Perl RegEx for Matching 11 column File - regex

I'm trying to write a perl regex to match the 5th column of files that contain 11 columns. There's also a preamble and footer which are not data. Any good thoughts on how to do this? Here's what I have so far:
if($line =~ m/\A.*\s(\b\w{9}\b)\s+(\b[\d,.]+\b)\s+(\b[\d,.sh]+\b)\s+.*/i) {
And this is what the forms look like:
No. Form 13F File Number Name
____ 28-________________ None
[Repeat as necessary.]
Abbott Laboratories com 2824100 4,570 97,705 SH sole 97,705 0 0
Allstate Corp com 20002101 12,882 448,398 SH sole 448,398 0 0
American Express Co com 25816109 11,669 293,909 SH sole 293,909 0 0
Apollo Group Inc com 37604105 8,286 195,106 SH sole 195,106 0 0
Bank of America com 60505104 174 12,100 SH sole 12,100 0 0
Baxter Internat'l Inc com 71813109 2,122 52,210 SH sole 52,210 0 0
Becton Dickinson & Co com 75887109 8,216 121,506 SH sole 121,506 0 0
Citigroup Inc com 172967101 13,514 3,594,141 SH sole 3,594,141 0 0
Coca-Cola Co. com 191216100 318 6,345 SH sole 6,345 0 0
Colgate Palmolive Co com 194162103 523 6,644 SH sole 6,644 0 0

If you ever do write a regex this long, you should at least use the x flag to ignore whitespace, and importantly allow whitespace and comments:
something else # actually trying to do this
blah # for fringe case X
If you find it hard to read your own regex, others will find it Impossible.

I think a regular expression is overkill for this.
What I'd do is clean up the input and use Text::CSV_XS on the file, specifying the record separator (sep_char).

Like Ether said, another tool would be appropriate for this job.
#fields = split /\t/, $line;
if (#fields == 11) { # less than 11 fields is probably header/footer
$the_5th_column = $fields[4];

My first thought is that the sample data is horribly mangled in your example. It'd be great to see it embedded inside some <pre>...</pre> tags so columns will be preserved.
If you are dealing with columnar data, you can go after it using substr() or unpack() easier than you can using regex. You can use regex to parse out the data, but most of us who've been programming Perl a while also learned that regex is not the first tool to grab a lot of times. That's why you got the other comments. Regex is a powerful weapon, but it's also easy to shoot yourself in the foot.
After a bit of nosing around on the SEC edgar site, I've found that the 13F files are nicely formatted. And, you should have no problem figuring out how to process them using substr and/or unpack.
- ------------------------------ ---------------- --------- -------- -------- --- ---- ------- ------------ -------- -------- --------
3M CO COM 88579Y101 478 6051 SH SOLE 6051 0 0
ABBOTT LABS COM 002824100 402 8596 SH SOLE 8596 0 0
AFLAC INC COM 001055102 291 6815 SH SOLE 6815 0 0
ALCATEL-LUCENT SPONSORED ADR 013904305 172 67524 SH SOLE 67524 0 0
If you are seeing the 13F files unformatted, as in your example, then you are not viewing correctly because there are tabs between columns in some of the files.
I looked through 68 files to get an idea of what's out there, then wrote a quick unpack-based routine and got this:
3M CO, COM, 88579Y101, 478, 6051, SH, , SOLE, , 6051, 0, 0
ABBOTT LABS, COM, 002824100, 402, 8596, SH, , SOLE, , 8596, 0, 0
AFLAC INC, COM, 001055102, 291, 6815, SH, , SOLE, , 6815, 0, 0
ALCATEL-LUCENT, SPONSORED ADR, 013904305, 172, 67524, SH, , SOLE, , 67524, 0, 0
Based on some of the other files here's some thoughts on how to process them:
Some of the files use tabs to separate the columns. Those are trivial to parse and you do not need regex to split the columns. 0001031972-10-000004.txt appears to be that way and looks very similar to your example.
Some of the files use tabs to align the columns, not separate them. You'll need to figure out how to compress multiple tab runs into a single tab, then probably split on tabs to get your columns.
Others use a blank line to separate the rows vertically so you'll need to skip blank lines.
Others allow wrap columns to the next line (like a spreadsheet would in a column that is not wide enough. It's not too hard to figure out how to deal with that, but how to do it is being left as an exercise for you.
Some use centered column alignment, resulting in leading and trailing whitespace in your data. s/^\s+//; and s/\s+$//; will become your friends.
The most interesting one I saw appeared to have been created correctly, then word-wrapped at column 78, leading me to think some moron loaded their spreadsheet or report into their word processor then saved it. Reading that is a two step process of getting rid of the wrapping carriage-returns, then re-processing the data to parse out the columns. As an added task they also have column headings in the data for page breaks.
You should be able to get 100% of the files parsed, however you'll probably want to do it with a couple different parsing methods because of the use of tabs and blank lines and embedded column headers.
Ah, the fun of processing data from the wilderness.


Extracting Multiple Blocks of Similar Text

I am trying to parse a report. The following is a sample of the text that I need to parse:
7605625112 DELIVERED N 1 GORDON CONTRACTORS I SIPLAST INC Freight Priority 2000037933 $216.67 1,131 ROOFING MATERIALS
04/23/2021 02:57 PM K WRISHT N 4 CAPITOL HEIGHTS, MD ARKADELPHIA, AR Prepaid 2000037933 -$124.23 170160-00
04/27/2021 12:41 PM 2 40 20743-3706 71923 $.00 055 $.00
2 WBA HOT $62.00 0
$12.92 $92.44
7605625123 DELIVERED N 1 SECHRIST HALL CO SIPLAST INC Freight Priority 2000037919 $476.75 871 PAIL,UN1263,PAINT,3,
04/23/2021 02:57 PM S CHAVEZ N 39 HARLINGEN, TX ARKADELPHIA, AR Prepaid 2000037919 -$378.54
04/27/2021 01:09 PM 2 479 78550 71923 $.00 085 $95.35
2 HRL HOT $62.00 21
$13.55 $98.21
This comprised of two or more blocks that start with "[0-9]{10}\sDELIVERED" and the last currency string prior to the next block.
If I test with "(?s)([0-9]{10}\sDELIVERED)(.*)(?<=\$167.36\n)" I successfully get the first Block, but If I use "(?s)([0-9]{10}\sDELIVERED)(.*)(?<=\$\d\d\d.\d\d\n)" it grabs everything.
If someone can show me the changes that I need to make to return two or more blocks I would greatly appreciate it.
* is a greedy operator, so it will try to match as much characters as possible. See also Repetition with Star and Plus.
For fixing it, you can use this regex:
in which I basically replaced .* with (.(?!\d{10}\sDELIVERED))* so that for every character it checks if it is followed or not by \d{10}\sDELIVERED.
See a demo here

Get a string after a specific word, using a program that has limited regex features?

Looking for help on building a regex that captures a 1-line string after a specific word.
The challenge I'm running into is that the program where I need to build this regex uses a single line format, in other words dot matches new line. So the formula I created isn't working. See more details below. Any advice or tips?
More specific regex task:
I'm trying to grab the line that comes after the word Details from entries like below. The goal is pull out 100% Silk, or 100% Velvet. This is the material of the product that always comes after Details.
Raw data:
<p>Loose fitted blouse green/yellow lily print.
V-neck opening with a closure string.
Small tie string on left side of top.</p>
<h3>Details</h3> <p>100% Silk.</p>
<p>Made in Portugal.</p> <h3>Fit</h3>
<p>Model is 5‰Ûª10,‰Û size 2 wearing size 34.</p> <p>Size 34 measurements</p>
<p>The velvet version of this dress. High waist fit with hook and zipper closure.
Seams run along edges of pants to create a box-like.</p>
<h3>Details</h3> <p>100% Velvet.</p>
<p>Made in the United States.</p>
<h3>Fit</h3> <p>Model is 5‰Ûª10‰Û, size 2 and wearing size M pants.</p> <p>Size M measurements Length: 37.5"åÊ</p>
<p>These pants run small. We recommend sizing up.</p>
Here is the current formula I created that's not working:
Replace (.)(\bDetails\s+(.)) with $3
The output gives the below:
<p>100% Silk.</p>
<p>Made in Portugal.</p>
<p>Model is 5‰Ûª10,‰Û size 2 wearing size 34.</p>
<p>Size 34 measurements</p>
<p>100% Velvet.</p>
<p>Made in the United States.</p>
<h3>Fit</h3> <p>Model is 5‰Ûª10‰Û, size 2 and wearing size M pants.</p> <p>Size M measurements Length: 37.5"åÊ</p>
<p>These pants run small. We recommend sizing up.</p>
How do I capture just the desired string? Let me know if you have any tips! Thank you!
Difficult to provide a working solution in your situation as you mention your program has "limited regex features" but don't explain what limitations.
Here is a Regex you can try to work with to capture the target string
I would personally use BeautifulSoup for something like this, but here are two solutions you could use:
Match the line after "Details", then pull out the data.
matches = re.findall('(?<=Details<).*$', text)
matches = [i.strip('<>') for i in matches]
matches = [i.split('<')[0] for i in [j.split('>')[-1] for j in matches]]
Replace "Details<...>data" with "Detailsdata", then find the data.
text = re.sub('Details<.*?<.*>', '', text)
matches = re.findall('(?<=Details).*?(?=<)', text)

Spacy to Conll format without using Spacy's sentence splitter

This post shows how to get dependencies of a block of text in Conll format with Spacy's taggers. This is the solution posted:
import spacy
nlp_en = spacy.load('en')
doc = nlp_en(u'Bob bought the pizza to Alice')
for sent in doc.sents:
for i, word in enumerate(sent):
if word.head == word:
head_idx = 0
head_idx = word.head.i - sent[0].i + 1
i+1, # There's a word.i attr that's position in *doc*
word.tag_, # Fine-grained tag
word.dep_ # Relation
It outputs this block:
1 Bob bob NNP PERSON 2 nsubj
2 bought buy VBD 0 ROOT
3 the the DT 4 det
4 pizza pizza NN 2 dobj
5 to to IN 2 dative
6 Alice alice NNP PERSON 5 pobj
I would like to get the same output WITHOUT using doc.sents.
Indeed, I have my own sentence-splitter. I would like to use it, and then give Spacy one sentence at a time to get POS, NER, and dependencies.
How can I get POS, NER, and dependencies of one sentence in Conll format with Spacy without having to use Spacy's sentence splitter ?
A Document in sPacy is iterable, and in the documentation is states that it iterates over Tokens
| __iter__(...)
| Iterate over `Token` objects, from which the annotations can be
| easily accessed. This is the main way of accessing `Token` objects,
| which are the main way annotations are accessed from Python. If faster-
| than-Python speeds are required, you can instead access the annotations
| as a numpy array, or access the underlying C data directly from Cython.
| >>> for token in doc
Therefore I believe you would just have to make a Document for each of your sentences that are split, then do something like the following:
def printConll(split_sentence_text):
doc = nlp(split_sentence_text)
for i, word in enumerate(doc):
if word.head == word:
head_idx = 0
head_idx = word.head.i - sent[0].i + 1
i+1, # There's a word.i attr that's position in *doc*
word.tag_, # Fine-grained tag
word.dep_ # Relation
Of course, following the CoNLL format you would have to print a newline after each sentence.
This post is about a user facing unexpected sentence breaks from using the spacy sentence boundary detection. One of the solutions proposed by the developers at Spacy (as on the post) is to add flexibility to add ones own sentence boundary detection rules. This problem is solved in conjunction with dependency parsing by Spacy, not before it. Therefore, I don't think what you're looking for is supported at all by Spacy at the moment, though it might be in the near future.
#ashu 's answer is partly right: dependency parsing and sentence boundary detection are tightly coupled by design in spaCy. Though there is a simple sentencizer.
It seems the sentecizer just uses punctuation (not the perfect way). But if such sentencizer exists then you can create a custom one using your rules and it will affect sentence boundaries for sure.

Replace zeros with missing values in certain cases

I was wondering if anyone knew an easier way of doing the following:
I have a dataset of health facility caseload by year, where each observation is one health facility. Facilities were 'brought online' in different years, so some have zeros before they have values for caseload. Also, some 'discontinue', as in they did provide services, but don't any more. I would like to replace the zeros with missing values for the years in which a facility discontinued. In the following example, the 3rd and 4th facilities discontinued, so I'd like missing for y2014 for the 3rd and y2013 & y2014 for the 4th.
y2011 y2012 y2013 y2014
0 0 76 82
0 0 29 13
0 0 25 0
5 10 0 0
0 0 17 24
I tried the following, which worked, but I'm going to have many years worth of data to work on (2000-2014), so was wondering if there was a more efficient way.
replace y2014=. if y2014==0 & (y2013>0 | y2012>0 | y2011>0)
replace y2013=. if y2013==0 & ( y2012>0 | y2011>0)
replace y2012=. if y2012==0 & ( y2011>0)
I messed around with egen rowlast to identify the facilities with a zero in the last year (meaning they discontinued), but then wasn't sure where to go with it.
Your problem would benefit from a loop over the variables.
We'll initialise started to 0, change our mind about started when we see a positive value, and change any subsequent 0s to missings if started is 1.
gen started = 0
forval y = 2000/2014 {
replace started = 1 if y`y' > 0
replace y`y' = . if started == 1 & y`y' == 0
Note that this scheme allows re-starts.
A more general comment is that this is not the better data structure for such panel or longitudinal data. This particular problem is not too challenging, but most problems with such data will be easier after reshape long.
See here for a survey of "rowwise" technique in Stata.

Script to update bounding box in one EPS with values from another EPS

I create a large number of images in LaTeX (mostly pstricks). Some of these images form part of a sequence showing the progression of some algorithm. The progression adds or removes content from the image, which effectively influences the image size, and consequently also the bounding box that surrounds it.
So what I'd like to do is have a script (in any command-line invokable language) that would extract the bounding box components of one file (say FileA.eps) and replace them with the bounding box components of another file (say FileB.eps). Sometimes I want to do this for only the y-components, sometimes only for the x-components, sometimes for only a single component (it depends on the sequence showing the progression). For example, consider the following two files created using a latex->dvips sequence:
%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
%%BoundingBox: 170 378 252 452
%%HiResBoundingBox: 170.340 378.474 251.880 451.626
%%Creator: dvips(k) 5.992 Copyright 2012 Radical Eye Software
%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
%%BoundingBox: 148 365 269 478
%%HiResBoundingBox: 148.446 365.940 268.483 477.651
%%Creator: dvips(k) 5.992 Copyright 2012 Radical Eye Software
I'd like to have FileA.eps to be updated to
Updated FileA.eps
%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
%%BoundingBox: 170 365 252 478
%%HiResBoundingBox: 170.340 365.940 251.880 477.651
%%Creator: dvips(k) 5.992 Copyright 2012 Radical Eye Software
where the y-coordinates of FileB.eps was used to replace the y-coordinates in the original FileA.eps. Note that this change holds for both %%BoundingBox and %%HiResBoundingBox.
Ideally I'd like some generic script boundingboxscript that is invoked using
[lang] boundinboxscript FileA.eps FileB.eps
where [lang] is the language (like perl or ruby) and FileA.eps is edited in-place. This discussion originated from the TeX, LaTeX & Friends chat room. I'm running Windows 7.
I know nothing about perl, but maybe you can convert this ruby script:
outfile = ARGV[0]
infile = ARGV[1]
opts = ARGV[2]
unless =~ /%%BoundingBox: (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)/
puts "Invalid input file."
x, y, w, h = $1, $2, $3, $4
eps = (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)/) do
x = $1 unless opts.include? "x"
y = $2 unless opts.include? "y"
w = $3 unless opts.include? "w"
h = $4 unless opts.include? "h"
"%%BoundingBox: #{x} #{y} #{w} #{h}"
File.write(outfile, eps)
Invoke with:
ruby boundinboxscript.rb FileA.eps FileB.eps xywh
The last option is what you want to take from FileB.eps and put in FileA.eps.