libjpeg PIL photologue django - django

So I have been looking up and down for a good solution to display images, audio, media in general with django:
From what I found there is the following solutions:
1. Photologue:
Cant seem to make it work.
It needs PIL and libjepg.
I tried to install both, but ran into different build problems.
Someone on stackoverflow recommended me this link:
Which is a great tutorial and also deals with removing PIL and reinstalling (which I have to do, I guess).
But somewhere along this tutorial I have to do this:
sudo rm -Rf build
And I dont feel confident enough to run a sudo rm command.
Also I thought there must be an easier way to achieve this, since EVERY Blog needs to display media.
2. Django itself says:
Let Apache do the display and use this:
(r'^site_media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
{'document_root': '/pathtomedia/', 'show_indexes': True}),
for development BUT not for production.
So what does everybody use for production?
3. Other:
I managed to display images via os.listdir , urllist and a template:
allimg= os.listdir("/pathtomyimages/")
urllist = ['/site_media/Imagedir/%s' % url for url in allimg]
return render_to_response('picture_display.html',
{'allimg': allimg})
But this also seems not very promising, since I want to display images, audio, media from one directory on multiple sites.
I hear paginator could be the solution.
So now my question:
What is the best, easiest and robust solution to display media in django in development and in production?
What are you using?
Please help me out!
Thanks for the time.

django-photologue is an app for managing images and image collections for your project but isn't directly related to serving static media.
Since "best", "easiest", and "robust" are all fairly subjective terms depending on your specific needs, I recommend you first seek to understand why it is not common practice to serve your media files from Django. The short, generic answer is that Django must be loaded into each web server process that handles a request and this will use a non-trivial amount of memory. When serving a media file you (usually) just return a file from disk. Since no application logic is required you are incurring unnecessary overhead both from the memory required to run Django in a process and the extra code processing that will occur for Django to map the request path back to a view, load the file, and dump it into the response. Web servers (Apache, Nginx, etc.) are already very good at returning files from disk. This is why it is recommended that you have your web server handle static media files. The request does not ever need to get handed off to the WSGI middleware or Django.
There are many options available but there are a few that are likely to be common solutions. For example, if you've decided on Apache as your web server, you would need to configure it so that requests to your media path are handled directly by Apache and all other requests are handed off to Django. Apache + mod_wsgi is a fairly common choice AFAICT. Read through this carefully:
It is not strictly necessary to configure a separate web server as the documents recommend. You can use the same Apache instance for Django and media as you're getting started.

That tutorial is actually mine :)
the sudo RM -rf build, all this does is actually force remove any previous builds, which basically means it clears anything to do with the builds.
hope this helps


Uploading Python application for the first time. URLconfig URLS not working

It is my first time trying to get a Django application live on the net but I am having an issue with the URls.
The working local URL of my application is
http://localhost:8000/surveythree/ - This works as expected.
However when I upload my project to my hosting account I cant seem to locate the relevant page using the shortened URL as provided by the URLconf, in this case it should be /surveythree/
url(r'^surveythree/$', SurveyWizard.as_view([SurveyForm1, SurveyForm2, SurveyForm3, SurveyForm4, SurveyForm5])),
I can locate the page if I use the full filepath however.
I thought the benefit of the URLconf was to shorten the URL to something like one of the following
Is there something simple that I am missing here? If anyone could tell me what the shortened URL should be based on the above it would be great. I have been trying multiple combinations for a while now but I don't know if I am going around in circles or doing it wrong.
Thanks in advance.
It doesn't look like you have actually deployed your site with a proper server. You can't just upload the files to any webserver and expect then to run: you need to configure a wsgi server and connect it to your app.
The documentation is here but to be honest I'd be amazed if your college server supported it at all, if all you have is a shared folder. You may be able to get it to work with FastCGI, but I wouldn't hold out a whole lot of hope.
(And even though you say that going to that long URL "works", I'd guarantee that all you're seeing is the raw HTML template. There's no way that any actual dynamic functionality will be working like that, as you'd see if you actually tried to submit the form at that URL.)
Deploying Django apps is much more complicated. To run in more "production" environment you will need to configure:
virtualenv to keep pip modules which your app required separate from global environment.
nginx for hosting static files ( you can copy them to some folder with ./ collectstatic.
WSGI server: uWSGI or Gunicorn are both nice choices.
supervisor: for running and restarting WSGI and any other apps (for example celery) running in background
It's a lot for a start, so it's good to follow some tutorial and use ready to use config snippets.

Django: How to use static files (simple case, jquery)

I am trying to use jQuery on a Django site. I need to include the jQuery.js library. I have read a lot about Django static files, but I don't think anyone has asked this particular question. I have only three static files to serve: jquery.js, anothersmallfile.js, and styles.css. The Django docs on static file serving say:
"For small projects, this isn’t a big deal, because you can just keep the static files somewhere your web server can find it. link
I would like to "just keep them somewhere my webserver can find them" because elsewhere the Django docs clearly state (warn) that their static-files serving method is only for a development environment. I only have a few static files and I just want the simplest secure solution.
Unfortunately I can't get it working. No matter where I put the files, Django can't find them. Debugging through Chrome web developer console I see I'm getting a 404 error:
I am new to running a server. Do I A.) need to tell my file where to find static files? or perhaps the problem is B.) that I have misunderstood this issue - Django is my webserver (for production) so right now I must use the Django static files solution?
Doesn't seem like it ought to be very difficult to get my templates to simply recognize a .js file that's in the same directory as they are. Am I missing something?
Edit, before I get more downvotes: I am talking about this passage from the page linked above:
Django developers mostly concern themselves with the dynamic parts of web applications – the views and templates that render anew for each request. But web applications have other parts: the static files (images, CSS, Javascript, etc.) that are needed to render a complete web page.
For small projects, this isn’t a big deal, because you can just keep the static files somewhere your web server can find it. However, in bigger projects – especially those comprised of multiple apps – dealing with the multiple sets of static files provided by each application starts to get tricky.
That’s what django.contrib.staticfiles is for: it collects static files from each of your applications (and any other places you specify) into a single location that can easily be served in production.
Emphasis added
So if that's what django.contrib.staticfiles is for, what's the simpler solution? I dispute that this is a repeat of prior questions.
You need to read that documentation more closely. That warning is for production. In development, you do use that static-serving method, ie putting it in your And, that documentation will also show that the templates directory is not the right place to put them: a separate static or media directory is.
Edit after comment I really don't understand your comment. Either you do it in development via the static serving view, or you use your production server. But you say you don't have a production server. When you get one, whether it's Apache or Nginx or whatever, you put your static files in a directory and tell that server to serve files from there. That is the simple solution. The staticfiles app, exactly as in the docs you quoted, are for when you've got lots of files in different apps (and it simplifies the move from development to production, not complicates it as you seem to think).
Suppose your app is www. -> STATIC_ROOT = 'static/'
make dir www/static
make file www/static/some.html
in browser localhost:8000/static/some.html
That's all.

How to relocate the django admin site below root?

The contrib admin site of Django is a perfect starting point for simple in-house applications that lots of people use.
I've done a bit of searching and seen the discussions of media and tools for working with and merging static media for the admin site. But it is still pretty fragmented and opaque.
Assume I have a site "mysite" with an application "myapp" that is derived from the admin app.
I would really appreciate an example of relocating mysite and myapp, including the admin app, onto a web server where it is not at the root url.
I think this use case would flush out a lot of the issues and confusion that I see people have.
I think what you want to do is use the FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME = '/path/not/at/root/of/domain' option in your file. No trailing /.
I hope I'm understanding your question right and I hope this helps solve it.
Edit: oops gave link to old docs...updated with new docs version
Edit2: Here is another link describing this here at djangoproject again.

My Apache (mod_wsgi) Django app only lists the files instead of the actually running website/application

My Apache (mod_wsgi) Django app only lists the files of my website/project instead of the actual running website/application. My guess is that it's mod_wsgi that is the culprit but I'm not really sure. What are some of the causes of this?
Don't put your Django site code in a directory Apache can serve up. Right now if I knew the actual site host name, I could get down your Django settings file and get access to your database password information.
Anyway, ensure you have gone and set up a basic WSGI hello world program before you attempt to get Django working under mod_wsgi. In doing this, ensure you use the official mod_wsgi documentation and not some arbitrary persons blog post. As such, go read:
Also go watch the video presentation at:
as it steps you through basic configuration as well as what to do for Django. It covers all the basic things that people do wrong.
If you still can't get it to work, then heed the comments in:
about useful information you should supply to any forum to help people solve your problem.

How do you Require Login for Media Files in Django

I'm serving "sensitive" information in downloadable PDF's and Spreadsheets within a user registration section of a site.
Is there a way to allow the django authentication to secure this media without serving it (and not have to manually login using basic auth)?
I'm guessing theres (fingers crossed) not a way to do it with the psuedo code below, but it helps better illustrate the end goal.
(r'^protected_media/(?P<filename>.*)$', 'protected_media')
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
def protected_media(request, filename):
# #login_required bounces you out to the login url
# if logged in, serve "filename" from Apache
It seems to me that the method you outlined in your code should work. It's really no different than any other protected resource: your views can serve files from disks, records from databases, rendered templates or anything. Just as the login_required decorator prevents unauthorized access to other views, it will prevent such access to your view serving protected media.
Am I missing something from your question here? Please clarify if that's the case.
EDIT: With regard to the django doc link in your comment: that's the method for simply serving any request file from a particular directory. So, in that example URLS like /site_media/foo.jpg, /site_media/somefolder/bar.jpg will automatically look for files foo.jpg and somefolder/bar.jpg under document_root. Basically, every thing under document_root will be publicly available. That's obviously insecure. So you avoid that with your method.
It's also considered inefficient because django is just adding a lot of unnecessary overhead when all you need is something like Apache to take a URL request and map it to a file on the hard drive. (You don't need django sessions, request processing, etc.)
In your case, this may not be such a big concern. First, you've secured the view. Second, it depends on your usage patterns. How many requests do you anticipate for these files? You're only using django for authentication -- does that justify other overhead? If not, you can look into serving those files with Apache and using an authentication provider. For more on this, see the mod_wsgi documentation:
see the section "Apache Authentication Provider" and search for django
There are similar mechanisms available under mod_python I believe. (Update: just noticed the other answer. Please see Andre's answer for the mod_python method.)
EDIT 2: With regard to the code for serving a file, please see this snippet:
The send_file method uses a FileWrapper which is good for sending large static files back (it doesn't read the entire file into memory). You would need to change the content_type depending on the type of file you're sending (pdf, jpg, etc).
Read this Django ticket for more info. Start at the bottom to save yourself some time. Looks like it just missed getting into Django 1.2, and I assume also isn't in 1.3.
For Nginx, I found this Django snippet that takes advantage of the X-Accel-Redirect header, but haven't tried it yet.
If I understand your question correctly you want to restrict access to files that are not being served by Django, for example, with an Apache server?
What you would then require is some way for this Apache server to use Django as an authentication source.
This django snippet describes such a method. It creates an access handler in Django which is used by Apache when a request for a static file comes in that needs to be protected:
<Location "/protected/location">
PythonPath "['/path/to/proj/'] + sys.path"
PythonOption DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE myproj.settings
PythonOption DjangoPermissionName '<permission.codename>'
PythonAccessHandler my_proj.modpython #this should point to accesshandler
SetHandler None
Hope this helps, the snippet was posted a while ago, so things might have changed between Django versions :)
More efficient serving of static files through Django is being looked at currently as part of Google SOC project. For WSGI this will use wsgi.file_wrapper extensions for WSGI if available, as it is for mod_wsgi, and req.sendfile() if using mod_python. It will also support returning of headers such as 'Location', 'X-Accel-Redirect' and others, which different web hosting mechanisms and proxy front ends accept as a means of serving up static files where location is defined by a backend web application, which isn't as effecient as front end for serving static files.
I am not sure if there is a project page for this in Django wiki somewhere or not, but the code changes are being committed into the branches/soc2009/http-wsgi-improvements branch of Django source code repository.
You needn't strictly wait for that stuff. It is just putting a clean and portable interface in place across the different mechanisms. If using nginx as front end in front of Apache/mod_wsgi, you could use X-Accel-Redirect now. If using Apache/mod_wsgi 3.0 and daemon mode, you could use Location now, but do need to ensure you set up Apache correct. Alternatively, you could implement your own WSGI middleware wrapper around the Django application which looks for some response header of your own to indicate file to be returned and which uses wsgi.file_wrapper to return that instead of actual response returned from Django.
BTW, the authentication hook mechanisms listed for both mod_python and mod_wsgi by others would use HTTP basic authentication, which isn't what you wanted. This is presuming you want files to be protected by Django form based login mechanism using cookies and backend sessions.