nginx/wsgi/Virtualenv/pip/yolk/django configuration add new module - django

I'm having a small problem with my setup. I'm quite new to the Django world so bear with me.
A friend who is familiar has set up a VPS (Ubuntu) for my project.
I'm now on my own trying to add a new module (south) so I can use migrate
When the virtualenv was deactivated I installed the module
$ sudo pip -E /var/www/env/ install south
$ touch /var/www/sites/
$ source /var/www/env/
It appeared to go fine
$ yolk -l
I see the south module.
at which point I run on my site
$ python syncdb
$ python migrate
I get this error though:
$ python migrate
Unknown command: 'migrate'
Type ' help' for usage.
I don't have a full understanding of what I'm doing but I'm willing to learn.
Maybe someone could point me in the right direction? Am I missing something?

You still have to add "south" to your INSTALLED_APPS list in your project's settings module. Django doesn't use south just because it is installed in the PYTHONPATH :-)
This has nothing to do with the rest of your server setup but just how you configure Django itself.


Python startapp does not work

When I run the python startapp "app name" command in my Django project directory nothing happens... Every other command works without problem.
What could be the problem?
Thanks a lot!!
The first line in breaks the file on windows. The first line should look like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
Removing it fixes the issue for me. Please try this is really helpful. Thanks
This problem occurs due to Python Path is not set, you can reinstall python and check the box that says "Add to Path 3.9"
Are you running the correct version of Python and correct version of Django?
To check Django:
python --version
Make sure you are running the right versions, if you are have Python 3 and Python 2 installed you may have multiple versions of Django.
Try to set environment variables on the command line? This path is if you were using vagrant.
PYTHONPATH=/vagrant/www DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings startapp
Then try does it work? Without setting envs on the command line?
Adding a virtual environment is necessary to get the above command working. In the virtual environment you can specifically install Django and it is done so as to ensure that no other package interfers with the Django framework. I was also facing the same issue but after creating a virtual environment, things became super easy!!!
I would recommend using pycharm as creating a virtual environment is just as easy as running a hello world program!!. Also paste the following code at the script at the end :
Also specify the correct directory while running in the terminal. Be sure to check that the code should be written inside the project directory.
Hope that helps :)
I was facing a similar issue and saw this question. Tried the methods mentioned by some of the users but it did not work. Surprisingly the only thing I had to do was remove the word "python" from the command. All I typed in the command line was - startapp "appname"
I have no idea what difference does it make or how I made it work, but if anyone has a similar problem I hope your issue gets resolved.
I think it maybe because i had previously added the directory I am working in the PATH variable. Not sure. Someone has an opinion on this, do share.
I think i may have found the solution. If you're running on python 3.7 or above, try setting your directory to ~\YourProjectName\YourProjectName with the cd commmand then type py -m django startapp <appName>
The command
$ python-admin startapp main
returns the error " bash: python-admin: command not found".
I was able to resolve using the following command instead
$ py -m django startapp main
if some of you are following old tutorials on django then after you have python version 3.7 or above then the command "python startapp 'appname'" doesnt works.//well it didn't work for me so insted of that command you can use "py -m django startapp 'appname'"
it worked for me so you can also try that..
the command -> startapp 'appname'" works for python version upto 3.7 and for 3.7 and above version used command -> "py -m django startapp 'appname'" it works for me...

ImportError: Couldn't import Django

I've already configured virtualenv in pycharm, when using the python command, this is error shown:
E:\video course\Python\code\web_worker\MxOnline>python runserver
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 17, in <module>
"Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and "
ImportError: Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you forget to activate a virtual environment?
How should I fix it, I've installed django.
I think the best way to use django is with virtualenv it's safe and you can install many apps in virtualenv which does not affect any outer space of the system
vitualenv uses the default version of python which is same as in your system
to install virtualenv
sudo pip install virtualenv
or for python3
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
and then in your dir
mkdir ~/newproject
cd ~/newproject
Now, create a virtual environment within the project directory by typing
virtualenv newenv
To install packages into the isolated environment, you must activate it by typing:
source newenv/bin/activate
now install here with
pip install django
You can verify the installation by typing:
django-admin --version
To leave your virtual environment, you need to issue the deactivate command from anywhere on the system:
When you install Django on your computer all things go fine but when you install a Virtual environment it gets separated from all things. You will know it's importance when you will make a final project and deploy it to any cloud or hosting.
Just reinstall Django in the virtual environment and baam:
pip install Django
and then just run the command for testing:
python runsever
and you are all done.
You need to install Django, this error is giving because django is not installed.
pip install django
You need to use both commands:
pip install django and pip3 install django
that worked for me
Check that you have installed Django; by executing import django in python.
you mustn't see ModuleNotFoundError if everything's ok.
Check that you have installed virtualenv; by executing virtualenv --version.
you must see the version number if everything's ok.
Check that you have enabled virtualenv; there's got to be the name of your virtualenv in your command prompt starting line. enable it by
source bin/activate. also, remember to deactivate it every time your job is
finished with the virtualenv.
Check that your virtualenv includes django. a virtualenv by default
has no modules installed. you either have to install django in your
virtualenv (even if you have it in your machine already) or use
virtualenv --system-site-packages when creating a virtualenv to
include system site packages in the virtualenv.
Add django to your path. open python, import django, then run
django to see django's path. then add it to your ~/.bashrc (or
~/.zshrc if you're using zsh). more info in here
Install django-admin by running pip install django-admin
find your django parent dir path and add it to PYTHONPATH
In my case, my django parent dir path is /Library/Python/3.7/site-packages,add this line into ~/.bash_profile
export PYTHONPATH=/Library/Python/3.7/site-packages
else if you have PYTHONPATH already, just append it like this
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/Library/Python/3.7/site-packages
source ~/.bash_profile
I was having great difficulties with this but I have solved my issue. I am on Windows 10 using Vagrant ssh in my virtualenv environment, the box I have installed is ubuntu/xenial64, Django version 2.1, python==3.6.
When I was installing packages I was using pip3 but most importantly I was using sudo and the -H flag to install these packages. When I ran sudo pip3 freeze my packages would come up, but when I ran a plain pip3 freeze there would be no packages.
Then I tried the python3 startapp <YOUR APP NAME> and it did not work same error as you.
I finally thought to try sudo python3 startapp <YOUR APP NAME> it finally worked!
Hope this was help :)
I faced the same issue, and in my case it was because I had multiple python versions on my machine, in addition to the Anaconda ones.
In my case django didn't worked well with my anaconda python.
I knew that when I run import django on each python terminal for all versions I have.
As a summary here are the steps I made to get this solved:
Run the CMD as Admin
Create a project folder.
Create a new ENV for this new project INSIDE THE PROJECT Folder...
pip install virtualenv >> virtualenv new_env`
Activate it:
After the env activation ⇒ Install Django:
python -m pip install Django
The python version you used here in step 5 will determine which python will to work with this installed Django.
If you are working on a machine where it doesn't have permissions to all the files and moreover you have two versions such as default 2.7 & latest 3.6 then while running the command use the python version with the command. If the latest python is installed with sudo then run the command with sudo.
sudo python3.6 runserver
after activating virtual env that error raises up on ubuntu.
and I solve this issue just by typing again :
pip3 install Django
inside the directory which is I want to create a new app.
You can use python3 to run file, if you don't want to use virtualenv.python3 runserver
To install python3 look at this page
Make sure you have Django installed by writing this command :
python -m django --version
if it's not installed you can install it by writing this command :
pip install django
I solved this problem in a completely different way.
Package installer = Conda (Miniconda)
List of available envs = base, djenv(Django environment created for keeping project related modules).
When I was using the command line to activate the djenv using conda activate djenv, the base environment was already activated. I did not notice that and when djenv was activated, (djenv) was being displayed at the beginning of the prompt on the command line. When i tired executing , python migrate, this happened.
ImportError: Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you forget to activate a virtual environment?
I deactivated the current environment, i.e conda deactivate. This deactivated djenv. Then, i deactivated the base environment.
After that, I again activated djenv. And the command worked like a charm!!
If someone is facing a similar issue, I hope you should consider trying this as well. Maybe it helps.
Instead of creating a new virtual environment, you just have to access to your initially created virtual environment when you started the project.
You just have to do the following in your command line:
1)pipenv shell to access the backend virtual environment that you have initially created.
2) Then, python runserver
Let me know if it works for you or not.
To create a virtual environment for your project, open a new command prompt, navigate to the folder where you want to create your project and then enter the following:
py -m venv project-name
This will create a folder called ‘project-name’ if it does not already exist and setup the virtual environment. To activate the environment, run:
The virtual environment will be activated and you’ll see “(project-name)” next to the command prompt to designate that. Each time you start a new command prompt, you’ll need to activate the environment again.
Install Django
Django can be installed easily using pip within your virtual environment.
In the command prompt, ensure your virtual environment is active, and execute the following command:
py -m pip install Django
In case you have virtual env activated, django installed, django-admin --version prints the valid version - check if there is no circular import in the file you are executing.
I faced the same problem when I was doing it on windows 10. The problem could be that the path is not defined for in the environment variables. I did the following steps and it worked out for me!
Go to Start menu and search for
Right click on it and select "copy full path".
Go to your "My Computer" or "This PC".
Right click and select "Properties".
Select Advanced settings.
Select "Environment Variables."
In the lower window, find "Path", click on it and click edit.
Finally, click on "Add New".
Paste the copied path with CTRL-V.
Click OK and then restart you CMD with Administrator privileges.
I really hope it works!
Looks like you have not activated your virtualenv when using the runserver command.
Windows: <virtualenv dir>\Scripts\activate.bat
Linux: source <virtualenv dir>\bin\activate
You should see (name of virtualenv) as a prefix to your current directory:
(virtualenv) E:\video course\Python\code\web_worker\MxOnline>python runserver
windows :
(virtualenv dir)\Scripts\activate # this step to activate virtualenv
you should be in the dir of (project name)
python runserver
you need to go to the root directory
and run the below command
source bin/activate
Once the above command is executed, you will be able to create custom apps
I also face the same problem in windows 10 with anaconda
For me anaconda3\Scripts>activate
it's working good. What you have to do you just need to go to anaconda home
and you need to open a cmd prompt and type activate.
It will activate the venv for you.
if you don't want to deactivate or activate the already installed venv just ensure you have set the pythonpath set
set pythonpath=C:\software\venv\include;C:\software\venv\lib;C:\software\venv\scripts;C:\software\venv\tcl;C:\software\venv\Lib\site-packages;
and then execute
"%pythonpath%" %venvpath%Scripts\mytestsite\ runserver "%ipaddress%":8000
The problem is related to this error: Execution Policy Change
Start virtualenv by running the following command:
Command Line
C: \ Users \ Name \ yourdjangofilesname > myvenv \ Scripts \ activate
NOTE: On Windows 10, you may receive an error by Windows PowerShell that the implementation of these scenarios is disabled on this system. In this case, open another Windows PowerShell with the "Run as Administrator" option. After that, try typing the following commands before starting your virtual environment:
C:\WINDOWS\system32> set-executionpolicy remotesigned
Execution Policy Change:
The execution policy helps protect you from scripts that you do not trust. Changing the execution policy might expose you to the security risks described in the about_Execution_Policies help topic at
Do you want to change the execution policy? [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "N"): A
After selection Y(es), close the Powershell admin window, and then go back to the Powershell Window(where you got the error) and run the command again.
> myenv\Scripts\activate and then python runserver 8085 ,
(8085 or any number if you want to change its default port to work on otherwise you dont need to point out anything. )
I had same problem, I installed all dependencies with root access :
In your case:
sudo pip install django
In my case, I had all dependencies in requirements.txt, So:
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Just sync your pipenv environment with:
pipenv sync
I had this problem with Django 3.
On detail the execute_from_command_line import.
You should have:
from import execute_from_command_line
Instead of
from django import execute_from_command_line
I had the same problem and my solution was not posted here:
How I got the error
My error came whenever I was installation the requirements.txt file with pip (let's say from cloning a git repository).
I manually installed each of the modules in the requirements.txt + any other module needed for the installation of those modules (e.g: I got errors and some modules where missing to install other modules so I had to add them too).
If there is anyone who faced with the same problem when using virtual environment and running on MacOS, just try
sudo python startapp <project_name>
instead of
python startapp <project_name>
It will solve the problem suprisingly!
I had to install django using the virtual environment pip3 executable directly:
cd [virtual environment folder]/bin
sudo ./pip3 install django
If you already installed Django / configured virtualenv and you still having the error:
ImportError: Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and
available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable?
Try to run the command pipenv shell before start the server with py runserver

"Unknown command syncdb" running "python syncdb"

I want to create the tables of one database called "database1.sqlite", so I run the command:
python syncdb
but when I execute the command I receive the following error:
Unknown command: 'syncdb'
Type ' help' for usage.
But when I run help
I don`t see any command suspicious to substitute
python syncdb
Version of Python I use: 3.4.2 Version of Django I use:1.9
I would be very grateful if somebody could help me to solve this issue.
Regards and thanks in advance
If you look at the release notes for django 1.9, syncdb command is removed.
Please use migrate instead. Moving forward, the migration commands would be as documented here
Please note that the django-1.9 release is not stable as of today.
Edit: Django 1.9 is stable now
the new django 1.9 has removed "syncdb",
run "python migrate",
if you are trying to create a super user, run "python createsuperuser"
$python syncdb is deprecated and not supported now.
So instead of this follow below instructions..
Whatever model you have created:
First run:
$python makemigrations
After running this command you model will be reflected in a migration.
Then you have to run:
$python migrate
Then run server:
$python runserver
Now, your project will run perfectly.
In Django 1.9 onwards syncdb command is removed. So instead of use that one, you can use migrate command,eg: python migrate.Then you can run your server by python runserver command.
Django has removed python syncdb command now you can simply use python makemigrations followed bypython migrate. The database will sync automatically.
You can run the command from the project folder as: "python.exe migrate", from a commandline or in a batch-file.
You could also downgrade Django to an older version (before 1.9) if you really need syncdb.
For people trying to run Syncdb from Visual Studio 2015:
The option syncdb was removed from Django 1.9 (deprecated from 1.7), but this option is currently not updated in the context menu of VS2015.
Also, in case you didn't get asked to create a superuser you should manually run this command to create one: python.exe createsuperuser
Run the command python makemigratons,and than python migrate to sync.
Alternarte Way:
Uninstall Django Module from environment
Edit Requirements.txt a type Django<1.9
Run Install from Requirments option in the enviroment
Try Syncdb again
This worked for me.
I also tried this command. Lastly I found the release note from django
Features removed in 1.9
The syncdb command is removed.
Djnago Releases note 1.9
I had the same problem, the only thing worked for me was this command.
python3 migrate --run-syncdb
Running this got me this result.
Ranvijays-Mac:djangodemo rana.singh$ python3 migrate --run-syncdb
Operations to perform:
Synchronize unmigrated apps: messages, staticfiles
Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, msg, sessions
Synchronizing apps without migrations:
Creating tables...
Running deferred SQL...
Running migrations:
Applying msg.0001_initial... OK : Unknown command: 'migrate'

I'm using django and I'm facing a little problem. I would like to use the 'migrate' command with But when I try I get this error message:
Unknown command: 'migrate'
Type ' help' for usage.
I have south installed (I installed it with pip), but I still can't use this command. I don't know what to do.
Thank you for your help!
You have to include south in INSTALLED_APPS in your
This is likely caused by following the 1.7 (DEV version) tutorial when we all get the last stable version (1.6) installed by pip.
It would not appear migrate is even a part of 1.7 in general!
Maybe the following command solve your problem: python syncdb
So either follow 1.6 tutorial or follow the instructions to install the 1.7 dev version of Django. runserver - ImportError: No module named MYSITE

I can't get the dev environment running!
I've been following the instructions here (tutorial on DjangoProject page). When I type runserver
I get the following error:
ImportError: No module named MYSITE
I am executing the command within the folder MYSITE which has the files,,,
I've searched around and found questions on " runserver", but not this specific error. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
If you're using windows, you'll need to put your project's directory (the one with in it) into an environment variable called PYTHONPATH.
Since this is highly ranked on Google and I got here while searching for an answer I'll share my solution:
I have a project built on my machine, packaged into a debian package and installed on a test machine. On my machine I use the runserver but on the testmachine I use apache (which was using fine). When changing database from sqlite to postgresql I could not do shell or syncdb etc (all manage commands). The problem here was that was owned by www-data and it had to be root for these commands to work...
sudo chown root.
Another different answer ;) I'm walking the "Django for the Impatient: Building a Blog" chapter from "Python Web Development with Django" and it suggests creating a "dotted" module so I registered my application as "x.y" which it didn't like. Changing to "y" which matched the file-system as:
+ /x
+ /y
Worked for me.