Function is causing huge memory leak? - c++

I have the following function:
void CGlEngineFunctions::GetBezierOpposite( const POINTFLOAT &a,const POINTFLOAT &center, POINTFLOAT &b, float blength )
v.x = a.x - center.x;
v.y = a.y - center.y;
float alength = GetDistance(a,center);
if(blength == 0)
blength = alength;
float multiplier = blength / alength;
b.x = center.x - multiplier * v.x;
b.y = center.y - multiplier * v.y;
I have narrowed the problem down to the least 2 lines:
b.x = center.x - multiplier * v.x;
b.y = center.y - multiplier * v.y;
Every time I call this repeatedly, memory shots up until it crashes.
I use it like this:
I really do not see how this could cause any problems.
To test, I changed it to this:
void CGlEngineFunctions::GetBezierOpposite( const POINTFLOAT &a,const POINTFLOAT &center, POINTFLOAT &b, float blength )
v.x = a.x - center.x;
v.y = a.y - center.y;
float alength = GetDistance(a,center);
if(blength == 0)
blength = alength;
float multiplier = blength / alength;
b.x = 5;
b.y = 5;
When I do this it has absolutely no issues. I do not see how doing arithmetic can cause the memory usage to shoot up.
could it be cause if alength and blength = 0?
float x;
float y;

If the GetDistance calls this method, there may be a Stack Overflow.
If other threads call this method, there may be a Stack Overflow.
Check the POINTFLOAT definition. IMHO, it should be modified to provide subtraction operations. You should not need to reference any of the structure's members. But then this comment would be about C++.
You should remove the 'C' language tag, since the C language does not provide a scope resolution operator, '::'.

If POINTFLOAT is some complicated class (you have tagged your question C++) and you have overloaded the operators in the expression, how could we know?
Also you didn't tell us much why you think these expression are the culprit, neither about your compiler, platform, OS...
Easiest way to find all this out is valgrind (for unixen) or some similar tool. They will tell you exactly where the allocation takes place that ends up being leaked.


Why is D3DXQuaternionToAxisAngle being called in the following code?

I am attempting to convert some code over to glm/opengl that was originally using direct3d, and have run into a block that does not make sense according to what I found in the documentation on microsoft's website. The block in question is detailed in comments below:
Gx::Quaternion Gx::Quaternion::rotationBetween(const Gx::Vec3 &a, const Gx::Vec3 &b)
Quaternion q;
Vec3 v0 = a.normalized();
Vec3 v1 = b.normalized();
float d =;
if(d >= 1.0f)
return Quaternion{ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
if(d < (1e-6f - 1.0f))
Vec3 axis = Vec3(1, 0, 0).cross(a);
if( == 0)
axis = Vec3(0, 1, 0).cross(a);
axis = axis.normalized();
float ang = static_cast<float>(M_PI);
D3DXQuaternionToAxisAngle(&q, &axis, &ang);
// This block does not appear to be doing anything as
// according to microsofts documentation on D3DXQuaternionToAxisAngle,
// the function "Computes a quaternion's axis and angle of rotation" and
// does not modify the quaternion value passed as it's passed as const.
// Therefore I am confused as to why this block exists as it does not
// affect the returned quaternion, and the variables axis and ang are
// scoped to this block and not taken into account anywhere else in this
// function.
float s = std::sqrt((1 + d) * 2);
float invs = 1 / s;
Vec3 c = v0.cross(v1);
q.x = c.x * invs;
q.y = c.y * invs;
q.z = c.z * invs;
q.w = s * 0.5f;
D3DXQuaternionNormalize(&q, &q);
return q;
Link to microsofts api documentation
Am I correct in my conclusion that this if block is superfluous? Or am I possibly missing something?
As you note, the code in the the first if case is broken. They may have meant to use D3DXQuaternionRotationAxis which has the same signature.
As a reminder, these are 'D3DXMath' functions which were in the now deprecated D3DX9/D3DX10 utility libraries. The modern solution is DirectXMath. There's a list of D3DXMath equivalents in DirectXMath here.

Why is my vector rotation function changing the vector's magnitude?

I'm looking to make a simple function that rotates a vector's point b around point a for a given number of degrees.
What's odd is that my code seems to work somewhat - the vector is rotating, but it's changing length pretty drastically.
If I stop erasing the screen every frame to see every frame at once, I see the lines producing a sort of octagon around my origin.
Even weirder is that the origin isn't even in the center of the octagon - it's in the bottom left.
Here's my code:
struct Point { int x, y; };
struct Line {
Point a, b;
void rotate(double);
void Line::rotate(double t)
t *= 3.141592 / 180;
double cs = cos(t);
double sn = sin(t);
double trans_x = (double)b.x - a.x;
double trans_y = (double)b.y - a.y;
double newx = trans_x * cs - trans_y * sn;
double newy = trans_x * sn + trans_y * cs;
newx += a.x;
newy += a.y;
b.x = (int)newx;
b.y = (int)newy;
Using the olc::PixelGameEngine to render, which is why I'm using ints to store coordinates.

Sort points by angle from given axis?

How can I sort an array of points/vectors by counter-clockwise increasing angle from a given axis vector?
For example:
If 0 is the axis vector I would expect the sorted array to be in the order 2, 3, 1.
I'm reasonably sure it's possible to do this with cross products, a custom comparator, and std::sort().
Yes, you can do it with a custom comparator based on the cross-product. The only problem is that a naive comparator won't have the transitivity property. So an extra step is needed, to prevent angles either side of the reference from being considered close.
This will be MUCH faster than anything involving trig. There's not even any need to normalize first.
Here's the comparator:
class angle_sort
point m_origin;
point m_dreference;
// z-coordinate of cross-product, aka determinant
static double xp(point a, point b) { return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x; }
angle_sort(const point origin, const point reference) : m_origin(origin), m_dreference(reference - origin) {}
bool operator()(const point a, const point b) const
const point da = a - m_origin, db = b - m_origin;
const double detb = xp(m_dreference, db);
// nothing is less than zero degrees
if (detb == 0 && db.x * m_dreference.x + db.y * m_dreference.y >= 0) return false;
const double deta = xp(m_dreference, da);
// zero degrees is less than anything else
if (deta == 0 && da.x * m_dreference.x + da.y * m_dreference.y >= 0) return true;
if (deta * detb >= 0) {
// both on same side of reference, compare to each other
return xp(da, db) > 0;
// vectors "less than" zero degrees are actually large, near 2 pi
return deta > 0;
Most straightforward, but possibly not the optimal way is to shift the cartesian coordinates to be relative to center point and then convert them to polar coordinates. Then just subtract the angle of the "starting vector" modulo 360, and finally sort by angle.
Or, you could make a custom comparator for just handling all the possible slopes and configurations, but I think the polar coordinates are little more transparent.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct Point {
static double base_angle;
static void set_base_angle(double angle){
base_angle = angle;
double x;
double y;
Point(double x, double y):x(x),y(y){}
double Angle(Point o = Point(0.0, 0.0)){
double dx = x - o.x;
double dy = y - o.y;
double r = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
double angle = atan2(dy , dx);
angle -= base_angle;
if(angle < 0) angle += M_PI * 2;
return angle;
double Point::base_angle = 0;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Point& p){
return os << "Point(" << p.x << "," << p.y << ")";
bool comp(Point a, Point b){
return a.Angle() < b.Angle();
int main(){
Point p[] = { Point(-4., -4.), Point(-6., 3.), Point(2., -4.), Point(1., 5.) };
sort(p, p + 4, comp);
for(int i = 0;i< 4;++i){
cout << p[i] << " angle:" << p[i].Angle() << endl;
Point(-4,-4) angle:3.92699
Point(2,-4) angle:5.17604
Point(1,5) angle:1.3734
Point(-6,3) angle:2.67795
Assuming they are all the same length and have the same origin, you can sort on
struct sorter {
operator()(point a, point b) const {
if (a.y > 0) { //a between 0 and 180
if (b.y < 0) //b between 180 and 360
return false;
return a.x < b.x;
} else { // a between 180 and 360
if (b.y > 0) //b between 0 and 180
return true;
return a.x > b.x;
//for comparison you don't need exact angles, simply relative.
This will quickly sort them from 0->360 degress. Then you find your vector 0 (at position N), and std::rotate the results left N elements. (Thanks TomSirgedas!)
This is an example of how I went about solving this. It converts to polar to get the angle and then is used to compare them. You should be able to use this in a sort function like so:
std::sort(vectors.begin(), vectors.end(), VectorComp(centerPoint));
Below is the code for comparing
struct VectorComp : std::binary_function<sf::Vector2f, sf::Vector2f, bool>
sf::Vector2f M;
IntersectComp(sf::Vector2f v) : M(v) {}
bool operator() ( sf::Vector2f o1, sf::Vector2f o2)
float ang1 = atan( ((o1.y - M.y)/(o1.x - M.x) ) * M_PI / 180);
float ang2 = atan( (o2.y - M.y)/(o2.x - M.x) * M_PI / 180);
if(ang1 < ang2) return true;
else if (ang1 > ang2) return false;
return true;
It uses sfml library but you can switch any vector/point class instead of sf::Vector2f. M would be the center point. It works great if your looking to draw a triangle fan of some sort.
You should first normalize each vector, so each point is in (cos(t_n), sin(t_n)) format.
Then calculating the cos and sin of the angles between each points and you reference point. Of course:
cos(t_n-t_0)=cos(t_n)cos(t_0)+sin(t_n)sin(t_0) (this is equivalent to dot product)
Only based on both values, you can determine the exact angles (-pi to pi) between points and reference point. If just using dot product, clockwise and counter-clockwise of same angle have same values. One you determine the angle, sort them.
I know this question is quite old, and the accepted answer helped me get to this, still I think I have a more elegant solution which also covers equality (so returns -1 for lowerThan, 0 for equals, and 1 for greaterThan).
It is based on the division of the plane to 2 halves, one from the positive ref axis (inclusive) to the negative ref axis (exclusive), and the other is its complement.
Inside each half, comparison can be done by right hand rule (cross product sign), or in other words - sign of sine of angle between the 2 vectors.
If the 2 points come from different halves, then the comparison is trivial and is done between the halves themselves.
For an adequately uniform distribution, this test should perform on average 4 comparisons, 1 subtraction, and 1 multiplication, besides the 4 subtractions done with ref, that in my opinion should be precalculated.
int compareAngles(Point const & A, Point const & B, Point const & ref = Point(0,0)) {
typedef decltype(Point::x) T; // for generality. this would not appear in real code.
const T sinA = A.y - ref.y; // |A-ref|.sin(angle between A and positive ref-axis)
const T sinB = B.y - ref.y; // |B-ref|.sin(angle between B and positive ref-axis)
const T cosA = A.x - ref.x; // |A-ref|.cos(angle between A and positive ref-axis)
const T cosB = B.x - ref.x; // |B-ref|.cos(angle between B and positive ref-axis)
bool hA = ( (sinA < 0) || ((sinA == 0) && (cosA < 0)) ); // 0 for [0,180). 1 for [180,360).
bool hB = ( (sinB < 0) || ((sinB == 0) && (cosB < 0)) ); // 0 for [0,180). 1 for [180,360).
if (hA == hB) {
// |A-ref|.|B-ref|.sin(angle going from (B-ref) to (A-ref))
T sinBA = sinA * cosB - sinB * cosA;
// if T is int, or return value is changed to T, it can be just "return sinBA;"
return ((sinBA > 0) ? 1 : ((sinBA < 0) ? (-1) : 0));
return (hA - hB);
If S is an array of PointF, and mid is the PointF in the centre:
S = S.OrderBy(s => -Math.Atan2((s.Y - mid.Y), (s.X - mid.X))).ToArray();
will sort the list in order of rotation around mid, starting at the point closest to (-inf,0) and go ccw (clockwise if you leave out the negative sign before Math).

Trying to optimize line vs cylinder intersection

My brain has been melting over a line segment-vs-cylinder intersection routine I've been working on.
/// Line segment VS <cylinder>
// - cylinder (A, B, r) (start point, end point, radius)
// - line has starting point (x0, y0, z0) and ending point (x0+ux, y0+uy, z0+uz) ((ux, uy, uz) is "direction")
// => start = (x0, y0, z0)
// dir = (ux, uy, uz)
// A
// B
// r
// optimize? (= don't care for t > 1)
// <= t = "time" of intersection
// norm = surface normal of intersection point
void CollisionExecuter::cylinderVSline(const Ogre::Vector3& start, const Ogre::Vector3& dir, const Ogre::Vector3& A, const Ogre::Vector3& B, const double r,
const bool optimize, double& t, Ogre::Vector3& normal) {
t = NaN;
// Solution :
double cxmin, cymin, czmin, cxmax, cymax, czmax;
if (A.z < B.z) { czmin = A.z - r; czmax = B.z + r; } else { czmin = B.z - r; czmax = A.z + r; }
if (A.y < B.y) { cymin = A.y - r; cymax = B.y + r; } else { cymin = B.y - r; cymax = A.y + r; }
if (A.x < B.x) { cxmin = A.x - r; cxmax = B.x + r; } else { cxmin = B.x - r; cxmax = A.x + r; }
if (optimize) {
if (start.z >= czmax && (start.z + dir.z) > czmax) return;
if (start.z <= czmin && (start.z + dir.z) < czmin) return;
if (start.y >= cymax && (start.y + dir.y) > cymax) return;
if (start.y <= cymin && (start.y + dir.y) < cymin) return;
if (start.x >= cxmax && (start.x + dir.x) > cxmax) return;
if (start.x <= cxmin && (start.x + dir.x) < cxmin) return;
Ogre::Vector3 AB = B - A;
Ogre::Vector3 AO = start - A;
Ogre::Vector3 AOxAB = AO.crossProduct(AB);
Ogre::Vector3 VxAB = dir.crossProduct(AB);
double ab2 = AB.dotProduct(AB);
double a = VxAB.dotProduct(VxAB);
double b = 2 * VxAB.dotProduct(AOxAB);
double c = AOxAB.dotProduct(AOxAB) - (r*r * ab2);
double d = b * b - 4 * a * c;
if (d < 0) return;
double time = (-b - sqrt(d)) / (2 * a);
if (time < 0) return;
Ogre::Vector3 intersection = start + dir * time; /// intersection point
Ogre::Vector3 projection = A + (AB.dotProduct(intersection - A) / ab2) * AB; /// intersection projected onto cylinder axis
if ((projection - A).length() + (B - projection).length() > AB.length()) return; /// THIS IS THE SLOW SAFE WAY
//if (projection.z > czmax - r || projection.z < czmin + r ||
// projection.y > cymax - r || projection.y < cymin + r ||
// projection.x > cxmax - r || projection.x < cxmin + r ) return; /// THIS IS THE FASTER BUGGY WAY
normal = (intersection - projection);
t = time; /// at last
I have thought of this way to speed up the discovery of whether the projection of the intersection point lies inside the cylinder's length. However, it doesn't work and I can't really get it because it seems so logical :
if the projected point's x, y or z co-ordinates are not within the cylinder's limits, it should be considered outside. It seems though that this doesn't work in practice.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Bill Kotsias
Edit : It seems that the problems rise with boundary-cases, i.e when the cylinder is parallel to one of the axis. Rounding errors come into the equation and the "optimization" stops working correctly.
Maybe, if the logic is correct, the problems will go away by inserting a bit of tolerance like :
if (projection.z > czmax - r + 0.001 || projection.z < czmin + r - 0.001 || ... etc...
The cylinder is circular, right? You could transform coordinates so that the center line of the cylinder functions as the Z axis. Then you have a 2D problem of intersecting a line with a circle. The intersection points will be in terms of a parameter going from 0 to 1 along the length of the line, so you can calculate their positions in that coordinate system and compare to the top and bottom of the cylinder.
You should be able to do it all in closed form. No tolerances. And sure, you will get singularities and imaginary solutions. You seem to have thought of all this, so I guess I'm not sure what the question is.
This is what I use, it may help:
bool d3RayCylinderIntersection(const DCylinder &cylinder,const DVector3 &org,const DVector3 &dir,float &lambda,DVector3 &normal,DVector3 &newPosition)
// Ray and cylinder intersection
// If hit, returns true and the intersection point in 'newPosition' with a normal and distance along
// the ray ('lambda')
DVector3 RC;
float d;
float t,s;
DVector3 n,D,O;
float ln;
float in,out;
RC=org; RC.Subtract(&cylinder.position);
// Parallel? (?)
return false;
if (d<=cylinder.radius)
s=fabs( sqrtf(cylinder.radius*cylinder.radius-d*d) / dir.Dot(O) );
if (in<-D3_EPSILON)
return false;
else lambda=out;
} else if(out<-D3_EPSILON)
} else if(in<out)
} else
// Calculate intersection point
DVector3 HB;
float scale=HB.Dot(&cylinder.axis);
return true;
return false;
Have you thought about it this way?
A cylinder is essentially a "fat" line segment so a way to do this would be to find the closest point on line segment (the cylinder's center line) to line segment (the line segment you are testing for intersection).
From there, you check the distance between this closest point and the other line segment, and compare it to the radius.
At this point, you have a "Pill vs Line Segment" test, but you could probably do some plane tests to "chop off" the caps on the pill to make a cylinder.
Shooting from the hip a bit though so hope it helps (:
Mike's answer is good. For any tricky shape you're best off finding the transformation matrix T that maps it into a nice upright version, in this case an outright cylinder with radius 1. height 1, would do the job nicely. Figure out your new line in this new space, perform the calculation, convert back.
However, if you are looking to optimise (and it sounds like you are), there is probably loads you can do.
For example, you can calculate the shortest distance between two lines -- probably using the dot product rule -- imagine joining two lines by a thread. Then if this thread is the shortest of all possible threads, then it will be perpendicular to both lines, so Thread.LineA = Thread.LineB = 0
If the shortest distance is greater than the radius of the cylinder, it is a miss.
You could define the locus of the cylinder using x,y,z, and thrash the whole thing out as some horrible quadratic equation, and optimise by calculating the discriminant first, and returning no-hit if this is negative.
To define the locus, take any point P=(x,y,z). drop it as a perpendicular on to the centre line of your cylinder, and look at its magnitude squared. if that equals R^2 that point is in.
Then you throw your line {s = U + lamda*V} into that mess, and you would end up with some butt ugly quadratic in lamda. but that would probably be faster than fiddling matrices, unless you can get the hardware to do it (I'm guessing OpenGL has some function to get the hardware to do this superfast).
It all depends on how much optimisation you want; personally I would go with Mike's answer unless there was a really good reason not to.
PS You might get more help if you explain the technique you use rather than just dumping code, leaving it to the reader to figure out what you're doing.

Smoothing Small Data Set With Second Order Quadratic Curve

I'm doing some specific signal analysis, and I am in need of a method that would smooth out a given bell-shaped distribution curve. A running average approach isn't producing the results I desire. I want to keep the min/max, and general shape of my fitted curve intact, but resolve the inconsistencies in sampling.
In short: if given a set of data that models a simple quadratic curve, what statistical smoothing method would you recommend?
If possible, please reference an implementation, library, or framework.
Thanks SO!
Edit: Some helpful data
(A possible signal graph)
The dark colored quadratic is my "fitted" curve of the light colored connected data points.
The sample # -44 (approx.), is a problem in my graph (i.e. a potential sample inconsistency). I need this curve to "fit" the distribution better, and overcome the values that do not trend accordingly. Hope this helps!
A "quadratic" curve is one thing; "bell-shaped" usually means a Gaussian normal distribution. Getting a best-estimate Gaussian couldn't be easier: you compute the sample mean and variance and your smooth approximation is
y = exp(-squared(x-mean)/variance)
If, on the other hand, you want to approximate a smooth curve with a quadradatic, I'd recommend computing a quadratic polynomial with minimum square error. I can nenver remember the formulas for this, but if you've had differential calculus, write the formula for the total square error (pointwise) and differentiate with respect to the coefficients of your quadratic. Set the first derivatives to zero and solve for the best approximation. Or you could look it up.
Finally, if you just want a smooth-looking curve to approximate a set of points, cubic splines are your best bet. The curves won't necessarily mean anything, but you'll get a nice smooth approximation.
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
struct WeightedData
double x;
double y;
double weight;
void findQuadraticFactors(WeightedData *data, double &a, double &b, double &c, unsigned int const datasize)
double w1 = 0.0;
double wx = 0.0, wx2 = 0.0, wx3 = 0.0, wx4 = 0.0;
double wy = 0.0, wyx = 0.0, wyx2 = 0.0;
double tmpx, tmpy;
double den;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < datasize; ++i)
double x = data[i].x;
double y = data[i].y;
double w = data[i].weight;
w1 += w;
tmpx = w * x;
wx += tmpx;
tmpx *= x;
wx2 += tmpx;
tmpx *= x;
wx3 += tmpx;
tmpx *= x;
wx4 += tmpx;
tmpy = w * y;
wy += tmpy;
tmpy *= x;
wyx += tmpy;
tmpy *= x;
wyx2 += tmpy;
den = wx2 * wx2 * wx2 - 2.0 * wx3 * wx2 * wx + wx4 * wx * wx + wx3 * wx3 * w1 - wx4 * wx2 * w1;
if (den == 0.0)
a = 0.0;
b = 0.0;
c = 0.0;
a = (wx * wx * wyx2 - wx2 * w1 * wyx2 - wx2 * wx * wyx + wx3 * w1 * wyx + wx2 * wx2 * wy - wx3 * wx * wy) / den;
b = (-wx2 * wx * wyx2 + wx3 * w1 * wyx2 + wx2 * wx2 * wyx - wx4 * w1 * wyx - wx3 * wx2 * wy + wx4 * wx * wy) / den;
c = (wx2 * wx2 * wyx2 - wx3 * wx * wyx2 - wx3 * wx2 * wyx + wx4 * wx * wyx + wx3 * wx3 * wy - wx4 * wx2 * wy) / den;
double findY(double const a, double const b, double const c, double const x)
return a * x * x + b * x + c;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
WeightedData data[9];
data[0].weight=1; data[0].x=1; data[0].y=-52.0;
data[1].weight=1; data[1].x=2; data[1].y=-48.0;
data[2].weight=1; data[2].x=3; data[2].y=-43.0;
data[3].weight=1; data[3].x=4; data[3].y=-44.0;
data[4].weight=1; data[4].x=5; data[4].y=-35.0;
data[5].weight=1; data[5].x=6; data[5].y=-31.0;
data[6].weight=1; data[6].x=7; data[6].y=-32.0;
data[7].weight=1; data[7].x=8; data[7].y=-43.0;
data[8].weight=1; data[8].x=9; data[8].y=-52.0;
double a=0.0, b=0.0, c=0.0;
findQuadraticFactors(data, a, b, c, 9);
std::cout << " x \t y" << std::endl;
for (int i=0; i<9; ++i)
std::cout << " " << data[i].x << ", " << findY(a,b,c,data[i].x) << std::endl;
How about a simple digital low-pass filter?
y[0] = x[0];
for (i = 1; i < len; ++i)
y[i] = a * x[i] + (1.0 - a) * y[i - 1];
In this case, x[] is your input data and y[] is the filtered output. The a coefficient is a value between 0 and 1 that you should tweak. An a value of 1 reproduces the input and the cut-off frequency decreases as a approaches 0.
Perhaps the parameters for your running average are set wrong (sample window too small or large)?
Is it just noise superimposed on your bell curve? How close is the noise frequency to that of the signal you're trying to retrieve? A picture of what you're trying to extract might help us identify a solution.
You could try some sort of fitting algorithm using a least squares fit if you can make a reasonable guess of the function parameters. Those sorts of techniques often have some immunity to noise.