Regex Syntax Validator [closed] - regex

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does anybody know any tool for validating the syntax of an Regular Expression? I dont want to validate if it matches or not with some text but I want to see if there are syntax errors in the regex (missing parenthisis etc).
Also, what about syntax highlighting? It would be a great help when writing complex regex.

I used RegexBuddy for more than half a year. Highly recommended. has a form of syntax highlighting. As for validating, that would depend on which engine you are working with, since different engines support different syntaxes. It would be impossible to validate something without knowing exactly which syntax the engine you are targeting supports.

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Web development software [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Except from HTMLpad and Dreamweaver, what software is best to use when developing websites? I tried to find the one that code academy uses, but unfortunately, i cannot find something like that. I would like to have something which automatically indents and that it automatically tells you if there is something wrong.
Aptana Studio 3 is a useful IDE (Integrated Development Environment) based off of Eclipse to use.
If you are into paid IDE's then WebStorm/PhpStorm/RubyMine may not be a bad choice, especially if you also work with Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA
These may catch syntax errors and help you with formatting, but as with most IDE's it won't catch any logic errors.
I personally use Sublime Text as it handles formatting and does not carry any extra bloat as HTML/CSS and JavaScript are relatively simple languages. It does not do error checking.

Testing regular expressions tool (Linux/ubuntu) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I searched for a question about regexp testing/learning tools, but people usually suggest Windows based solution. I found one for ubuntu: redit.
However, I'm wondering if there are better tools for the job. So, without further ado
Q: What is the best tool for testing/leadning regular expressions
for linux/ubuntu?
Sorry if this is a superuser kind of question.
I rather like Kodos, which is a cross-platform GUI regex tester.
But there are many others. Have a look at the answers to How do you debug a regex? , there are many cross-platform solutions listed.
Why don't use web-base tools: and more here
My favorite Adobe Air app. Worth a try
For simple regex I use the replace function in Sublime Text 2.
Best "tool" for learning regex?
Easy: Mastering Regular Expressions (3rd Edition)

Is there an online RegexBuddy-like regular expression analyzer? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for an online utility that will prettify and add explanatory comments to a regular expression. Does one exist?
I like the online tool:
When you hover over the regular expression you will get an explanation of that part.
For what it's worth, I also like:, which is quite powerful, but technical. It features timing and steps taken results as well as permalinks for sharing a regex with explanation and test data., which draws railroad diagrams of regexes. The results are very nice to look at and easy to understand, but there are no textual explanations.
Both are free to use.
There's a bunch of them listed in Steven Levithan's blog.
regexpal is the one I always use. I prefer it to the Flash-based RegExr.
I currently use from Rick Measham. It is a regex explanation tool that simply works.

Regular expressions tutorials [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a regular expression tutorial that doesn't use a designer?
I learned the basics of RegEx with this tutorial
It talks about what happens behind the scenes and doesn't depend on a certain platform.
This is a great and quick getting started guide:
The absolute bare minimum every programmer should know about regular expressions
Check out Expresso I have used it in the past to build my RegEx. It is good to help learning too. Not really a tutorial but you can test out regex's with it.
RegEx Buddy, while also not a tutorial in itself, has been one of the best tools for me. The on the fly highlighting helps.
RegexBuddy is also nice, if I may add. There is a variety of similr tools available. A simple google search "regex tool" reveals most of them.
As far as for the tutorial, I can recommend the book "Mastering Regular Expressions" (I read the first, there is probably a newer edition by now)

C++ SpellChecker Library [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Can anybody recommend a good (ideally open source) C++ spell checker library. We are currenly using Talo, which isn't very good, so we are looking to change.
One which includes a grammar checker would also be good.
I have heard good things about hunspell. I have used and integrated aspell, which has some nice features and some which I did not like.
If you've got internet access, you can always use on online service like which has a CGI interface that you can query.
Following on from Yuval - OpenOffice Lingucomponent