Rails3: Find method not working with fixtures in test environment - unit-testing

The Rails Guide says, "Fixtures can also transform themselves into the form of the original class. Thus, you can get at the methods only available to that class," and gives the example,
# using the find method, we grab the "real" david as a User
david = users(:david).find
My fixtures are working ok, but when I try
memb = members(:one).find
I get an error: NoMethodError: undefined method `find'. What am I doing wrong?
(Rails Guide reference: http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/testing.html#the-low-down-on-fixtures)

The guide is fixed now, and find is not necessary anymore because now users(:david) is the ActiveRecord object.


ActsAsTenant current_tenant + Capybara + RSpec testing

I am trying to create an integration test with Capybara/RSpec that has a valid current_user (using the Warden.test_mode! trick) and I have also created a valid current_tenant by doing this in the test:
ActsAsTenant.current_tenant = Account.first
When the test is ran it comes up with a "undefined method for nil:NilClass" error that is characteristic of the current_tenant not being set. I have verified that Account.first does in fact have what I expect in it.
What might be the problem and how can I fix it?
You can check the gem 'act_as_tent' doc over here
You might need to create the Account. If you're using FactoryBot, that might look like:
ActsAsTenant.current_tenant = FactoryBot.create :account
You might also consider using:
ActsAsTenant.without_tenant do
# more testy things

New rails 4.1 mailer preview action not found error

Rails has 607 open issues...so, rather than plugging that hole even more I though Id try here first. I have upgraded to 4.1 and am implementing rails mailer previews. I tried upgrading my existing mailer and adding tests/mailers/previews directory. When that gave the following error I tried generating a new mailer. Same error.
class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
def welcome
results in this error:
The action 'notifier' could not be found for Rails::MailersController
I've tried searching google, the docs, stack overflow, but nothing eludes to this error.
Anyone experience this or have any ideas?
The default preview path is /test/mailers/previews but rspec will override this to be /spec/mailers/previews
You can set the path to be whatever you like with:
config.action_mailer.preview_path = "#{Rails.root}/test/mailers/previews"
This is because you are using UserMailer with NotifierPreview. Change NotifierPreview to UserMailerPreview and it will start working. Check the example implementation https://github.com/RichIsOnRails/ActionMailerPreviewsExample and tutorial.
If you're using rspec, make sure that the rspec-rails gem is being loaded in the development environment, otherwise Rails will look for the previews under the /test folder, not /spec.
Remove the line(s)
get '/:controller(/:action(/:id))'
get '/:controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format)'
from your routes.rb
As #hellion says in a comment on the previous answer this is the solution to this problem.

Rails console: Unable to autoload constant

I have a Customer_ratings model that allows users to leave feedback on each other. The web app is working properly, and feedback is collected, stored and displayed.
I wanted to go in and delete some feedback through the rails console, but when I enter Customer_rating.all, I get the following error:
LoadError: Unable to autoload constant Customer_rating, expected /Users/myapps/app/models/customer_rating.rb to define it
Similarly, if I enter Customer_rating[0], I get:
RuntimeError: Circular dependency detected while autoloading constant Customer_rating
I don't have this issue while accessing other tables through my console.
What could be causing the issue, and why wouldn't this error prohibit Customer_ratings from working properly through the web app?
It seems like a case of messed up naming convention.
As per Rails naming convention, file names should be in snake_case and class names in CamelCase. In your scenario, the file name should be customer_rating.rb and class name should be CustomerRating.
After making these changes, use CustomerRating.all(as the updated class name is CustomerRating) to fetch all the customer ratings. Do not use Customer_rating.all.
I'd also like to add a scenario of this problem that I found for future reference.
I'm running Rails 4.0 and I had this same problem but what happened was I had a model named Student inside student.rb that was contained in a folder called Student. I didn't realize it at first but the folder name was the problem. Changing the folder name to something other than a model name solved the problem.
If the naming convention is not off, like in this question, it may be an issue on initial first load if you're making a lot of requests at the same time. I experienced this with nested controllers Api::LocationsController.
I solved it by enabled eager_load in development env:
Rails.application.configure do
# Enabled this to avoid crash unable to autoload controller
# Error happens when you start and stop server on initial requests
# solution found via https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/32082#issuecomment-367715194
config.eager_load = true
I based this off of rails issues comments: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/32082#issuecomment-367715194
You just need to modify the name of the Module
For example if the link is http://sairam.esy.es/users/customer_rating then
you controller should like be
module Users
class RatingController
# ...
def customer_rating
# ...
# ...

How do you make a django field reference to a python class?

I am working on a project to expand a testing suite that my company uses. One of this things that was asked of me was to link the website to our Github source for code so that the dev team could continue tracking the issues there instead of trying to look in two places. I was able to do this but the problem is that every time the a bug is reported an issue is opened.
I want to add a field to my Django model that tracks an Issue object (from the github3.py wrapper) that is sent to Github. I want to use this to check if an Issue has already been created in Github by that instance of the BugReport and if it has been created, edit the Issue instead of creating another issue in Github that is a duplicate. Does Django have a something that can handle this sort of reference?
I am using Django 1.3.1 and Python 2.7.1
I was able to figure my specific problem out using esauro's suggestions. However, as mkoistinen said, If this problem came up in a program where the work-around was not as easy as this one was, should an object reference be created like I had originally asked about or is that bad practice? and if it is okay to make an object reference like that, how would you do it with the Django models?
I'm the creator of github3.py.
If you want to get the issue itself via a number, there are a couple different ways to do this. I'm not sure how you're interacting with the API but you can do:
import github3
i = githbu3.issue('repo_owner', 'repo_name', issue_number)
import github3
r = github3.repository('repo_owner', 'repo_name')
i = r.issue(issue_number)
import github3
g = github3.login(client_key='client_key', client_secret='client_secret')
i = g.issue('repo_owner', 'repo_name', issue_number)
# or
r = g.repository('repo_owner', 'repo_name')
i = r.issue(issue_number)
otherwise if you're looking for something that's in an issue without knowing the number:
import github3
r = github3.repository('repo_owner', 'repo_name')
for i in r.iter_issues():
if 'text to search for' in i.body_text:

Unit test with Authlogic on Rails 3

I would like to write some unit test with a logged user using Authlogic. To start right, I used some code hosted in http://github.com/binarylogic/authlogic_example. But I get an error after rake test, because of "test_helper.rb" and the following class:
class ActionController::TestCase
setup :activate_authlogic
Here is my error:
NameError: undefined local variable or
method `activate_authlogic' for
I think this Authlogic example is mapped over Rails 2; maybe it's a little bit different on Rails 3. Is there an other example where I can take example about unit test?
Many thanks.
Do you require 'authlogic/test_case' and include Authlogic::TestCase?
I had a similar issue (using rspec, though) and read through the code at http://github.com/trevmex/authlogic_rails3_example
As of Rails 3.1 and Authlogic 3.0.3, the only thing I've had to add to activate authlogic was
Before do
I don't realize where to put include Authlogic::TestCase, so I put this after the requires in spec_helper.rb and it worked. There is a better place for it?