How to prevent a Linux program from running more than once? - c++

What is the best way to prevent a Linux program/daemon from being executed more than once at a given time?

The most common way is to create a PID file: define a location where the file will go (inside /var/run is common). On successful startup, you'll write your PID to this file. When deciding whether to start up, read the file and check to make sure that the referenced process doesn't exist (or if it does, that it's not an instance of your daemon: on Linux, you can look at /proc/$PID/exe). On shutdown, you may remove the file but it's not strictly necessary.
There are scripts to help you do this, you may find start-stop-daemon to be useful: it can use PID files or even just check globally for the existence of an executable. It's designed precisely for this task and was written to help people get it right.

Use the boost interprocess library to create a memory block that will be created by the process. If it already exists, it means that there is another instance of the process. Exit.
The more precise link to what you need would be this one.
#include <boost/interprocess/shared_memory_object.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
int main()
using boost::interprocess;
boost::scoped_ptr<shared_memory_object> createSharedMemoryOrDie;
new shared_memory_object(create_only, "shared_memory", read_write));
} catch(...)
// executable is already running
return 1;
// do your thing here

If you have access to the code (i.e. are writing it):
create a temporary file, lock it, remove when done, return 1; if file exists, or,
list processes, return 1; if the process name is in the list
If you don't:
create a launcher wrapper to the program that does one of the above

I do not know what your exact requirement is but I had a similar requirement; in that case I started my daemon from a Shell script ( it was a HP-UX machine) and before starting the daemon I checked if an exec by same name is already running. If it is; then don't start a new one.
By this way I was also able control the number of instances of a process.

I think this scheme should work (and is also robust against crashes):
Precondition: There is a PID file for your application (typically in /var/run/)
1. Try to open the PID file
2. If it does not exist, create it and write your PID to it. Continue with the rest of the program
3. If it exist, read the PID
4. If the PID is still running and is an instance of your program, then exit
5. If the PID does not exist or is used by another program, remove the PID file and go to step 2.
6. At program termination, remove the PID file.
The loop in step 5 ensures that, if two instances are started at the same time, only one will be running in the end.

Have a pid file and on the startup do a 'kill -0 <pid>'. Where is the value read from file. If the response is != 0 then the daemon is not alive and you might restart it
Another approach would be to bind to a port and handle the bind exception on the second attempt to start the daemon. If the port is in use then exit otherwise continue running the daemon.

I believe my solution is the simplest:
(don't use it if racing condition is a possible scenario, but on any other case this is a simple and satisfying solution)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sstream>
void main()
// get this process pid
pid_t pid = getpid();
// compose a bash command that:
// check if another process with the same name as yours
// but with different pid is running
std::stringstream command;
command << "ps -eo pid,comm | grep <process name> | grep -v " << pid;
int isRuning = system(command.str().c_str());
if (isRuning == 0) {
cout << "Another process already running. exiting." << endl;
return 1;
return 0;


GDB/DDD: Debug shared library with multi-process application C/C++

I am trying to debug a server application but I am running into some difficulties breaking where I need to. The application is broken up into two parts:
A server application, which spawns worker processes (not threads) to handle incoming requests. The server basically spawns off processes which will process incoming requests first-come first-served.
The server also loads plugins in the form of shared libraries. The shared library defines most of the services the server is able to process, so most of the actual processing is done here.
As an added nugget of joy, the worker processes "respawn" (i.e. exit and a new worker process is spawned) so the PIDs of the children change periodically. -_-'
Basically I need to debug a service that's called within the shared library but I don't know which process to attach to ahead of time since they grab requests ad-hoc. Attaching to the main process and setting a breakpoint hasn't seemed to work so far.
Is there a way to debug this shared library code without having to attach to a process in advance? Basically I'd want to debug the first process that called the function in question.
For the time being I'll probably try limiting the number of worker processes to 1 with no respawn, but it'd be good to know how to handle a scenario like this in the future, especially if I'd like to make sure it still works in the "release" configuration.
I'm running on a Linux platform attempting to debug this with DDD and GDB.
Edit: To help illustrate what I'm trying to accomplish, let me provide a brief proof on concept.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;
int important_function( const int child_id )
cout << "IMPORTANT(" << child_id << ")" << endl;
void child_task( const int child_id )
const int delay = 10 - child_id;
cout << "Child " << child_id << " started. Waiting " << delay << " seconds..." << endl;
int main( void )
const int children = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) cout << "Fork " << i << "failed." << endl;
else if (pid == 0) child_task(i);
return 0;
This program will fork off 10 processes which will all sleep 10 - id seconds before calling important_function, the function in which I want to debug in the first calling child process (which should, here, be the last one I fork).
Setting the follow-fork-mode to child will let me follow through to the first child forked, which is not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for the first child that calls the important function.
Setting detach-on-fork off doesn't help, because it halts the parent process until the child process forked exits before continuing to fork the other processes (one at a time, after the last has exited).
In the real scenario, it is also important that I be able to attach on to an already running server application who's already spawned threads, and halt on the first of those that call the function.
I'm not sure if any of this is possible since I've not seen much documentation on it. Basically I want to debug the first application to call this line of code, no matter what process it's coming from. (While it's only my application processes that'll call the code, it seems like my problem may be more general: attaching to the first process that calls the code, no matter what its origin).
You can set a breakpoint at fork(), and then issue "continue" commands until the main process's next step is to spawn the child process you want to debug. At that point, set a breakpoint at the function you want to debug, and then issue a "set follow-fork-mode child" command to gdb. When you continue, gdb should hook you into the child process at the function where the breakpoint is.
If you issue the command "set detach-on-fork off", gdb will continue debugging the child processes. The process that hits the breakpoint in the library should halt when it reaches that breakpoint. The problem is that when detach-on-fork is off, gdb halts all the child processes that are forked when they start. I don't know of a way to tell it to keep executing these processes after forking.
A solution to this I believe would be to write a gdb script to switch to each process and issue a continue command. The process that hits the function with the breakpoint should stop.
A colleague offered another solution to the problem of getting each child to continue. You can leave "detach-on-fork" on, insert a print statement in each child process's entry point that prints out its process id, and then give it a statement telling it to wait for the change in a variable, like so:
volatile int foo = 1;
printf("execute \"gdb -p %u\" in a new terminal\n", (unsigned)getpid());
printf("once GDB is loaded, give it the following commands:\n");
printf(" set variable foo = 0\n");
printf(" c\n");
while (foo == 1) __asm__ __volatile__ ("":::"memory");
Then, start up gdb, start the main process, and pipe the output to a file. With a bash script, you can read in the process IDs of the children, start up multiple instances of gdb, attach each instance to one of the different child processes, and signal each to continue by clearing the variable "foo".

pidof from a background script for another background process

I wrote a c++ program to check if a process is running or not . this process is independently launched at background . my program works fine when I run it on foreground but when I time schedule it, it do not work .
int PID= ReadCommanOutput("pidof /root/test/testProg1"); /// also tested with pidof -m
I made a script in /etc/cron.d/myscript to time schedule it as follows :-
45 15 * * * root /root/ProgramMonitor/./testBkg > /root/ProgramMonitor/OutPut.txt
what could be the reason for this ?
string ReadCommanOutput(string command)
string output="";
int its=system((command+" > /root/ProgramMonitor/macinfo.txt").c_str());
ifstream reader1("/root/ProgramMonitor/macinfo.txt",fstream::in);
string line;
if( for last read
stringstream ss(line.c_str());
cout<<command<<" output = ["<<output<<"]"<<endl;
cout<<"/root/ProgramMonitor/macinfo.txt not found !"<<endl;
cout<<"ERROR: code = "<<its<<endl;
return output;
its output coming as "ERROR: code = 256"
thanks in advacee .
If you really wanted to pipe(2), fork(2), execve(2) then read the output of a pidof command, you should at least use popen(3) since ReadCommandOutput is not in the Posix API; at the very least
pid_t thepid = 0;
FILE* fpidof = popen("pidof /root/test/testProg1");
if (fpidof) {
int p=0;
if (fscanf(fpidof, "%d", &p)>0 && p>0)
thepid = (pid_t)p;
BTW, you did not specify what should happen if several processes (or none) are running the testProg1....; you also need to check the result of pclose
But you don't need to; actually you'll want to build, perhaps using snprintf, the pidof command (and you should be scared of code injection into that command, so quote arguments appropriately). You could simply find your command by accessing the proc(5) file system: you would opendir(3) on "/proc/", then loop on readdir(3) and for every entry which has a numerical name like 1234 (starts with a digit) readlink(2) its exe entry like e.g. /proc/1234/exe ...). Don't forget the closedir and test every syscall.
Please read Advanced Linux Programming
Notice that libraries like Poco or toolkits like Qt (which has a layer QCore without any GUI, and providing QProcess ....) could be useful to you.
As to why your pidof is failing, we can't guess (perhaps a permission issue, or perhaps there is no more any process like you want). Try to run it as root in another terminal at least. Test its exit code, and display both its stdout & stderr at least for debugging purposes.
Also, a better way (assuming that testProg1 is some kind of a server application, to be run in at most one single process) might be to define different conventions. Your testProg1 might start by writing its own pid into /var/run/ and your current application might then read the pid from that file and check, with kill(2) and a 0 signal number, that the process is still existing.
BTW, you could also improve your crontab(5) entry. You could make it run some shell script which uses logger(1) and (for debugging) runs pidof with its output redirected elsewhere. You might also read the mail perhaps sent to root by cron.
Finally I solved this problem by using su command
I have used
ReadCommanOutput("su -c 'pidof /root/test/testProg1' - root");
ReadCommanOutput("pidof /root/test/testProg1");

using exec to execute a system command in a new process

I am trying to spawn a process that executes a system command, while my own program still proceeds and two processes will run in parallel. I am working on linux.
I looked up online and sounds like I should use exec() family. But it doesn't work quite as what I expected. For example, in the following code, I only see "before" being printed, ,but not "done".
I am curious if I am issing anything?
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
cout << "before" << endl;
execl("/bin/ls", "/bin/ls", "-r", "-t", "-l", (char *) 0);
cout << "done" << endl;
Thank you for your guys comments. Now my program looks like this. Everything works fine except at the end, I have to press enter to finish the program. I am not sure why I have to press the last enter?
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
cout << "before" << endl;
int pid = fork();
cout << pid << endl;
if (pid==0) {
execl("/bin/ls", "ls", "-r", "-t", "-l", (char *) 0);
cout << "done" << endl;
You're missing a call to fork. All exec does is replace the current process image with that of the new program. Use fork to spawn a copy of your current process. Its return value will tell you whether it's the child or the original parent that's running. If it's the child, call exec.
Once you've made that change, it only appears that you need to press Enter for the programs to finish. What's actually happening is this: The parent process forks and executes the child process. Both processes run, and both processes print to stdout at the same time. Their output is garbled. The parent process has less to do than the child, so it terminates first. When it terminates, your shell, which was waiting for it, wakes and prints the usual prompt. Meanwhile, the child process is still running. It prints more file entries. Finally, it terminates. The shell isn't paying attention to the child process (its grandchild), so the shell has no reason to re-print the prompt. Look more carefully at the output you get, and you should be able to find your usual command prompt buried in the ls output above.
The cursor appears to be waiting for you to press a key. When you do, the shell prints a prompt, and all looks normal. But as far as the shell was concerned, all was already normal. You could have typed another command before. It would have looked a little strange, but the shell would have executed it normally because it only receives input from the keyboard, not from the child process printing additional characters to the screen.
If you use a program like top in a separate console window, you can watch and confirm that both programs have already finished running before you have to press Enter.
The Exec family of functions replaces the current process with the new executable.
To do what you need, use one of the fork() functions and have the child process exec the new image.
[response to update]
It is doing exactly what you told it: You don't have to press "enter" to finish the program: It has already exited. The shell has already given a prompt:
[wally#zenetfedora ~]$ ./z
[wally#zenetfedora ~]$ 0 << here is the prompt (as well as the pid)
total 5102364
drwxr-xr-x. 2 wally wally 4096 2011-01-31 16:22 Templates
The output from ls takes awhile so it buries the prompt. If you want output to appear in a more logical order, add sleep(1) (or maybe longer) before the "done".
You're missing the part where execl() replaces your current program in memory with /bin/ls
I would suggest looking at popen() which will fork and exec a new process, then let you read or write to it via a pipe. (Or if you need read and write, fork() yourself, then exec())

started from command line?

I have a simple C/CPP process running on a linux system. This is a.out.
Another process is capable to start a.out inside its code. This is b.out.
What code do I need inside a.out to understand that it is executed from the command line?
Eg ./a.out
Is there a way a process to know if it started from the cmd or started from another process?
You can't find out in general whether a program was started "from the command line" (by a user's explicit command), but you can find out whether its standard input and output are talking to a terminal/command window:
#include <unistd.h>
and stdout return whether standard input/standard output are terminals.
If you need to know what process starting your program, use the getppid system call to get the parent's process ID (ppid), then read the pseudo-file /proc/ppid/cmdline.
You can check its parent task ID, using getppid()
You can do multiple things, but none will be 100% reliable:
isatty(0) to check whether standard input is a TTY terminal,
check for the parent task ID (getppid()), then lookup the parent's PID to match it against its executable's path (using whatever you want. a call to ps and some parsing could do, or have fun using /proc/)
you could also just have a look at the environment variables set up. do a printout of all the values contained in the env. To do that, either use the extern environ variable:
extern char **environ;
or modify your main() prototype to be:
int main(int ac, char **av, char **environ)
I would set an environment variable, in the parent process, to some value (say the parent pid), and have the child process check for it.
It is unlikely that a shell user would set this variable (call it something unlikely to name-clash), so if this variable is set to the expected value, then you know that it is being started from the parent process.
You can check whether its standard input is a terminal:
if(isatty(0)) { ... }
In short: you can't doing it directly.
In long: look you can check the getppid() value and compare it with the bash PID orb.out PID
TO search for a process inside the process table with Known PID with C you can do this:
1) get the PPID of a.out and search with this value in /porc and then if you find the folder check the cmdline file and check if this process is b.out or shell process.
2) you can deal with sysctl system call and dealing with kernel param's(you can google it)
pid_t ppid = getppid();
system("pidof bash >");
the system will get the pid of any shell process and write the result to file
it contains all bash PID's space separated you can compare this values with getppid() value.
Good Luck.

Do other tasks while a system() command is being executed

I have this c++ program that is doing a simple ping on a specified ip address. I am not into networking so i'm just using the system() command in c++ to execute the ping from a shell and store the results in a file, that's easy.
The problem is that i want some dots to be printed on the screen while the system() command is being executed. i tried with:
//execute the task here
but no success. I think that i should create threads or something.
Can you help me ? What exactly i am supposed to do in order to get this done as i want to ?
The problem with system is that it suspends execution until completion. On unix systems you will need to use a sequence of fork, execv, dup2 and pipe. This will allow you to do something more useful. See for an example.
You need to create a forked process using fork, like this, and using popen to read the input from the output of the command ping and process it accordingly. There is an interesting guide by Beej on understanding the IPC mechanisms which is included in the code sample below...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
int main(void)
pid_t pid;
int rv;
FILE *ping;
char buf[2000];
switch(pid = fork()) {
case -1:
perror("fork"); /* something went wrong */
exit(1); /* parent exits */
case 0:
// We're the child
ping = popen("ping", "r");
if (ping != NULL){
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), ping);
rv = 0;
perror("popen failed");
rv = -1;
// We're the parent...
// Now process the buffer
return 0;
Hope this helps,
Best regards,
Edit On consideration, I believe that popen is the way to go with or without output from cmd.
You are probably looking for something in the wait (2) family of commands plus a fork and exec.
From the manual page
The wait() function suspends execution of its calling process until
stat_loc information is available for a terminated child process, or a
signal is received. On return from a successful wait() call, the
stat_loc area contains termination information about the process that
exited as defined below.
Or if cmd returns some progress information you want popen (3) which is discussed in a number of existing SO questions; for instance How can I run an external program from C and parse its output?.
If you are on a unix system, you can start a command with an & to indicate that it runs in the background like this: myscript &
This will start a new process separate from the current program. You need to pick up the process number (hopefully from system, my c posix api knowledge is rusty) and then check up on it probably with a call to something like wait or waitpid with non-blocking turned on.
This is complicated for a beginner -- I'll let someone else post details if still interested.