Why doesn't the following mocking with Ninject.Moq work? - unit-testing

I'm trying to run the following code with Ninject.Moq:
public void TestMethod1()
var kernel = new MockingKernel();
var engine = kernel.Get<ABC>();
//as I don't need to actually use the interfaces, I don't want
//to even have to bother about them.
Assert.AreEqual<string>("abc", engine.ToString());
And here is the ABC class definition:
public class ABC {
IA a;
IB b;
public ABC(IA a, IB b)
this.a = board;
this.b = war;
public override string ToString()
return "abc";
I'm getting the following exception:
System.ArgumentException: A matching
constructor for the given arguments
was not found on the mocked type. --->
Constructor on type
not found.

Ok, this will make the code work:
public void TestMethod1()
var kernel = new MockingKernel();
var engine = kernel.Get<ABC>();
//as I don't need to actually use the interfaces, I don't want
//to even have to bother about them.
Assert.AreEqual<string>("abc", engine.ToString());
One has to bind Abc to itself, otherwise it will also get mocked and Moq only supports mocking parameterless classes, which is not the case.

It's a bit like understanding DI in the first
place :- small samples don't really get the whole point across.
An automocking container like Ninject.Moq (or similar test infrastructure libraries like AutoFixture) is hard to really explain with a simple example. I'd suggest reading all of Mark Seemann's posts on AutoFixture as a way of getting a feel fro the requirement.
So Ninject.Moq will deal with the chaining, N levels deep of a set of stub implementations of interfaces that are necessary to satisfy your System Under Test in the course of doing the thing your test is actually supposed to be testing.
In general, you want short easy to read, easy to grok tests with minimal complexity and interaction of fixtures under the cover (no big hierarchy of base classes, or 6 different magic methods doing wacky teardown and calling base classes). Normally this aim will mean you should keep your DI toolery miles away from your unit tests.
An automocking container should, like a chainsaw, only be used where you're going to get a signnificant real return (many shorter, easier to understand tests) for you investment (another tool to understand before others can read you tests, more debugging, more surprises, more complexity that'll lead to brittle, unmaintainable tests).


How to test behavior based on private class using members c++ using gtest

I want to use Google test to test my class.
Lets assume I have a state machine implementation and the current state is private
so I have a method SetNextState that looks like that:
void setNextState
switch(m_currentState) //m_currentState is a private member
if some conditions occurred m_currentState=GO_STATE
so I have several cases and each define the behavior to move from certain state to another.
My question:
How do I perform tests on that method assuming the state is relevant only to this class so there is no output
How do I set its value to be, for example "GO_STATE" to test the GO_STATE case
and how do i check the m_currentState at the end of the test
Im trying to avoid putting friends etc. in my UUT code since I want it to be as original as possible
You don't. You do the same thing that your actual program will do, which is provide an input, then examine the result; you say there's no output, but there must be some effect, otherwise the class is pointless!
Failing that, you could make the test a "friend" of the class so that it can inspect its internals, or add an immutable getter for the current state (and who really cares if your class's users get to see that?) but neither option is really in the spirit of the thing.
In my experience, you'll occasionally realise that you're not really unit testing any more but instead functional testing, and Google Test may not be the right tool for that job. If your class is as big as it sounds, that could be the case here. Conversely, you could help yourself by splitting the class into smaller chunks, then unit testing those. Depends what you're going for, really.
Lightness Races in Orbit is correct. However, if sometimes you feel like it's useful to test the private member functions of your class, it often means that your class could be split in multiple smaller pieces.
If you don't think those smaller components are useful to the clients of your library, you can simply hide them in a detail:: namespace and then create unit tests as usual. This will allow you to test the internal behavior of your classes without polluting your public API.
After much considerations I decided to wrap my UUT with a helper which provides set and get to the relevant private members.and use it in the test procedure before calling the tested API
Original code
class UUT //That's the actual class I want to test
int m_protectedMember;
void methodToTest()
//Do something with m_protectedMember use its value as input
//and set it as output
In the tester
class UUTHelper: public UUT
int getProtectedMember() { return m_protectedMember; }
void setProtectedMember(int value) { m_protectedMember = value; }
The pros:
My test code is very simple and I easily create complicated scenarios .
I test the real code without any "friends" or any other manipulations.
The cons:
As written in the discussion, not the best "good practice", touching private members
Thank you all :)

Is it bad practice to unit test a method that is calling another method I am already testing?

Consider you have the following method:
public Foo ParseMe(string filepath)
// break up filename
// validate filename & extension
// retrieve info from file if it's a certain type
// some other general things you could do, etc
var myInfo = GetFooInfo(filename);
// create new object based on this data returned AND data in this method
Currently I have unit tests for GetFooInfo, but I think I also need to build unit tests for ParseMe. In a situation like this where you have a two methods that return two different properties - and a change in either of them could break something - should unit tests be created for both to determine the output is as expected?
I like to err on the side of caution and be more wary about things breaking and ensuring that maintenance later on down the road is easier, but I feel very skeptical about adding very similar tests in the test project. Would this be bad practice or is there any way to do this more efficiently?
I'm marking this as language agnostic, but just in case it matters I am using C# and NUnit - Also, I saw a post similar to this in title only, but the question is different. Sorry if this has already been asked.
ParseMe looks sufficiently non-trivial to require a unit test. To answer your precise question, if "you have a two methods that return two different properties - and a change in either of them could break something" you should absolutely unit test them.
Even if the bulk of the work is in GetFooInfo, at minimum you should test that it's actually called. I know nothing about NUnit, but I know in other frameworks (like RSpec) you can write tests like GetFooInfo.should be_called(:once).
It is not a bad practice to test a method that is calling another method. In fact, it is a good practice. If you have a method calling another method, it is probably performing additional functionality, which should be tested.
If you find yourself unit testing a method that calls a method that is also being unit tested, then you are probably experiencing code reuse, which is a good thing.
I agree with #tsm - absolutely test both methods (assuming both are public).
This may be a smell that the method or class is doing too much - violating the Single Responsibility Principle. Consider doing an Extract Class refactoring and decoupling the two classes (possibly with Dependency Injection). That way you could test both pieces of functionality independently. (That said, I'd only do that if the functionality was sufficiently complex to warrant it. It's a judgment call.)
Here's an example in C#:
public interface IFooFileInfoProvider
FooInfo GetFooInfo(string filename);
public class Parser
private readonly IFooFileInfoProvider _fooFileInfoProvider;
public Parser(IFooFileInfoProvider fooFileInfoProvider)
// Add a null check
_fooFileInfoProvider = fooFileInfoProvider;
public Foo ParseMe(string filepath)
string filename = Path.GetFileName(filepath);
var myInfo = _fooFileInfoProvider.GetFooInfo(filename);
return new Foo(myInfo);
public class FooFileInfoProvider : IFooFileInfoProvider
public FooInfo GetFooInfo(string filename)
// Do I/O
return new FooInfo(); // parameters...
Many developers, me included, take a programming by contract approach. That requires you to consider each method as a black box. If the method delegates to another method to accomplish its task does not matter, when you are testing the method. But you should also test all large or complicated parts of your program as units. So whether you need to unit test the GetFooInfo depends on how complicated that method is.

TDD Function Tests

Should I write unit test for all nested methods or if writing one test for caller is enough?
For instance:
void Main()
var x = new A().AFoo();
public class A
public int AFoo()
// some logic
var x = new B().BFoo();
// might have some logic
return x;
public class B
public int BFoo()
// some logic
return ???;
Is that sufficient to write unit test for Main() method or I need to write tests for Main, A.AFoo(), B.BFoo() methods? How deep should I go?
Thanks in advance.
A testing purist would say that you need to create unit tests for classes A and B.
Each class should have all methods tested. If a method can do more than one thing (if you have an if statement, for example), then you should have a test for each path. If the tests are getting too complicated, it's probably a good idea to refactor the code to make the tests simpler.
Note as it stands right now, its hard to test A in isolation because it depends on B. If B is simple, as it is right now, it's probably ok. You might want to name your tests for A integration tests because technically they test both A and B together. Another option would be to have the method AFoo accept as a parameter the instance of B on which it operates. That way you could mock an instance of B and have a true unit test.
Unit tests are supposed to work on units, in the case of OOP the units are classes and the methods of the classes. That means that you should write a separate test class for each class under consideration, and at least one testing method for each method provided in the class. What is more, it is important to isolate the classes as much as possible so that a bug in class B does not cause a failure on class A. This is why Inversion of Control (Dependency Injection) is so useful, because if you can inject the instance of class B into the instance of class A, you can change B to be just a Mock object.
One of the reasons we write unit tests is to explain, in code, exactly how the methods of each class are expected to behave under all conditions, including and especially edge cases. It is hard to detail the expected behaviour of class B by writing tests on the main method.
I would recommend reading some material online explaining test driven development and how to mock objects, and perhaps use some of the excellent mocking libraries that exist such as JMock. See this question for more links.
Unit tests should help you to reduce your debugging effort. So when you just write unit tests for AFoo and none for BFoo, and one of your test fails, you probably won't know if the problem is part of class A or class B. Writing tests for BFoo too will help you to isolate the error in smaller amount of time.

tdd - should I mock here or use real implementation

I'm writing program arguments parser, just to get better in TDD, and I stuck with the following problem. Say I have my parser defined as follows:
class ArgumentsParser {
public ArgumentsParser(ArgumentsConfiguration configuration) {
this.configuration = configuration;
public void parse(String[] programArguments) {
// all the stuff for parsing
and I imagine to have ArgumentsConfiguration implementation like:
class ArgumentsConfiguration {
private Map<String, Class> map = new HashMap<String, Class>();
public void addArgument(String argName, Class valueClass) {
map.add(argName, valueClass);
// get configured arguments methods etc.
This is my current stage. For now in test I use:
public void shouldResultWithOneAvailableArgument() {
ArgumentsConfiguration config = prepareSampleConfiguration();
config.addArgument("mode", Integer.class);
ArgumentsParser parser = new ArgumentsParser(configuration);
// ....
My question is if such way is correct? I mean, is it ok to use real ArgumentsConfiguration in tests? Or should I mock it out? Default (current) implementation is quite simple (just wrapped Map), but I imagine it can be more complicated like fetching configuration from kind of datasource. Then it'd be natural to mock such "expensive" behaviour. But what is preferred way here?
Maybe more clearly: should I mock ArgumentsConfiguration even without writing any implementation (just define its public methods), use mock for testing and deal with real implementation(s) later, or should I use the simplest one in tests, and let them cover this implementation indirectly. But if so, what about testing another Configuration implementation provided later?
Then it'd be natural to mock such "expensive" behaviour.
That's not the point. You're not mocking complex classes.
You're mocking to isolate classes completely.
Complete isolation assures that the tests demonstrate that classes follow their interface and don't have hidden implementation quirks.
Also, complete isolation makes debugging a failed test much, much easier. It's either the test, the class under test or the mocked objects. Ideally, the test and mocks are so simple they don't need any debugging, leaving just the class under test.
The correct answer is that you should mock anything that you're not trying to test directly (e.g.: any dependencies that the object under test has that do not pertain directly to the specific test case).
In this case, because your ArgumentsConfiguration is so simple, I'd recommend using the real implementation until your requirements demand something more complicated. There doesn't seem to be any logic in your ArgumentsConfiguration class, so it's safe to use the real object. If the time comes where the configuration is more complicated, then an approach you should probably take would be not to create a configuration that talks to some data source, but instead generate the ArgumentsConfiguration object from that datasource. Then you could have a test that makes sure it generates the configuration properly from the datasource and you don't need unnecessary abstractions.

Does the self-shunt testing pattern violate the Single Responsibility Principle?

I've used the self-shunt unit testing pattern a few times over the years. As I was explaining it to someone recently they argued that it violated the SRP. The argument is that the test class can now be changed for one of two reasons: when the test changes, or when the method signature on the interface that the test is implementing changes. After thinking about it for a while, it seems like this is a correct assessment, but I wanted to get other peoples' opinions. Thoughts?
My take on this is that the test class technically violates the SRP, but it doesn't violate the spirit of SRP. The alternative to self-shunting is to have a mock class separate from the test class.
With the separate mock class you might think that it's all self contained and satisfies the SRP, however the semantic coupling to the mock class's attributes is still there. So, really, we didn't achieve any meaningful separation.
Taking the example out of the PDF:
public class ScannerTest extends TestCase implements Display
public ScannerTest (String name) {
super (name);
public void testScan () {
// pass self as a display
Scanner scanner = new Scanner (this);
// scan calls displayItem on its display
scanner.scan ();
assertEquals (new Item (“Cornflakes”), lastItem);
// impl. of Display.displayItem ()
void displayItem (Item item) {
lastItem = item;
private Item lastItem;
Now we make a Mock:
public class DisplayMock implements Display
// impl. of Display.displayItem ()
void displayItem (Item item) {
lastItem = item;
public Item getItem() {
return lastItem;
private Item lastItem;
public class ScannerTest extends TestCase
public ScannerTest (String name) {
super (name);
public void testScan () {
// pass self as a display
DisplayMock dispMock = new DisplayMock();
Scanner scanner = new Scanner (dispMock );
// scan calls displayItem on its display
scanner.scan ();
assertEquals (new Item (“Cornflakes”), dispMock.GetItem());
In practical terms (IMHO) the higher coupling of TestClass to DisplayMock is a greater evil than the violation of the SRP for TestClass. Besides, with the use mocking frameworks, this problem goes away completely.
EDIT I have just encountered a brief mention of self-shunt pattern in Robert C. Martin's excellent book Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#. Here is the snippet out of the book:
We can accomplish this by using an abstract interface for the database. One implementation of this abstract interface uses the real database. Another implementation is test code written to simulate the behavior of the database and to check that the database calls are being made correctly. Figure 29-5 shows the structure. The PayrollTest module tests the PayrollModule by making calls to it and also implements the Database interface so that it can trap the calls that Payroll makes to the database. This allows PayrollTest to ensure that Payroll is behaving properly. It also allows PayrollTest to simulate many kinds of database failures and problems that are otherwise difficult to create. This is a testing pattern known as SELF-SHUNT, also sometimes known as mocking or spoofing.
So, the guy who coined the SRP (which is talked about in great detail in the same book) has no qualms using self-shunt pattern. In light of that, I'd say you are pretty safe from the OOP (Objected Orientated Police) when using this pattern.
In my opinion it is a violation, but a very minor one.
You test class is now a test class and a dependency for whatever you are testing.
However, is that a bad thing? For a couple of simple tests, probably not. As your number of test cases grows, you'll probably want to refactor and use a mock class to separate some of the concerns. (As the link you pasted says, self-shunt is a stepping stone to mocking). But if the number of test cases remains static and low, what's the problem?
I think a little pragmatism is required. Does it violate the SRP? Yes, but I'm guessing probably not as much as some of the code in the system you're testing. Do you need to do anything about it? No, not as long as the code is clear and maintainable, which for me is always the bottom line. SRP is a guideline, not a rule.
If the interface being implemented or shunted is changed, it's relatively likely that the test suite will have to change as well. So I don't really see it as a violation of SRP.
I prefer to have a little more control over the mocks/stubs that I'm creating. When I tried using the self shunt pattern I ended up making my test class more complex. By creating the mocks as locals within a test method I ended up having cleaner code.
FWIW unless you're using something powerful like C# (or python or an equivalent) your test code will change when you change an interface.