OpenGL texture mapping - opengl

I have two objects drawn on screen in openGL, one is a sphere using the GLU object and one is a texture mapped star. Regardless of the z coordinates, the texture mapped star always seems to draw in front. Is this normal openGL behavior? Is there a way to prevent this?
Note: I am working within the worldwind framework, so maybe something else is going on causing this. But I'm just wondering is it normal for the texture mapped objects to appear in front? I don't think so but I'm not sure...

This isn't a bug in worldwind, this is actually desired behavior. Using glVertex2f() is the same as using glVertex3f() and setting z = 0. So it simply draws the star at a plane very close to the viewer (also depending on your projection).
To solve your issue, you can either disable depth writes using glDepthMask(0), then draw the star, call glDepthMask(1) and then draw the sphere, which will now be in front of the star.
You can also use glDepthFunc(GL_GREATER) on the star or glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) on the sphere to quickly achieve the same effect.
To make anything more complicated (such as star intersecting the sphere), you need to use matrices to put the star at the desired position.


How would I go about applying a skybox to the world, openGL C++

I'm trying to add a skybox to the world/camera/game and I don't know how to go about it. If someone could give me some guidance on how to apply it, it would be much appreciated.
I have already loaded the skybox, I just don't know how to draw it properly so it will fit around the camera as it moves.
I have managed to texture a sort of cube, which might be close to a skybox but then it's only visible from the outside. Once you enter the cube, you can't see it from the inside. Perhaps if I could invert the cube's faces, it will show when I'm inside the cube and I can make it larger?
From outside the cube looking at it
From inside looking out
I had a similar problem a few weeks back, if you are looking for some pseudo code I think I may be able to help. First of all using a cube isn't the best idea when rendering as your box won't look natural, map it to a sphere for a smooth effect.
Create a bounding sphere around your viewer that moves relative to your camera
Apply the texture on that sphere, this will give the impression that the sky is moving relative to you
When you are drawing, disable your z-buffer and frustum (assuming you're using any culling algorithm) this will allow the sky box to be drawn but will ensure terrain is drawn over the top of the sky box when depth sort algorithms are performed by OpenGL.
Note: Don't forget to re-enable the z-buffer after the sky box has been drawn, otherwise your terrain elements will appear outside of the sphere, meaning you will only see the Sky box.
I recently wrote a basic terrain engine in DirectX but the principals are fairly similar, if you'd like to view the repo you can find it here
Check out line 286 in this file to see how the Skybox is rendered, then also visit the SkyBox implementation file to see how it is constructed, and the SkyShader implementation file to see how the texture is mapped to the sphere, the main method to be concerned with in the shader file is SetShaderParameters()
In terms of moving the skybox relative to your camera, simply set the WVP matrix of your skybox to that of your camera, and then tweak the x, y, z planes of the skybox to your liking.
Extra If you are going to implement multi-player aspects, just disable back-face rendering for the sphere, then each player can see their SkyBox but opponents cannot. Alternatively you create one large sphere around the world
Hope that helps - if you need anymore help just ask, I know this stuff can be fairly dense at first:)

Render a vectorfield with Point Sprites in OpenGL

I'd like to render a vectorfield visualization with OpenGL. Right now, I have a 3D cube filled with points which I need to replace with arrows. I've read a lot about Point Sprites in OpenGL and they seem to fit my needs pretty good.
I haven't really worked with textures yet, so there are some questions regarding the use of them together with Point Sprites:
First of all, is it possible to easily replace my points with arrows by just using a texture? If so, is it possible to rotate or scale those point sprites by an arbitrary degree using shaders?
If there are other possibilites than point sprites for achieving this, it would also be great to hear about them. I'm using OpenGL 4.2.
Point sprites are always screen-aligned squares. And they have an implementation-dependent maximum size.
If you need to do something like this, you should use a Geometry Shader that takes points as inputs, and outputs a quad (as 4 vertices of a triangle strip). Then you can do whatever you want.
Note that you should try to pass as little information as you can get away with out of the GS. Ideally, for maximum performance, you should only output to gl_Position and to a vec2 indicating where in the quad a particular location is.
is it possible to ... scale those point sprites by an arbitrary degree using shaders?
No, point sprites have an implementation-defined upper limit on size.

Lens shader / Image disortion

Well, i have a 3d scene currently with just a quad (painting) with texture on it. Between the painting and the "camera" i have places an other quad i would like to behave like a optical lens: distorting the picture "below" it
how would one achieve it preferably with a shader and some pixelbuffers?
Here is an example I found a while ago which does something very similar to what you want.
You will probably have to modify the code a bit to achieve the inversion effect you want, but this will get you started on the right track.
By the way, you will not need the second image (the inverted small rectangle). Just use a single background image and the shader.
Between the painting and the "camera" i have places an other quad i would like to behave like a optical lens:
This is a tricky one. First one must understand that OpenGL is a so called localized rendering model rasterizer, which means in layman terms, that it works like pencils and brushes on a canvas.
It thus works in very contrast to global scene representation renderers like raytracers. A raytracer actually operates on a fully defined scene, because of that it can to things like refraction trivially.
Indeed one must treat OpenGL like an artist treats its tools. So any optical "effect" you want to create must be implemented by mastering various drawing techiques possible with the tools OpenGL offers. To create the effect you desire you must implement a multistage process.
For refraction you first render the scene as "seen" by the refracting object in all directions (you create a dynamic cube map), then you use this cube map as input data for rasterizing the "refracting" object, where a shader is used to determine the refracted direction of a ray of light hitting the rasterized fragments.
BTW: What holds for refraction holds for any other like interacting effect. Shadows are as non-trivial like refractions in OpenGL.

OpenGL: glLogicOp() color filling trick with different coloring?

I am currently using glLogicOp() with a cube, which i render twice: with glFrontFace(GL_CW) and then with glFrontFace(GL_CCW). This allows me to see which area of the other 3d object my cube is overlapping with.
But i want to change the negative color to something else, lets say 0.5f transparent blue color.
How this can be done? Sorry about the title, i dont know the name of this method.
Also, i am having problem with being inside the cube with my camera: i need to fill the screen with negative coloring, is there any other way than swithing to 2d mode and drawing a quad with glLogicOp() enabled ? Also the problem is that theres a chance to see bugged rendering if i am at the edge of the cube surface, any ideas for preventing this perfectly?
You should look into the "Carmack's reverse" algorithm and the stencil shadow algorithms in general, as your problem is closely related to them (your cube being a shadow volume object). You will not get away with using glLogicOp() if you want other colors than black and white.

In openGL, how can you get items to draw back to front?

By default it seems that objects are drawn front to back. I am drawing a 2-D UI object and would like to create it back to front. For example I could create a white square first then create a slightly smaller black square on top of it thus creating a black pane with a white border. This post had some discussion on it and described this order as the "Painter's Algorithm" but ultimately the example they gave simply rendered the objects in reverse order to get the desired effect. I figure back to front (first objects go in back, subsequent objects get draw on top) rendering can be achieved via some transformation (gOrtho?) ?
I will also mention that I am not interested in a solution using a wrapper library such as GLUT.
I have also found that the default behavior on the Mac using the Cocoa NSOpenGLView appears to draw back to front, where as in windows I cannot get this behavior. The setup code in windows I am using is this:
glViewport (0, 0, wd, ht);
glOrtho (0.0f, wd, ht, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
The following call will turn off depth testing causing objects to be drawn in the order created. This will in effect cause objects to draw back to front.
glDepthFunc(GL_NEVER); // Ignore depth values (Z) to cause drawing bottom to top
Be sure you do not call this:
glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); // Enables Depth Testing
For your specific question, no there is no standardized way to specify depth ordering in OpenGL. Some implementations may do front to back depth ordering by default because it's usually faster, but that is not guaranteed (as you discovered).
But I don't really see how it will help you in your scenario. If you draw a black square in front of a white square the black square should be drawn in front of the white square regardless of what order they're drawn in, as long as you have depth buffering enabled. If they're actually coplanar, then neither one is really in front of the other and any depth sorting algorithm would be unpredictable.
The tutorial that you posted a link to only talked about it because depth sorting IS relevant when you're using transparency. But it doesn't sound to me like that's what you're after.
But if you really have to do it that way, then you have to do it yourself. First send your white square to the rendering pipeline, force the render, and then send your black square. If you do it that way, and disable depth buffering, then the squares can be coplanar and you will still be guaranteed that the black square is drawn over the white square.
Drawing order is hard. There is no easy solution. The painter's alogorithm (sort objects by their distance in relation to your camera's view) is the most straightforward, but as you have discovered, it doesn't solve all cases.
I would suggest a combination of the painter's algroithm and layers. You build layers for specific elements on your program. So you got a background layer, objects layers, special effect layers, and GUI layer.
Use the painter's algorithm on each layer's items. In some special layers (like your GUI layer), don't sort with the painter's algorithm, but by your call order. You call that white square first so it gets drawn first.
Draw items that you want to be in back slightly behind the items that you want to be in the front. That is, actually change the z value (assuming z is perpendicular to the screen plane). You don't have to change it a lot to get the items to draw in front of eachother. And if you only change the z value slightly, you shouldn't notice much of an offset from their desired position. You could even go really fancy, and calculate the correct x,y position based on the changed z position, so that the item appears where it is supposed to be.
Your stuff will be drawn in the exact order you call the glBegin/glEnd functions in. You can get depth-buffering using the z-buffer, and if your 2d objects have different z values, you can get the effect you want that way. The only way you are seeing the behavior you describe on the Mac is if the program is drawing stuff in back-to-front order manually or using the z-buffer to accomplish this. OpenGL otherwise does not have any functionality automatically as you describe.
As AlanKley pointed out, the way to do this is to disable the depth buffer. The painter's algorithm is really a 2D scan-conversion technique used to render polygons in the correct order when you don't have something like a z-buffer. But you wouldn't apply it to 3D polygons. You'd typically transform and project them (handling intersections with other polygons) and then sort the resulting list of 2D projected polygons by their projected z-coordinate, then draw them in reverse z-order.
I've always thought of the painter's algorithm as an alternate technique for hidden surface removal when you can't (or don't want to) use a z-buffer.