Conventions, Style, and Usage for Clojure Constants? - clojure

What are the best practices for defining constants in Clojure in terms of style, conventions, efficiency, etc.
For example, is this right?
(def *PI* 3.14)
Should constants be capitalized in Clojure?
Stylistically, should they have the asterisk (*) character on one or both sides?
Any computational efficiency considerations I should be aware of?

I don't think there is any hard and fast rules. I usually don't give them any special treatment at all. In a functional language, there is less of a distinction between a constant and any other value, because things are more often pure.
The asterisks on both sides are called "ear muffs" in Clojure. They are usually used to indicate a "special" var, or a var that will be dynamically rebound using binding later. Stuff like out and in which are occasionally rebound to different streams by users and such are examples.
Personally, I would just name it pi. I don't think I've ever seen people give constants special names in Clojure.
EDIT: Mister Carper just pointed out that he himself capitalizes constants in his code because it's a convention in other languages. I guess this goes to show that there are at least some people who do that.
I did a quick glance through the coding standards but didn't find anything about it. This leads me to conclude that it's really up to you whether or not you capitalize them. I don't think anyone will slap you for it in the long run.

On the computational efficiency front you should know there is no such thing as a global constant in Clojure. What you have above is a var, and every time you reference it, it does a lookup. Even if you don't put earmuffs on it, vars can always be rebound, so the value could always change, so they are always looked up in a table. For performance critical loops this is most decidedly non-optimal.
There are some options like putting a let block around your critical loops and let the value of any "constant" vars so that they are not looked up. Or creating a no-arg macro so that the constant value is compiled into the code. Or you could create a Java class with a static member.
See this post, and the following discussion about constants for more info:

The earmuffs are a way of denoting that a given symbol will have its own thread-local binding at some point. As such, it does not make sense to apply the earmuffs to your Pi constant.
*clojure-version* is an example of a constant in Clojure, and it's entirely in lower-case.

Don't use a special notation for constants; everything is assumed a constant unless specified otherwise.

Clojure has a variety of literals such as:
{:x 0
:y 1}
[1 2 3 4]
#{:a :b :c}
The literals are constant. As far as I know, there is no way to define new literals. If you want to use a new constant, you can effectively generate a literal in the code at compile-time:
(defmacro *PI* [] 3.14159265358979323)
(prn (*PI*))

In Common Lisp, there's a convention of naming constants with plus signs (+my-constant+), and in Scheme, by prefixing with a dollar sign ($my-constant); see this page. Any such convention conflicts with the official Clojure coding standards, linked in other answers, but maybe it would be reasonable to want to distinguish regular vars from those defined with the :const attribute.
I think there's an advantage to giving non-function variables of any kind some sort of distinguishing feature. Suppose that aside from variables defined to hold functions, you typically only use local names defined by function parameters, let, etc. If you nevertheless occasionally define a non-function variable using def, then when its name appears in a function definition in the same file, it looks to the eye like a local variable. If the function is complex, you may spend several seconds looking for the name definition within the function. Adding a distinguishing feature like earmuffs or plus signs or all uppercase, as appropriate to the variable's use, makes it obvious that the variable's definition is somewhere else.
In addition, there are good reasons to give special constants like pi a special name, so no one has to wonder whether pi means, say, "print-index", or the i-th pizza, or "preserved interface". Of course I think those variables should have more informative names, but lots of people use cryptic, short variable names, and I end up reading their code. I shouldn't have to wonder whether pi means pi, so something like PI might make sense. None would think that's a run of the mill variable in Clojure.

According to the "Practical Clojure" book, it should be named *pi*


Abstract structure of Clojure

I've been learning Clojure and am a good way through a book on it when I realized how much I'm still struggling to interpret the code. What I'm looking for is the abstract structure, interface, or rules, Clojure uses to parse code. I think it looks something like:
(some-operation optional-args)
optional-args can be nearly anything and that's where I start getting confused.
(operation optional-name-string [vector of optional args]) would equal (defn newfn [argA, argB])
I think this pattern holds for all lists () but with so much flexibility and variation in Clojure, I'm not sure. It would be really helpful to see the rules the interpreter follows.
You are not crazy. Sure it's easy to point out how "easy" ("simple"? but that another discussion) Clojure syntax is but there are two things for a new learner to be aware of that are not pointed out very clearly in beginning tutorials that greatly complicate understanding what you are seeing:
Destructuring. Spend some quality time with guides on destructuring in Clojure. I will say that this adds a complexity to the language and is not dissimilar from "*args" and "**kwargs" arguments in Python or from the use of the "..." spread operator in javascript. They are all complicated enough to require some dedicated time to read. This relates to the optional-args you reference above.
macros and metaprogramming. In the some-operation you reference above, you wish to "see the rules the interpreter follows". In the majority of the cases it is a function but Clojure provides you no indication of whether you are looking at a function or a macro. In the standard library, you will just need to know some standard macros and how they affect the syntax they headline. (e.g. if, defn etc). For included libraries, there will typically be a small set of macros that are core to understanding that library. Any macro will to modify, dare I say, complicate the syntax in the parens you are looking at so be on your toes.
Clojure is fantastic and easy to learn but those two points are not to be glossed over IMHO.
Before you start coding with Clojure, I highly recommend studying functional programming and LISB. In Clojure, everything is a prefix, and when you want to run and specific function, you will call it and then feed it with some arguments. for example, 1+2+3 will be (+ 1 2 3) in Clojure. In other words, every function you call will be at the start of a parenthesis, and all of its arguments will be follows the function name.
If you define a function, you may do as follow:
(defn newfunc [a1 a2]
(+ 100 a1 a2))
Which newfunc add 100 and a1 and a2. When you call it, you should do this:
(newfunc 1 2)
and the result will be 103.
in the first example, + is a function, so we call it at the beginning of the parenthesis.
Clojure is a beautiful world full of simplicity. Please learn it deeply.

Why would I ever want to use Maybe instead of a List?

Seeing as the Maybe type is isomorphic to the set of null and singleton lists, why would anyone ever want to use the Maybe type when I could just use lists to accomodate absence?
Because if you match a list against the patterns [] and [x] that's not an exhaustive match and you'll get a warning about that, forcing you to either add another case that'll never get called or to ignore the warning.
Matching a Maybe against Nothing and Just x however is exhaustive. So you'll only get a warning if you fail to match one of those cases.
If you choose your types such that they can only represent values that you may actually produce, you can rely on non-exhaustiveness warnings to tell you about bugs in your code where you forget to check for a given a case. If you choose more "permissive" types, you'll always have to think about whether a warning represents an actual bug or just an impossible case.
You should strive to have accurate types. Maybe expresses that there is exactly one value or that there is none. Many imperative languages represent the "none" case by the value null.
If you chose a list instead of Maybe, all your functions would be faced with the possibility that they get a list with more than one member. Probably many of them would only be defined for one value, and would have to fail on a pattern match. By using Maybe, you avoid a class of runtime errors entirely.
Building on existing (and correct) answers, I'll mention a typeclass based answer.
Different types convey different intentions - returning a Maybe a represents a computation with the possiblity of failing while [a] could represent non-determinism (or, in simpler terms, multiple possible return values).
This plays into the fact that different types have different instances for typeclasses - and these instances cater to the underlying essence the type conveys. Take Alternative and its operator (<|>) which represents what it means to combine (or choose) between arguments given.
Maybe a Combining computations that can fail just means taking the first that is not Nothing
[a] Combining two computations that each had multiple return values just means concatenating together all possible values.
Then, depending on which types your functions use, (<|>) would behave differently. Of course, you could argue that you don't need (<|>) or anything like that, but then you are missing out on one of Haskell's main strengths: it's many high-level combinator libraries.
As a general rule, we like our types to be as snug fitting and intuitive as possible. That way, we are not fighting the standard libraries and our code is more readable.
Lisp, Scheme, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, etc., manage to get along with just one type each, which you could represent in Haskell with a big sum type. Every function handling a JavaScript (or whatever) value must be prepared to receive a number, a string, a function, a piece of the document object model, etc., and throw an exception if it gets something unexpected. People who program in typed languages like Haskell prefer to limit the number of unexpected things that can occur. They also like to express ideas using types, making types useful (and machine-checked) documentation. The closer the types come to representing the intended meaning, the more useful they are.
Because there are an infinite number of possible lists, and a finite number of possible values for the Maybe type. It perfectly represents one thing or the absence of something without any other possibility.
Several answers have mentioned exhaustiveness as a factor here. I think it is a factor, but not the biggest one, because there is a way to consistently treat lists as if they were Maybes, which the listToMaybe function illustrates:
listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
listToMaybe [] = Nothing
listToMaybe (a:_) = Just a
That's an exhaustive pattern match, which rules out any straightforward errors.
The factor I'd highlight as bigger is that by using the type that more precisely models the behavior of your code, you eliminate potential behaviors that would be possible if you used a more general alternative. Say for example you have some context in your code where you uses a type of the form a -> [b], though the only correct alternatives (given your program's specification) are empty or singleton lists. Try as hard as you may to enforce the convention that this context should obey that rule, it's still possible that you'll mess up and:
Somehow a function used in that context will produce a list of two or more items;
And somehow a function that uses the results produced in that context will observe whether the lists have two or more items, and behave incorrectly in that case.
Example: some code that expects there to be no more than one value will blindly print the contents of the list and thus print multiple items when only one was supposed to be.
But if you use Maybe, then there really must be either one value or none, and the compiler enforces this.
Even though isomorphic, e.g. QuickCheck will run slower because of the increase in search space.

Avoid name clashes in a Clojure DSL

As a side project I'm creating a Clojure DSL for image synthesis (clisk).
I'm a little unsure on the best approach to function naming where I have functions in the DSL that are analogous to functions in Clojure core, for example the + function or something similar is needed in my DSL to additively compose images / perform vector maths operations.
As far as I can see it there are a few options:
Use the same name (+) in my own namespace. Looks nice in DSL code but will override the clojure.core version, which may cause issues. People could get confused.
Use the same name but require it to be qualified (my-ns/+). Avoids conflicts, but prevents people from useing the namespace for convenience and looks a bit ugly.
Use a different short name e.g. (v+). Can be used easily and avoid clashes, but the name is a bit ugly and might prove hard to remember.
Use a different long name e.g. (vector-add). Verbose but descriptive, no clashes.
Exclude clojure.core/+ and redefine with a multimethod + (as georgek suggests).
Example code might look something like:
(show (v+ [0.9 0.6 0.3]
(dot [0.2 0.2 0]
(vgradient (vseamless 1.0 plasma) ))))
What is the best/most idiomatic approach?
first, the repeated appearance of operators in an infix expression requires a nice syntax, but for a lisp, with prefix syntax, i don't think this is as important. so it's not such a crime to have the user type a few more characters for an explicit namespace. and clojure has very good support for namespaces and aliasing. so it's very easy for a user to select their own short prefix: (x/+ ...) for example.
second, looking at the reader docs there are not many non-alphanumeric symbols to play with, so something like :+ is out. so there's no "cute" solution - if you choose a prefix it's going to have to be a letter. that means something like x+ - better to let the user choose an alias, at the price of one more character, and have x/+.
so i would say: ignore core, but expect the user to (:require .... :as ...). if they love your package so much they want it to be default then they can (:use ...) and handle core explicitly. but you choosing a prefix to operators seems like a poor compromise.
(and i don't think i have seen any library that does use single letter prefixes).
one other possibility is to provide the above and also a separate package with long names instead of operators (which are simply def'ed to match the values in the original package). then if people do want to (:use ...) but want to avoid clashes, they can use that (but really what's the advantage of (vector-add ...) over (vector/+ ...)?)
and finally i would check how + is implemented, since if it already involves some kind of dispatch on types then georgek's comment makes a lot of sense.
(by "operator" above i just mean single-character, non-alphanumeric symbol)

Where does the k prefix for constants come from?

it's a pretty common practice that constants are prefixed with k (e.g. k_pi). But what does the k mean?
Is it simply that c already meant char?
It's a historical oddity, still common practice among teams who like to blindly apply coding standards that they don't understand.
Long ago, most commercial programming languages were weakly typed; automatic type checking, which we take for granted now, was still mostly an academic topic. This meant that is was easy to write code with category errors; it would compile and run, but go wrong in ways that were hard to diagnose. To reduce these errors, a chap called Simonyi suggested that you begin each variable name with a tag to indicate its (conceptual) type, making it easier to spot when they were misused. Since he was Hungarian, the practise became known as "Hungarian notation".
Some time later, as typed languages (particularly C) became more popular, some idiots heard that this was a good idea, but didn't understand its purpose. They proposed adding redundant tags to each variable, to indicate its declared type. The only use for them is to make it easier to check the type of a variable; unless someone has changed the type and forgotten to update the tag, in which case they are actively harmful.
The second (useless) form was easier to describe and enforce, so it was blindly adopted by many, many teams; decades later, you still see it used, and even advocated, from time to time.
"c" was the tag for type "char", so it couldn't also be used for "const"; so "k" was chosen, since that's the first letter of "konstant" in German, and is widely used for constants in mathematics.
I haven't seen it that much, but maybe it comes from certain languages' (the germanic ones in particular) spelling of the word constant - konstant.
Don't use Hungarian Notation. If you want constants to stand out, make them all caps.
As a side note: there are a lot of things in the Google Coding Standards that are poor practice (in terms of code readability). That is what happens when you design a coding standard by committee.
It means the value is k-onstant.
I think mathematical convention was the precedent. k is used in maths all the time as just some constant.
K stands for konstant, a wordplay on constant. It relates to Coding Styles.
It's just a matter of preference, some people and projects use them which means they also embrace the Hungarian notation, many don't. That's not that important.
If you're unsure what a prefix or style might mean, always check if the project has a coding style reference and read that.
Actually, whenever I define constants in typescript, I do something like this -
NODE_ENV = 'production';
But recently, I saw that the k prefix is being used in the Flutter SDK. It makes sense to me to keep using the k prefix cuz' it helps your editor/IDE in searching out constants in your codebase.
It's a convention, probably from math. But there are other suggestions for constant too, for example Kernighan and Ritchie in their book "The C language" suggest writing constants' name in capital letters (e.g. #define MAX 55).
I think, it means coefficient (as k in math means)

Why can't variable names start with numbers?

I was working with a new C++ developer a while back when he asked the question: "Why can't variable names start with numbers?"
I couldn't come up with an answer except that some numbers can have text in them (123456L, 123456U) and that wouldn't be possible if the compilers were thinking everything with some amount of alpha characters was a variable name.
Was that the right answer? Are there any more reasons?
string 2BeOrNot2Be = "that is the question"; // Why won't this compile?
Because then a string of digits would be a valid identifier as well as a valid number.
int 17 = 497;
int 42 = 6 * 9;
String 1111 = "Totally text";
Well think about this:
int 2d = 42;
double a = 2d;
What is a? 2.0? or 42?
Hint, if you don't get it, d after a number means the number before it is a double literal
It's a convention now, but it started out as a technical requirement.
In the old days, parsers of languages such as FORTRAN or BASIC did not require the uses of spaces. So, basically, the following are identical:
10 V1=100
Now suppose that numeral prefixes were allowed. How would you interpret this?
10 1V = 100
or as
101 V = 100
or as
1 01V = 100
So, this was made illegal.
Because backtracking is avoided in lexical analysis while compiling. A variable like:
the compiler will know it's a identifier right away when it meets letter 'A'.
However a variable like:
compiler won't be able to decide if it's a number or identifier until it hits 'a', and it needs backtracking as a result.
Compilers/parsers/lexical analyzers was a long, long time ago for me, but I think I remember there being difficulty in unambiguosly determining whether a numeric character in the compilation unit represented a literal or an identifier.
Languages where space is insignificant (like ALGOL and the original FORTRAN if I remember correctly) could not accept numbers to begin identifiers for that reason.
This goes way back - before special notations to denote storage or numeric base.
I agree it would be handy to allow identifiers to begin with a digit. One or two people have mentioned that you can get around this restriction by prepending an underscore to your identifier, but that's really ugly.
I think part of the problem comes from number literals such as 0xdeadbeef, which make it hard to come up with easy to remember rules for identifiers that can start with a digit. One way to do it might be to allow anything matching [A-Za-z_]+ that is NOT a keyword or number literal. The problem is that it would lead to weird things like 0xdeadpork being allowed, but not 0xdeadbeef. Ultimately, I think we should be fair to all meats :P.
When I was first learning C, I remember feeling the rules for variable names were arbitrary and restrictive. Worst of all, they were hard to remember, so I gave up trying to learn them. I just did what felt right, and it worked pretty well. Now that I've learned alot more, it doesn't seem so bad, and I finally got around to learning it right.
It's likely a decision that came for a few reasons, when you're parsing the token you only have to look at the first character to determine if it's an identifier or literal and then send it to the correct function for processing. So that's a performance optimization.
The other option would be to check if it's not a literal and leave the domain of identifiers to be the universe minus the literals. But to do this you would have to examine every character of every token to know how to classify it.
There is also the stylistic implications identifiers are supposed to be mnemonics so words are much easier to remember than numbers. When a lot of the original languages were being written setting the styles for the next few decades they weren't thinking about substituting "2" for "to".
Variable names cannot start with a digit, because it can cause some problems like below:
int a = 2;
int 2 = 5;
int c = 2 * a;
what is the value of c? is 4, or is 10!
another example:
float 5 = 25;
float b = 5.5;
is first 5 a number, or is an object (. operator)
There is a similar problem with second 5.
Maybe, there are some other reasons. So, we shouldn't use any digit in the beginnig of a variable name.
The restriction is arbitrary. Various Lisps permit symbol names to begin with numerals.
COBOL allows variables to begin with a digit.
Use of a digit to begin a variable name makes error checking during compilation or interpertation a lot more complicated.
Allowing use of variable names that began like a number would probably cause huge problems for the language designers. During source code parsing, whenever a compiler/interpreter encountered a token beginning with a digit where a variable name was expected, it would have to search through a huge, complicated set of rules to determine whether the token was really a variable, or an error. The added complexity added to the language parser may not justify this feature.
As far back as I can remember (about 40 years), I don't think that I have ever used a language that allowed use of a digit to begin variable names. I'm sure that this was done at least once. Maybe, someone here has actually seen this somewhere.
As several people have noticed, there is a lot of historical baggage about valid formats for variable names. And language designers are always influenced by what they know when they create new languages.
That said, pretty much all of the time a language doesn't allow variable names to begin with numbers is because those are the rules of the language design. Often it is because such a simple rule makes the parsing and lexing of the language vastly easier. Not all language designers know this is the real reason, though. Modern lexing tools help, because if you tried to define it as permissible, they will give you parsing conflicts.
OTOH, if your language has a uniquely identifiable character to herald variable names, it is possible to set it up for them to begin with a number. Similar rule variations can also be used to allow spaces in variable names. But the resulting language is likely to not to resemble any popular conventional language very much, if at all.
For an example of a fairly simple HTML templating language that does permit variables to begin with numbers and have embedded spaces, look at Qompose.
Because if you allowed keyword and identifier to begin with numberic characters, the lexer (part of the compiler) couldn't readily differentiate between the start of a numeric literal and a keyword without getting a whole lot more complicated (and slower).
C++ can't have it because the language designers made it a rule. If you were to create your own language, you could certainly allow it, but you would probably run into the same problems they did and decide not to allow it. Examples of variable names that would cause problems:
0x, 2d, 5555
One of the key problems about relaxing syntactic conventions is that it introduces cognitive dissonance into the coding process. How you think about your code could be deeply influenced by the lack of clarity this would introduce.
Wasn't it Dykstra who said that the "most important aspect of any tool is its effect on its user"?
The compiler has 7 phase as follows:
Lexical analysis
Syntax Analysis
Semantic Analysis
Intermediate Code Generation
Code Optimization
Code Generation
Symbol Table
Backtracking is avoided in the lexical analysis phase while compiling the piece of code. The variable like Apple, the compiler will know its an identifier right away when it meets letter ‘A’ character in the lexical Analysis phase. However, a variable like 123apple, the compiler won’t be able to decide if its a number or identifier until it hits ‘a’ and it needs backtracking to go in the lexical analysis phase to identify that it is a variable. But it is not supported in the compiler.
When you’re parsing the token you only have to look at the first character to determine if it’s an identifier or literal and then send it to the correct function for processing. So that’s a performance optimization.
Probably because it makes it easier for the human to tell whether it's a number or an identifier, and because of tradition. Having identifiers that could begin with a digit wouldn't complicate the lexical scans all that much.
Not all languages have forbidden identifiers beginning with a digit. In Forth, they could be numbers, and small integers were normally defined as Forth words (essentially identifiers), since it was faster to read "2" as a routine to push a 2 onto the stack than to recognize "2" as a number whose value was 2. (In processing input from the programmer or the disk block, the Forth system would split up the input according to spaces. It would try to look the token up in the dictionary to see if it was a defined word, and if not would attempt to translate it into a number, and if not would flag an error.)
Suppose you did allow symbol names to begin with numbers. Now suppose you want to name a variable 12345foobar. How would you differentiate this from 12345? It's actually not terribly difficult to do with a regular expression. The problem is actually one of performance. I can't really explain why this is in great detail, but it essentially boils down to the fact that differentiating 12345foobar from 12345 requires backtracking. This makes the regular expression non-deterministic.
There's a much better explanation of this here.
it is easy for a compiler to identify a variable using ASCII on memory location rather than number .
I think the simple answer is that it can, the restriction is language based. In C++ and many others it can't because the language doesn't support it. It's not built into the rules to allow that.
The question is akin to asking why can't the King move four spaces at a time in Chess? It's because in Chess that is an illegal move. Can it in another game sure. It just depends on the rules being played by.
Originally it was simply because it is easier to remember (you can give it more meaning) variable names as strings rather than numbers although numbers can be included within the string to enhance the meaning of the string or allow the use of the same variable name but have it designated as having a separate, but close meaning or context. For example loop1, loop2 etc would always let you know that you were in a loop and/or loop 2 was a loop within loop1.
Which would you prefer (has more meaning) as a variable: address or 1121298? Which is easier to remember?
However, if the language uses something to denote that it not just text or numbers (such as the $ in $address) it really shouldn't make a difference as that would tell the compiler that what follows is to be treated as a variable (in this case).
In any case it comes down to what the language designers want to use as the rules for their language.
The variable may be considered as a value also during compile time by the compiler
so the value may call the value again and again recursively
Backtracking is avoided in lexical analysis phase while compiling the piece of code. The variable like Apple; , the compiler will know its a identifier right away when it meets letter ‘A’ character in the lexical Analysis phase. However, a variable like 123apple; , compiler won’t be able to decide if its a number or identifier until it hits ‘a’ and it needs backtracking to go in the lexical analysis phase to identify that it is a variable. But it is not supported in compiler.
There could be nothing wrong with it when comes into declaring variable.but there is some ambiguity when it tries to use that variable somewhere else like this :
let 1 = "Hello world!"
print is a generic method that accepts all types of variable. so in that situation compiler does not know which (1) the programmer refers to : the 1 of integer value or the 1 that store a string value.
maybe better for compiler in this situation to allows to define something like that but when trying to use this ambiguous stuff, bring an error with correction capability to how gonna fix that error and clear this ambiguity.