Adding static member variable to third-party class - c++

I'm using Boost.Property_Tree for a project and I want to add a small bit of functionality to it. I want to add a "fromFile" static member variable that will figure out the file type and then use the proper parser. In my project, this is currently how I've got it.
typedef boost::property_tree::ptree ConfigNode;
Then I have another class called ConfigLoader that I've been using to load the file. I want to add the one function to a ConfigNode class though. I need the compiler to treat ConfigNode as if it were a boost::property_tree, but I want to add one static function. Is there a way to do this?

Nope. There's no clean way to do this.
You have two options:
Declare your functions and variables outside of the class completely (e.g. in another class or global in some namespace).
Subclass boost::property_tree, adding your static member(s).


Generic Mutator/Accessor functions

Is there a way to create generic set/get functions in C++? I have a class with a large number of attributes but no functions (ok I should probably use a struct), and really don't want to write individual set and get functions for each data member. The functions I'm thinking of would be something like 'set_member( T variable ), where T could be anything, primitive types or user defined. I imagine perhaps you could create a struct with a struct as a member, then whenever you want to access a specific member of the member struct, you refer to it by the appropriate pointer. I've tried writing something to achieve this but no luck so far.
C++ has (as far as I know) no inbuilt way to autogenerate setter/getter functions.
You might be able to work some macro-magic (with all its pitfalls), otherwise your options are slim.
I can think of following alternatives:
Some IDEs generate get, set methods automatically for the data members of class. I am not sure if it is possible for C++ IDE. But I know that Eclipse IDE for Java does it. You may check once if Eclipse IDE for C++ has this facility.
You may write a short shell script or python script for automatically generating get, set method given a text file containing names and types of variables in each line.
By default all the members of struct are public. So use struct. Or if you decide to use class, then, put all the data members in public section. If you are not doing anything other than simple set, get, then, it might be ok to do so. However, debugging will be tedious in case if you encounter issues with changes in the data members.

Creating a static field in header file | C++

I am working on an assignment, and while I don't have any issues with the actual assignment, I want to make my code "proper." I am trying to define a static variable in my header file. I want it to be static so that all instances of this class can access the same variable. I don't want to extern it either, I want just this class to have access to it.Then I am trying to define it in the actual file (not header) but I keep getting an error about not being able to cast. I just want to learn how to properly do this to have cleaner code.
The definition of your field stays inside the class:
class AddrSpace
List *availSpots;
The full name of this variable will be AddrSpace::availSpots. C++ requires to define static variables (including the static fields of the classes) explicitly. I would not say this is fully logical because compiler already has everything to generate all necessary stuffs. Nevertheless this is so. The definition in your C++ file should look like:
List *AddrSpace::availSpots = new List();
Next time please add the source directly into the question.

Private C++ member function vs C function

I have a C++ class, and in one of the member functions there is a duplicate section of code. So I've extracted this out into a function, however only this member function will call this new function. At the moment it's just a c function defined in the cpp file and not declared anyway else.
Is there any advantage to making this a private C++ member function, the code in the function itself doesn't use any instead variables of the class.
Well, if it's any addition to the argument, the newest CppCoreGuidelines say that you should "C.5: Place helper functions in the same namespace as the class they support". So they shouldn't be a part of the actual class, but part of the namespace that they reside in.
If you add it to the class then it becomes part of the classes signature.
As such making changes to the function signature would change the class signature. Given it would be a private function it is not likely that you would gain much by exposing it in that way.
If though it needs to access internals of the class then having as part of the class would likely simplify its implementation.
If it does not need to access the internals you can make add it to an anonymous namespace within the cpp file. That way the function symbol will not be exposed anywhere that is is not needed.
(Sort of an extended comment)
You've declared a free function in the .cpp file.
This a good design decision as other answers point out. The clearest thing you can have is a method only visible from that .cpp file that can't see or change state. I might be tempted to put it in the same namespace as the class as per the CppCoreGuidelines.
Equivilently, you could have declared a private static member function in your header file. This is static in the C#/Java sense rather than in either of the C senses (C++ has all of these meanings). However, I don't see the benifit as the only thing you gain is unnecessary recompilations.
Yes. Putting the function in class defines scope and context of it. This makes maintenance easier and also will allow you to extend its functionality in the future without significant code rewriting. Actually, in such cases I usually prefer making the function static in the class, i.e., meeting somewhere in the middle.

Class with no data members in C++

This may not be a question specific to C++ and more to do with Object oriented programming. I am new to this and I am doubtful of my design. I have a class Parser that basically implements many functions dealing parsing expressions, conversion from infix to postfix etc. I use these Parser functions in the main function. I realized that I do not need any data members for this class. Hence, I do not really need an object of this class. Hence, I ended up making every function static in the class. Is there something strange about this design. Should I have this as an interface instead? Any suggestions?
You want a parser and you know what you want it to do for you - this is in effect, your "interface".
Your current implementation of the parser doesn't need any member variables - therefore, to implement your interface, you don't need a class. So yes, do away with your static methods. Like Kevin says, using a namespace with plain old functions (non-static) is a great idea.
If you feel you will need to add a new parser that WILL need to maintain internal state, then you probably want to define an interface in (1) - a plain old publicly visible header file with function declarations inside a namespace of your choice is enough.
A class with nothing but static functions seems pretty indistinguishable from a namespace to me. So, why not just use a namespace?
The way to decide for this question is on how will the functions be used?
1) If all the functions are used in one file and do not need to be exported anywhere, then definitely use static functions. Why? Because you can just type them directly into the body of the class in the .cpp file and you do not have to worry about maintaining declarations and keeping parameters aligned. Because when a C++ class is parsed all the code inside each function defined inside the class body is skipped and then parsed once all the classes members have been declared, so the functions can all see each other and are in a better name situation.The compiler will also inline a lot of the smaller functions if you declare them directly in the class like that.
2) If the functions need to be used from outside the current .cpp file, then use normal functions. Because later they can be used from anywhere else and exporting them by name is easier.
It is common to make utility functions static, so, if the functions of your Parser class do not rely on each other, you totally can made them static. If they rely on each other, and it may be possible that the same functions can be done another way, you should consider to use an interface

forward declare static function c++

I want to forward declare a static member function of a class in another file. What I WANT to do looks like this:
class foo
static void init_foos();
class foo;
void foo::init_foos();
int main(char** argv, int argc)
This fails out with "error C2027: use of undefined type 'foo'"
Is there a way to accomplish what I want to do with out making init_foos a free function, or including BigMassiveHeader.h? (BigMassiveHeader.h is noticeably effecting compile time, and is included everywhere.)
You cannot forward declare members of a class, regardless of whether they are static or not.
You can't forward declare members of your class but you could make a namespace and a function inside of that namespace and forward declare that.
namespace nsfoo
void init_foos();
Your class if needed could friend this function.
If you have a BigMassiveHeader, you should consider splitting it up into several SmallCompactHeaders. If you want to express that many classes and functions belong together semantically, you can put them in the same namespace. You can always provide a convenience-header that includes all your small headers.
You can't partially declare classes in C++, so either you'll have to put the class's declaration in its own, smaller header, or...
Include BigMassiveHeader.h in your file and use precompiled headers.
The Visual C++ way:, or the GCC way:
I know it's not the point of the question, but if BigMassiveHeader.h is not likely to change much over time, you should take a look at precompiled headers
As a first refactoring, I'd use a free function which calls the static function. It's not like your main method is getting called lots of times, so you won't notice an extra call, and that makes the least change to the existing code.
Of course, you don't actually say what you are trying to do, only what you want to do. If what you are trying to do is get init_foos called once on application start, use static object initialisation for that, rather than calling it in main. If what you are trying to do is get init_foos called after all static objects are created, then it's more complicated.
By static object initialisation, I mean something like having this in a .cpp file which has access to the definition of init_foos. Make it a friend and init_foos private to prevent multiple calls:
struct call_init_foos {
call_init_foos () { foo::init_foos(); }
} call_init_foos_on_startup;
to forward declaration of a single method of a class, you must declare the method as part of the class (as it really is).
for example, in your case, add to main.cpp:
class foo
static void init_foos();
its not the prettiest, but it will save you having to include the whole header..
No, you need to include the header for that. Sorry.
Use a free function if you must, or split the class.