compressed vector/array class with random data access - c++

I would like to make "compressed array"/"compressed vector" class (details below), that allows random data access with more or less constant time.
"more or less constant time" means that although element access time isn't constant, it shouldn't keep increasing when I get closer to certain point of the array. I.e. container shouldn't do significantly more calculations (like "decompress everything once again to get last element", and "do almost nothing to get the first") to get one element. Can be probably achieved by splitting array into chunks of compressed data. I.e. accessing one element should take "averageTime" +- some deviation. I could say that I want best-case access time and worst-case access time to be relatively close to average access time.
What are my options (suitable algorithms/already available containers - if there are any)?
Container details:
Container acts as a linear array of identical elements (such as std::vector)
Once container is initialized, data is constant and never changes. Container needs to provide read-only access.
Container should behave like array/std::vector - i.e. values accessed via operator[], there is .size(), etc.
It would be nice if I could make it as template class.
Access to data should be more or less constant-time. I don't need same access time for every element, but I shouldn't have to decompress everything to get last element.
Usage example:
Binary search on data.
Data details:
1. Data is structs mostly consisting of floats and a few ints. There are more floats than ints. No strings.
2. It is unlikely that there are many identical elements in array, so simply indexeing data won't be possible.
3. Size of one element is less than 100 bytes.
4. Total data size per container is between few kilobytes and a few megabytes.
5. Data is not sparse - it is continuous block of elements, all of them are assigned, there are no "empty slots".
The goal of compression is to reduce amount of ram the block takes when compared to uncompressed representation as array, while keeping somewhat reasonable read access performance, and allowing to randomly access elements as array. I.e. data should be stored in compressed form internally, and I should be able to access it (read-only) as if it is a std::vector or similar container.

I take it that you want an array whose elements are not stored vanilla, but compressed, to minimize memory usage.
Concerning compression, you have no exceptional insight about the structure of your data, so you're fine with some kind of standard entropy encoding. Ideally, would like like to run GZIP on your whole array and be done with it, but that would lose O(1) access, which is crucial to you.
A solution is to use Huffmann coding together with an index table.
Huffmann coding works by replacing each input symbol (for instance, an ASCII byte) with another symbol of variable bit length, depending on frequency of occurency in the whole stream. For instance, the character E appears very often, so it gets a short bit sequence, while 'W' is seldom and gets a long bit sequence.
E -> 0b10
W -> 0b11110
Now, compress your whole array with this method. Unfortunately, since the output symbols have variable length, you can no longer index your data as before: item number 15 is no longer at stream[15*sizeof(item)].
Fortunately, this problem can solved by using an additional index table index that stores where each item start in the compressed stream. In other words, the compressed data for item 15 can be found at stream[index[15]]; the index table accumulates the variable output lengths.
So, to get item 15, you simply start decompressing the bytes at stream[index[15]]. This works because the Huffmann coding doesn't do anything fancy to the output, it just concatenates the new code words, and you can start decoding inside the stream without having to decode all previous items.
Of course, the index table adds some overhead; you may want to tweak the granularity so that compressed data + index table is still smaller than original data.

Are you coding for an embedded system and/or do you have hundreds or thousands of these containers? If not, while I think this is an interesting theoretical question (+1), I suspect that the slowdown as a result of doing the decompression will be non-trivial and that it would be better to use use a std::vector.
Next, are you sure that the data you're storing is sufficiently redundant that smaller blocks of it will actually be compressible? Have you tried saving off blocks of different sizes (powers of 2 perhaps) and tried running them through gzip as an exercise? It may be that any extra data needed to help the decompression algorithm (depending on approach) would reduce the space benefits of doing this sort of compressed container.
If you decide that it's still reasonable to do the compression, then there are at least a couple possibilities, none pre-written though. You could compress each individual element, storing a pointer to the compressed data chunk. Then index access is still constant, just needing to decompress the actual data. Possibly using a proxy object would make doing the actual data decompression easier and more transparent (and maybe even allow you to use std::vector as the underlying container).
Alternately, std::deque stores its data in chunks already, so you could use a similar approach here. For example std::vector<compressed_data_chunk> where each chunk holds say 10 items compressed together as your underlying container. Then you can still directly index the chunk you need, decompress it, and return the item from the decompressed data. If you want, your containing object (that holds the vector) could even cache the most recently decompressed chunk or two for added performance on consecutive access (although this wouldn't help binary search very much at all).

I've been thinking about this for a while now. From a theoretical point of view I identified 2 possibilities:
Flyweight, because repetition can be lessened with this pattern.
Serialization (compression is some form of serialization)
The first is purely object oriented and fits well I think in general, it doesn't have the disadvantage of messing up pointers for example.
The second seems better adapted here, although it does have a slight disadvantage in general: pointer invalidation + issues with pointer encoding / decoding, virtual tables, etc... Notably it doesn't work if the items refer to each others using pointers instead of indices.
I have seen a few "Huffman coding" solutions, however this means that for each structure one needs to provide a compressing algorithm. It's not easy to generalize.
So I'd rather go the other way and use a compressing library like 'zlib', picking up a fast algorithm like lzo for example.
B* tree (or a variant) with large number of items per node (since it doesn't move) like say 1001. Each node contains a compressed representation of the array of items. Indices are not compressed.
Possibly: cache_view to access the container while storing the last 5 (or so) decompressed nodes or something. Another variant is to implement reference counting and keep the data uncompressed as long as someones got a handle to one of the items in the node.
Some remarks:
if you should a large number of items/keys per node you have near constant access time, for example with 1001 it means that there are only 2 levels of indirection as long as you store less than a million items, 3 levels of indirection for a billion etc...
you can build a readable/writable container with such a structure. I would make it so that I only recompress once I am done writing the node.

Okay, from the best of my understanding, what you want is some kind of accessor template. Basically, create a template adapter that has as its argument one of your element types which it accesses internally via whatever, a pointer, an index into your blob, etc. Make the adapter pointer-like:
const T &operator->(void) const;
etc. since it's easier to create a pointer adapter than it is a reference adapter (though see vector if you want to know how to write one of those). Notice, I made this accessor constant as per your guidelines. Then, pre-compute your offsets when the blob is loaded / compressed and populate the vector with your templated adapter class. Does this make sense? If you need more details, I will be happy to provide.
As for the compression algorithm, I suggest you simply do a frequency analysis of bytes in your blob and then run your uncompressed blob through a hard-coded Huffman encoding (as was more or less suggested earlier), capturing the offset of each element and storing it in your proxy adapter which in turn are the elements of your array. Indeed, you could make this all part of some compression class that compresses and generates elements that can be copy-back-inserted into your vector from the beginning. Again, reply if you need sample code.

Can some of the answers to "What is the best compression algorithm that allows random reads/writes in a file?"
be adapted to your in-memory data?


Is it efficient to read the contents of a file into an unordered_map if it has over 1000 entries

I'm making a hash table that's supposed to give pretty fast lookup time for some values I type before hand. I didn't know how to go about it but my friend said I should make a text file and just have an unordered map that reads from the text file and puts the values in the code before I run it. Is this efficient? Is there a better way to do this?
Also side note, the values are supposed to be structures. Is it going to be possible to read them into the code with an unordered map?
As said in comments, your idea is good enough unless these structures are really large, megabytes.
If you have reasons to worry about the performance of that, e.g. if you want to support millions of records or very large values, more complicated approaches can be more efficient.
When I only need 64-bit support, I sometimes make a single binary file, optimized for memory mapping the complete one. Specifically, a fixed-size header, then sorted arrays of (key,offset) tuples serving as a primary index (can use binary search there, the OS only fetches required pages from mapped files and it caches them in RAM in quite aggressive manner), then values at the offsets specified in the index.
Use std::map when
You need ordered data.
You would have to print/access the data (in
sorted order). You need predecessor/successor of elements.
Use std::unordered_map when
You need to keep count of some data (Example – strings) and no ordering is
You need single element access i.e. no traversal.
Also side note, the values are supposed to be structures. Is it going to be possible to read them into the code with an unordered map?
Definately you can but i hope you knew that you cannot read file with map fstream is there for that purpose.

Efficient data structure to map integer-to-integer with find & insert, no allocations and fixed upper bound

I am looking for input on an associative data structure that might take advantage of the specific criteria of my use case.
Currently I am using a red/black tree to implement a dictionary that maps keys to values (in my case integers to addresses).
In my use case, the maximum number of elements is known up front (1024), and I will only ever be inserting and searching. Searching happens twenty times more often than inserting. At the end of the process I clear the structure and repeat again. There can be no allocations during use - only the initial up front one. Unfortunately, the STL and recent versions of C++ are not available.
Any insight?
I ended up implementing a simple linear-probe HashTable from an example here. I used the MurmurHash3 hash function since my data is randomized.
I modified the hash table in the following ways:
The size is a template parameter. Internally, the size is doubled. The implementation requires power of 2 sizes, and traditionally resizes at 75% occupation. Since I know I am going to be filling up the hash table, I pre-emptively double it's capacity to keep it sparse enough. This might be less efficient when adding small number of objects, but it is more efficient once the capacity starts to fill up. Since I cannot resize it I chose to start it doubled in size.
I do not allow keys with a value of zero to be stored. This is okay for my application and it keeps the code simple.
All resizing and deleting is removed, replaced by a single clear operation which performs a memset.
I chose to inline the insert and lookup functions since they are quite small.
It is faster than my red/black tree implementation before. The only change I might make is to revisit the hashing scheme to see if there is something in the source keys that would help make a cheaper hash.
Billy ONeal suggested, given a small number of elements (1024) that a simple linear search in a fixed array would be faster. I followed his advice and implemented one for side by side comparison. On my target hardware (roughly first generation iPhone) the hash table outperformed a linear search by a factor of two to one. At smaller sizes (256 elements) the hash table was still superior. Of course these values are hardware dependant. Cache line sizes and memory access speed are terrible in my environment. However, others looking for a solution to this problem would be smart to follow his advice and try and profile it first.

Concatenate 2 STL vectors in constant O(1) time

I'll give some context as to why I'm trying to do this, but ultimately the context can be ignored as it is largely a classic Computer Science and C++ problem (which must surely have been asked before, but a couple of cursory searches didn't turn up anything...)
I'm working with (large) real time streaming point clouds, and have a case where I need to take 2/3/4 point clouds from multiple sensors and stick them together to create one big point cloud. I am in a situation where I do actually need all the data in one structure, whereas normally when people are just visualising point clouds they can get away with feeding them into the viewer separately.
I'm using Point Cloud Library 1.6, and on closer inspection its PointCloud class (under <pcl/point_cloud.h> if you're interested) stores all data points in an STL vector.
Now we're back in vanilla CS land...
PointCloud has a += operator for adding the contents of one point cloud to another. So far so good. But this method is pretty inefficient - if I understand it correctly, it 1) resizes the target vector, then 2) runs through all Points in the other vector, and copies them over.
This looks to me like a case of O(n) time complexity, which normally might not be too bad, but is bad news when dealing with at least 300K points per cloud in real time.
The vectors don't need to be sorted or analysed, they just need to be 'stuck together' at the memory level, so the program knows that once it hits the end of the first vector it just has to jump to the start location of the second one. In other words, I'm looking for an O(1) vector merging method. Is there any way to do this in the STL? Or is it more the domain of something like std::list#splice?
Note: This class is a pretty fundamental part of PCL, so 'non-invasive surgery' is preferable. If changes need to be made to the class itself (e.g. changing from vector to list, or reserving memory), they have to be considered in terms of the knock on effects on the rest of PCL, which could be far reaching.
Update: I have filed an issue over at PCL's GitHub repo to get a discussion going with the library authors about the suggestions below. Once there's some kind of resolution on which approach to go with, I'll accept the relevant suggestion(s) as answers.
A vector is not a list, it represents a sequence, but with the additional requirement that elements must be stored in contiguous memory. You cannot just bundle two vectors (whose buffers won't be contiguous) into a single vector without moving objects around.
This problem has been solved many times before such as with String Rope classes.
The basic approach is to make a new container type that stores pointers to point clouds. This is like a std::deque except that yours will have chunks of variable size. Unless your clouds chunk into standard sizes?
With this new container your iterators start in the first chunk, proceed to the end then move into the next chunk. Doing random access in such a container with variable sized chunks requires a binary search. In fact, such a data structure could be written as a distorted form of B+ tree.
There is no vector equivalent of splice - there can't be, specifically because of the memory layout requirements, which are probably the reason it was selected in the first place.
There's also no constant-time way to concatenate vectors.
I can think of one (fragile) way to concatenate raw arrays in constant time, but it depends on them being aligned on page boundaries at both the beginning and the end, and then re-mapping them to be adjacent. This is going to be pretty hard to generalise.
There's another way to make something that looks like a concatenated vector, and that's with a wrapper container which works like a deque, and provides a unified iterator and operator[] over them. I don't know if the point cloud library is flexible enough to work with this, though. (Jamin's suggestion is essentially to use something like this instead of the vector, and Zan's is roughly what I had in mind).
No, you can't concatenate two vectors by a simple link, you actually have to copy them.
However! If you implement move-semantics in your element type, you'd probably get significant speed gains, depending on what your element contains. This won't help if your elements don't contain any non-trivial types.
Further, if you have your vector reserve way in advance the memory needed, then that'd also help speed things up by not requiring a resize (which would cause an undesired huge new allocation, possibly having to defragment at that memory size, and then a huge memcpy).
Barring that, you might want to create some kind of mix between linked-lists and vectors, with each 'element' of the list being a vector with 10k elements, so you only need to jump list links once every 10k elements, but it allows you to dynamically grow much easier, and make your concatenation breeze.
std::list<std::vector<element>> forIllustrationOnly; //Just roll your own custom type.
index = 52403;
listIndex = index % 1000
vectorIndex = index / 1000
forIllustrationOnly[listIndex][vectorIndex] = still fairly fast lookups
forIllustrationOnly[listIndex].push_back(vector-of-points) = much faster appending and removing of blocks of points.
You will not get this scaling behaviour with a vector, because with a vector, you do not get around the copying. And you can not copy an arbitrary amount of data in fixed time.
I do not know PointCloud, but if you can use other list types, e.g. a linked list, this behaviour is well possible. You might find a linked list implementation which works in your environment, and which can simply stick the second list to the end of the first list, as you imagined.
Take a look at Boost range joint at
This will take 2 ranges and join them. Say you have vector1 and vector 2.
You should be able to write
auto combined = join(vector1,vector2).
Then you can use combined with algorithms, etc as needed.
No O(1) copy for vector, ever, but, you should check:
Is the element type trivially copyable? (aka memcpy)
Iff, is my vector implementation leveraging this fact, or is it stupidly looping over all 300k elements executing a trivial assignment (or worse, copy-ctor-call) for each element?
What I have seen is that, while both memcpyas well as an assignment-for-loop have O(n) complexity, a solution leveraging memcpy can be much, much faster.
So, the problem might be that the vector implementation is suboptimal for trivial types.

Using Hash Maps to represent an extremely large data source

I have a very large possible data set that I am trying to visualize at once. The set itself consists of hundreds of thousands of segments, each of which is mapped to an id.
I have received a second data source that gives more real-time information for each segment, but the id's do not correspond to the id's I have.
I have a 1:1 mapping of the data id's (9-character strings) to the current id's (long integers). The problem is that there are a lot of id's, and the data that is coming in is in no specific order.
The solution I came up with is to have a hash-map that maps the strings to the road id's. The problem is that I don't know if the hash-map will be efficient enough to have all 166k data entries.
Does anyone have any suggestions and/or hashing algorithms that I can use for this?
If you're only dealing with hundreds of thousands of datapoints, it will likely not be a problem to go with the naive way and just stick with a hash-map.
Even if you have 500,000 9-character strings and an equal number of longs, that still only 16ish bytes per item, or 8,000,000 bytes total. Even if you double that for overhead, 16 MB is hardly too big to have in memory at one time.
Basically, try the easy way first, and only worry about it when your profiling tells you it's taking too long.
Judy Arrays are designed for this sort of thing: "Judy's key benefits are scalability, high performance, and memory efficiency. [...] Judy can replace many common data structures, such as arrays, sparse arrays, hash tables, B-trees, binary trees, linear lists, skiplists, other sort and search algorithms, and counting functions."
Since the comments on the question indicate the primary concern may be memory usage:
Use a pooling or other small-object-optimized allocator; assuming you have access to boost you can probably find a drop-in replacement in Pool. Using a better small-object allocator is probably the single biggest memory win you'll find.
If you know your strings are fixed-width, you may want to make sure you're allocating only enough space to store them. For example, a struct wrapped around a fixed-length char[] with a custom comparison operator may work better than a std::string. std::string comes with an additional dynamic allocation (and uses space for the corresponding pointer) and some extra size and capacity tracking overhead. (Generally, try to reduce the number of allocations that stick around; it reduces overhead.)
(Assuming STL) Look at the overhead difference between std::map and std::unordered_map (the latter may or may not be available to you at the moment); an RBtree-based std::map may be close enough to the lookup performance characteristics of your "hashmap" and may (or may not) be more memory efficient depending on your standard library implementation.
What route you take should be influenced by info you can gather -- try to get a picture of number of allocs and alloc size/alignment overhead.
You can either instrument your allocator or insert a few elements and see how you're doing compared to how you think you should be doing in terms of memory usage.
Since your strings are known up front and have a fixed length, theoretically and practically the best solution is a perfect hash. You could use cmph to generate it.
According to Wikipedia, your keys woud take 2.5 bits/key, or about 50KB. That's negligable compared to the 664KB for the values.
Although 166k data entries is rather small IMO you can have a look at google-sparsehash

Need to store string as id for objects in some fast data structure

I'm implementing a session store for a web-server. Keys are string
and stored objects are pointers. I tried using map but need something
faster. I will look up an object 5-20 times
as frequent than insert.
I tried using hash-map but failed. I felt like I got more constraints than more free time.
I'm coding c/c++ under Linux.
I don't want to commit to boost, since my web server is going to outlive boost. :)
This is a highly relevant question since the hardware (ssd disk) is
changing rapidly. What was the right solution will not be in 2 years.
I was going to suggest a map, but I see you have already ruled this out.
I tried using map but need something
These are the std::map performance bounds courtesy of the Wikipedia page:
Searching for an element takes O(log n) time
Inserting a new element takes O(log n) time
Incrementing/decrementing an iterator takes O(log n) time
Iterating through every element of a map takes O(n) time
Removing a single map element takes O(log n) time
Copying an entire map takes O(n log n) time.
How have you measured and determined that a map is not optimised sufficiently for you? It's quite possible that any bottlenecks you are seeing are in other parts of the code, and a map is perfectly adequate.
The above bounds seem like they would fit within all but the most stringent scalability requirements.
The type of data structure that will be used will be determined by the data you want to access. Some questions you should ask:
How many items will be in the session store? 50? 100000? 10000000000?
How large is each item in the store (byte size)?
What kind of string input is used for the key? ASCII-7? UTF-8? UCS2?
Hash tables generally perform very well for look ups. You can optimize them heavily for speed by writing them yourself (and yes, you can resize the table). Suggestions to improve performance with hash tables:
Choose a good hash function! this will have preferably even distribution among your hash table and will not be time intensive to compute (this will depend on the format of the key input).
Make sure that if you are using buckets to not exceed a length of 6. If you do exceed 6 buckets then your hash function probably isn't distributing evenly enough. A bucket length of < 3 is preferable.
Watch out for how you allocate your objects. If at all possible, try to allocate them near each other in memory to take advantage of locality of reference. If you need to, write your own sub-allocator/heap manager. Also keep to aligned boundaries for better access speeds (aligned is processor/bus dependent so you'll have to determine if you want to target a particular processor type).
BTrees are also very good and in general perform well. (Someone can insert info about btrees here).
I'd recommend looking at the data you are storing and making sure that the data is as small as possible. use shorts, unsigned char, bit fields as necessary. There are other additional ways to squeeze out improved performance as well such as allocating your string data at the end of your struct at the same time that you allocate the struct. i.e.
struct foo {
int a;
char my_string[0]; // allocate an instance of foo to be
// sizeof(int) + sizeof(your string data) etc
You may also find that implementing your own string compare routine can actually boost performance dramatically, however this will depend upon your input data.
It is possible to make your own. But you shouldn't have any problems with boost or std::tr1::unordered_map.
A ternary trie may be faster than a hash map for a smaller number of elements.