Visual Studio 2010 Unit Test not showing in Dropdown menu - unit-testing

I installed NUnit to show up in the Test Framework dropdown menu in Visual Studio 2010. The setup went good and NUnit now shows up in the Test Framework dropdown menu for my ASP.NET MVC2 projects. My problem is the Visual Studio Test has disappeared from the Test Framework dropdown menu. I ran a repair on Visual Studio but that did not resolve my problem.
Does anyone know how to get the Visual Studio Test option back in the Test Framework dropdown menu?
Thanks in advance!

I don't know what happened. My solution was uninstall VS 2010. Reinstall VS 2010, redo the NUnit install. Now both NUnit and Visual Studio Test are displayed in the Test Framwork dropdown menu.


Debug/run tests option keeps disabling in Visual Studio 2017

I am new to c# and visual studio. I am trying to run/debug unit tests but the option to run/debug tests gets disabled after I select a test and right click. If I restart visual studio, it comes back at times. I am not sure what is wrong. I end up restarting my visual studio many times a day. I am running it as an admin.

Visual Studio 2017 Build Configuration Missing

I have Visual Studio 2017 Community 15.7.2 installed. The build configuration drop down options disappear. I have been having Problems with the build configuration disappearing on my work machine (Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise 15.8.2) as well.
If I create a new project File -> New Project -> Web -> ASP.Net Web Application (.Net Framework).
The build configuration option shows up. Then if I click on a controller class e.g. HomeController.cs. The option clears out.
The option will show up again after changing "Show output from" under the Output window. If I bring up a .cs file again. The build option disappears:
Is this now a normal behavior in Visual Studio? I suspect a bug in Visual Studio and have been updating more often than usual in attempt to fix it.
The latest update to Visual Studio Community 2017 (15.8.4) did not fix the problem.
Go through each of the Tools -> Extensions and Updates and disable an extension and then restart Visual Studio. Start with ones that aren't created by Microsoft.
Repeat this until you have tried all the extensions.

Onsen UI for Visual Studio 2017

My question is about how can I use Onsen UI in visual studio 2017? I need to use this framework to build an app with Apache Cordova.
There's no template for Visual Studio 2017.
The next best option is to make a blank Apache Cordova App and add the Onsen UI template manually.
As said on another forum, I haven't personally tried out this method.

TFS 2012: F900547: The directory containing the assemblies for the Visual Studio Test Runner is not valid

We have a TFS 2012 Server and Visual Studio 2015 on the Client side.
The Problem is that when I am building a project containing tests i get the following error on the TFS: F900547: The directory containing the assemblies for the Visual Studio Test Runner is not valid.
On this post i got the information that i have to choose MSTest as the test runner in the build definitions.
But when i try this i get no options to choose for the test runner.
It is greyed out like described in this post. The solution mentioned here is that I had to install a version of Visual Studio 2013 on my build server to get it working.
I already have an installation of Visual Studio 2015 Professional installed on the server but it is still showing the error and i still have no more options to choose from as test runner than Visual Studio Test runner
Why do i not have MSTest as an option as the test runner and how can i fix this?
How can i fix the problem of having this error without installing Visual Studio 2013 on the Build Server?

How do I install the NUnit plugin in Visual Studio 2013 Express?

I am not able to run the unit tests in Visual Studio 2013 like I used to be able to run it from the Visual Studio window itself in Visual Studio 2010. I am not able to find anything in NuGet Package Manager or on the web.
Unfortunately this is not possible. The Express SKUs of Visual Studio do not support plugins / extensions.
Try to use NUnit TestAdapter including NUnit. You will find it searching for NUnit in the Manage NuGet Packages window.
I have tested it, and it works fine.
A workaround is in blog post How to invoke NUnit from Visual studio express and execute automation tests.