM_APP handler can do part of the heavy work, then do another PostMessage and return. In this way, you allow the message pump to process window messages in between your chunks of processing.