Unit testing concurrent software - what do you do? - unit-testing

As software gets more and more concurrent, how do you handle testing the core behaviour of the type with your unit tests (not the parallel behaviour, just the core behaviour)?
In the good old days, you had a type, you called it, and you checked either what it returned and/or what other things it called.
Nowadays, you call a method and the actual work gets scheduled to run on the next available thread; you don't know when it'll actually start and call the other things - and what's more, those other things could be concurrent too.
How do you deal with this? Do you abstract/inject the concurrent scheduler (e.g. abstract the Task Parallel Library and provide a fake/mock in the unit tests)?
What resources have you come across that helped you?
I've edited the question to emphasise testing the normal behaviour of the type (ignoring whatever parallel mechanism is used to take advantage of multi-core, e.g. the TPL)

Disclaimer: I work for Corensic, a small startup in Seattle. We've got a tool called Jinx that is designed to detect concurrency errors in your code. It's free for now while we're in Beta, so you might want to check it out. ( http://www.corensic.com/ )
In a nutshell, Jinx is a very thin hypervisor that, when activated, slips in between the processor and operating system. Jinx then intelligently takes slices of execution and runs simulations of various thread timings to look for bugs. When we find a particular thread timing that will cause a bug to happen, we make that timing "reality" on your machine (e.g., if you're using Visual Studio, the debugger will stop at that point). We then point out the area in your code where the bug was caused. There are no false positives with Jinx. When it detects a bug, it's definitely a bug.
Jinx works on Linux and Windows, and in both native and managed code. It is language and application platform agnostic and can work with all your existing tools.
If you check it out, please send us feedback on what works and doesn't work. We've been running Jinx on some big open source projects and already are seeing situations where Jinx can find bugs 50-100 times faster than simply stress testing code.

I recommend picking up a copy of Growing Object Oriented Software by Freeman and Pryce. The last couple of chapters are very enlightening and deal with this specific topic. It also introduces some terminology which helps in pinning down the notation for discussion.
To summarize ....
Their core idea is to split the functionality and concurrent/synchronization aspects.
First test-drive the functional part in a single synchronous thread like a normal object.
Once you have the functional part pinned down. You can move on to the concurrent aspect. To do that, you'd have to think and come up with "observable invariants w.r.t. concurrency" for your object, e.g. the count should be equal to the times the method is called. Once you have identified the invariants, you can write stress tests that run multiple threads et.all to try and break your invariants. The stress tests assert your invariants.
Finally as an added defence, run tools or static analysis to find bugs.
For passive objects, i.e. code that'd be called from clients on different threads: your test needs to mimic clients by starting its own threads. You would then need to choose between a notification-listening or sampling/polling approach to synchronize your tests with the SUT.
You could either block till you receive an expected notification
Poll certain observable side-effects with a reasonable timeout.

The field of Unit testing for race conditions and deadlocks is relativly new and lacks good tools.
I know of two such tools both in early alpha/beta stages:
Microsoft's Chess
Typemock Racer
ANother option is to try and write a "stress test" that would cause deadlocks/race condtions to surface, create multiople instances/threads and run them side by side. The downside of this approch is that if the test fail it would be very hard to reproduce it. I suggest using logs both in the test and production code so that you'll be able to understand what happened.

A technique I've found useful is to run tests within a tool that detects race conditions like Intel Parallel Inspector. The test runs much slower than normal, because dependencies on timing have to be checked, but a single run can find bugs that otherwise would require millions of repeated ordinary runs.
I've found this very useful when converting existing systems for fine-grained parallelism via multi-core.

Unit tests really should not test concurrency/asynchronous behaviour, you should use mocks there and verify that the mocks receive the expected input.
For integration tests I just explicitly call the background task, then check the expectations after that.
In Cucumber it looks like this:
When I press "Register"
And the email sending script is run
Then I should have an email

Given that your TPL will have its own separate unit test you don't need to verify that.
Given that I write two tests for each module:
1) A single threaded unit test that uses some environment variable or #define to turn of the TPL so that I can test my module for functional correctness.
2) A stress test that runs the module in its threaded deployable mode. This test attempts to find concurrency issues and should use lots of random data.
The second test often includes many modules and so is probably more of an integration/system test.


Strange Unit Test Run Time Differences

I have unit test methods calling exactly same thing :
void Test()
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++);
One of them is always run in different duration.
If I remove first one, TestMethod3 is always different:
If I add another test methods, TestMethod6 is always different:
There is always one method that is different from others.
What is the reason behind this strange difference?
I am currently studying on algorithms and trying to measure run times with test methods. This difference made me think whether test method run times are reliable.
That has something to do with the test runner in visual studio. The tests are usually run simultaneously but the ones you see with the greater time is usually the one that was started first. I've noticed that in visual studio for years now. If you were to run one of them on their own you will notice that its run time will be longer than if it was run as part of a run all.
I've always assumed that it had to do with the timer being started early while the tests were still loading.
You can't test performance in a simple unit test. Part of the reason is that there are many different implementations and configurations of testing frameworks, with different impacts on the performance of a test.
The most notable is whether tests run in parallel, multi-threaded, or consecutively. Obviously the first option completely invalidates any benchmarking. The second option, though, still doesn't guarantee a valid benchmarking.
This is because of other factors which are independent of the actual unit testing framework: These include
Initial delays due to class loading and memory allocation
Just-in-time compilation of your byte code into machine code. This is difficult to control and can happen seemingly unpredictably.
Branch prediction, which may greatly influence your runtime behaviour, depending on the nature of the processed data and control flow
Garbage collection
Doing even remotely valid benchmarks in Java is an art form in itself. In order to get close, you should at least ensure that
you are running your code of interest in a single thread, with no other active threads
don't use garbage collection (i.e. make sure that there is enough memory for the test to perform without GC, and setting the GC options of your JVM appropriately)
have a warmup phase where you run your code in a sufficient number of iterations before starting to benchmark it.
This IBM article on 'Robust Java Benchmarking' is helpful as an introduction of the pitfalls of Java benchmarking.

The actor model: Why is Erlang/OTP special? Could you use another language?

I've been looking into learning Erlang/OTP, and as a result, have been reading (okay, skimming) about the actor model.
From what I understand, the actor model is simply a set of functions (run within lightweight threads called "processes" in Erlang/OTP), which communicate with each other only via message passing.
This seems fairly trivial to implement in C++, or any other language:
class BaseActor {
std::queue<BaseMessage*> messages;
CriticalSection messagecs;
BaseMessage* Pop();
void Push(BaseMessage* message)
auto scopedlock = messagecs.AquireScopedLock();
virtual void ActorFn() = 0;
virtual ~BaseActor() {} = 0;
With each of your processes being an instance of a derived BaseActor. Actors communicate with each other only via message-passing. (namely, pushing). Actors register themselves with a central map on initialization which allows other actors to find them, and allows a central function to run through them.
Now, I understand I'm missing, or rather, glossing over one important issue here, namely:
lack of yielding means a single Actor can unfairly consume excessive time. But are cross-platform coroutines the primary thing that makes this hard in C++? (Windows for instance has fibers.)
Is there anything else I'm missing, though, or is the model really this obvious?
The C++ code does not deal with fairness, isolation, fault detection or distribution which are all things which Erlang brings as part of its actor model.
No actor is allowed to starve any other actor (fairness)
If one actor crashes, it should only affect that actor (isolation)
If one actor crashes, other actors should be able to detect and react to that crash (fault detection)
Actors should be able to communicate over a network as if they were on the same machine (distribution)
Also the beam SMP emulator brings JIT scheduling of the actors, moving them to the core which is at the moment the one with least utilization and also hibernates the threads on certain cores if they are no longer needed.
In addition all the libraries and tools written in Erlang can assume that this is the way the world works and be designed accordingly.
These things are not impossible to do in C++, but they get increasingly hard if you add the fact that Erlang works on almost all of the major hw and os configurations.
edit: Just found a description by Ulf Wiger about what he sees erlang style concurrency as.
I don't like to quote myself, but from Virding's First Rule of Programming
Any sufficiently complicated concurrent program in another language contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Erlang.
With respect to Greenspun. Joe (Armstrong) has a similar rule.
The problem is not to implement actors, that's not that difficult. The problem is to get everything working together: processes, communication, garbage collection, language primitives, error handling, etc ... For example using OS threads scales badly so you need to do it yourself. It would be like trying to "sell" an OO language where you can only have 1k objects and they are heavy to create and use. From our point of view concurrency is the basic abstraction for structuring applications.
Getting carried away so I will stop here.
This is actually an excellent question, and has received excellent answers that perhaps are yet unconvincing.
To add shade and emphasis to the other great answers already here, consider what Erlang takes away (compared to traditional general purpose languages such as C/C++) in order to achieve fault-tolerance and uptime.
First, it takes away locks. Joe Armstrong's book lays out this thought experiment: suppose your process acquires a lock and then immediately crashes (a memory glitch causes the process to crash, or the power fails to part of the system). The next time a process waits for that same lock, the system has just deadlocked. This could be an obvious lock, as in the AquireScopedLock() call in the sample code; or it could be an implicit lock acquired on your behalf by a memory manager, say when calling malloc() or free().
In any case, your process crash has now halted the entire system from making progress. Fini. End of story. Your system is dead. Unless you can guarantee that every library you use in C/C++ never calls malloc and never acquires a lock, your system is not fault tolerant. Erlang systems can and do kill processes at will when under heavy load in order make progress, so at scale your Erlang processes must be killable (at any single point of execution) in order to maintain throughput.
There is a partial workaround: using leases everywhere instead of locks, but you have no guarantee that all the libraries you utilize also do this. And the logic and reasoning about correctness gets really hairy quickly. Moreover leases recover slowly (after the timeout expires), so your entire system just got really slow in the face of failure.
Second, Erlang takes away static typing, which in turn enables hot code swapping and running two versions of the same code simultaneously. This means you can upgrade your code at runtime without stopping the system. This is how systems stay up for nine 9's or 32 msec of downtime/year. They are simply upgraded in place. Your C++ functions will have to be manually re-linked in order to be upgraded, and running two versions at the same time is not supported. Code upgrades require system downtime, and if you have a large cluster that cannot run more than one version of code at once, you'll need to take the entire cluster down at once. Ouch. And in the telecom world, not tolerable.
In addition Erlang takes away shared memory and shared shared garbage collection; each light weight process is garbage collected independently. This is a simple extension of the first point, but emphasizes that for true fault tolerance you need processes that are not interlocked in terms of dependencies. It means your GC pauses compared to java are tolerable (small instead of pausing a half-hour for a 8GB GC to complete) for big systems.
There are actual actor libraries for C++:
And a list of some libraries for other languages.
It is a lot less about the actor model and a lot more about how hard it is to properly write something analogous to OTP in C++. Also, different operating systems provide radically different debugging and system tooling, and Erlang's VM and several language constructs support a uniform way of figuring out just what all those processes are up to which would be very hard to do in a uniform way (or maybe do at all) across several platforms. (It is important to remember that Erlang/OTP predates the current buzz over the term "actor model", so in some cases these sort of discussions are comparing apples and pterodactyls; great ideas are prone to independent invention.)
All this means that while you certainly can write an "actor model" suite of programs in another language (I know, I have done this for a long time in Python, C and Guile without realizing it before I encountered Erlang, including a form of monitors and links, and before I'd ever heard the term "actor model"), understanding how the processes your code actually spawns and what is happening amongst them is extremely difficult. Erlang enforces rules that an OS simply can't without major kernel overhauls -- kernel overhauls that would probably not be beneficial overall. These rules manifest themselves as both general restrictions on the programmer (which can always be gotten around if you really need to) and basic promises the system guarantees for the programmer (which can be deliberately broken if you really need to also).
For example, it enforces that two processes cannot share state to protect you from side effects. This does not mean that every function must be "pure" in the sense that everything is referentially transparent (obviously not, though making as much of your program referentially transparent as practical is a clear design goal of most Erlang projects), but rather that two processes aren't constantly creating race conditions related to shared state or contention. (This is more what "side effects" means in the context of Erlang, by the way; knowing that may help you decipher some of the discussion questioning whether Erlang is "really functional or not" when compared with Haskell or toy "pure" languages.)
On the other hand, the Erlang runtime guarantees delivery of messages. This is something sorely missed in an environment where you must communicate purely over unmanaged ports, pipes, shared memory and common files which the OS kernel is the only one managing (and OS kernel management of these resources is necessarily extremely minimal compared to what the Erlang runtime provides). This doesn't meant that Erlang guarantees RPC (anyway, message passing is not RPC, nor is it method invocation!), it doesn't promise that your message is addressed correctly, and it doesn't promise that a process you're trying to send a message to exists or is alive, either. It just guarantees delivery if the thing your sending to happens to be valid at that moment.
Built on this promise is the promise that monitors and links are accurate. And based on that the Erlang runtime makes the entire concept of "network cluster" sort of melt away once you grasp what is going on with the system (and how to use erl_connect...). This permits you to hop over a set of tricky concurrency cases already, which gives one a big head start on coding for the successful case instead of getting mired in the swamp of defensive techniques required for naked concurrent programming.
So its not really about needing Erlang, the language, its about the runtime and OTP already existing, being expressed in a rather clean way, and implementing anything close to it in another language being extremely hard. OTP is just a hard act to follow. In the same vein, we don't really need C++, either, we could just stick to raw binary input, Brainfuck and consider Assembler our high level language. We also don't need trains or ships, as we all know how to walk and swim.
All that said, the VM's bytecode is well documented, and a number of alternative languages have emerged that compile to it or work with the Erlang runtime. If we break the question into a language/syntax part ("Do I have to understand Moon Runes to do concurrency?") and a platform part ("Is OTP the most mature way to do concurrency, and will it guide me around the trickiest, most common pitfalls to be found in a concurrent, distributed environment?") then the answer is ("no", "yes").
Casablanca is another new kid on the actor model block. A typical asynchronous accept looks like this:
PID replyTo;
NameQuery request;
accept_request().then([=](std::tuple<NameQuery,PID> request)
if (std::get<0>(request) == FirstName)
(Personally, I find that CAF does a better job at hiding the pattern matching behind a nice interface.)

Beyond Stack Sampling: C++ Profilers

A Hacker's Tale
The date is 12/02/10. The days before Christmas are dripping away and I've pretty much hit a major road block as a windows programmer. I've been using AQTime, I've tried sleepy, shiny, and very sleepy, and as we speak, VTune is installing. I've tried to use the VS2008 profiler, and it's been positively punishing as well as often insensible. I've used the random pause technique. I've examined call-trees. I've fired off function traces. But the sad painful fact of the matter is that the app I'm working with is over a million lines of code, with probably another million lines worth of third-party apps.
I need better tools. I've read the other topics. I've tried out each profiler listed in each topic. There simply has to be something better than these junky and expensive options, or ludicrous amounts of work for almost no gain. To further complicate matters, our code is heavily threaded, and runs a number of Qt Event loops, some of which are so fragile that they crash under heavy instrumentation due to timing delays. Don't ask me why we're running multiple event loops. No one can tell me.
Are there any options more along the lines of Valgrind in a windows environment?
Is there anything better than the long swath of broken tools I've already tried?
Is there anything designed to integrate with Qt, perhaps with a useful display of events in queue?
A full list of the tools I tried, with the ones that were really useful in italics:
AQTime: Rather good! Has some trouble with deep recursion, but the call graph is correct in these cases, and can be used to clear up any confusion you might have. Not a perfect tool, but worth trying out. It might suit your needs, and it certainly was good enough for me most of the time.
Random Pause attack in debug mode: Not enough information enough of the time.
A good tool but not a complete solution.
Parallel Studios: The nuclear option. Obtrusive, weird, and crazily powerful. I think you should hit up the 30 day evaluation, and figure out if it's a good fit. It's just darn cool, too.
AMD Codeanalyst: Wonderful, easy to use, very crash-prone, but I think that's an environment thing. I'd recommend trying it, as it is free.
Luke Stackwalker: Works fine on small projects, it's a bit trying to get it working on ours. Some good results though, and it definitely replaces Sleepy for my personal tasks.
PurifyPlus: No support for Win-x64 environments, most prominently Windows 7. Otherwise excellent. A number of my colleagues in other departments swear by it.
VS2008 Profiler: Produces output in the 100+gigs range in function trace mode at the required resolution. On the plus side, produces solid results.
GProf: Requires GCC to be even moderately effective.
VTune: VTune's W7 support borders on criminal. Otherwise excellent
PIN: I'd need to hack up my own tool, so this is sort of a last resort.
Sleepy\VerySleepy: Useful for smaller apps, but failing me here.
EasyProfiler: Not bad if you don't mind a bit of manually injected code to indicate where to instrument.
Valgrind: *nix only, but very good when you're in that environment.
OProfile: Linux only.
Proffy: They shoot wild horses.
Suggested tools that I haven't tried:
Intel environment at the moment. VS2008, boost libraries. Qt 4+. And the wretched humdinger of them all: Qt/MFC integration via trolltech.
Now: Almost two weeks later, it looks like my issue is resolved. Thanks to a variety of tools, including almost everything on the list and a couple of my personal tricks, we found the primary bottlenecks. However, I'm going to keep testing, exploring, and trying out new profilers as well as new tech. Why? Because I owe it to you guys, because you guys rock. It does slow the timeline down a little, but I'm still very excited to keep trying out new tools.
Among many other problems, a number of components had recently been switched to the incorrect threading model, causing serious hang-ups due to the fact that the code underneath us was suddenly no longer multithreaded. I can't say more because it violates my NDA, but I can tell you that this would never have been found by casual inspection or even by normal code review. Without profilers, callgraphs, and random pausing in conjunction, we'd still be screaming our fury at the beautiful blue arc of the sky. Thankfully, I work with some of the best hackers I've ever met, and I have access to an amazing 'verse full of great tools and great people.
Gentlefolk, I appreciate this tremendously, and only regret that I don't have enough rep to reward each of you with a bounty. I still think this is an important question to get a better answer to than the ones we've got so far on SO.
As a result, each week for the next three weeks, I'll be putting up the biggest bounty I can afford, and awarding it to the answer with the nicest tool that I think isn't common knowledge. After three weeks, we'll hopefully have accumulated a definitive profile of the profilers, if you'll pardon my punning.
Use a profiler. They're good enough for Ritchie, Kernighan, Bentley, and Knuth. I don't care who you think you are. Use a profiler. If the one you've got doesn't work, find another. If you can't find one, code one. If you can't code one, or it's a small hang up, or you're just stuck, use random pausing. If all else fails, hire some grad students to bang out a profiler.
A Longer View
So, I thought it might be nice to write up a bit of a retrospective. I opted to work extensively with Parallel Studios, in part because it is actually built on top of the PIN Tool. Having had academic dealings with some of the researchers involved, I felt that this was probably a mark of some quality. Thankfully, I was right. While the GUI is a bit dreadful, I found IPS to be incredibly useful, though I can't comfortably recommend it for everyone. Critically, there's no obvious way to get line-level hit counts, something that AQT and a number of other profilers provide, and I've found very useful for examining rate of branch-selection among other things. In net, I've enjoyed using AQTime as well, and I've found their support to be really responsive. Again, I have to qualify my recommendation: A lot of their features don't work that well, and some of them are downright crash-prone on Win7x64. XPerf also performed admirably, but is agonizingly slow for the sampling detail required to get good reads on certain kinds of applications.
Right now, I'd have to say that I don't think there's a definitive option for profiling C++ code in a W7x64 environment, but there are certainly options that simply fail to perform any useful service.
Time sampling profilers are more robust than CPU sampling profilers. I'm not extremely familiar with Windows development tools so I can't say which ones are which. Most profilers are CPU sampling.
A CPU sampling profiler grabs a stack trace every N instructions.
This technique will reveal portions of your code that are CPU bound. Which is awesome if that is the bottle neck in your application. Not so great if your application threads spend most of their time fighting over a mutex.
A time sampling profiler grabs a stack trace every N microseconds.
This technique will zero in on "slow" code. Whether the cause is CPU bound, blocking IO bound, mutex bound, or cache thrashing sections of code. In short what ever piece of code is slowing your application will standout.
So use a time sampling profiler if at all possible especially when profiling threaded code.
Sampling profilers generate gobs of data. The data is extremely useful, but there is often too much to be easily useful. A profile data visualizer helps tremendously here. The best tool I've found for profile data visualization is gprof2dot. Don't let the name fool you, it handles all kinds of sampling profiler output (AQtime, Sleepy, XPerf, etc). Once the visualization has pointed out the offending function(s), jump back to the raw profile data to get better hints on what the real cause is.
The gprof2dot tool generates a dot graph description that you then feed into a graphviz tool. The output is basically a callgraph with functions color coded by their impact on the application.
A few hints to get gprof2dot to generate nice output.
I use a --skew of 0.001 on my graphs so I can easily see the hot code paths. Otherwise the int main() dominates the graph.
If you're doing anything crazy with C++ templates you'll probably want to add --strip. This is especially true with Boost.
I use OProfile to generate my sampling data. To get good output I need configure it to load the debug symbols from my 3rd party and system libraries. Be sure to do the same, otherwise you'll see that CRT is taking 20% of your application's time when what's really going on is malloc is trashing the heap and eating up 15%.
What happened when you tried random pausing? I use it all the time on a monster app. You said it did not give enough information, and you've suggested you need high resolution. Sometimes people need a little help in understanding how to use it.
What I do, under VS, is configure the stack display so it doesn't show me the function arguments, because that makes the stack display totally unreadable, IMO.
Then I take about 10 samples by hitting "pause" during the time it's making me wait. I use ^A, ^C, and ^V to copy them into notepad, for reference. Then I study each one, to try to figure out what it was in the process of trying to accomplish at that time.
If it was trying to accomplish something on 2 or more samples, and that thing is not strictly necessary, then I've found a live problem, and I know roughly how much fixing it will save.
There are things you don't really need to know, like precise percents are not important, and what goes on inside 3rd-party code is not important, because you can't do anything about those. What you can do something about is the rich set of call-points in code you can modify displayed on each stack sample. That's your happy hunting ground.
Examples of the kinds of things I find:
During startup, it can be about 30 layers deep, in the process of trying to extract internationalized character strings from DLL resources. If the actual strings are examined, it can easily turn out that the strings don't really need to be internationalized, like they are strings the user never actually sees.
During normal usage, some code innocently sets a Modified property in some object. That object comes from a super-class that captures the change and triggers notifications that ripple throughout the entire data structure, manipulating the UI, creating and desroying obects in ways hard to foresee. This can happen a lot - the unexpected consequences of notifications.
Filling in a worksheet row-by-row, cell-by-cell. It turns out if you build the row all at once, from an array of values, it's a lot faster.
P.S. If you're multi-threaded, when you pause it, all threads pause. Take a look at the call stack of each thread. Chances are, only one of them is the real culprit, and the others are idling.
I've had some success with AMD CodeAnalyst.
Do you have an MFC OnIdle function? In the past I had a near real-time app I had to fix that was dropping serial packets when set at 19.2K speed which a PentiumD should have been able to keep up with. The OnIdle function was what was killing things. I'm not sure if QT has that concept, but I'd check for that too.
Re the VS Profiler -- if it's generating such large files, perhaps your sampling interval is too frequent? Try lowering it, as you probably have enough samples anyway.
And ideally, make sure you're not collecting samples until you're actually exercising the problem area. So start with collection paused, get your program to do its "slow activity", then start collection. You only need at most 20 seconds of collection. Stop collection after this.
This should help reduce your sample file sizes, and only capture what is necessary for your analysis.
I have successfully used PurifyPlus for Windows. Although it is not cheap, IBM provides a trial version that is slightly crippled. All you need for profiling with quantify are pdb files and linking with /FIXED:NO. Only drawback: No support for Win7/64.
Easyprofiler - I haven't seen it mentioned here yet so not sure if you've looked at it already. It takes a slightly different approach in how it gathers metric data. A drawback to using its compile-time profile approach is you have to make changes to the code-base. Thus you'll need to have some idea of where the slow might be and insert profiling code there.
Going by your latest comments though, it sounds like you're at least making some headway. Perhaps this tool might provide some useful metrics for you. If nothing else it has some really purdy charts and pictures :P
Two more tool suggestions.
Luke Stackwalker has a cute name (even if it's trying a bit hard for my taste), it won't cost you anything, and you get the source code. It claims to support multi threaded programs, too. So it is surely worth a spin.
Also Glowcode, which I've had pointed out to me as worth using:
Unfortunately I haven't done any PC work for a while, so I haven't tried either of these. I hope the suggestions are of help anyway.
Checkout XPerf
This is free, non-invasive and extensible profiler offered by MS. It was developed by Microsoft to profile Windows.
If you're suspicious of the event loop, could overriding QCoreApplication::notify() and dosome manual profiling (one or two maps of senders/events to counts/time)?
I'm thinking that you first log the frequency of event types, then examine those events more carefully (which object sends it, what does it contain, etc). Signals across threads are queued implicitly, so they end up in the event loop (as well explicit queued connections too, obviously).
We've done it to trap and report exceptions in our event handlers, so really, every event goes through there.
Just an idea.
Edit: I see now you mentioned this in your first post. Dammit, I never thought I'd be that guy.
You can use Pin to instrument your code with finer granularity. I think Pin would let you create a tool to count how many times you enter a function or how many clockticks you spend there, roughly emulating something like VTune or CodeAnalyst. Then you could strip down which functions get instrumented until your timing issues go away.
I can tell you what I use everyday.
a) AMD Code Analyst
It is easy, and it will give you a quick overview of what is happening. It will be ok for most of the time.
With AMD CPUs, it will tell you info about the cpu pipeline, but you only need this only if you have heavy loops, like in graphic engines, video codecs, etc.
b) VTune.
It is very well integrated in vs2008
after you know the hotspots, you need to sample not only time, but other things like cache misses, and memory usage. This is very important. Setup a sampling session, and edit the properties. I always sample for time, memory read/write, and cache misses (three different runs)
But more than the tool, you need to get experience with profiling. And that means understanding how the CPU/Memory/PCI works... so, this is my 3rd option
c) Unit testing
This is very important if you are developing a big application that needs huge performance. If you cannot split the app in some pieces, it will be difficult to track cpu usage. I dont test all the cases and classes, but I have hardcoded executions and input files with important features.
My advice is using random sampling in several small tests, and try to standardise a profile strategy.
I use xperf/ETW for all of my profiling needs. It has a steep learning curve but is incredibly powerful. If you are profiling on Windows then you must know xperf. I frequently use this profiler to find performance problems in my code and in other people's code.
In the configuration that I use it:
xperf grabs CPU samples from every core that is executing code every
ms. The sampling rate can be increased to 8 KHz and the samples
include user-mode and kernel code. This allows finding out what a
thread is doing while it is running
xperf records every context
switch (allowing for perfect reconstruction of how much time each
thread uses), plus call stacks for when threads are switched in, plus
call stacks for what thread readied another thread, allowing tracing
of wait chains and finding out why a thread is not running
records all file I/O from all processes
xperf records all disk I/O
from all processes
xperf records what window is active, the CPU
frequency, CPU power state, UI delays, etc.
xperf can also record all
heap allocations from one process, all virtual allocations from all
processes, and much more.
That's a lot of data, all on one timeline, for all processes. No other profiler on Windows can do that.
I have blogged extensively about how to use xperf/ETW. These blog posts, and some professionally quality training videos, can be found here:
If you want to find out what might happen if you don't use xperf read these blog posts:
These are tales of performance problems I have found in other people's code, that should have been found by the developers. This includes mshtml.dll being loaded into the VC++ compiler, a denial of service in VC++'s find-in-files, thermal throttling in a surprising number of customer machines, slow single-stepping in Visual Studio, a 4 GB allocation in a hard-disk driver, a powerpoint performance bug, and more.
I just finished the first usable version of CxxProf, a portable manual instrumented profiling library for C++.
It fulfills the following goals:
Easy integration
Easily remove the lib during compile time
Easily remove the lib during runtime
Support for multithreaded applications
Support for distributed systems
Keep impact on a minimum
These points were ripped from the project wiki, have a look there for more details.
Disclaimer: Im the main developer of CxxProf
Just to throw it out, even though it's not a full-blown profiler: if all you're after is hung event loops that take long processing an event, an ad-hoc tool is simple matter in Qt. That approach could be easily expanded to keep track of how long did each event take to process, and what those events were, and so on. It's not a universal profiler, but an event-loop-centric one.
In Qt, all cross-thread signal-slot calls are delivered via the event loop, as are timers, network and serial port notifications, and all user interaction,. Thus, observing the event loops is a big step towards understanding where the application is spending its time.
DevPartner, originally developed by NuMega and now distributed by MicroFocus, was once the solution of choice for profiling and code analysis (memory and resource leaks for example).
I haven't tried it recently, so I cannot assure you it will help you; but I once had excellent results with it, so that this is an alternative I do consider to re-install in our code quality process (they provide a 14 days trial)
though your os is win7,the programm cann't run under xp?
how about profile it under xp and the result should be a hint for win7.
There are lots of profilers listed here and I've tried a few of them myself - however I ended up writing my own based on this:
It does of course require that you modify the code base, but it's perfect for narrowing down bottlenecks, should work on all x86s (could be a problem with multi-core boxes, i.e. it uses rdtsc, however - this is purely for indicative timing anyway - so I find it's sufficient for my needs..)
I use Orbit profiler, easy, open source and powerfull ! https://orbitprofiler.com/

Testing approach for multi-threaded software

I have a piece of mature geospatial software that has recently had areas rewritten to take better advantage of the multiple processors available in modern PCs. Specifically, display, GUI, spatial searching, and main processing have all been hived off to seperate threads. The software has a pretty sizeable GUI automation suite for functional regression, and another smaller one for performance regression. While all automated tests are passing, I'm not convinced that they provide nearly enough coverage in terms of finding bugs relating race conditions, deadlocks, and other nasties associated with multi-threading. What techniques would you use to see if such bugs exist? What techniques would you advocate for rooting them out, assuming there are some in there to root out?
What I'm doing so far is running the GUI functional automation on the app running under a debugger, such that I can break out of deadlocks and catch crashes, and plan to make a bounds checker build and repeat the tests against that version. I've also carried out a static analysis of the source via PC-Lint with the hope of locating potential dead locks, but not had any worthwhile results.
The application is C++, MFC, mulitple document/view, with a number of threads per doc. The locking mechanism I'm using is based on an object that includes a pointer to a CMutex, which is locked in the ctor and freed in the dtor. I use local variables of this object to lock various bits of code as required, and my mutex has a time out that fires my a warning if the timeout is reached. I avoid locking where possible, using resource copies where possible instead.
What other tests would you carry out?
Edit: I have cross posted this question on a number of different testing and programming forums, as I'm keen to see how the different mind-sets and schools of thought would approach this issue. So apologies if you see it cross-posted elsewhere. I'll provide a summary links to responses after a week or so
Some suggestions:
Utilize the law of large numbers and perform the operation under test not only once, but many times.
Stress-test your code by exaggerating the scenarios. E.g. to test your mutex-holding class, use scenarios where the mutex-protected code:
is very short and fast (a single instruction)
is time-consuming (Sleep with a large value)
contains explicit context switches (Sleep (0))
Run your test on various different architectures. (Even if your software is Windows-only, test it on single- and multicore processors with and without hyperthreading, and a wide range of clock speeds)
Try to design your code such that most of it is not exposed to multithreading issues. E.g. instead of accessing shared data (which requires locking or very carefully designed lock-avoidance techniques), let your worker threads operate on copies of the data, and communicate with them using queues. Then you only have to test your queue class for thread-safety
Run your tests when the system is idle as well as when it is under load from other tasks (e.g. our build server frequently runs multiple builds in parallel. This alone revealed many multithreading bugs that happened when the system was under load.)
Avoid asserting on timeouts. If such an assert fails, you don't know whether the code is broken or whether the timeout was too short. Instead, use a very generous timeout (just to ensure that the test eventually fails). If you want to test that an operation doesn't take longer than a certain time, measure the duration, but don't use a timeout for this.
Whilst I agree with #rstevens answer in that there's currently no way to unit test threading issues with 100% certainty there are some things that I've found useful.
Firstly whatever tests you have make sure you run them on lots of different spec boxes. I have several build machines, all different, multi-core, single core, fast, slow, etc. The good thing about how diverse they are is that different ones will throw up different threading issues. I've regularly been surprised to add a new build machine to my farm and suddenly have a new threading bug exposed; and I'm talking about a new bug being exposed in code that has run 10000s of times on the other build machines and which shows up 1 in 10 on the new one...
Secondly most of the unit testing that you do on your code needn't involve threading at all. The threading is, generally, orthogonal. So step one is to tease the code apart so that you can test the actual code that does the work without worrying too much about the threaded nature. This usually means creating an interface that the threading code uses to drive the real code. You can then test the real code in isolation.
Thridly you can test where the threaded code interacts with the main body of code. This means writing a mock for the interface that you developed to separate the two blocks of code. By now the threading code is likely much simpler and you can then often place synchronisation objects in the mock that you've made so that you can control the code under test. So, you'd spin up your thread and wait for it to set an event by calling into your mock and then have it block on another event which your test code controls. The test code can then step the threaded code from one point in your interface to the next.
Finally (if you've decoupled things enough that you can do the earlier stuff then this is easy) you can then run larger pieces of the multi-threaded parts of the app under test and make sure you get the results that you expect; you can play with the priority of the threads and maybe even add a couple of test threads that simply eat CPU to stir things up a bit.
Now you run all of these tests many many times on different hardware...
I've also found that running the tests (or the app) under something like DevPartner BoundsChecker can help a lot as it messes with the thread scheduling such that it sometimes shakes out hard to find bugs. I also wrote a deadlock detection tool which checks for lock inversions during program execution but I only use that rarely.
You can see an example of how I test multi-threaded C++ code here: http://www.lenholgate.com/blog/2004/05/practical-testing.html
Not really an answer:
Testing multithreaded bugs is very difficult. Most bugs only show up if two (or more) threads go to specific places in code in a specific order.
If and when this condition is met may depend on the timing of the process running. This timing may change due to one of the following pre-conditions:
Type of processor
Processor speed
Number of processors/cores
Optimization level
Running inside or outside the debugger
Operating system
There are for sure more pre-conditions that I forgot.
Because MT-bugs so highly depend on the exact timing of the code running Heisenberg's "Uncertainty principle" comes in here: If you want to test for MT bugs you change the timing by your "measures" which may prevent the bug from occurring...
The timing thing is what makes MT bugs so highly non-deterministic.
In other words: You may have a software that runs for months and then crashes some day and after that may run for years. If you don't have some debug logs/core dumps etc. you may never know why it crashes.
So my conclusion is: There is no really good way to Unit-Test for thread-safety. You always have to keep your eyes open when programming.
To make this clear I will give you a (simplified) example from real life (I encountered this when changing my employer and looking on the existing code there):
Imagine you have a class. You want that class to automatically deleted if no-one uses it anymore. So you build a reference-counter into that class:
(I know it is a bad style to delete an instance of a class in one of it's methods. This is because of the simplification of the real code which uses a Ref class to handle counted references.)
class A {
int refcount;
A() : refcount(0) {
void Ref() {
void Release() {
if (refcount == 0) {
delete this;
This seams pretty simple and nothing to worry about. But this is not thread-safe!
It's because "refcount++" and "refcount--" are not atomic operations but both are three operations:
read refcount from memory to register
increment/decrement register
write refcount from register to memory
Each of those operations can be interrupted and another thread may, at the same time manipulate the same refcount. So if for example two threads want to incremenet refcount the following COULD happen:
Thread A: read refcount from memory to register (refcount: 8)
Thread A: increment register
Thread B: read refcount from memory to register (refcount: 8)
Thread B: increment register
Thread B: write refcount from register to memory (refcount: 9)
Thread A: write refcount from register to memory (refcount: 9)
So the result is: refcount = 9 but it should have been 10!
This can only be solved by using atomic operations (i.e. InterlockedIncrement() & InterlockedDecrement() on Windows).
This bug is simply untestable! The reason is that it is so highly unlikely that there are two threads at the same time trying to modify the refcount of the same instance and that there are context switches in between that code.
But it can happen! (The probability increases if you have a multi-processor or multi-core system because there is no context switch needed to make it happen).
It will happen in some days, weeks or months!
Looks like you are using Microsoft tools. There's a group at Microsoft Research that has been working on a tool specifically designed to shake out concurrency bugz. Check out CHESS. Other research projects, in their early stages, are Cuzz and Featherlite.
VS2010 includes a very good looking concurrency profiler, video is available here.
As Len Holgate mentions, I would suggest refactoring (if needed) and creating interfaces for the parts of the code where different threads interact with objects carrying a state. These parts of the code can then be tested separate from the code containing the actual functionality. To verify such a unit test, I would consider using a code coverage tool (I use gcov and lcov for this) to verify that everything in the thread safe interface is covered.
I think this is a pretty convenient way of verifying that new code is covered in the tests.
The next step is then to follow the advice of the other answers regarding how to run the tests.
Firstly, many thanks for the responses. For the responses posted across different forumes see;
Testing approach for multi-threaded software
and the following mailing list; software-testing#yahoogroups.com
The testing took significantly longer than expected, hence this late reply, leading me to the conclusion that adding multi-threading to existing apps is liable to be very expensive in terms of testing, even if the coding is quite straightforward. This could prove interesting for the SQA community, as there is increasingly more multi-threaded development going on out there.
As per Joe Strazzere's advice, I found the most effective way of hitting bugs was via automation with varied input. I ended up doing this on three PCs, which have ran a bank of tests repeatedly with varied input over about six weeks. Initially, I was seeing crashes one or two times per PC per day. As I tracked these down, it ended up with one or two per week between the three PCs, and we haven't had any further problems for the last two weeks. For the last two weeks we have also had a version with users beta testing, and are using the software in-house.
In addition to varying the input under automation, I also got good results from the following;
Adding a test option that allowed mutex time-outs to be read from a configuration file, which in turn could be controlled by my automation.
Extending mutex time-outs beyond the typical time expected to execute a section of thread code, and firing a debug exception on time-out.
Running the automation in conjunction with a debugger (VS2008) such that when a problem occurred there was a better chance of tracking it down.
Running without a debugger to ensure that the debugger was not hiding other timing related bugs.
Running the automation against normal release, debug, and fully optimised build. FWIW, the optimised build threw up errors not reproducible in the other builds.
The type of bugs uncovered tended to be serious in nature, e.g. dereferencing invalid pointers, and even under the debugger took quite a bit of tracking down. As has been discussed elsewhere, the SuspendThread and ResumeThread functions ended up being major culprits, and all use of these functions were replaced by mutexes. Similarly all critical sections were removed due to lack of time-outs. Closing documents and exiting the program were also a bug source, where in one instance a document was destroyed with a worker thread still active. To overcome this a single mutex was added per thread to control the life of the thread, and aquired by the document destructor to ensure the thread had terminated as expected.
Once again, many thanks for the all the detailed and varied responses. Next time I take on this type of activity, I'll be better prepared.

Advice for converting a large monolithic singlethreaded application to a multithreaded architecture?

My company's main product is a large monolithic C++ application, used for scientific data processing and visualisation. Its codebase goes back maybe 12 or 13 years, and while we have put work into upgrading and maintaining it (use of STL and Boost - when I joined most containers were custom, for example - fully upgraded to Unicode and the 2010 VCL, etc) there's one remaining, very significant problem: it's fully singlethreaded. Given it's a data processing and visualisation program, this is becoming more and more of a handicap.
I'm both a developer and the project manager for the next release where we want to tackle this, and this is going to be a difficult job in both areas. I'm seeking concrete, practical, and architectural advice on how to tackle the problem.
The program's data flow might go something like this:
a window needs to draw data
In the paint method, it will call a GetData method, often hundreds of times for hundreds of bits of data in one paint operation
This will go and calculate or read from file or whatever else is required (often quite a complex data flow - think of this as data flowing through a complex graph, each node of which performs operations)
Ie, the paint message handler will block while processing is done, and if the data hasn't already been calculated and cached, this can be a long time. Sometimes this is minutes. Similar paths occur for other parts of the program that perform lengthy processing operations - the program is unresponsive for the entire time, sometimes hours.
I'm seeking advice on how to approach changing this. Practical ideas. Perhaps things like:
design patterns for asynchronously requesting data?
storing large collections of objects such that threads can read and write safely?
handling invalidation of data sets while something is trying to read it?
are there patterns and techniques for this sort of problem?
what should I be asking that I haven't thought of?
I haven't done any multithreaded programming since my Uni days a few years ago, and I think the rest of my team is in a similar position. What I knew was academic, not practical, and is nowhere near enough to have confidence approaching this.
The ultimate objective is to have a fully responsive program, where all calculations and data generation is done in other threads and the UI is always responsive. We might not get there in a single development cycle :)
Edit: I thought I should add a couple more details about the app:
It's a 32-bit desktop application for Windows. Each copy is licensed. We plan to keep it a desktop, locally-running app
We use Embarcadero (formerly Borland) C++ Builder 2010 for development. This affects the parallel libraries we can use, since most seem (?) to be written for GCC or MSVC only. Luckily they're actively developing it and its C++ standards support is much better than it used to be. The compiler supports these Boost components.
Its architecture is not as clean as it should be and components are often too tightly coupled. This is another problem :)
Edit #2: Thanks for the replies so far!
I'm surprised so many people have recommended a multi-process architecture (it's the top-voted answer at the moment), not multithreading. My impression is that's a very Unix-ish program structure, and I don't know anything about how it's designed or works. Are there good resources available about it, on Windows? Is it really that common on Windows?
In terms of concrete approaches to some of the multithreading suggestions, are there design patterns for asynchronous request and consuming of data, or threadaware or asynchronous MVP systems, or how to design a task-oriented system, or articles and books and post-release deconstructions illustrating things that work and things that don't work? We can develop all this architecture ourselves, of course, but it's good to work from what others have done before and know what mistakes and pitfalls to avoid.
One aspect that isn't touched on in any answers is project managing this. My impression is estimating how long this will take and keeping good control of the project when doing something as uncertain as this may be hard. That's one reason I'm after recipes or practical coding advice, I guess, to guide and restrict coding direction as much as possible.
I haven't yet marked an answer for this question - this is not because of the quality of the answers, which is great (and thankyou) but simply that because of the scope of this I'm hoping for more answers or discussion. Thankyou to those who have already replied!
You have a big challenge ahead of you. I had a similar challenge ahead of me -- 15 year old monolithic single threaded code base, not taking advantage of multicore, etc. We expended a great deal of effort in trying to find a design and solution that was workable and would work.
Bad news first. It will be somewhere between impractical and impossible to make your single-threaded app multithreaded. A single threaded app relies on it's singlethreaded-ness is ways both subtle and gross. One example is if the computation portion requires input from the GUI portion. The GUI must run in the main thread. If you try to get this data directly from the computation engine, you will likely run in to deadlock and race conditions that will require major redesigns to fix. Many of these reliances will not crop up during the design phase, or even during the development phase, but only after a release build is put in a harsh environment.
More bad news. Programming multithreaded applications is exceptionally hard. It might seem fairly straightforward to just lock stuff and do what you have to do, but it is not. First of all if you lock everything in sight you end up serializing your application, negating every benefit of mutithreading in the first place while still adding in all the complexity. Even if you get beyond this, writing a defect-free MP application is hard enough, but writing a highly-performant MP application is that much more difficult. You could learn on the job in a kind of baptismal by fire. But if you are doing this with production code, especially legacy production code, you put your buisness at risk.
Now the good news. You do have options that don't involve refactoring your whole app and will give you most of what you seek. One option in particular is easy to implement (in relative terms), and much less prone to defects than making your app fully MP.
You could instantiate multiple copies of your application. Make one of them visible, and all the others invisible. Use the visible application as the presentation layer, but don't do the computational work there. Instead, send messages (perhaps via sockets) to the invisible copies of your application which do the work and send the results back to the presentation layer.
This might seem like a hack. And maybe it is. But it will get you what you need without putting the stability and performance of your system at such great risk. Plus there are hidden benefits. One is that the invisible engine copies of your app will have access to their own virtual memory space, making it easier to leverage all the resources of the system. It also scales nicely. If you are running on a 2-core box, you could spin off 2 copies of your engine. 32 cores? 32 copies. You get the idea.
So, there's a hint in your description of the algorithm as to how to proceed:
often quite a complex data flow - think of this as data flowing through a complex graph, each node of which performs operations
I'd look into making that data-flow graph be literally the structure that does the work. The links in the graph can be thread-safe queues, the algorithms at each node can stay pretty much unchanged, except wrapped in a thread that picks up work items from a queue and deposits results on one. You could go a step further and use sockets and processes rather than queues and threads; this will let you spread across multiple machines if there is a performance benefit in doing this.
Then your paint and other GUI methods need split in two: one half to queue the work, and the other half to draw or use the results as they come out of the pipeline.
This may not be practical if the app presumes that data is global. But if it is well contained in classes, as your description suggests it may be, then this could be the simplest way to get it parallelised.
Don't attempt to multithread everything in the old app. Multithreading for the sake of saying it's multithreaded is a waste of time and money. You're building an app that does something, not a monument to yourself.
Profile and study your execution flows to figure out where the app spends most of its time. A profiler is a great tool for this, but so is just stepping through the code in the debugger. You find the most interesting things in random walks.
Decouple the UI from long-running computations. Use cross-thread communications techniques to send updates to the UI from the computation thread.
As a side-effect of #3: think carefully about reentrancy: now that the compute is running in the background and the user can smurf around in the UI, what things in the UI should be disabled to prevent conflicts with the background operation? Allowing the user to delete a dataset while a computation is running on that data is probably a bad idea. (Mitigation: computation makes a local snapshot of the data) Does it make sense for the user to spool up multiple compute operations concurrently? If handled well, this could be a new feature and help rationalize the app rework effort. If ignored, it will be a disaster.
Identify specific operations that are candidates to be shoved into a background thread. The ideal candidate is usually a single function or class that does a lot of work (requires a "lot of time" to complete - more than a few seconds) with well defined inputs and outputs, that makes use of no global resources, and does not touch the UI directly. Evaluate and prioritize candidates based on how much work would be required to retrofit to this ideal.
In terms of project management, take things one step at a time. If you have multiple operations that are strong candidates to be moved to a background thread, and they have no interaction with each other, these might be implemented in parallel by multiple developers. However, it would be a good exercise to have everybody participate in one conversion first so that everyone understands what to look for and to establish your patterns for UI interaction, etc. Hold an extended whiteboard meeting to discuss the design and process of extracting the one function into a background thread. Go implement that (together or dole out pieces to individuals), then reconvene to put it all together and discuss discoveries and pain points.
Multithreading is a headache and requires more careful thought than straight up coding, but splitting the app into multiple processes creates far more headaches, IMO. Threading support and available primitives are good in Windows, perhaps better than some other platforms. Use them.
In general, don't do any more than what is needed. It's easy to severely over implement and over complicate an issue by throwing more patterns and standard libraries at it.
If nobody on your team has done multithreading work before, budget time to make an expert or funds to hire one as a consultant.
The main thing you have to do is to disconnect your UI from your data set. I'd suggest that the way to do that is to put a layer in between.
You will need to design a data structure of data cooked-for-display. This will most likely contain copies of some of your back-end data, but "cooked" to be easy to draw from. The key idea here is that this is quick and easy to paint from. You may even have this data structure contain calculated screen positions of bits of data so that it's quick to draw from.
Whenever you get a WM_PAINT message you should get the most recent complete version of this structure and draw from it. If you do this properly, you should be able to handle multiple WM_PAINT messages per second because the paint code never refers to your back end data at all. It's just spinning through the cooked structure. The idea here is that its better to paint stale data quickly than to hang your UI.
You should have 2 complete copies of this cooked-for-display structure. One is what the WM_PAINT message looks at. (call it cfd_A) The other is what you hand to your CookDataForDisplay() function. (call it cfd_B). Your CookDataForDisplay() function runs in a separate thread, and works on building/updating cfd_B in the background. This function can take as long as it wants because it isn't interacting with the display in any way. Once the call returns cfd_B will be the most up-to-date version of the structure.
Now swap cfd_A and cfd_B and InvalidateRect on your application window.
A simplistic way to do this is to have your cooked-for-display structure be a bitmap, and that might be a good way to go to get the ball rolling, but I'm sure with a bit of thought you can do a much better job with a more sophisticated structure.
So, referring back to your example.
In the paint method, it will call a GetData method, often hundreds of times for hundreds of bits of data in one paint operation
This is now 2 threads, the paint method refers to cfd_A and runs on the UI thread. Meanwhile cfd_B is being built by a background thread using GetData calls.
The quick-and-dirty way to do this is
Take your current WM_PAINT code, stick it into a function called PaintIntoBitmap().
Create a bitmap and a Memory DC, this is cfd_B.
Create a thread and pass it cfd_B and have it call PaintIntoBitmap()
When this thread completes, swap cfd_B and cfd_A
Now your new WM_PAINT method just takes the pre-rendered bitmap in cfd_A and draws it to the screen. Your UI is now disconnnected from your backend GetData() function.
Now the real work begins, because the quick-and-dirty way doesn't handle window resizing very well. You can go from there to refine what your cfd_A and cfd_B structures are a little at a time until you reach a point where you are satisfied with the result.
You might just start out breaking the the UI and the work task into separate threads.
In your paint method instead of calling getData() directly, it puts the request in a thread-safe queue. getData() is run in another thread that reads its data from the queue. When the getData thread is done, it signals the main thread to redraw the visualisation area with its result data using thread syncronization to pass the data.
While all this is going on you of course have a progress bar saying reticulating splines so the user knows something is going on.
This would keep your UI snappy without the significant pain of multithreading your work routines (which can be akin to a total rewrite)
It sounds like you have several different issues that parallelism can address, but in different ways.
Performance increases through utilizing multicore CPU Architecutres
You're not taking advantage of the multi-core CPU architetures that are becoming so common. Parallelization allow you to divide work amongst multiple cores. You can write that code through standard C++ divide and conquer techniques using a "functional" style of programming where you pass work to separate threads at the divide stage. Google's MapReduce pattern is an example of that technique. Intel has the new CILK library to give you C++ compiler support for such techniques.
Greater GUI responsiveness through asynchronous document-view
By separating the GUI operations from the document operations and placing them on different threads, you can increase the apparent responsiveness of your application. The standard Model-View-Controller or Model-View-Presenter design patterns are a good place to start. You need to parallelize them by having the model inform the view of updates rather than have the view provide the thread on which the document computes itself. The View would call a method on the model asking it to compute a particular view of the data, and the model would inform the presenter/controller as information is changed or new data becomes available, which would get passed to the view to update itself.
Opportunistic caching and pre-calculation
It sounds like your application has a fixed base of data, but many possible compute-intensive views on the data. If you did a statistical analysis on which views were most commonly requested in what situations, you could create background worker threads to pre-calculate the likely-requested values. It may be useful to put these operations on low-priority threads so that they don't interfere with the main application processing.
Obviously, you'll need to use mutexes (or critical sections), events, and probably semaphores to implement this. You may find some of the new synchronization objects in Vista useful, like the slim reader-writer lock, condition variables, or the new thread pool API. See Joe Duffy's book on concurrency for how to use these basic techniques.
There is something that no-one has talked about yet, but which is quite interesting.
It's called futures. A future is the promise of a result... let's see with an example.
future<int> leftVal = computeLeftValue(treeNode); // [1]
int rightVal = computeRightValue(treeNode); // [2]
result = leftVal + rightVal; // [3]
It's pretty simple:
You spin off a thread that starts computing leftVal, taking it from a pool for example to avoid the initialization problem.
While leftVal is being computed, you compute rightVal.
You add the two, this may block if leftVal is not computed yet and wait for the computation to end.
The great benefit here is that it's straightforward: each time you have one computation followed by another that is independent and you then join the result, you can use this pattern.
See Herb Sutter's article on futures, they will be available in the upcoming C++0x but there are already libraries available today even if the syntax is perhaps not as pretty as I would make you believe ;)
If it was my development dollars I was spending, I would start with the big picture:
What do I hope to accomplish, and how much will I spend to accomplish this, and how will I be further ahead? (If the answer to this is, my app will run 10% better on quadcore PCs, and I could have achieved the same result by spending $1000 more per customer PC , and spending $100,000 less this year on R&D, then, I would skip the whole effort).
Why am I doing multi-threaded instead of massively parallel distributed? Do I really think threads are better than processes? Multi-core systems also run distributed apps pretty well. And there are some advantages to message-passing process based systems that go beyond the benefits (and the costs!) of threading. Should I consider a process-based approach? SHould I consider a background running entirely as a service, and a foreground GUI? Since my product is node-locked and licensed, I think services would suit me (vendor) quite well. Also, separating stuff into two processes (background service and foreground) just might force the kind of rewrite and rearchitecting to occur that I might not be forced to do, if I was to just add threading into my mix.
This is just to get you thinking: What if you were to rewrite it as a service (background app) and a GUI, because that would actually be easier than adding threading, without also adding crashes, deadlocks, and race conditions?
Consider the idea that for your needs, perhaps threading is evil. Develop your religion, and stick with that. Unless you have a real good reason to go the other way. For many years, I religiously avoided threading. Because one thread per process is good enough for me.
I don't see any really solid reasons in your list why you need threading, except ones that could be more inexpensively solved by more expensive target computer hardware. If your app is "too slow" adding in threads might not even speed it up.
I use threads for background serial communications, but I would not consider threading merely for computationally heavy applications, unless my algorithms were so inherently parallel as to make the benefits clear, and the drawbacks minimal.
I wonder if the "design" problems that this C++Builder app has are like my Delphi "RAD Spaghetti" application disease. I have found that a wholesale refactor/rewrite (over a year per major app that I have done this to), was a minimum amount of time for me to get a handle on application "accidental complexity". And that was without throwing a "threads where possible" idea. I tend to write my apps with threads for serial communication and network socket handling, only. And maybe the odd "worker-thread-queue".
If there is a place in your app you can add ONE thread, to test the waters, I would look for the main "work queue" and I would create an experimental version control branch, and I would learn about how my code works by breaking it in the experimental branch. Add that thread. And see where you spend your first day of debugging. Then I might just abandon that branch and go back to my trunk until the pain in my temporal lobe subsides.
Here's what I would do...
I would start by profiling your and seeing:
1) what is slow and what the hot paths are
2) which calls are reentrant or deeply nested
you can use 1) to determine where the opportunity is for speedups and where to start looking for parallelization.
you can use 2) to find out where the shared state is likely to be and get a deeper sense of how much things are tangled up.
I would use a good system profiler and a good sampling profiler (like the windows perforamnce toolkit or the concurrency views of the profiler in Visual Studio 2010 Beta2 - these are both 'free' right now).
Then I would figure out what the goal is and how to separate things gradually to a cleaner design that is more responsive (moving work off the UI thread) and more performant (parallelizing computationally intensive portions). I would focus on the highest priority and most noticable items first.
If you don't have a good refactoring tool like VisualAssist, invest in one - it's worth it. If you're not familiar with Michael Feathers or Kent Beck's refactoring books, consider borrowing them. I would ensure my refactorings are well covered by unit tests.
You can't move to VS (I would recommend the products I work on the Asynchronous Agents Library & Parallel Pattern Library, you can also use TBB or OpenMP).
In boost, I would look carefully at boost::thread, the asio library and the signals library.
I would ask for help / guidance / a listening ear when I got stuck.
You can also look at this article from Herb Sutter You have a mass of existing code and want to add concurrency. Where do you start?
Well, I think you're expecting a lot based on your comments here. You're not going to go from minutes to milliseconds by multithreading. The most you can hope for is the current amount of time divided by the number of cores. That being said, you're in a bit of luck with C++. I've written high performance multiprocessor scientific apps, and what you want to look for is the most embarrassingly parallel loop you can find. In my scientific code, the heaviest piece is calculating somewhere between 100 and 1000 data points. However, all of the data points can be calculated independently of the others. You can then split the loop using openmp. This is the easiest and most efficient way to go. If you're compiler doesn't support openmp, then you will have a very hard time porting existing code. With openmp (if you're lucky), you may only have to add a couple of #pragmas to get 4-8x the performance. Here's an example StochFit
I hope this will help you in understanding and converting your monolithic single threaded app to multi thread easily. Sorry it is for another programming language but never the less the principles explained are the same all over.
Hope this helps.
The first thing you must do is to separate your GUI from your data, the second is to create a multithreaded class.
STEP 1 - Responsive GUI
We can assume that the image you are producing is contained in the canvas of a TImage. You can put a simple TTimer in you form and you can write code like this:
if (CurrenData.LastUpdate>CurrentUpdate)
OK! I know! Is a little bit dirty, but it's fast and is simple.The point is that:
You need an Object that is created in the main thread
The object is copied in the Form you need, only when is needed and in a safe way (ok, a better protection for the Bitmap may be is needed, but for semplicity...)
The object CurrentData is your actual project, single threaded, that produces an image
Now you have a fast and responsive GUI. If your algorithm as slow, the refresh is slow, but your user will never think that your program is freezed.
STEP 2 - Multithread
I suggest you to implement a class like the following:
typedef void (__closure *TThreadFunction)(void* Data);
class TSimpleThread : public TThread
TSimpleThread( TThreadFunction _Action,void* _Data = NULL, bool RunNow = true );
void AbortThread();
__property Terminated;
TThreadFunction ThreadFunction;
void* Data;
virtual void __fastcall Execute() { ThreadFunction(Data); };
TSimpleThread::TSimpleThread( TThreadFunction _Action,void* _Data, bool RunNow)
: TThread(true), // initialize suspended
ThreadFunction(_Action), Data(_Data)
FreeOnTerminate = false;
if (RunNow) Resume();
void TSimpleThread::AbortThread()
Suspend(); // Can't kill a running thread
Free(); // Kills thread
Let's explain. Now, in your simple threaded class you can create an object like this:
TSimpleThread *ST;
ST=new TSimpleThread( RefreshFunction,NULL,true);
Let's explain better: now, in your own monolithic class, you have created a thread. More: you bring a function (ie: RefreshFunction) in a separate thread. The scope of your funcion is the same, the class is the same, the execution is separate.
My number one suggestion, although it's very late (sorry for reviving old thread, it's interesting!) is seek out homogeneous transform loops where each iteration of the loop is mutating a completely independent piece of data from the other iterations.
Instead of thinking about how to turn this old codebase into an asynchronous one running all kinds of operations in parallel (which could be asking for all kinds of trouble from worse than single-threaded performance from poor locking patterns or exponentially worse, race conditions/deadlocks by trying to do this in hindsight to code you can't fully comprehend), stick to the sequential mindset for the overall application design for now but identify or extract simple, homogeneous transform loops. Don't go from intrusive broad design-level multithreading and then try to drill into details. Work from non-intrusive multithreading of fine implementation details and specific hotspots first.
What I mean by homogeneous loops is basically one that transforms data in a very straightforward way, like:
for each pixel in image:
make it brighter
That is very simple to reason about and you can safely parallelize this loop without any problems whatsoever using OMP or TBB or whatever and without getting tangled up in thread synchronization. It only takes one glance at this code to fully comprehend its side effects.
Try to find as many hotspots as you can which fit this type of simple homogeneous transform loop and if you have complex loops which update many different types of data with complex control flows that trigger complex side effects, then seek to refactor towards these homogeneous loops. Often a complex loop which causes 3 disparate side effects to 3 different types of data can be turned into 3 simple homogeneous loops which each trigger just one kind of side effect to one type of data with a simpler control flow. Doing multiple loops instead of one might seem a tad wasteful, but the loops become simpler, the homogeneity will often lead to more cache-friendly sequential memory access patterns vs. sporadic random-access patterns, and you then tend to find much more opportunities to safely parallelize (as well as vectorize) the code in a straightforward way.
First you have to thoroughly understand the side effects of any code you attempt to parallelize (and I mean thoroughly!!!), so seeking out these homogeneous loops gives you isolated areas of the codebase you can easily reason about in terms of the side effects to the point where you can confidently and safely parallelize those hotspots. It'll also improve the maintainability of the code by making it very easy to reason about the state changes going on in that particular piece of code. Save the dream of the uber multithreaded application running everything in parallel for later. For now, focus on identifying/extracting performance-critical, homogeneous loops with simple control flows and simple side effects. Those are your priority targets for parallelization with simple parallelized loops.
Now admittedly I somewhat dodged your questions, but most of them don't need apply if you do what I suggest, at least until you've kind of worked your way out to the point where you're thinking more about multithreading designs as opposed to simply parallelizing implementation details. And you might not even need to go that far to have a very competitive product in terms of performance. If you have beefy work to do in a single loop, you can devote the hardware resources to making that loop go faster instead of making many operations run simultaneously. If you have to resort to more async methods like if your hotspots are more I/O bound, seek an async/wait approach where you fire off an async task but do some things in the meantime and then wait on the async task(s) to complete. Even if that's not absolutely necessary, the idea is to section off isolated areas of your codebase where you can, with 100% confidence (or at least 99.9999999%) say that the multithreaded code is correct.
You don't ever want to gamble with race conditions. There's nothing more demoralizing than finding some obscure race condition that only occurs once in a full moon on some random user's machine while your entire QA team is unable to reproduce it, only to, 3 months later, run into it yourself except during that one time you ran a release build without debugging info available while you then toss and turn in your sleep knowing your codebase can flake out at any given moment but in ways that no one will ever be able to consistently reproduce. So take it easy with multithreading legacy codebases, at least for now, and stick to multithreading isolated but critical sections of the codebase where the side effects are dead simple to reason about. And test the crap out of it -- ideally apply a TDD approach where you write a test for the code you're going to multithread to ensure it gives the correct output after you finish... though race conditions are the types of things that easily fly under the radar of unit and integration testing, so again you absolutely need to be able to comprehend the entirety of the side effects that go on in a given piece of code before you attempt to multithread it. The best way to do that is to make the side effects as easy to comprehend as possible with the simplest control flows causing just one type of side effect for an entire loop.
It is hard to give you proper guidelines. But...
The easiest way out according to me is to convert your application to ActiveX EXE as COM has support for Threading, etc. built right into it your program will automatically become Multi Threading application. Of course you will have to make quite a few changes to your code. But this is the shortest and safest way to go.
I am not sure but probably RichClient Toolset lib may do the trick for you. On the site the author has written:
It also offers registration free Loading/Instancing-capabilities
for ActiveX-Dlls and new, easy to use Threading-approach,
which works with Named-Pipes under the
hood and works therefore also
Please check it out. Who knows it may be the right solution for your requirements.
As for Project management I think you can continue using what is provided in your choice IDE by integrating it with SVN through plugins.
I forgot to mention that we have completed an application for Share market that automatically trades (buys and sells based on lows and highs) into those scripts that are in user portfolio based on an algorithm that we have developed.
While developing this software we were facing the same kind of problem as you have illustrated here. To solve it we converted out application in ActiveX EXE and we converted all those parts that need to execute parallely into ActiveX DLLs. We have not used any third party libs for this!