How do I test rendered views when using T4MVC with TestHelper? - unit-testing

How do I test which view was rendered from a controller action if what I get is a T4MVC_ActionResult? Under normal circumstances I should be able to directly use TestHelper's methods, like in the examples:
...but, since through T4MVC I get a T4MVC_ActionResult instead of a ViewResult, the part AssertViewRendered<>().ForView("Details") fails. What alternative do I have if I want to test which view was invoked?
Here's the test code:
public void Theme_Controller_Details_Action_Returns_Details_View()
var builder = new TestControllerBuilder();
var mockThemeRepository = new Mock<IThemeRepository>();
var themeController = builder.CreateController<Evalgrid.Website.Controllers.ThemeController>(mockThemeRepository.Object);
var result = themeController.Details();
I used the debugger setting a breakpoint after the result line, and its variable type is T4MVC_ActionResult, while themeController is Evalgrid.Website.controllers.ThemeController. Note that I have used the fully qualified name of the controller.
I get this:
Expected result to be of type
ViewResult. It is actually of type
I don't know what's going on.

Actually, T4MVC should not make a difference here. If you directly instantiate your controller and call an action method, you'll get the same thing back whether you use T4MVC or not. i.e. you won't get a T4MVC_ActionResult.
It's only when you write MVC.Foo.Details() that you'll get a T4MVC_ActionResult. That's because MVC.Foo returns an instance of a derived class which does special thing, and not directly your controller class.
Does that make sense?
Update: I'm confused, as looking at the sources for TestControllerBuilder.CreateController, it has:
public T CreateController<T>(params object[] constructorArgs) where T : Controller
var controller = (Controller)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), constructorArgs);
return controller as T;
So it's directly instantiating the type that you pass in, which should just call your normal action.
One question about your code: does your Details action method take any parameters? If so, that would explain the problem, as you're calling it with no params, which would be a T4MVC method added in the partial class.


Emberjs: Use args as tracked property

I am doing a store query in the controller and then passing the result down to a child component.
// Controller
#tracked comment;
async fetchComment() {
const comment = await'note', {
filter: {
if (comment && comment.length > 0) {
this.comment = comment.firstObject;
// Template
<MyComponent #comment={{this.comment}} />
I want to use the arg to populate a tracked property in the child component.
// Component
#tracked comment = this.args.comment;
I found this does not work but works well as a getter. However with a getter I am unable to set this to null when deleting that record.
I have also tried to set the tracked property in the Constructor but that didnt work either.
I suspect this has something to do with passing in a promise or store object in the args because this works fine with static data.
why your code does not work
this code can not work:
#tracked comment = this.args.comment;
this is because comment on the controller is initially undefined but will later bet set to comment.firstObject when the network request is done and the await in your fetchComment function returns.
Generally everythings on args basically always behaves like its #tracked (while more accurate you would describe it as getters). So this usually will just update fine. But the assignment #tracked comment = this.args.comment; only happens once when you create the component, so you no longer depend on updates on args.
why you can not set this.args.comment to null
If you use a getter or directly always use this.args.comment you can not change this reference. This is because this.args is always readonly. you can change objects on this.args.something, but you never can change the reference or primitive value on this.args.
Sidenote: this is only true if the component was called with <AngleBracket /> syntax. For the older {{curly-component}} syntax this is not true. So this does not depend on the component itself but how the component gets called.
you could notify the controller to remove the reference
one good thing to do is to pass down a deleteComment action to the component that basically does something like this.comment = null on the controller. then you use this.args.comment directly or by a getter and you can call this.args.deleteComment() to set comment on the controller to null, which will update anything that uses this.args.comment or a getter that returns this.args.comment.
this is essentially because in your architecture the controller owns the data (because it loads it). so the controller is also responsible to delete it.
if you use ember-data you can check isDeleted
if its a ember-data model (which it probably is if you call then it has a isDeleted property. you can use this to check if the record is deleted, since ember-data records dont disappear if they get deleted. which is exactly because of problems like this.
how you use another property to shadow a argument
you could do something like this to shadow an argument in your component:
#tracked commentIsDeleted = false;
get comment() {
return this.commentIsDeleted
? null
: this.args.comment;
this way at first this.comment will work like a normal getter, but you can shadow delete it by setting this.commentIsDeleted = true;. From that on this.comment will be null.

Inspect Ember.js: Get the type of an object (Class)?

I use console.log() a lot, especially in combination with Ember.inspect(). But there's one thing I miss:
How can I find out the type of an object (Class)?
For example: Getting something like <Sandbox.ApplicationController:ember288> when inspecting Ember.get("controller")?
If you just want the model name (for example app/models/comment.js has the model name comment), you can use thing.constructor.modelName.
For example:
var aComment = this.get('store').createRecord('comment');
aComment.get('constructor.modelName') // => 'comment'
I understand you are looking for a string for debugging purposes, but I originally came to this question wanting to know specifically how to get the type of the object, not a string describing the object.
Using the built in Javascript property constructor will yield the class used to construct the instance. For example you could do:
person = App.Person.create();
person.constructor // returns App.Person
person.constructor.toString() // return "App.Person"
If you get Class, you can usually call toString() (or as a shortcut concat an empty string + '') to get something like <Sandbox.ApplicationController:ember288>
Another useful feature (in chrome) is the dir command.
This will give you the full object information, rather than just the name.
Be aware that some of these answers suggested here only work in development. Once your code is in production most of those methods / class names will get minified.
import Model from '#ember-data/model';
export default class Animal extends Model {
// ...
So in development:
const model ='animal'); // returns Animal
in production:
const model ='animal'); // returns 'i' (or any other single letter).
To avoid this, use constructor.toString()
const model ='animal');
model.constructor.toString() // returns 'model:animal'

Dynamic templates with knockout

I have a viewmodel whose template I want to change dynamically at runtime when the state of my application changes. I referred to this link
while coming up with my solution.
In my html page I have a div that is bound to a list of view models:
<div class="app"
data-bind="template: {name: templateSelector, foreach: viewModelBackStack}">
And my templateSelector method looks like this:
this.templateSelector = function(viewModel)
if (!_itemTemplate)
_itemTemplate = ko.computed(function() {return this.template();}, viewModel);
return _itemTemplate();
var _itemTemplate;
As can be seen, I am constructing a computed observable which returns viewModel's template.
My viewModel looks like this:
function MyViewModel
this.template = ko.observable("MyTemplate");
I am changing the value of template as a result of an ajax call being completed and I see that computed observable is called correctly as well (I placed an alert in there to verify it), however the bindings in html does not update the template of my viewmodel. Any help will be appreciated.
UPDATE: I found the bug that was causing it not to work. Basically I was including jquery.tmpl plugin before including knockout.js. Removing jquery.tmpl did the trick !
I don't see a problem with your code, unless it lies in the part where you update the template observable as the result of an AJAX call. Make sure that you have a reference to your view model and are setting it as an observable vm.template(newValue); and not recreating the observable.
Here is your code working:,html,live
One thing to note is that bindings are already executed within the context of a computed observable, so it is unnecessary to create your own within your templateSelector function.
You can simply create a function that returns your observable directly like:
this.getTemplate = function(data) {
return data.template();
Here is an article that I wrote a while back on this topic:

Moq - how to mock the result of a method within a method begin tested

and thank you in advance for any and all your assistance.
I have a method that I'm trying to test.
Within this method is a call to UserMembership.Validate()
//custom override but the code isn't functional yet and is outside the scope of the test.
I want to therefore mock (using moq) the return result so that the actual test of the method can succeed.
Here is the code
public LoginResponse Login(LoginRequest request)
var response = new LoginResponse(request.RequestId);
// Validate client tag and access token
if (!ValidateRequest(request, response, Validate.ClientTag | Validate.AccessToken))
return response;
if (!UserMembership.ValidateUser(request.UserName, request.Password))
response.Acknowledge = AcknowledgeType.Failure;
response.Messages = "Invalid username and/or password.";
//response.MessageCode = -4;
return response;
_userName = request.UserName;
return response;
So, my test is for LoginResponse() but I want to 'fake' the UserMembership return value (bool) to true...
Simple enough I'm sure for you guys.
TIA, Hugh.
You could probably re-title your question to "How do you use a mocking framework with unit testing 99% of the time," because you're right on track for doing just that - a very typical usage.
You're going to want to extract an interface from your UserMembership class (right click inside the class, select "refactor" and then "extract interface."), then use Moq to create mock instances of that interface for use within your tests. Then you can use Moq to "setup" the behavior of that mock to do anything you want it to during your test. The syntax would look like this:
var userMembershipMock = new Mock<IUserMembership>();
userMembershipMock.Setup(m=> m.ValidateUser(It.Is<string>(str=> str == "myUserName"), It.Is<string>(str=> str == "myPassword"))).Returns(true);
Then you would create a new instance of your class, passing in your mock instance of IUserMembership (but since you'll make your class's constructor takes an argument of the interface type, your class won't care whether you're passing it a mock or an actual UserMembership instance
MyClass myClass = new MyClass(userMembershipMock.Object);
after which you could begin actually testing the behavior of your MyClass:
var request = new LoginRequest { UserName = "myUserName", Password = "myPassword" };
LoginResponse response = myClass.Login(request);
And then you can assert that your class's response is what you expect:
Assert.AreEqual(AcknowledgeType.Success, response.Acknowledge);
or you can verify that your mock's method (or property) was invoked as you expected:
userMembershipMock.Verify(m=> m.ValidateUser(It.Is<string>(str=> str == "myUserName"), It.Is<string>(str=> str == "myPassword")), Times.Once());
and so on.
The Moq quick start page is kind of sort of a one-page read, and can teach you 99% of everything that you need to know to use it.
The only way I can think of to mock UserMembership in this case (assuming it's not a property) is to use an IoC framework like Castle Windsor or Ninject. When you use an IoC container you would refactor your calls to UserMembership into an interface (IUserMembership) and use the container to provide an implementation:
if (Container.Resolve<IUserMembership>().ValidateUser(request.UserName, request.Password))
Then in your unit test Setup you would register the implementation of IUserMembership to be the mock object:
var mock = new Mock<IUserMembership>();
You would have to also create a production implementation. If this is the standard UserMembership class, this implementation will probably do nothing other than UserMembership. Although, there are other ways to mimic this kind of duck typing.

Can Rhino Mock deeper/nested members directly?

Is it possible to mock a stub/mock's object member call without having to define that as a stub, and also set the return value as all seperate verbose lines?
public void AssignedPermissions_AssociateExists_ReturnsEdit_Rhino()
var fakeConfiguration = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IDomainControllerConfiguration>();
var fakeAssociateRepository = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IAssociateRepository>();
fakeConfiguration.Stub(x => x.AssociateRepository).Return(fakeAssociateRepository);
.Return(new IAssociate[]{MockRepository.GenerateStub<IAssociate>()});
var domain = new DomainController(fakeConfiguration);
const AssignedPermission expected = AssignedPermission.Edit;
AssignedPermission actual = domain.AssignedPermissions();
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Are all those temporary variables necessary just to stub out nested method calls?
I've never used the functionality, so I'm not 100% certain that this will work, but theoretically Rhino mocks supports "recursive mocking", which should allow you to at least cut out the fakeAssociateRepository by doing something like this:
var fakeConfiguration = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IDomainControllerConfiguration>();
fakeConfiguration.Stub(x => x.AssociateRepository.GetAssociatesByRole(null,false,null))
.Return(new IAssociate[]{MockRepository.GenerateStub<IAssociate>()});
var domain = new DomainController(fakeConfiguration);
(note: code not tested, or even compiled)
Just wanted to share my input on this, since I just spent the last few hours wrestling with it. The answer posted above by Alconja absolutely works, but if you plan to use it for "AssertWasCalled" type of assertion, it does not assert the way I expected it to. It seems that the AssertWasCalled methods tried to assert the "get accessor" associated with the "nested" object.
For instance, if you wanted to do this:
fakeconfiguration.AssertWasCalled(x => x.AssociateRepository.GetAssociatesByRole(null, false, null));
You would get an exception such as
System.InvalidOperationException : Previous method 'IDomainControllerConfiguration.get_AssociateRepository();' requires a return value or an exception to throw.
Because the AssertWasCalled is asserting the get-accessor of the AssociateRepository property, rather than the GetAssociatesByRole() method. In the end, for my case I had to use the OP's methodology of creating mutliple stubs.