Avira Antivirus detects the listen function as backdoor model - c++

The function
listen( ListenSocket, SOMAXCONN )
is detected by avira antivirus as a backdoor model.
How can I write small client/server applications without a listen function?
Is there a way to do it?

If you need to accept connections then no, you can't do that without calling listen.
If you can make your application just a client and have an server running somewhere else then your client can connect to the server and the server can act as a broker for other clients to connect to...
I wouldn't worry about this anyway. If you're running a server that you want to be able to connect to from a machine other than the one it's running on then your documentation will have to explain how to open up firewall ports and whatever so just add details of how to exclude the app from the antivirus applications that it confuses.
Also, your application IS accepting connections from external sources and so the antivirus app is correct to warn the user. You need to educate the user that it's OK for your app to do this because it's doing it for whatever valid reason you have. If you don't want to explain it to the user then, IMHO, you are writing a backdoor ;)

Uninstall Avira Antivirus ;-)
Server, by definition, listens for incoming connections, and clients initiate connections to the server. In TCP/IP networking, the server achieves this by bind()ing and listen() ing to a socket.

Avira is filled with all sorts of false-positives that are trivially easy to work around. Try storing listen into a function pointer and calling it. It'll probably work.

If you're dealing with TCP connections and you know who/where the connection is coming from, and have a third party that can tell you when the connection is going to be attempted, it's valid for both sides to connect to each other at the same time. Doing this can negotiate a connection without either side listening. It's not a good solution and needs a much more complex implementation if a NAT is involved, but it is a possibility if the client and server are on a LAN.


Checking if a program is running on local network

I want to write a simple program in c++ that use tcp socket to communicate with the same program on another computer in lan.
To create the tcp socket I could make the user write the ip and the port to make the connection. But I also need to be able to autodetect in the local area network if there is any computer also running the program.
My idea was:
when the program is autodetecting for available connection in lan, it will send all ips a message via udp to a specific port, meanwhile it will also keep listening to a port waiting to eventual answer.
when the program on the other computer is opened for lan connection, it will keep listening to the a port in case another computer is trying to detect, then it will send also via udp the response messagee notifying the possibility of connection.
All the security system is another problem for which I don't need answer now.
// Client 1:
// Search for all ips in local network
// create udp socket
// send check message
// thread function listening for answers
// if device found than show to menu
// continue searching process
// Client 2 (host) :
// user enable lan connection
// create udp socket
// thread function listening for detection requests
// if request structure is right send back identification message
// continue listening for request
My question - Is there a more efficient or standard way to do something like that?
Testing whether another computer is listening on a given port is what hackers do all day to try to take over the world...
When writing a software like you describe, though, you want to specify the IP and port information. A reason to search and automatically find a device would be if you are implementing a printer, for example. In that case, as suggested by Hero, you could use broadcasting. However, in that case, you use UDP (because TCP does not support that feature).
The software on one side must have a server, which in TCP parlance means a listen() call followed by an accept() until a connection materialized.
The client on the other side can then attempt a connect(). If the connect works, then the software on the other side is up and running.
If you need both to be able to attempt a connection, then both must implement the client and server (which is doable if you use ppoll() [or the old select()] you know which event is happening and can act on it, no need for threads or fork()).
On my end, I wrote the eventdispatcher library to do all those things under the hood. I also want many computers to communicate between each others, so I have a form of RPC service I call communicatord. This service is at the same time a client and a server. It listens on a port and tries to connect to other systems. If the other system has a lower IP address, it is considered a server. Otherwise, it is viewed as a client and I disconnect after sending a GOSSIP message. That way the client (larger IP address) can in turn connect to the server. This communicator service allows all my other services to communicate without having to re-implement the communication layer between computer over and over again.

Check IP before accepting asio::IP::TCP socket

Is it possible to check the IP of the remote host on the server/acceptor side before accepting the connection?
The reason behind it: I have n clients regularly trying to connect to a server, and I do not want to constantly have n open connections. Instead I would like to be able to choose which clients I want to connect with and only accept these connections when I need them.
Unfortunately, the connect needs to be initiated from the client, so in a reverse kind of way, due to firewall and policies.
Is this even possible from a TCP perspective and how can this be done in asio?
There are two approach:
You accept the connection and get peer address, check and close it. You can also take the opportunity to tell the client that server is busy. This however on the cons side might open up attack vector for massive connection request.
You modify the firewall in run time, using something like fail2ban.
By the way, what make you not willing to hold N open connection? Modern system can handle hundreds of thousand, even millions of connection without issue.

Sharing sockets (WINSOCK) by sending them to each other between 2 servers

I am trying to write a distributed server system (consisting of server 1="main", and server 2="replacement" for now). Don't mind some dirty methods, it's just to achieve a basic function a distributed server would achive.
Currently I have both servers running via SO_REUSEADDR and a TCP Socket (maybe UDP will solve my problem, but I wanna try it either way with TCP first) on the same machine.
Main server sends establishes a connection with the Replacement server and clients connecting to it.
Now what I want to achieve: The main server should send the socket of the connecting clients to the replacement server, so in case the main server can't work anymore (timeout or what ever) the replacement server can work with the clients and send/recv with them.
The socket I send from main to the replacement server is the one I get with ClientSocket = ::accept(ListenSocket, NULL, NULL); where ClientSocket is a SOCKET (UINT_PTR).
The replacement server can't send/recv to the clients even though the main server gets terminated midway.
Is that because each server, even though they run on the same port, need to be connected via a ::connect from the clients?
EDIT: If my theory is true, this should be solved by using UDP instead of TCP as well, no?
EDIT2: With distributed server I mean a server which in case of a failure will be replaced by another without the clients task getting interrupted.
EDIT3: If there is a better and more simple way to do this, I'd like to know about that as well. I'm not too fond of sockets and server communication as of now that's how I came up with my idea to solve it.
You cannot send a socket between machines. A socket is an OS concept. It represents (in this case) a connection between the server and a client. This connection cannot be resumed on a different machine that has a different IP address because a TCP connection is defined to be established between a pair of addresses and a pair of ports.
The UINT_PTR on one machine means nothing to another machine. It is an opaque value. It is an OS handle.
UDP does not solve the problem since the client needs to notice that the IP address is is communicating with has changed.
Even if you manage that you have the problem that a server failure kills all data on that server. The other server cannot resume with the exact same data. This is a basic problem of distributed computing. You cannot keep the state of all three machines completely in sync.
Make the clients tolerate interruptions by retrying. Make the servers stateless and put all data into a database.
This is a very hard problem to solve. Seek off-the-shelve solutions.

Routing sockets to another port

I have a system where I want to listen to a socket and wait to client connect and then pass the connection to another application that I'll start as soon as the connection is established.
I do not have control on this other application and can only set the port where it will listen, but I want to have one process for each new client.
This is what I'm trying to do:
I've been searching for a solution, but I thing I don't have the right terminology, but I managed to find on Richard Stevens' "Unix Network Programming" something about the AF_ROUTE family of sockets that may be combined with a SOCK_RAW to route a connection to another IP and port. But there's too little documentation about how to use this flag and seems to require superuser privileges (that I want to avoid).
Maybe there's an easier solution but I'm probably using the wrong terms. Is it clear what I want to do?
I don't think you'll be able to just "pass" the socket like you want to, especially if you can't change and recompile "APP". Sockets include various administrative overhead (resource management, etc) that are linked to the process they are owned by. In addition, if you can't recompile APP, there is no way to make it bypass the steps involved with accepting a connection and simple have an already open connected "handed" to it by your router.
However, have you considered simply using router as a pass-through? Basically, have your "Router" process connect via sockets to the each "APP" process it spawns, and simply echo whatever it recieves from the appropriate client to the appropriate APP, and visa versa for APP to client?
This does add overhead, and you will have to manage a small mapping to keep track of which clients go to which apps, but it might work (assuming the APP or client aren't basing any behavior off of the IP address they are connected to, etc). Assuming you can't recompile APP, there might not be too many other options.
The code for this is relatively simple. Your handler for data recieved from APP just looks up the socket for the appropriate app from your mapping, and then does a non blocking send of this data out on it. Likewise the handler for data recieved from client. Depending on how exactly the clients and app behave, you may have to handle a bit of synchronization (if you recieve from both simultaneously).

Socket re-connection failure

System Background:
Its basically a client/server application. Server is an embedded device and Client is a windows app developed in C++.
Issue: After a runtime of about a week, communication breaks between client/server,
because of this the server is not able to connect back to the client and needs a restart to recover. Looks like System is experiencing Socket re-connection problem. Also The network sometimes experiences intermittent failures.
Abrupt Termination at remote end
Port locking
Want some suggestions on how to cleanup the socket or shutdown cleanly so that re-connection happens properly. Other alternate solutions?
It does not sound like you are in a position to easily write a stress test app to reproduce this more quickly out of band, which is what I would normally suggest. A pragmatic solution might be to periodically restart the server and client at a time when you think the system is least busy, or when problems arise. This sounds like cheating but many production systems I have been involved with take this approach to maximize system uptime.
My preferred solution here would be to abstract the server and client socket code (hopefully your design allows this to be done without too much work) and use it to implement client and server test apps that can be used to stress test only the socket code by simulating a lot of normal socket traffic in a short space of time - this helps identify timing windows and edge cases that could cause problems over time, and might speed up the process of obtaining a debuggable repro - you can simulate network error in your test code by dropping the socket on the client or server periodically.
A further step to take on the strategic front would be to ensure that you have good diagnostics in your socket handlers on client and server side. Track socket open and close, with special focus on your socket error and reconnect paths given you know the network is unreliable. Make sure the logs are output sequential with a timestamp. Something as simple as this might quickly show you what error or conditions trigger your problems. You can quickly make sure the logs are correct and complete using the test apps I mentioned above.
One thing you might want to check is that you are not being hit by lack of ability to reuse addresses. Sometimes when a socket gets closed, it cannot be immediately reused for a reconnect attempt as there is still residual activity on one or other end. You may be able to get around this (based on my Windows/Winsock experience) by experimenting with SO_REUSEADDR and SO_LINGER on your sockets. however, my first focus in your case would be on ensuring the socket code on client and server handles all errors and mainline cases correctly, before worrying about this.
A common issue is that when a connection is dropped, it is kept opened by the OS in TIME_WAIT state. If you want to restart the server socket, it will not be able to reopen the same port directly because it is still present for the OS.
To avoid that, you need to set the parameter SO_REUSEADDR so that the OS allows you to reuse the port if it is in TIME_WAIT state for a server socket.
int optval=1;
// set SO_REUSEADDR on a socket to true (1):
setsockopt(s1, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval, sizeof optval);
I'm experiencing something similar with encrypted connections. I believe in my case it is because the client dropped the connection and reconnected in less than the 4 minute FIN_WAIT period. The initial connection is recycled (by the os) and the server doesn't see the drop out. The SSL authentication is lost when the client loses connection so the client tries to re-authenticate. This is during what the servers considers the middle of a conversation. The server then hangs up on the client. I think the server ssl code considers this a man in the middle attack or just gets confused and closes the connection.