Django Bulk Zip upload - django

I want to upload images to a gallery app. I want the user to be able to either load images normaly, or upload on zip file containing all the images for that gallery. Then it must be uncompressed and all images must be added to that model. This is for the admin site.
Any ideas?

You could either use the existing django-app django-photologue which enables you to do that or have a look at how it is implemented there:
If you see that photlogue is lacking some of the functionality you need, you could also subclass and extend photologue's models in your app!


Cloudinary upload image from Django admin panel from two or more databases

everyone. I decide to use Cloudinary for storing images.
This is my model field with image:
avatar = models.ImageField(upload_to='avatar/', default='avatar/default.png', blank=True)
All works fine for me, but I have one little issue.
When I uploaded the image from admin panel, cloudinary upload it to my cloudinary folder 'avatar' with some modified name, for example: 'july2022_kda4th' or 'july2022_aidkdk'
But when I uploaded this image from admin panel of another database (production), cloudinary upload the image with another name. So, I have two similar images in cloudinary. It's not convenient.
How can I fix it?
By default, if you don't supply a public_id in the upload API call, a random string is assigned to the asset. You can read more here:
It sounds like you want to use the asset filename as the public_id so what you can do is:
In forms set use_filename=true and unique_filename=false as described in this link
OR if above is not working you can
Create an upload preset
Enable Use filename or externally defined Public ID: option
Disable Unique filename:
Set this preset as the default upload API/UI ( or include this upload_preset in your upload call

Django: Galleries Admin Photo Upload

I have a website that is using Django's admin interface to facilitate non-developers adding content to the site. The site has an Events page (and associated model), and each Event can have an associated photo gallery.
I'm thinking that photo galleries should have their own model. There is a table in the database which associates image paths with their Event.
What I need is a way to upload images. Preferably a multiple-file upload solution since there could be dozens of images per event. I want these images to be recorded correctly in their table and added to the file system in the correct location on the server.
I was originally thinking that the upload feature should be included on the Event admin page to make it easier for content contributors, but maybe it would be easier to keep a separate photo gallery admin and have them select the Event the photos are associated with from there?
I've read through a lot of similar questions and blog posts, but nothing that seems to be quite exactly what I'm looking for. I'm currently attempting to adapt some of the information I've seen, but I'd really appreciate suggestions. Thanks for any help on this!
You can create Some model with foreign key to Event, and ManyToMany to your Images, as I understand your question.
At first upload necessary images to some Image model and than add them to Some model with some Event

Sharing files from google cloud storage to GAE

I have one Django application running GAE.The application uses content folder which contains images and html snippets.The content folder was uploaded in google cloud storage.I would like to render a image in static file using img tag.For using img tag I want to know the url of that image.I have seen that when we set the permission to share publicly it will give us a url.But I don't want to share that files publicly.If I share an another application can use my files.I don't want that.I there any way to do that with out log in a user
Sharing it publicly is the best way to go.
You could also base64 encode the image data when you render out the template, which means the url of the image will not be shown to the public on your page. Then you can obfuscate the image names in the GCS. This way it's still public but hard to reach.

Django ImageField that generates multiple renditions

In the admin of my Django website I let admins upload images at a very high resolution. I want to automatically generate and store several renditions of each uploaded image at specific sizes, and then use the different sized renditions in different places on the website.
What is a good way to do this?
I ended up using django-imagekit.
You can use the image directly in your template and use sorl to generate the thumbnail or image at different size.
You can also override the model save method, check this small script:

Temporarily upload profile image in Django during registration?

In a Django application, during registration, I want the user to be able to see the profile image he/she selects, rather than just see a path as done purely using django forms (for an example of what I want see pinterests registration form). I assume it should involve some ajax upload and it should be stored somewhere temporarily since the user might choose not to proceed with the registration even if the profile image has been uploaded, in which case the uploaded picture should be deleted.
I was wondering what is the best way of handeling this? Any examples out there you can point to?
You are correct that an AJAX upload will be needed.
Whether the upload is temporary or permanent, things will not change much in your implementation much. In both cases you will need to upload the image to a directory on your web server. In the temporary case, you may delete it after a short amount of time passes.
Here is a Django AJAX uploader:
Option 1
You can use the HTML5 FileAPI to show a thumbnail of a user-selected image before they upload it.
Option 2
You can upload the file using AJAX and then send back a thumbnail for them to preview