Can gcc/g++ tell me when it ignores my register? - c++

When compiling C/C++ codes using gcc/g++, if it ignores my register, can it tell me?
For example, in this code
int main()
register int j;
int k;
for(k = 0; k < 1000; k++)
for(j = 0; j < 32000; j++)
return 0;
j will be used as register, but in this code
int main()
register int j;
int k;
for(k = 0; k < 1000; k++)
for(j = 0; j < 32000; j++)
int * a = &j;
return 0;
j will be a normal variable.
Can it tell me whether a variable I used register is really stored in a CPU register?

You can fairly assume that GCC ignores the register keyword except perhaps at -O0. However, it shouldn't make a difference one way or another, and if you are in such depth, you should already be reading the assembly code.
Here is an informative thread on this topic: . Back in the old days, register indeed helped compilers to allocate a variable into registers, but today register allocation can be accomplished optimally, automatically, without hints. The keyword does continue to serve two purposes in C:
In C, it prevents you from taking the address of a variable. Since registers don't have addresses, this restriction can help a simple C compiler. (Simple C++ compilers don't exist.)
A register object cannot be declared restrict. Because restrict pertains to addresses, their intersection is pointless. (C++ does not yet have restrict, and anyway, this rule is a bit trivial.)
For C++, the keyword has been deprecated since C++11 and proposed for removal from the standard revision scheduled for 2017.
Some compilers have used register on parameter declarations to determine the calling convention of functions, with the ABI allowing mixed stack- and register-based parameters. This seems to be nonconforming, it tends to occur with extended syntax like register("A1"), and I don't know whether any such compiler is still in use.

With respect to modern compilation and optimization techniques, the register annotation does not make any sense at all. In your second program you take the address of j, and registers do not have addresses, but one same local or static variable could perfectly well be stored in two different memory locations during its lifetime, or sometimes in memory and sometimes in a register, or not exist at all. Indeed, an optimizing compiler would compile your nested loops as nothing, because they do not have any effects, and simply assign their final values to k and j. And then omit these assignments because the remaining code does not use these values.

You can't get the address of a register in C, plus the compiler can totally ignore you; C99 standard, section 6.7.1 (pdf):
The implementation may treat any
register declaration simply as an auto
declaration. However, whether or not
addressable storage is actually used,
the address of any part of an object
declared with storage-class specifier
register cannot be computed, either
explicitly (by use of the unary &
operator as discussed in or
implicitly (by converting an array
name to a pointer as discussed in Thus, the only operator that can be applied to an array declared
with storage-class specifier register
is sizeof.
Unless you're mucking around on 8-bit AVRs or PICs, the compiler will probably laugh at you thinking you know best and ignore your pleas. Even on them, I've thought I knew better a couple times and found ways to trick the compiler (with some inline asm), but my code exploded because it had to massage a bunch of other data to work around my stubbornness.

This question, and some of the answers, and several other discussions of the 'register' keywords I've seen -- seem to assume implicitly that all locals are mapped either to a specific register, or to a specific memory location on the stack. This was generally true until 15-25 years ago, and it's true if you turn off optimizing, but it's not true at all
when standard optimizing is performed. Locals are now seen by optimizers as symbolic names that you use to describe the flow of data, rather than as values that need to be stored in specific locations.
Note: by 'locals' here I mean: scalar variables, of storage class auto (or 'register'), which are never used as the operand of '&'. Compilers can sometimes break up auto structs, unions or arrays into individual 'local' variables, too.
To illustrate this: suppose I write this at the top of a function:
int factor = 8;
.. and then the only use of the factor variable is to multiply by various things:
arr[i + factor*j] = arr[i - factor*k];
In this case - try it if you want - there will be no factor variable. The code analysis will show that factor is always 8, and so all the shifts will turn into <<3. If you did the same thing in 1985 C, factor would get a location on the stack, and there would be multipilies, since the compilers basically worked one statement at a time and didn't remember anything about the values of the variables. Back then programmers would be more likely to use #define factor 8 to get better code in this situation, while maintaining adjustable factor.
If you use -O0 (optimization off) - you will indeed get a variable for factor. This will allow you, for instance, to step over the factor=8 statement, and then change factor to 11 with the debugger, and keep going. In order for this to work, the compiler can't keep anything in registers between statements, except for variables which are assigned to specific registers; and in that case the debugger is informed of this. And it can't try to 'know' anything about the values of variables, since the debugger could change them. In other words, you need the 1985 situation if you want to change local variables while debugging.
Modern compilers generally compile a function as follows:
(1) when a local variable is assigned to more than once in a function, the compiler creates different 'versions' of the variable so that each one is only assigned in one place. All of the 'reads' of the variable refer to a specific version.
(2) Each of these locals is assigned to a 'virtual' register. Intermediate calculation results are also assigned variables/registers; so
a = b*c + 2*k;
becomes something like
t1 = b*c;
t2 = 2;
t3 = k*t2;
a = t1 + t3;
(3) The compiler then takes all these operations, and looks for common subexpressions, etc. Since each of the new registers is only ever written once, it is rather easier to rearrange them while maintaining correctness. I won't even start on loop analysis.
(4) The compiler then tries to map all these virtual registers into actual registers in order to generate code. Since each virtual register has a limited lifetime it is possible to reuse actual registers heavily - 't1' in the above is only needed until the add which generates 'a', so it could be held in the same register as 'a'. When there are not enough registers, some of the virtual registers can be allocated to memory -- or -- a value can be held in a certain register, stored to memory for a while, and loaded back into a (possibly) different register later. On a load-store machine, where only values in registers can be used in computations, this second strategy accomodates that nicely.
From the above, this should be clear: it's easy to determine that the virtual register mapped to factor is the same as the constant '8', and so all multiplications by factor are multiplications by 8. Even if factor is modified later, that's a 'new' variable and it doesn't affect prior uses of factor.
Another implication, if you write
vara = varb;
.. it may or may not be the case that there is a corresponding copy in the code. For instance
int *resultp= ...
int acc = arr[0] + arr[1];
int acc0 = acc; // save this for later
int more = func(resultp,3)+ func(resultp,-3);
acc += more; // add some more stuff
if( ...){
resultp = getptr();
resultp[0] = acc0;
resultp[1] = acc;
In the above the two 'versions' of acc (initial, and after adding 'more') could be in two different registers, and 'acc0' would then be the same as the inital 'acc'. So no register copy would be needed for 'acc0 =acc'.
Another point: the 'resultp' is assigned to twice, and since the second assignment ignores the previous value, there are essentially two distinct 'resultp' variables in the code, and this is easily determined by analysis.
An implication of all this: don't be hesitant to break out complex expressions into smaller ones using additional locals for intermediates, if it makes the code easier to follow. There is basically zero run-time penalty for this, since the optimizer sees the same thing anyway.
If you're interested in learning more you could start here:
The point of this answer is to (a) give some idea of how modern compilers work and (b) point out that asking the compiler, if it would be so kind, to put a particular local variable into a register -- doesn't really make sense. Each 'variable' may be seen by the optimizer as several variables, some of which may be heavily used in loops, and others not. Some variables will vanish -- e.g. by being constant; or, sometimes, the temp variable used in a swap. Or calculations not actually used. The compiler is equipped to use the same register for different things in different parts of the code, according to what's actually best on the machine you are compiling for.
The notion of hinting the compiler as to which variables should be in registers assumes that each local variable maps to a register or to a memory location. This was true back when Kernighan + Ritchie designed the C language, but is not true any more.
Regarding the restriction that you can't take the address of a register variable: Clearly, there's no way to implement taking the address of a variable held in a register, but you might ask - since the compiler has discretion to ignore the 'register' - why is this rule in place? Why can't the compiler just ignore the 'register' if I happen to take the address? (as is the case in C++).
Again, you have to go back to the old compiler. The original K+R compiler would parse a local variable declaration, and then immediately decide whether to assign it to a register or not (and if so, which register). Then it would proceed to compile expressions, emitting the assembler for each statement one at a time. If it later found that you were taking the address of a 'register' variable, which had been assigned to a register, there was no way to handle that, since the assignment was, in general, irreversible by then. It was possible, however, to generate an error message and stop compiling.
Bottom line, it appears that 'register' is essentially obsolete:
C++ compilers ignore it completely
C compilers ignore it except to enforce the restriction about & - and possibly don't ignore it at -O0 where it could actually result in allocation as requested. At -O0 you aren't concerned about code speed though.
So, it's basically there now for backward compatibility, and probably on the basis that some implementations could still be using it for 'hints'. I never use it -- and I write real-time DSP code, and spend a fair bit of time looking at generated code and finding ways to make it faster. There are many ways to modify code to make it run faster, and knowing how compilers work is very helpful. It's been a long time indeed since I last found that adding 'register' to be among those ways.
I excluded above, from my special definition of 'locals', variables to which & is applied (these are are of course included in the usual sense of the term).
Consider the code below:
int h,w;
int i,j;
extern int pitch;
get_hw( &h,&w ); // get shape of array
for( int i = 0; i < h; i++ ){
for( int j = 0; j < w; j++ ){
Arr[i*pitch + j] = generate_func(i,j);
This may look perfectly harmless. But if you are concerned about execution speed, consider this: The compiler is passing the addresses of h and w to get_hw, and then later calling generate_func. Let's assume the compiler knows nothing about what's in those functions (which is the general case). The compiler must assume that the call to generate_func could be changing h or w. That's a perfectly legal use of the pointer passed to get_hw - you could store it somewhere and then use it later, as long as the scope containing h,w is still in play, to read or write those variables.
Thus the compiler must store h and w in memory on the stack, and can't determine anything in advance about how long the loop will run. So certain optimizations will be impossible, and the loop could be less efficient as a result (in this example, there's a function call in the inner loop anyway, so it may not make much of a difference, but consider the case where there's a function which is occasionally called in the inner loop, depending on some condition).
Another issue here is that generate_func could change pitch, and so i*pitch needs to done each time, rather than only when i changes.
It can be recoded as:
int h0,w0;
int h,w;
int i,j;
extern int pitch;
int apit = pitch;
get_hw( &h0,&w0 ); // get shape of array
h= h0;
w= w0;
for( int i = 0; i < h; i++ ){
for( int j = 0; j < w; j++ ){
Arr[i*apit + j] = generate_func(i,j);
Now the variables apit,h,w are all 'safe' locals in the sense I defined above, and the compiler can be sure they won't be changed by any function calls. Assuming I'm not modifying anything in generate_func, the code will have the same effect as before but could be more efficient.
Jens Gustedt has suggested the use of the 'register' keyword as a way of tagging key variables to inhibit the use of & on them, e.g. by others maintaining the code (It won't affect the generated code, since the compiler can determine the lack of & without it). For my part, I always think carefully before applying & to any local scalar in a time-critical area of the code, and in my view using 'register' to enforce this is a little cryptic, but I can see the point (unfortunately it doesn't work in C++ since the compiler will just ignore the 'register').
Incidentally, in terms of code efficiency, the best way to have a function return two values is with a struct:
struct hw { // this is what get_hw returns
int h,w;
int h,w;
int i,j;
struct hw hwval = get_hw(); // get shape of array
h = hwval.h;
w = hwval.w;
This may look cumbersome (and is cumbersome to write), but it will generate cleaner code than the previous examples. The 'struct hw' will actually be returned in two registers (on most modern ABIs anyway). And due to the way the 'hwval' struct is used, the optimizer will effectively break it up into two 'locals' hwval.h and hwval.w, and then determine that these are equivalent to h and w -- so hwval will essentially disappear in the code. No pointers need to be passed, no function is modifying another function's variables via pointer; it's just like having two distinct scalar return values. This is much easier to do now in C++11 - with std::tie and std::tuple, you can use this method with less verbosity (and without having to write a struct definition).

Your second example is invalid in C. So you see well that the register keyword changes something (in C). It is just there for this purpose, to inhibit the taking of an address of a variable. So just don't take its name "register" verbally, it is a misnomer, but stick to its definition.
That C++ seems to ignore register, well they must have their reason for that, but I find it kind of sad to again find one of these subtle difference where valid code for one is invalid for the other.


Does C++ support named constants which are guaranteed to not take up memory?

The question is more academic because even a literal is also eventually stored in memory, at least in the machine code for the instruction it is used in. Still, is there a way to ensure that an identifier will be done away with at compile time and not turn into what is essentially a handicapped variable with memory location and all?
Unfortunately, no. C++ doesn't specify the object format, and therefore, it also doesn't specify what exactly goes into the object file and what doesn't. Implementations are free to pack as much extra stuff into the binary as they want, or even omit things that they determine to not be necessary under the as-if rule.
In fact, we can make a very simple thought experiment to come to a definitive answer. C++ doesn't require there to be a compiler at all. A conformant C++ interpreter is a perfectly valid implementation of the C++ standard. This interpreter could parse your C++ code into an Abstract Syntax Tree and serialize it to disk. To execute it, it loads the AST and evaluates it, one line of C++ code after the other. Your constexpr variable, #define, enum constants, etc all get loaded into memory by necessity. (This isn't even as hypothetical as you might think: It's exactly what happens during constant evaluation at compile time.)
In other words: The C++ standard has no concept of object format or even compilation. Since it doesn't know what compilation even is, it can't specify any details of that process, so there are no rules on what's kept and what's thrown away during compilation.
The C++ Abstract Machine strikes again.
In practice, there are architectures (like ARM) that don't have instructions to load arbitrary immediates into registers, which means that even a plain old integer literal like 1283572434 will go into a dedicated constant variable section in memory, which you can take the address of. The same can and will happen with constexpr variables, enums, and even #define.
Compilers for x86-64 do this as well for constants that are too large to load via regular mov reg, imm instructions. Very large 256-bit or even 512-bit constants are generally loaded into vector registers by loading them from a constant section somewhere in memory.
Most compilers are of course smart enough to optimize away constants that are only used at compile time. It's not guaranteed by the standard, though, and not even by the compilers themselves.
Here's an example where GCC places a #define-d constant into a variable and loads it from memory when needed (Godbolt):
#include <immintrin.h>
#define THAT_VERY_LARGE_VALUE __m256i{1111, 2222, 3333, 4444}
__m256i getThatValue() {
The standard way is enum. It has 3 forms:
enum {THE_VALUE = 42};
Usage: std::cout << THE_VALUE;
enum MyContainerForConstants {THE_VALUE = 42};
Usage: as above, and also std::cout << MyContainerForConstants::THE_VALUE;
enum: unsigned short {THE_VALUE = 42};
You can specify a type if you want.
A macro: #define
#define THE_VALUE 42
Usage: std::cout << THE_VALUE;
A consteval function. Use this if your constant requires non-trivial code to calculate.
consteval int the_other_value()
int r = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
r += i;
return r;
Usage: std::cout << the_other_value();
If the value happens to be 0, it may not appear in code: for example, a function returning 0 has xor eax, eax in its machine code — the literal 0 doesn't appear there. But for all other values, the constant will appear in the machine code (at least if you use x86/x64 machine code).
While it's possible to obfuscate the machine code and hide constant numbers, no compiler supports this useless feature.

In C++, when an element of an array is used multiple times in a loop, is it better to assign it to an other element?

Let's say I have a loop that will do some math on an array x. Is it better to assign a temporary double inside the loop at each iteration or should I use the array[i] every time?
By better I mean performance-wise using C++. I wonder if C++ has some vectorization or cash optimization that I'm ruining?
Also what if I call a function using this array and I might need values of a function multiple times, so I usually do the same with functions. I assume this would be better than calling the function many times.
How about if the loop uses omp parallel, I assume this should be safe, correct?
for(int i=0; i<N; i++){
double xi = X[i];
double fi = f(xi);
t[i] = xi*xi + fi + xi/fi;
elcuco is correct. Any compiler worth it's salt will be able to optimise out something this trivial. What matters here is code readability, personally i find X[i] to be a little easier to look at in this situation.
I will note that if you are repeatedly making very long statements i.e X.something.something.darkside[i][j] it might make sense to use a clearly named reference i.e auto & the_emperor = X.something.something.darkside[i][j].
Modern compilers (last 10 years) will optimise it out. Don't worry about it.
This has been discussed in StackOverflow a few times:
Will compiler optimize and reuse variable
In C++, should I bother to cache variables, or let the compiler do the optimization? (Aliasing)
This official documentation explains it, IMHO it is
-fmerge-all-constants -fivopts and maybe -ftree-coalesce-vars clang and MSCV have similar options, feel free to research them yourself or link them here.
In practice, when a compiler sees a memory read (a variable, or array value) it will read it into a register, and unless that not marked as volatile, the compiler can assume it did not change, and will not issue instructions to re-read it.
Having said the magical volatile word: It should not be used for threading. It should be used for hardware mapped memory (for example, video card memory or external ports).

Code reordering due to optimization

I've heard so many times that an optimizer may reorder your code that I'm starting to believe it.
Are there any examples or typical cases where this might happen and how can I Avoid such a thing (eg I want a benchmark to be impervious to this)?
There are LOTS of different kinds of "code-motion" (moving code around), and it's caused by lots of different parts of the optimisation process:
move these instructions around, because it's a waste of time to wait for the memory read to complete without putting at least one or two instructions between the memory read and the operation using the content we got from memory
Move things out of loops, because it only needs to happen once (if you call x = sin(y) once or 1000 times without changing y, x will have the same value, so no point in doing that inside a loop. So compiler moves it out.
Move code around based on "compiler expects this code to hit more often than the other bit, so better cache-hit ratio if we do it this way" - for example error handling being moved away from the source of the error, because it's unlikely that you get an error [compilers often understand commonly used functions and that they typically result in success].
Inlining - code is moved from the actual function into the calling function. This often leads to OTHER effects such as reduction in pushing/poping registers from the stack and arguments can be kept where they are, rather than having to move them to the "right place for arguments".
I'm sure I've missed some cases in the above list, but this is certainly some of the most common.
The compiler is perfectly within its rights to do this, as long as it doesn't have any "observable difference" (other than the time it takes to run and the number of instructions used - those "don't count" in observable differences when it comes to compilers)
There is very little you can do to avoid compiler from reordering your code - you can write code that ensures the order to some degree. So for example, we can have code like this:
int sum = 0;
for(i = 0; i < large_number; i++)
sum += i;
Now, since sum isn't being used, the compiler can remove it. Adding some code that checks prints the sum would ensure that it's "used" according to the compiler.
for(i = 0; i < large_number; i++)
if the compiler can figure out that do_stuff doesn't actually change any global value, or similar, it will move code around to form this:
for(i = 0; i < large_number; i++)
The compiler may also remove - in fact almost certainly will - the, now, empty loop so that it doesn't exist at all. [As mentioned in the comments: If do_stuff doesn't actually change anything outside itself, it may also be removed, but the example I had in mind is where do_stuff produces a result, but the result is the same each time]
(The above happens if you remove the printout of results in the Dhrystone benchmark for example, since some of the loops calculate values that are never used other than in the printout - this can lead to benchmark results that exceed the highest theoretical throughput of the processor by a factor of 10 or so - because the benchmark assumes the instructions necessary for the loop were actually there, and says it took X nominal operations to execute each iteration)
There is no easy way to ensure this doesn't happen, aside from ensuring that do_stuff either updates some variable outside the function, or returns a value that is "used" (e.g. summing up, or something).
Another example of removing/omitting code is where you store values repeatedly to the same variable multiple times:
int x;
for(i = 0; i < large_number; i++)
x = i * i;
can be replaced with:
x = (large_number-1) * (large_number-1);
Sometimes, you can use volatile to ensure that something REALLY happens, but in a benchmark, that CAN be detrimental, since the compiler also can't optimise code that it SHOULD optimise (if you are not careful with the how you use volatile).
If you have some SPECIFIC code that you care particularly about, it would be best to post it (and compile it with several state of the art compilers, and see what they actually do with it).
[Note that moving code around is definitely not a BAD thing in general - I do want my compiler (whether it is the one I'm writing myself, or one that I'm using that was written by someone else) to make optimisation by moving code, because, as long as it does so correctly, it will produce faster/better code by doing so!]
Most of the time, reordering is only allowed in situations where the observable effects of the program are the same - this means you shouldn't be able to tell.
Counterexamples do exist, for example the order of operands is unspecified and an optimizer is free to rearrange things. You can't predict the order of these two function calls for example:
int a = foo() + bar();
Read up on sequence points to see what guarantees are made.

Is it bad practice to operate on a structure and assign the result to the same structure? Why?

I don't recall seeing examples of code like this hypothetical snippet:
cpu->dev.bus->uevent = (cpu->dev.bus->uevent) >> 16; //or the equivalent using a macro
in which a member in a large structure gets dereferenced using pointers, operated on, and the result assigned back to the same field of the structure.
The kernel seems to be a place where such large structures are frequent but I haven't seen examples of it and became interested as to the reason why.
Is there a performance reason for this, maybe related to the time required to follow the pointers? Is it simply not good style and if so, what is the preferred way?
There's nothing wrong with the statement syntactically, but it's easier to code it like this:
cpu->dev.bus->uevent >>= 16;
It's mush more a matter of history: the kernel is mostly written in C (not C++), and -in the original development intention- (K&R era) was thought as a "high level assembler", whose statement and expression should have a literal correspondence in C and ASM. In this environment, ++i i+=1 and i=i+1 are completely different things that translates in completely different CPU instructions
Compiler optimizations, at that time, where not so advanced and popular, so the idea to follow the pointer chain twice was often avoided by first store the resulting destination address in a local temporary variable (most likely a register) and than do the assignment.
(like int* p = &a->b->c->d; *p = a + *p;)
or trying to use compond instruction like a->b->c >>= 16;)
With nowadays computers (multicore processor, multilevel caches and piping) the execution of cone inside registers can be ten times faster respect to the memory access, following three pointers is faster than storing an address in memory, thus reverting the priority of the "business model".
Compiler optimization, then, can freely change the produced code to adequate it to size or speed depending on what is retained more important and depending on what kind of processor you are working with.
So -nowadays- it doesn't really matter if you write ++i or i+=1 or i=i+1: The compiler will most likely produce the same code, attempting to access i only once. and following the pointer chain twice will most likely be rewritten as equivalent to (cpu->dev.bus->uevent) >>= 16 since >>= correspond to a single machine instruction in the x86 derivative processors.
That said ("it doesn't really matter"), it is also true that code style tend to reflect stiles and fashions of the age it was first written (since further developers tend to maintain consistency).
You code is not "bad" by itself, it just looks "odd" in the place it is usually written.
Just to give you an idea of what piping and prediction is. consider the comparison of two vectors:
bool equal(size_t n, int* a, int *b)
for(size_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
if(a[i]!=b[i]) return false;
return true;
Here, as soon we find something different we sortcut saying they are different.
Now consider this:
bool equal(size_t n, int* a, int *b)
register size_t c=0;
for(register size_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
return c==n;
There is no shortcut, and even if we find a difference continue to loop and count.
But having removed the if from inside the loop, if n isn't that big (let's say less that 20) this can be 4 or 5 times faster!
An optimized compiler can even recognize this situation - proven there are no different side effects- can rework the first code in the second!
I see nothing wrong with something like that, it appears as innocuous as:
i = i + 42;
If you're accessing the data items a lot, you could consider something like:
tSomething *cdb = cpu->dev.bus;
cdb->uevent = cdb->uevent >> 16;
// and many more accesses to cdb here
but, even then, I'd tend to leave it to the optimiser, which tends to do a better job than most humans anyway :-)
There's nothing inherently wrong by doing
cpu->dev.bus->uevent = (cpu->dev.bus->uevent) >> 16;
but depending on the type of uevent, you need to be careful when shifting right like that, so you don't accidentally shift in unexpected bits into your value. For instance, if it's a 64-bit value
uint64_t uevent = 0xDEADBEEF00000000;
uevent = uevent >> 16; // now uevent is 0x0000DEADBEEF0000;
if you thought you shifted a 32-bit value and then pass the new uevent to a function taking a 64-bit value, you're not passing 0xBEEF0000, as you might have expected. Since the sizes fit (64-bit value passed as 64-bit parameter), you won't get any compiler warnings here (which you would have if you passed a 64-bit value as a 32-bit parameter).
Also interesting to note is that the above operation, while similar to
i = ++i;
which is undefined behavior (see for details), is still well defined, since there are no side effects in the right-hand side expression.

Force compiler to not optimize side-effect-less statements

I was reading some old game programming books and as some of you might know, back in that day it was usually faster to do bit hacks than do things the standard way. (Converting float to int, mask sign bit, convert back for absolute value, instead of just calling fabs(), for example)
Nowadays is almost always better to just use the standard library math functions, since these tiny things are hardly the cause of most bottlenecks anyway.
But I still want to do a comparison, just for curiosity's sake. So I want to make sure when I profile, I'm not getting skewed results. As such, I'd like to make sure the compiler does not optimize out statements that have no side effect, such as:
void float_to_int(float f)
int i = static_cast<int>(f); // has no side-effects
Is there a way to do this? As far as I can tell, doing something like i += 10 will still have no side-effect and as such won't solve the problem.
The only thing I can think of is having a global variable, int dummy;, and after the cast doing something like dummy += i, so the value of i is used. But I feel like this dummy operation will get in the way of the results I want.
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 / G++ (3.4.4).
To clarify, I would like to have all optimizations maxed out, to get good profile results. The problem is that with this the statements with no side-effect will be optimized out, hence the situation.
Edit Again
To clarify once more, read this: I'm not trying to micro-optimize this in some sort of production code.
We all know that the old tricks aren't very useful anymore, I'm merely curious how not useful they are. Just plain curiosity. Sure, life could go on without me knowing just how these old hacks perform against modern day CPU's, but it never hurts to know.
So telling me "these tricks aren't useful anymore, stop trying to micro-optimize blah blah" is an answer completely missing the point. I know they aren't useful, I don't use them.
Premature quoting of Knuth is the root of all annoyance.
Assignment to a volatile variable shold never be optimized away, so this might give you the result you want:
static volatile int i = 0;
void float_to_int(float f)
i = static_cast<int>(f); // has no side-effects
So I want to make sure when I profile, I'm not getting skewed results. As such, I'd like to make sure the compiler does not optimize out statements
You are by definition skewing the results.
Here's how to fix the problem of trying to profile "dummy" code that you wrote just to test: For profiling, save your results to a global/static array and print one member of the array to the output at the end of the program. The compiler will not be able to optimize out any of the computations that placed values in the array, but you'll still get any other optimizations it can put in to make the code fast.
In this case I suggest you make the function return the integer value:
int float_to_int(float f)
return static_cast<int>(f);
Your calling code can then exercise it with a printf to guarantee it won't optimize it out. Also make sure float_to_int is in a separate compilation unit so the compiler can't play any tricks.
extern int float_to_int(float f)
int sum = 0;
// start timing here
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
sum += float_to_int(1.0f);
// end timing here
printf("sum=%d\n", sum);
Now compare this to an empty function like:
int take_float_return_int(float /* f */)
return 1;
Which should also be external.
The difference in times should give you an idea of the expense of what you're trying to measure.
What always worked on all compilers I used so far:
extern volatile int writeMe = 0;
void float_to_int(float f)
writeMe = static_cast<int>(f);
note that this skews results, boith methods should write to writeMe.
volatile tells the compiler "the value may be accessed without your notice", thus the compiler cannot omit the calculation and drop the result. To block propagiation of input constants, you might need to run them through an extern volatile, too:
extern volatile float readMe = 0;
extern volatile int writeMe = 0;
void float_to_int(float f)
writeMe = static_cast<int>(f);
int main()
readMe = 17;
Still, all optimizations inbetween the read and the write can be applied "with full force". The read and write to the global variable are often good "fenceposts" when inspecting the generated assembly.
Without the extern the compiler may notice that a reference to the variable is never taken, and thus determine it can't be volatile. Technically, with Link Time Code Generation, it might not be enough, but I haven't found a compiler that agressive. (For a compiler that indeed removes the access, the reference would need to be passed to a function in a DLL loaded at runtime)
Compilers are unfortunately allowed to optimise as much as they like, even without any explicit switches, if the code behaves as if no optimisation takes place. However, you can often trick them into not doing so if you indicate that value might be used later, so I would change your code to:
int float_to_int(float f)
return static_cast<int>(f); // has no side-effects
As others have suggested, you will need to examine the assemnler output to check that this approach actually works.
You just need to skip to the part where you learn something and read the published Intel CPU optimisation manual.
These quite clearly state that casting between float and int is a really bad idea because it requires a store from the int register to memory followed by a load into a float register. These operations cause a bubble in the pipeline and waste many precious cycles.
a function call incurs quite a bit of overhead, so I would remove this anyway.
adding a dummy += i; is no problem, as long as you keep this same bit of code in the alternate profile too. (So the code you are comparing it against).
Last but not least: generate asm code. Even if you can not code in asm, the generated code is typically understandable since it will have labels and commented C code behind it. So you know (sortoff) what happens, and which bits are kept.
p.s. found this too:
inline float pslNegFabs32f(float x){
fld x //Push 'x' into st(0) of FPU stack
fchs //change sign
fstp x //Pop from st(0) of FPU stack
return x;
supposedly also very fast. You might want to profile this too. (although it is hardly portable code)
Return the value?
int float_to_int(float f)
return static_cast<int>(f); // has no side-effects
and then at the call site, you can sum all the return values up, and print out the result when the benchmark is done. The usual way to do this is to somehow make sure you depend on the result.
You could use a global variable instead, but it seems like that'd generate more cache misses. Usually, simply returning the value to the caller (and making sure the caller actually does something with it) does the trick.
If you are using Microsoft's compiler - cl.exe, you can use the following statement to turn optimization on/off on a per-function level [link to doc].
#pragma optimize("" ,{ on |off })
Turn optimizations off for functions defined after the current line:
#pragma optimize("" ,off)
Turn optimizations back on:
#pragma optimize("" ,on)
For example, in the following image, you can notice 3 things.
Compiler optimizations flag is set - /O2, so code will get optimized.
Optimizations are turned off for first function - square(), and turned back on before square2() is defined.
Amount of assembly code generated for 1st function is higher. In second function there is no assembly code generated for int i = num; statement in code.
Thus while 1st function is not optimized, the second function is.
See for link to this code on compiler explorer.
A similar directive exists for gcc too -
A micro-benchmark around this statement will not be representative of using this approach in a genuine scenerio; the surrounding instructions and their affect on the pipeline and cache are generally as important as any given statement in itself.
GCC 4 does a lot of micro-optimizations now, that GCC 3.4 has never done. GCC4 includes a tree vectorizer that turns out to do a very good job of taking advantage of SSE and MMX. It also uses the GMP and MPFR libraries to assist in optimizing calls to things like sin(), fabs(), etc., as well as optimizing such calls to their FPU, SSE or 3D Now! equivalents.
I know the Intel compiler is also extremely good at these kinds of optimizations.
My suggestion is to not worry about micro-optimizations like this - on relatively new hardware (anything built in the last 5 or 6 years), they're almost completely moot.
Edit: On recent CPUs, the FPU's fabs instruction is far faster than a cast to int and bit mask, and the fsin instruction is generally going to be faster than precalculating a table or extrapolating a Taylor series. A lot of the optimizations you would find in, for example, "Tricks of the Game Programming Gurus," are completely moot, and as pointed out in another answer, could potentially be slower than instructions on the FPU and in SSE.
All of this is due to the fact that newer CPUs are pipelined - instructions are decoded and dispatched to fast computation units. Instructions no longer run in terms of clock cycles, and are more sensitive to cache misses and inter-instruction dependencies.
Check the AMD and Intel processor programming manuals for all the gritty details.