Is concurrently overwriting a variable with the same value safe? - c++

I have the following situation (caused by a defect in the code):
There's a shared variable of primitive type (let it be int) that is initialized during program startup from strictly one thread to value N (let it be 0). Then (strictly after the variable is initialized) during the program runtime various threads are started and they in some random order either read that variable or overwrite it with the very same value N (0 in this example). There's no synchronization around accessing the variable.
Can this situation cause unexpected behavior in the program?

It's incredibly unlikely but not impossible according to the standard.
There's nothing stating what the underlying representation of an integer is, not does the standard specify how the values are loaded.
I can envisage, however weird, an implementation where the underlying bit pattern for 0 is 10101010 and the architecture only supports loading data into memory by bit-shifting it over eight cycles but reading it as a single unit in one cycle.
If another thread reads the value while the bit pattern is being shifted in (e.g., 00000001, 00000010,00000101 and so on), you will have a problem.
The chances of anyone designing such a bizarre architecture is so close to zero as to be negligible. But, unfortunately, it's not zero. All I'm trying to get across is that you shouldn't rely on assumptions at all when it comes to standards compliance.
And please, before you vote me down, feel free to quote the part of the standard that states this is not possible :-)

Since C++ does not currently have a standard concurrency model, it would depend entirely on your threading implementation and whatever guarantees it gives. It is all but certainly unsafe in the general case, however, because of the potential for torn reads. There might be specific cases where it would "work" or at least "appear to work."
In C++0x (which does have a standard concurrency model), your scenario would formally result in undefined behavior. There is a long, detailed, hard-to-read specification of the concurrency model in the C++0x Final Committee Draft §1.10, but it basically boils down to this:
Two expression evaluations conflict if one of them modifies a memory location and the other one accesses or modifies the same memory location (§1.10/3).
The execution of a program contains a data race if it contains two conflicting actions in different threads, at least one of which is not atomic, and neither happens before the other. Any such data race results in undefined behavior (§1.10/14).
Your expression evaluations clearly conflict because they modify and read the same memory location, and since the object is not atomic and access is not synchronized using a lock, you have undefined behavior.

No. Of course, you could end up with a data race if one of the threads later tries to change the value. You will also end up with a little cache contention, but I doubt this will have noticable effect.

You can not really rely on it. For primitive types you should be fine, and if the operation is atomic (eg a correctly aligned int on most platforms) then writing and reading different values is safe (note by this I mean like "x = 5;", not "x += 5;" which is never atomic and is not thread safe).
For non-primitive types even if its the same value all bets are off since there may be a copy constructor that does something un-safe (like allocating memory).

Yes it is possible for unexpected behavior to happen in this scenario. Consider the case where the initial value of the variable was not 0. It is possible for one thread to start the set to 0 and another thread see the variable with only some of the bytes set.
For types int this is very unlikely as most processor's will have atomic assignment of word sized values. However once you hit 8 bit numeric values (long on some platforms) or large structs, this begins to be an issue.

If no other thread (and this includes the main thread) can change the value of the 0 to anything else (lets say 1) while those threads are initializing then it you will not have problems. But if any other thread had the potential to change the value during the start-up phase you could have a problem. You are playing a dangerous game and I would recommend locking before reading the value.


Race Condition with writing same value in C++?

Is there any issue with having a race condition in your code when the operation is writing a single constant value? For example if there is a parallel loop that populated a seen array for every value that is in another array arr (assuming no issues with out of bounds indices). the critical section could be the below code:
//parallel body with index i
int val = arr[i];
seen[val] = true;
Since the only value being written is true does that make the need for a mutex not necessary, and possibly detrimental to performance? Even if threads stomp on each other they would just be filling in the address with the same value, correct?
The C++ memory model does not give you a free pass for writing the same value.
If two threads are writing to a non-atomic object without synchronization, that is simply a race condition. And a race condition means your program executes undefined behavior. And undefined behaviour occuring anywhere in your program's execution means that the behavior of your program, both before and after the point of undefined behavior, is not restricted by the C++ standard in any way.
A given compiler is free to provide a more free memory model. I'm unaware of any that do.
One thing you must understand is that C++ is not an assembler macro language. It doesn't have to produce the naive assembler you imagine in your head. C++ instead tries to make it easy for your compiler to produce assembler, which is a very different thing.
Compilers can and do determine "if X happens, we get undefined behavior; so I'll optimize around the fact that X does not happen" when generating code. In this case here, the compiler can prove that program with defined behavior could ever have the same val in two different unsynchrnoized threads.
All of this can happen long before any assembly is generated.
And at the assembly level, some hardware might do funny things with unaligned assignment to multi-byte values. Some hardware could (in theory; I'm unaware of any in practice) raise traps when instructions that claim to be single-thread writes occur in two different cores on the same bytes.
So this is UB in C++. And once you have UB, you have to audit the assembly code produced by your program in everywhere the compiler who touches this can see. If you do LTO, that means in your entire program, at least everywhere that calls or interacts with your code that does UB, to an unclear distance.
Just write defined behavior. And only if this turns out to be a mission critical performance bottleneck should you spend more effort on optimizing it (first faster defined behavior, and only if that fails do you even consider UB).
There may be an architecture-dependent constraint requiring your seen array elements to be separated by a certain amount to prevent competing threads from destroying values that collided in the same machine word (or cache row, even).
That is, if seen is defined as bool seen[N]; then seen is N bytes long and each element is directly adjacent to its neighbor. If one thread changes element 0 and another thread changes element 2, both of these changes occur in the same 64-bit machine-word. If these two changes are made concurrently by different cores (or even on different CPUs of a multi-cpu system), they will attempt to resolve the collision as an entire 64-bit machine word (or larger in some cases). The result of this will be that one of the trues that was written will be turned back to its previous state (probably false) by the winning thread's update to a neighboring element.
If instead, you define seen as an array of structs, each of which is as large as a cache row, then you may have competing threads mash a bool value within that struct... but this is risky because not all CPUs will share the same cache collision validation strategies, row-sizes, and the likes... and inevitably, there will be a CPU that it will fail on.

In C11/C++11, possible to mix atomic/non-atomic ops on the same memory?

Is it possible to perform atomic and non-atomic ops on the same memory location?
I ask not because I actually want to do this, but because I'm trying to understand the C11/C++11 memory model. They define a "data race" like so:
The execution of a program contains a data race if it contains two
conflicting actions in different threads, at least one of which is not
atomic, and neither happens before the other. Any such data race
results in undefined behavior.
-- C11 § p25, C++11 § 1.10 p21
Its the "at least one of which is not atomic" part that is troubling me. If it weren't possible to mix atomic and non-atomic ops, it would just say "on an object which is not atomic."
I can't see any straightforward way of performing non-atomic operations on atomic variables. std::atomic<T> in C++ doesn't define any operations with non-atomic semantics. In C, all direct reads/writes of an atomic variable appear to be translated into atomic operations.
I suppose memcpy() and other direct memory operations might be a way of performing a non-atomic read/write on an atomic variable? ie. memcpy(&atomicvar, othermem, sizeof(atomicvar))? But is this even defined behavior? In C++, std::atomic is not copyable, so would it be defined behavior to memcpy() it in C or C++?
Initialization of an atomic variable (whether through a constructor or atomic_init()) is defined to not be atomic. But this is a one-time operation: you're not allowed to initialize an atomic variable a second time. Placement new or an explicit destructor call could would also not be atomic. But in all of these cases, it doesn't seem like it would be defined behavior anyway to have a concurrent atomic operation that might be operating on an uninitialized value.
Performing atomic operations on non-atomic variables seems totally impossible: neither C nor C++ define any atomic functions that can operate on non-atomic variables.
So what is the story here? Is it really about memcpy(), or initialization/destruction, or something else?
I think you're overlooking another case, the reverse order. Consider an initialized int whose storage is reused to create an std::atomic_int. All atomic operations happen after its ctor finishes, and therefore on initialized memory. But any concurrent, non-atomic access to the now-overwritten int has to be barred as well.
(I'm assuming here that the storage lifetime is sufficient and plays no role)
I'm not entirely sure because I think that the second access to int would be invalid anyway as the type of the accessing expression int doesn't match the object's type at the time (std::atomic<int>). However, "the object's type at the time" assumes a single linear time progression which doesn't hold in a multi-threaded environment. C++11 in general has that solved by making such assumptions about "the global state" Undefined Behavior per se, and the rule from the question appears to fit in that framework.
So perhaps rephrasing: if a single memory location contains an atomic object as well as a non-atomic object, and if the destruction of the earliest created (older) object is not sequenced-before the creation of the other (newer) object, then access to the older object conflicts with access to the newer object unless the former is scheduled-before the latter.
disclaimer: I am not a parallelism guru.
Is it possible to mix atomic/non-atomic ops on the same memory, and if
so, how?
you can write it in the code and compile, but it will probably yield undefined behaviour.
when talking about atomics, it is important to understand what kind o problems do they solve.
As you might know, what we call in shortly "memory" is multi-layered set of entities which are capable to hold memory.
first we have the RAM, then the cache lines , then the registers.
on mono-core processors, we don't have any synchronization problem. on multi-core processors we have all of them. every core has it own set of registers and cache lines.
this casues few problems.
First one of them is memory reordering - the CPU may decide on runtime to scrumble some reading/writing instructions to make the code run faster. this may yield some strange results that are completly invisible on the high-level code that brought this set of instruction. the most classic example of this phenomanon is the "two threads - two integer" example:
int i=0;
int j=0;
thread a -> i=1, then print j
thread b -> j=1 then print i;
logically, the result "00" cannot be. either a ends first, the result may be "01", either b ends first, the result may be "10". if both of them ends in the same time, the result may be "11". yet, if you build small program which imitates this situtation and run it in a loop, very quicly you will see the result "00"
another problem is memory invisibility. like I mentioned before, the variable's value may be cached in one of the cache lines, or be stored in one of the registered. when the CPU updates a variables value - it may delay the writing of the new value back to the RAM. it may keep the value in the cache/regiter because it was told (by the compiler optimizations) that that value will be updated again soon, so in order to make the program faster - update the value again and only then write it back to the RAM. it may cause undefined behaviour if other CPU (and consequently a thread or a process) depends on the new value.
for example, look at this psuedo code:
bool b = true;
while (b) -> print 'a'
new thread -> sleep 4 seconds -> b=false;
the character 'a' may be printed infinitly, because b may be cached and never be updated.
there are many more problems when dealing with paralelism.
atomics solves these kind of issues by (in a nutshell) telling the compiler/CPU how to read and write data to/from the RAM correctly without doing un-wanted scrumbling (read about memory orders). a memory order may force the cpu to write it's values back to the RAM, or read the valuse from the RAM even if they are cached.
So, although you can mix non atomics actions with atomic ones, you only doing part of the job.
for example let's go back to the second example:
atomic bool b = true;
while (reload b) print 'a'
new thread - > b = (non atomicly) false.
so although one thread re-read the value of b from the RAM again and again but the other thread may not write false back to the RAM.
So although you can mix these kind of operations in the code, it will yield underfined behavior.
I'm interested in this topic since I have code in which sometimes I need to access a range of addresses serially, and at other times to access the same addresses in parallel with some way of managing contention.
So not exactly the situation posed by the original question which (I think) implies concurrent, or nearly so, atomic and non atomic operationsin parallel code, but close.
I have managed by some devious casting to persuade my C11 compiler to allow me to access an integer and much more usefully a pointer both atomically and non-atomically ("directly"), having established that both types are officially lock-free on my x86_64 system. That is that the sizes of the atomic and non atomic types are the same.
I definitely would not attempt to mix both types of access to an address in a parallel context, that would be doomed to fail. However I have been successful in using "direct" syntax operations in serial code and "atomic" syntax in parallel code, giving me the best of both worlds of the fastest possible access (and much simpler syntax) in serial, and safely managed contention when in parallel.
So you can do it so long as you don't try to mix both methods in parallel code and you stick to using lock-free types, which probably means up to the size of a pointer.
I'm interested in this topic since I have code in which sometimes I need to access a range of addresses serially, and at other times to access the same addresses in parallel with some way of managing contention.
So not exactly the situation posed by the original question which (I think) implies concurrent, or nearly so, atomic and non atomic operations in parallel code, but close.
I have managed by some devious casting to persuade my C11 compiler to allow me to access an integer and much more usefully a pointer both atomically and non-atomically ("directly"), having established that both types are officially lock-free on my x86_64 system. My, possibly simplistic, interpretation of that is that the sizes of the atomic and non atomic types are the same and that the hardware can update such types in a single operation.
I definitely would not attempt to mix both types of access to an address in a parallel context, i think that would be doomed to fail. However I have been successful in using "direct" syntax operations in serial code and "atomic" syntax in parallel code, giving me the best of both worlds of the fastest possible access (and much simpler syntax) in serial, and safely managed contention when in parallel.
So you can do it so long as you don't try to mix both methods in parallel code and you stick to using lock-free types, which probably means up to the size of a pointer.

When manipulating different array indices in C/C++ with two threads, is synchronization needed?

Suppose I have an array defined as follows:
volatile char v[2];
And I have two threads (denoted by A, B respectively) manipulating array v. If I ensure that A, B use different indices at any time, that is to say, if A is now manipulating v[i], then B is either doing nothing, or manipulating v[1-i]. I wonder is synchronization needed for this situation?
I have referred to this question, however I think it is limited in Java. The reason why I ask this question is that I have been struggling with a strange and rare bug in a large project for days, and up to now, the only reason I could come up with to explain the bug is that synchronization is needed for the above manipulation. (Since the bug is very rare, it is hard for me to prove whether my conjecture is true)
Edit: both reading and modifying are possible for v.
As far as the C++11 and C11 standards are concerned, your code is safe. C++11 §1.7 [intro.memory]/p2, irrelevant note omitted:
A memory location is either an object of scalar type or a maximal
sequence of adjacent bit-fields all having non-zero width. Two or more
threads of execution (1.10) can update and access separate memory
locations without interfering with each other.
char is a integral type, which means it's an arithmetic type, which means that volatile char is a scalar type, so v[0] and v[1] are separate memory locations.
C11 has a similar definition in §3.14.
Before C++11 and C11, the language itself has no concept of threads, so you are left to the mercy of the particular implementation you are using.
It might be a compiler bug or a hardware limitation.
Sometimes, when a less than 32-bit/64-bit variable is accesses from memory, the processor will read 32 bits, set the apprpriate 8 or 16 bits, then write back the whole register. That means it will read/write the adjacent memory as well, leading to a data race.
Solutions are
use byte-access instructions. They may not be available for your processor or your compiler does not know to use them.
pad your elements to avoid this kind of sharing. The compiler should do it automatically if your target platform does not support byte access. But in an array, this conflicts with the memory layout reqiurements.
synchronize the whole structure
C++03/C++11 debate
In classic C++ it's up to you to avoid/mitigate this kind of behaviour. In C++11 this violates memry model requitements, as stated in other answers.
You need to handle synchronization only if you are accessing the same memory and modifying it. If you are only reading then also you don't need to take care about the synchronization.
As you are saying Each thread will access different indices then you don't require synchronization here. but you need to make sure that the two thread should not modify the same indice at the same time.

C++ memory_order_consume, kill_dependency, dependency-ordered-before, synchronizes-with

I am reading C++ Concurrency in Action by Anthony Williams. Currently I at point where he desribes memory_order_consume.
After that block there is:
Now that I’ve covered the basics of the memory orderings, it’s time to look at the
more complex parts
It scares me a little bit, because I don't fully understand several things:
How dependency-ordered-before differs from synchronizes-with? They both create happens-before relationship. What is exact difference?
I am confused about following example:
int global_data[]={ … };
std::atomic<int> index;
void f()
int i=index.load(std::memory_order_consume);
What does kill_dependency exactly do? Which dependency it kills? Between which entities? And how compiler can exploit that knowladge?
Can all occurancies of memory_order_consume be safely replaced with memory_order_acquire? I.e. is it stricter in all senses?
At Listing 5.9, can I safely replace
std::atomic<int> data[5]; // all accesses are relaxed
int data[5]
? I.e. can acquire and release be used to synchronize access to non-atomic data?
He describes relaxed, acquire and release by some examples with mans in cubicles. Are there some similar simple descriptions of seq_cst and consume?
As to the next to last question, the answer takes a little more explanation. There are three things that can go wrong when multiple threads access the same data:
the system might switch threads in the middle of a read or write, producing a result that's half one value and half another.
the compiler might move code around, on the assumption that there is no other thread looking at the data that's involved.
the processor may be keeping a value in its local cache, without updating main memory after changing the value or re-reading it after another thread changed the value in main memory.
Memory order addresses only number 3. The atomic functions address 1 and 2, and, depending on the memory order argument, maybe 3 as well. So memory_order_relaxed means "don't bother with number 3. The code still handles 1 and 2. In that case, you'd use acquire and release to ensure proper memory ordering.
How dependency-ordered-before differs from synchronizes-with?
From 1.10/10: "[ Note: The relation “is dependency-ordered before” is analogous to “synchronizes with”, but uses release/consume in place of release/acquire. — end note ]".
What does kill_dependency exactly do?
Some compilers do data-dependency analysis. That is, they trace changes to values in variables in order to better figure out what has to be synchronized. kill_dependency tells such compilers not to trace any further because there's something going on in the code that the compiler wouldn't understand.
Can all occurancies of memory_order_consume be safely replaced with
memory_order_acquire? I.e. is it stricter in all senses?
I think so, but I'm not certain.
memory_order_consume requires that the atomic operation happens-before all non-atomic operations that are data dependent on it. A data dependency is any dependency where you cannot evaluate an expression without using that data. For example, in x->y, there is no way to evaluate x->y without first evaluating x.
kill_dependency is a unique function. All other functions have a data dependency on their arguments. Kill_dependency explicitly does not. It shows up when you know that the data itself is already synchronized, but the expression you need to get to the data may not be synchronized. In your example, do_something_with is allowed to assume any cached value of globalldata[i] is safe to use, but i itself must actually be the correct atomic value.
memory_order_acquire is strictly stronger if all changes to the data are properly released with a matching memory_order_release.

Combining stores/loads of consecutive atomic variables

Referring to a (slightly dated) paper by Hans Boehm, under "Atomic Operations". It mentions that the memory model (proposed at the time) would not prevent an optimizing compiler from combining a sequence of loads, or stores, on the same variable from being combined into a single load. His example is as follows (updated to hopefully correct current syntax):
atomic<int> v;
The code
while( v.load( memory_order_acquire ) ) { ... }
Could be optimized to:
int a = v.load(memory_order_acquire);
while(a) { ... }
Obviously this would be bad, as he states. Now my question is, as the paper is a bit old, does the current C++0x memory model prevent this type of optimization, or is it still technically allowed?
My reading of the standard would seem to lean towards it being disallowed, but the use "acquire" semantics makes it less clear. For example if it were "seq_cst" the model seems to guarantee that the load must partake in a total ordering on the access and loading the value only once would thus seem to violate ordering (as it breaks the sequence happens before relationship).
For acquire I interpret 29.3.2 to mean that this optimization can not occur, since any "release" operation must be observed by the "acquire" operation. Doing only one acquire would seem not valid.
So my question is whether the current model (in the pending standard) would disallow this type of optimization? And if yes, then which part specifically forbids it? If no, does using a volatile atomic solve the problem?
And for bonus, if the load operation has a "relaxed" ordering is the optimization then allowed?
The C++0x standard attempts to outlaw this optimization.
The relevant words are from 29.3p13:
Implementations should make atomic stores visible to atomic loads within a reasonable amount of time.
If the thread that is doing the load only ever issues one load instruction then this is violated, as if it misses the write the first time, it will never see it. It doesn't matter which memory ordering is used for the load, it is the same for both memory_order_seq_cst and memory_order_relaxed.
However, the following optimization is allowed, unless there is something in the loop that forces an ordering:
while( v.load( memory_order_acquire ) ) {
for(unsigned __temp=0;__temp<100;++__temp) {
// original loop body goes here
i.e. the compiler can generate code that executes the actual loads arbitrarily infrequently, provided it still executes them. This is even permitted for memory_order_seq_cst unless there are other memory_order_seq_cst operations in the loop, since this is equivalent to running 100 iterations between any memory accesses by other threads.
As an aside, the use of memory_order_acquire doesn't have the effect you describe --- it is not required to see release operations (other than by 29.3p13 quoted above), just that if it does see the release operation then it imposes visibility constraints on other accesses.
Right from the very paper you're linking:
Volatiles guarantee that the right number of memory operations are
The standard says essentially the same:
Access to volatile objects are evaluated strictly according to the
rules of the abstract machine.
This has always been the case, since the very first C compiler by Dennis Ritchie I think. It has to be this way because memory mapped I/O registers won't work otherwise. To read two characters from your keyboard, you need to read the corresponding memory mapped register twice. If the compiler had a different idea about the number of reads it has to perform, that would be too bad!