Using preg_replace/ preg_match with UTF-8 characters - specifically Māori macrons - regex

I'm writing some autosuggest functionality which suggests page names that relate to the terms entered in the search box on our website.
For example typing in "rubbish" would suggest "Rubbish & Recycling", "Rubbish Collection Centres" etc.
I am running into a problem that some of our page names include macrons - specifically the macron used to correctly spell "Māori" (the indigenous people of New Zealand).
Users are going to type "maori" into the search box and I want to be able to return pages such as "Māori History".
The autosuggestion is sourced from a cached array built from all the pages and keywords. To try and locate Māori I've been trying various regex expressions like:
Which also returns page titles containing "Moorings" but not "Māori". How does preg_match/ preg_replace see characters like "ā" and how should I construct the regex to pick them up?

Use the /u modifier for utf-8 mode in regexes,
You're better of on a whole with doing an iconv('utf-8','ascii//TRANSLIT',$string) on both name & search and comparing those.

One thing you need to remember is that UTF-8 gives you multi-byte characters for anything outside of ASCII. I don't know if the string $page_title is being treated as a Unicode object or a dumb byte string. If it's the byte string option, you're going to have to do double dots there to catch it instead, or {1,4}. And even then you're going to have to verify the up to four bytes you grab between the M and the o form a singular valid UTF-8 character. This is all moot if PHP does unicode right, I haven't used it in years so I can't vouch for it.
The other issue to consider is that ā can be constructed in two ways; one as a single character (U+0101) and one as TWO unicode characters ('a' plus a combining diacritic in the U+0300 range). You're likely just only going to ever get the former, but be aware that the latter is also possible.
The only language I know of that does this stuff reliably well is Perl 6, which has all kinds on insane modifiers for internationalized text in regexps.


i am building a program for Urdu language analysis so how can I make my program to accept text file in Urdu language in c++

I am building a language analysis program I have a program which counts the words in text and give the ratio of every word in text as a output, but this program can not work on file containing Urdu text. how can I make it work
Urdu may be presented in two¹ forms: Unicode and Code Page 868. This is convenient to you because the two ranges do not overlap. It is inconvenient because the Unicode code range is U+0600 – U+06FF, which means encoding is an issue:
CP-868 will encode each one as a single-byte value in the range 128–252
UTF-8 will encode each one as a two-byte sequence with bits 110x xxxx and 10xx xxxx
UTF-16 encodes every character as two-byte entities
UTF-32 encodes every character as four-byte entities
This means that you should be aware of encoding issues, and for an easy life, use UTF-16 internally (std::u16string), and accept files as (default) UTF-8 / CP-868, or as UTF-16/32 if there is a BOM indicating such.
Your other option is to simply require all input to be UTF-8 / CP-868.
¹ AFAIK. There may be other ways of storing Urdu text.
  Three forms. See comments below.
Word separation
As you know, the end of a word is generally marked with a special letter form.
So, all you need is a table of end-of-word letters listing letters in both the CP-868 range and the Unicode Arabic text range.
Then, every time you find a space or a letter in that table you know you have found the end of a word.
As you read words, store them in a histogram. For C++ a map <u16string, size_t> will do. The actual content of each word does not matter.
After that you have all the information necessary to print stats about the text.
The approach presented above is designed to be simple at the cost of some correctness. If you are doing something for the workplace, for example, and assuming it matters, you should also consider:
Normalizing word forms
For example, the same word may be presented in standard Arabic text codes or using the Urdu-specific codes. If you do not convert to the Urdu equivalent characters then you will have two words that should compare equal but do not.
Use something internally consistent. I recommend UZT, as it is the most complete Urdu text representation. You will also need an additional lookup for the original text representation from the UZT representation.
As complete a dictionary (as an unordered_set <u16string>) of words in Urdu as you can get.
This is how it is done with languages like Japanese, for example, to find breaks between words.
Then use the dictionary to find all the words you can, and fall back on letterform recognition and/or spaces for what remains.

Are these characters safe to use in HTML, Postgres, and Bash?

I have a project where I'm trying to enable other, possibly hostile, coders to label, in lowercase various properties that will be displayed in differing contexts, including embed in HTML, saved and manipulated in Postgres, used as attribute labels in JavaScript, and manipulated in the shell (say, saving a data file as продажи.zip) as well as various data analysis tools like graph-tool, etc.
I've worked on multilingual projects before, but they were either smaller customers that didn't need to especially worry about sophisticated attacks or they were projects that I came to after the multilingual aspect was in place, so I wasn't the one responsible for verifying security.
I'm pretty sure these should be safe, but I don't know if there are gotchas I need to look out for, like, say, a special [TAB] or [QUOTE] character in the Chinese character set that might escape my escaping.
Am I ok with these in my regex filter?
dash = '-'
english = 'a-z'
italian = ''
russain = 'а-я'
ukrainian = 'ґї'
german = 'äöüß'
spanish = 'ñ'
french = 'çéâêîôûàèùëï'
portuguese = 'ãõ'
polish = 'ąćęłńóśźż'
turkish = 'ğışç'
dutch = 'áíúýÿìò'
swedish = 'å'
danish = 'æø'
norwegian = ''
estonian = ''
romainian = 'șî'
greek = 'α-ωίϊΐόάέύϋΰήώ'
chinese = '([\p{Han}]+)'
japanese = '([\p{Hiragana}\p{Katakana}]+)'
korean = '([\p{Hangul}]+)'
If you restrict yourself to text encodings with a 7-bit ASCII compatible subset, you're reasonably safe treating anything above 0x7f (U+007f) as "safe" when interacting with most saneish programming languages and tools. If you use perl6 you're out of luck ;)
You should avoid supporting or take special care with input or output of text using the text encoding Shift-JIS, where the ¥ symbol is at 0x5c where \ would usually reside. This offers opportunities for nefarious trickery by exploiting encoding conversions.
Avoid or take extra care with other non-ascii-compatible encodings too. EBDIC is one, but you're unlikely to ever meet it in the wild. UTF-16 and UTF-32 obviously, but if you misprocess them the results are glaringly obvious.
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets
What Every Programmer Absolutely, Positively Needs To Know About Encodings And Character Sets To Work With Text
Personally I think your approach is backwards. You should define input and output functions to escape and unescape strings according to the lexical syntaxes of each target tool or language, rather than trying to prohibit any possible metacharacter. But then I don't know your situation, and maybe it's just impractical for what you're doing.
I'm not quite sure what your actual issue is. If you correctly convert your text to the target format, then you don't care what the text could possibly be. This will ensure both proper conversion AND security.
For instance:
If your text is to be included in HTML, it should be escaped using appropriate HTML quoting functions.
echo "<span>".$variable."</span>"
// Actual encoding function varies based your environment
echo "<span>".htmlspecialchars($variable)."</span>"
Yes, this will also handle properly the case of text containing & or <.
If your text is to be used in an SQL query, you should use parameterised queries.
perform_sql_query("SELECT this FROM that WHERE thing=".$variable")
// Actual syntax and function will vary
perform_sql_query("SELECT this FROM that WHERE thing=?", [$variable]);
If you text is to be included in JSON, just use appropriate JSON-encoding functions.
echo '{"this":"'.$variable.'"}'
// actual syntax and function may vary
echo json_encode({this: $variable});
The shell is a bit more tricky, and it's often a pain to deal with non-ASCII characters in many environments (e.g. FTP or doing an scp between different environments). So don't use explicit names for files, use identifiers (numeric id, uuid, hash...) and store the mapping to the actual name somewhere else (in a database).

hyphen character and apostrophe character - the same ASCII code in different languages?

I need to specify a regex for validation of user input that allows the user to enter a hyphen character or apostrophe character on Windows Desktop operating systems or Mac OS/X desktop operating systems.
The user may have configured for the following languages:
I wan't to understand if I use a standard ASCII regex for hyphen and apostophe (e.g. ['-]) whether that will catch the hyphen or apostrophe keys typed by the user in most cases. I appreciate my definition is quite loose as there are many different keyboard layouts, OS versions, and language definitions (e.g. fr_FR, ca_FR).
I have checked the following resources and generally searched on google, but could not find anything in particular about saying that the ASCII code generated by a hyphen key or apostrophe key will always be ASCII code 45 and ASCII code 39 respectively.
NOTE: If you feel this question is badly worded, please add a comment to help me improve it.
You're mixing up a couple of things:
keyboard layout is what determines what value get assigned to a scancode.
localization settings determine in what language you should address the user, and wether the user expects a decimal point or comma.
character encoding is how a glyph is encoded into the bits memory and, in reverse, how to decode bits into glyphs
If you're validating user input, you shouldn't be interested in scancodes. A DVORAK layout user on a QWERTY keyboard will be pressing the Q key to input an '. And you shouldn't mess with that. So you have no business dealing with keyboard layouts.
The existence of this keyboard, should remind you, that what keys do is not your head-ache, but up to the user.
The localization settings will matter to you, but not for your regex. They will, however, tell you in what language you should put your error message, in case the user input is invalid. A good coding practice is to use a library like gettext to manage this.
What matters most, when you are validating input. Is just those 2 things: what is valid and what is the input.
You (or your domain expert) decide what is valid. Wether a hyphen-minus is just as acceptable as a hyphen or n-dash.
The input will be in encoded; computers work with bits, not strings of glyphs. It could be ASCII, but I'd steer towards unicode if I could help it.
As for your real concern, if I may rephrase it: "Can all users easily enter ' and -?". I guess they probably can. Many important programming languages use those glyphs to resp. denote strings and as a subtraction operator. And if your application needs to (dis)allow certain glyphs you can put unicode code points or categories in your regex.

How do I remove words from multilingual text?

I have two versions of the same document (D, say) containing multilingual text (English and others):
I. One is encoded in ASCII with Unicode code-points represented as character entity references (i.e. Unicode characters are of the form &#N, where N is the decimal equivalent of the Unicode hex value)
II. The other is UTF-8 encoding.
Q 1:
I have a separate list of words (encoded in UTF-8, and in more than one language), that I have to remove from the document D. How should I proceed?
Can I use regex to clean D? For doc type I, I believe I have to specify the whole &#N patterns for each word in the list when I form the regex.
Should the task be easier for doc type II, now that I can specify the non-English characters directly in the regex (my emacs is configured to use these non-English fonts) ?
Q 2:
I have a huge collections of such document D's. What should be the best algorithm to remove words from each of these documents? A table look-up is straight-forward but probably the slowest. Should I regex through each?
I suggest processing the entities first so that the two sorts of files look the same. When you’re done removing, put the first set back into their encoded form.

How to compute a unicode string which bidirectional representation is specified?

fellows. I have a rather pervert question. Please forgive me :)
There's an official algorithm that describes how bidirectional unicode text should be presented.
I receive a string (from some 3rd-party source), which contains latin/hebrew characters, as well as digits, white-spaces, punctuation symbols and etc.
The problem is that the string that I receive is already in the representation form. I.e. - the sequence of characters that I receive should just be presented from left to right.
Now, my goal is to find the unicode string which representation is exactly the same. Means - I need to pass that string to another entity; it would then render this string according to the official algorithm, and the result should be the same.
Assuming the following:
The default text direction (of the rendering entity) is RTL.
I don't want to inject "special unicode characters" that explicitly override the text direction (such as RLO, RLE, etc.)
I suspect there may exist several solutions. If so - I'd like to preserve the RTL-looking of the string as much as possible. The string usually consists of hebrew words mostly. I'd like to preserve the correct order of those words, and characters inside those words. Whereas other character sequences may (and should) be transposed.
One naive way to solve this is just to swap the whole string (this takes care of the hebrew words), and then swap inside it sequences of non-hebrew characters. This however doesn't always produce correct results, because actual rules of representation are rather complex.
The only comprehensive algorithm that I see so far is brute-force check. The string can be divided into sequences of same-class characters. Those sequences may be joined in random order, plus any of them may be reversed. I can check all those combinations to obtain the correct result.
Plus this technique may be optimized. For instance the order of hebrew words is known, so we only have to check different combinations of their "joining" sequences.
Any better ideas? If you have an idea, not necessarily the whole solution - it's ok. I'll appreciate any idea.
Thanks in advance.
If you want to check if a character is Bidirectional you have to use UCD (Unicode Character Database) which provided by and includes lots of information about characters . in one of that DB attributes you can find the Bidirectionality of a character
So you have to Download USD , then write a class to look for your character in the XML and return answer
I did this in an opensource C# application and you can ind it here
Please let me know has your issue resolved by this or not.
Nasser, thanks for the answer.
Unfortunately it doesn't fully resolve my problem.
So far for every character I can know its directionality. Still I don't see how can I compute the whole string so that its representation would match what I need.
Imagine you want to have the following text written from left to right, whereas hebrew/arabic characters are denoted by BIG:
ABC eng 123 456 DEF
The correct string would be like this:
FED 456 123 eng CBA
or also:
FED eng 456 123 CBA
Or, if using explicit direction override codes it can be written like this:
FED eng 123 456 CBA
Currently I solved this problem by injecting explicit directionality override codes into the string. So that I isolate sequences of hebrew/arabic words, and for all the joining LTR/Weak/Neutral characters I explicitly override the direction to LTR.
However I'd like to do this without injecting explicit override codes.