conjoin function of clojure question - clojure

conj is used in (conj coll item), for example (conj #{} "Stu").
But, I found this example in 'Programming Clojure' book page16.
(alter visitors conj username)
I guess (conj visitors username) would be the correct usage. What's the secret?

The "secret" is that alter is a special function that is called in a transaction on a ref, and it has the effect of inserting the current value of the ref as the first parameter to whichever function is supplied as its second argument.
In fact the normal usage for conj with a ref would be:
(conj #visitors username)
So alter roughly translates as follows:
(alter vistors conj username)
=> (ref-set visitors (conj #visitors username))

It is not uncommon in Clojure for macros and higher order functions to take a function followed by args and then execute it by inserting a context-dependent argument before the supplied args. This makes caller's life a bit easier. This way you can write:
(alter visitors conj username)
instead of:
(alter visitors #(conj %1 username))
Some other forms that do this are: send,doto,update-in,->,alter-meta!.


Clojure: delete item from a ref?

I created the ref "people" below, and want the function delete-person to delete an item from the data structure within a transaction.
(defrecord Person [name favorite-color])
(def people (ref ()))
(defn add-person [new-person]
(alter people conj new-person)))
(add-person (Person. "Joe" "Red"))
(add-person (Person. "Sam" "Blue"))
;; how do I make this function work?
;; would #people (destructured) have to be the second argument to filter?
(defn delete-person [name-to-delete]
"Delete named person from ref"
(alter people filter #(not= (:name %) name-to-delete))))
(delete-person "Joe")
IllegalArgumentException Don't know how to create ISeq from:
user$delete_person$fn__1407$fn__1408 clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom (
The function below works because I filter on the destructured ref, but how do I do it in a transaction to mutate the data?
(filter #(not= (:name %) "Sam") #people)
=> (#user.Person{:name "Joe", :favorite-color "Red"})
As there error says, you're trying to iterate a function. This is coming about because when you write:
(alter people filter #(not= (:name %) name-to-delete))
The unwrapped people becomes the first argument to filter, not the last.
You'll need to use an full fn, or use partial:
(alter people
(fn [ps] (filter #(not= (:name %) name-to-delete) ps)))
(alter people
(partial filter #(not= (:name %) name-to-delete)))
These make alter pass the unwrapped people as the last argument to filter, instead of implicitly as the first.
I'll note though:
As #cfrick brought up in the comments, using lazy sequences in a transaction may have the potential to cause problems. I can't offhand think of a scenario where it would, but it feels wrong. It could be argued that the realization of a lazy sequence is a side effect, and side effects shouldn't take place in a transaction, since transactions may run multiple times in the event of a conflict. Multiple realizations shouldn't cause a problem, but I can't say definitively that it's safe (honestly, I never use refs).
Make sure you actually need refs and transactions here. Transactions are for when you need to sequence multiple alterations to data, and need to be able to catch when the data involved has been changed part way through a transaction. If you just need a simple mutable container though, atom are much simpler.

Filter a list of maps from an Atom in Clojure

I'm developing a mini-social media API where the user is allowed to insert a new profile, connect two profiles together (like friends) and then receive recommendations based on the "friends of my friends" rule.
Right now I'm trying to create the API for Profile.
I have an atom that holds a list of maps, one for each profile.
(def profiles (atom ()))
(defn create [request]
(swap! profiles conj {:id (get-in request [:body "id"])
:name (get-in request [:body "name"])
:age (get-in request [:body "age"])
:recommendable (get-in request [:body "recommendable"])
:friends (list)
(created "")
I was trying to develop the find-by-id for the GET http verb for the API when I stumbled into a problem. How can I get the values from the maps within said list so I can apply functions to it?
For instance, here I was trying to use the filter function to return me only the maps that contained a given id. But I keep getting an error:
(defn find-by-id [id]
(filter #(= (:id %) id) profiles)
Dont know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Atom
It seems to me that filter is not applicable to an Atom.
Same thing happens to remove:
(defn delete-by-id [id]
(swap! profiles (remove #(= (:id %) id) profiles))
When I try with #profiles I get an empty array as a result. And to make things worst when I tried the filter function using REPL it worked just fine.
Which leaves me wondering what am I missing here.
Could anyone please tell me what's going on?
Thanks in advance.
The first one fails because, as it says, atoms aren't a sequence, which filter is expecting.
You need to get the sequence out of the atom before you can filter it:
; I'm dereferencing the atom using # to get the list of profiles that it holds
(defn find-by-id [id]
(filter #(= (:id %) id) #profiles))
Note though, this isn't optimal. You're relying on the state of profiles that can change at seemingly random times (if you have asynchronous processes swap!ping it). It may complicate debugging since you can't get a good handle on the data before it's passed to filter. It also isn't good for the function to rely on profiles being an atom, since that's irrelevant to its function, and you may change your design later. It would be more future proof to make this function rely purely on its parameters and have no knowledge of the atom:
(defn find-by-id [id profiles]
(filter #(= (:id %) id) profiles))
; Then call it like this. I renamed your atom here
(find-by-id some-id #profile-atom)
Your second example fails because swap! accepts a function as its second argument. I think you meant to use reset!, which changes the value of the atom regardless of what it was before:
(defn delete-by-id [id]
(reset! profiles (remove #(= (:id %) id) #profiles)))
Although, this isn't optimal either. If you want to update an atom based on a previous state, use swap! instead and supply an updating function:
(defn delete-by-id [id]
(swap! profile-atom (fn [profiles] (remove #(= (:id %) id)) profiles)))
Or, slightly more succinctly:
(defn delete-by-id [id]
(swap! profile-atom (partial remove #(= (:id %) id))))
I'm partially applying remove to make a function. The old state of the atom is passed as the last argument to remove.

What is the Unified Update Model?

This Clojure code on GitHub refers to the Unified Update Model.
Could you explain how the fixing function works well with the Unified Update Model?
(defn fixing
"A version of fix that fits better with the unified update model: instead of multiple clauses,
additional args to the transform function are permitted. For example,
(swap! my-atom fixing map? update-in [k] inc)"
[x pred transform & args]
(if ((as-fn pred) x)
(apply (as-fn transform) x args)
The unified update model is the API convention whereby objects of various reference types can be updated in a consistent way, albeit with specialized functions:
;; Atoms
(swap! the-atom f …)
;; Agents
(send the-agent f …)
(send-off the-agent f …)
;; send-via takes an additional initial argument, but otherwise
;; follows the same convention (and of course it's an exact match
;; when partially applied – (partial send-via some-executor))
(send-via executor the-agent f …)
;; Refs
(alter the-ref f …)
(commute the-ref f…))
In each case f is the function that should be used to update the value held by the Atom / Agent / Ref, … are additional arguments, if any (e.g. (swap! the-atom f 1 2 3)), and the result of the call is that the reference will atomically assume the value (f old-value …) – although exactly when that will happen with respect to the swap! / alter / send / … call depends on the reference type in question and the update function used.
Here's an example:
(def a (atom 0))
(swap! a - 5)
;= -5
Vars are generally not meant to be used for the same purposes that one might use the above-mentioned reference types for, but they also have an update function with the same contract:
(alter-var-root #'the-var f …)
Finally, the update and update-in functions are worth mentioning in this connection; in effect, they extend the unified update model convention to values – now of course, values are immutable, so calling update or update-in does not result in any object being visibly changed, but the return value is produced similarly as the result of applying an update function to a preexisting value and possibly some extra arguments:
(update {:foo 1} :foo inc)
;= {:foo 2}
The fixing function quoted in the question works better than fix (defined in the same namespace) in the context of UUM update calls, because it can be passed multiple arguments in a way that meshes well with how UUM update functions like swap! work, whereas with fix you'd have to use an anonymous function:
;; the example from the docstring of fixing
(swap! my-atom fixing map? update-in [k] inc)
;; modified to use fix
(swap! my-atom fix map? #(update-in % [k] inc))

clojure: Removing maps from lazy-seq of maps

I have a lazy-seq of maps and I'm attempting to remove maps from that lazy-seq based on the return value from another function. The other function will return true or false depending on whether or not a call of get returns a value equal to the parameter. The problem is the function isn't working correctly and I'm not too sure why.
(defn filter-by-name "Filter by names" [name m]
(if (= name (get m :name_of_person)) true false))
;To be called on each map
(defn remove-nonmatching-values "Remove anything not matching" [filter-val all-maps]
(map #(remove (filter-by-name filter-val %)) all-maps))
;trying to call on the lazy seq
You only need to call remove on the sequence of maps.
(defn remove-nonmatching-values
"Remove anything not matching"
[filter-val all-maps]
(remove #(filter-by-name filter-val %) all-maps))
Check Clojure's remove doc
(remove pred coll)
Returns a lazy sequence of the items in coll for which
(pred item) returns false. pred must be free of side-effects.
Returns a transducer when no collection is provided.
A function that produces the test-function you need for a given name is
(defn name-matcher [name]
(fn [m] (= name (:name_of_person m))))
All you have to do is filter the maps accordingly:
(defn retain-matching-maps [name maps]
(filter (name-matcher name) maps))
For example,
(retain-matching-maps "hello" (list {:name_of_person "hello"} {:name_of_person "bye"}))
;({:name_of_person "hello"})
I have got rid of
the comments (which are implied by the function names)
the if (as noted by Guillermo)
the get (Keywords - or maps - are implicit get functions)
the double negative in the function name remove-nonmatching-values.
You could also use :name instead of :name-of-person. The more succinctly you express your program, the less likely you are to make mistakes.

Alternatives for converting list of nested maps to a map

I have the following working code to convert a list with nested maps (actually tweet data) to a map:
(defn filter
"This function returns a map with the user as key, #followers as value"
(let [users (map :user raw-tweets)
names (map :name users)
followers (map :followers_count users)]
(zipmap names followers)))
Although this works as expected, I was wondering if there would be a more idiomatic way to do this in Clojure. Any alternatives?
What you have is fine, though you can build the map as you go by using reduce:
(defn user-followers [raw-tweets]
(reduce #(assoc %1 (:name %2) (:followers_count %2))
{} (map :user raw-tweets)))
I'm only starting to learn clojure but I think this way might be a bit more idiomatic. It's an alternative in any case.
(defn filter
"This function returns a map with the user as key, #followers as value"
(into {} (map #(let [user (:user %)]
[(:name user) (:followers_count user)])
It maps over the raw tweets with a function that retrieves the user for each tweet and returns a vector with the name and followers count for that user. The into function takes two sequences and conjoins every element of the second one onto the first, which will turn the list of vectors into a map before it's returned from the filter function.
I find #Daan's answer nice, but I'd add destructuring into the mix.
(defn filter-tweets
"This function returns a map with the user as key, #followers as value"
(into {} (map (fn [{{name :name follower-count :followers_count} :user}]
[name follower-count])
I don't like the (map (fn ...)) pattern - it's really just an ugly way to write a for comprehension. I'd write this as:
(into {}
(for [{:keys [user]} raw-tweets]
((juxt :name :followers_count) user)))
Or this, which feels a little less natural to me but avoids inventing names for values you're just going to use once anyway.
(into {} (map (comp (juxt :name :followers_count) :user)