Why do the characters ÌÌÌÌ get stuck onto the begining of my strings? - c++

I have been developing some computer vision tools with openCV, but every time that I pass a string into an openCV function, the characters ÌÌÌÌ get tagged onto the beginning. At first this was just annoying, but now I am trying to use openCV's fileStorage tools and the ÌÌÌÌ characters are making my file names unreadable.
Note: the characters only get added when I pass strings into the new c++ style openCV functions. If I use the old C style functions the strings come out fine.
I enter this:
namedWindow("CBImage", 1);
imshow("CBImage", Frame);
But the window title reads ÌÌÌÌCBImage
I don't think that the problem is necessarily specific to openCV; I think it has to do with string use in general. check this link out the coder seems to be experiencing a similar problem.
any thoughts?
Thank you all for your help. KennyTM's origional suggestion did fix the problem. I had to replace my cv cvaux cvcore and highgui libraries with the debug versions (they may have to be built depending on which version of openCV you are running check your lib folder in your openCV directory).

Given that ÌÌÌÌ = 0xCCCCCCCC, it seems the library does not expect a 4-byte member before the string member, e.g.
// Provided.
struct something {
void* some_pointer; // uninitialized variables are filled with 0xCC in debug mode.
char the_actual_content[1234];
// But the library wants
struct something {
char the_actual_content[1234]; // now the 0xCCCCCCC is shifted into this string.
Have you tried the advice in the link?
Don't mix debug and release configurations If you're in debug mode, link to the libraries with the "-d" suffix.

Something is reading memory that hasn't been initialized. See the following answer for details of what debug builds of MSVC might set uninitialized or unusable memory to:
When and why will an OS initialise memory to 0xCD, 0xDD, etc. on malloc/free/new/delete?

You may be passing the address of a std::string to a function that expects a reference (not pointer) to a std::string and also has a version that accepts void*.


Windows DLL initialise array of constant c strings with file

I am currently working on a project for which I have written a DLL as an interface between a Windows driver and MATLAB. All of this is working very well, but one thing up until recently it has been lacking is documentation for certain functionality - essentially it allows command strings to be sent to an FPGA, and all of these commands need documenting.
This could be done using a PDF etc. but I wanted also a way to integrate it the documentation into the DLL itself - so functions like 'lookup command' etc. can be used. At any rate I went ahead and implemented this in a way which I am mostly satisfied.
Essentially I have a structure (see below) to which a pointer can be returned from functions so that the documentation can be accessed. The caller provides the address of a pointer to one of these which is then updated with the address of an entry in a constant global array.
typedef struct {
CONST CHAR * commandString;
ULONG commandStringLen;
CONST CHAR * documentationString;
ULONG documentationStringLen;
CONST CHAR * commandParameters;
ULONG commandParametersLen;
#define STRING_LEN(a) a,(sizeof(a)-1)
#define NEWGROUP "\n "
#define NEWENTRY "\n "
#define NEWLINE "\n"
#define ENDTITLE "\n----------------------------------------\n"
CONST COMMAND_DOCS CommandDocs[] = {
STRING_LEN("Something Command"
NEWLINE "Description:"
NEWGROUP"The .........."
NEWENTRY"No Payload"
#define COMMAND_xyz_GROUP_LENGTH (1)
... And so on
This results in a load of constant strings being stored in memory and an array of documentation structures which contain pointers to these constants and their lengths as well for good measure. A pointer to the required element in the array is returned as I say. The caller of the library API is then free to make copies if needed or display the strings, whatever.
This is all working nicely at the moment, except for a minor annoyance. Whenever I need to update the documentation, it required me to recompile the DLL - as clearly all of the strings are compiled into it. For me that is not an issue as I can easily compile it, but as I am working at a university developing a research platform for them to use, I want it to be as simple for people to update in the future as I move on to other work. Ideally if documentation needs updating - say new commands get added to the system, I would like the additions to be possible without having to do a recompile.
So my question really is about what the best way to go about doing this is.
At the moment I am thinking along the lines of loading the documentation from a file, either at the time of loading the DLL, or when the search function is called. Currently there are #defines in the array to separate indexes (identify groups of commands), but these could be replaced by variables that are initialised by data from the file.
I could go for something like XML and parse that to fill up the structures, but part of me thinks it would be easier to understand in the outside world if it was something simpler, but then I suppose I would still need some way of identifying the boundaries between entries, etc.
Note that the DLL is mostly C - all of the APIs are C interfaces, but internally it is C++ as I've been using classes for other parts. I don't mind which is used as long as it is compatible with C interfaces.
I went away from the problem for a while as it wasn't urgent, but have come back to it in the last few weeks. I've found that I need to add even more settings and configurable stuff to the DLL which makes the approach I was using before definitely not useable.
Basically as #PhilWilliams suggested in the comments, I've gone for using XML files for configuring everything. There are now some APIs that have to be called just after loading the library with which the location of the XML file to load is specified. The DLL will then parse the XML files and populate a load of internal structures. Rather than using #defines and constant strings, I now have an array of structs in which pointers to the parsed strings are located along with the indices which were previously #defines.
After looking on StackOverflow and finding various suggestions on simple XML parsers, I've gone for TinyXML2 as it means that I don't have the headache of allocating and freeing memory for the many documentation strings as it handles that internally.

movefile() fails error 2 or 123

I'm updating a c++ routine to move files that was written in visual studio express 2008/2010. I'm now running VS Express 2012
Obviously there are changes to the compiler because string functions have to be upgraded to strcpy_s etc. No problem. This is a console app. I never extended my C++ knowledge past C++ to C# etc. as I need little more than to be able to write small utils to do things on the command line. Still I'm able to write somewhat complex utilities.
My issue is movefile() function always fails to move with either error 2 or 123. I'm working in C:\users\alan\downloads folder so I know I have permission. I know the file is there. Small snippet of code is:
char source=".\\test.txt"; // edited for clarity.
char dest=".\\test.txt1";
printf("\nMove\n %s\n to %s\n",source,dest); // just to see what is going on
MoveFile((LPCWSTR) source, (LPCWSTR) dest);
printf("Error %u\n",GetLastError());
output is :
to .\test.txt1
Error 2
All of my strings are simple char strings and I'm not exactly sure, even after reading, what LPCWSTR was type def'd for and if this is the culprit. So to get this to compile I simply typedef'd my strings. And it compiles. But still it won't move the files.
The code is more complex in developing the source & dest variables but I've reduce it to a simple "just append a 1 to the file name" situation to see if I can just simply rename it. I thought C:\xxx\yyy\zzz\test.txt was maybe wrong in some fashion but that idea fell though with the above test. I've done it with and without the .\ same issue. I'm running out of ideas other than making my own fileopen read/write binary function to replace movefile(). I'm really against that but if I have to I will.
EDIT: I pasted the printf from original code that used FullPathName, I've corrected the snippet.
The fact that you are casting your arguments to LPCWSTR suggests that you are compiling your program with UNICODE defined, which means you are calling MoveFileW and the compiler warned about an argument type mismatch.
Inserting a cast does not fix that. You are telling the compiler to stop complaining, but you haven't actually fixed the problem (the underlying data is still wrong).
Actual solutions:
Use WCHAR as MoveFileW expects (or TCHAR/LPTSTR and the _T macro).
Explicitly call MoveFileA
Compile without UNICODE defined.
Thanks Andrew Medico. I used MoveFileA and the program seems to work now.
I'm not sure I turned off unicode, but I did change one item in the properties.
I'll need to read up on the compiler about unicode/ansi settings. But for now the issue is fixed and I'm sure I've got the idea of what I need to do. "research"!!!!

How to inspect std::string in GDB with no source code?

I'm trying to debug a program that has no source code available, and I need to look at what it has stored in a std::string. I've been Googling and looking on here, and I've found some information about outputting STL containers, but all of it refers to variables, with no source or debug information all I have is a memory offset of the class data. Is there any way to do this?
Every std::string implementation has a pointer to the raw characters in it somewhere. For g++ 4.x, that pointer is at offset 0 into the string.
If you know that the string resides at e.g. 0x7fffffffda88, then
print *(char**)0x7fffffffda88
is what you need.
Perhaps the easiest option is to use the c_str method, as in:
print myStr.c_str()

What is causing boost::lower to fail an is_singular assertion?

I am occasionally getting odd behavior from boost::lower, when called on a std::wstring. In particular, I have seen the following assertion fail in a release build (but not in a debug build):
Assertion failed: !is_singular(), file C:\boost_1_40_0\boost/range/iterator_range.hpp, line 281
I have also seen what appear to be memory errors after calling boost::to_lower in contexts such as:
void test(const wchar_t* word) {
std::wstring buf(word);
Replacing the calls boost::tolower(wstr) with std::transform(wstr.begin(), wstr.end(), wstr.begin(), towlower) appears to fix the problem; but I'd like to know what's going wrong.
My best guess is that perhaps the problem has something to do with changing the case of unicode characters -- perhaps the encoding size of the downcased character is different from the encoding size of the source character?
Does anyone have any ideas what might be going on here? It might help if I knew what "is_singular()" means in the context of boost, but after doing a few google searches I wasn't able to find any documentation for it.
Relevant software versions: Boost 1.40.0; MS Visual Studio 2008.
After further debugging, I figured out what was going on.
The cause of my trouble was that one project in the solution was not defining NDEBUG (despite being in release mode), while all the other modules were. Boost allocates some extra fields in its data structures, which it uses to store debug information (such as whether a data structure has been initialized). If module A has debugging turned off, then it will create data structures that don't contain those fields. Then when module B, which has debugging turned on, gets its hands on that data structure, it will try to check those fields (which were not allocated), resulting in random memory errors.
Defining NDEBUG in all projects in the solution fixed the problem.
An iterator range should only be singular if it's been constructed with the default constructor (stores singular iterators, i.e doesn't represent a range). As it's rather hard to believe that the boost's to_lower function manages to create a singular range, it suggests that the problem might also be elsewhere (a result of some undefined behavior, such as using uninitialized variables which might be initialized to some known value in debug builds).
Read more on Heisenbugs.

pwsz string confusion

I have never posted before so I am sorry if I am not clear. I am trying to use a third party DLL written in c++ on 2005 and all I have is some very poor documentation. I am dynamically linking to the DLL and using the Ordinal value read from Dependency walker to get a pointer to a method in the DLL. Such as (LPFNDDLLZC) GetProcAddress(hHILCdll, (LPCSTR)15);
My code is written in C++ compiled in Microsoft VS 6.0, I can not turn on the UNICODE defines or I will break existing code.
The documentation for the DLL says all string arguments are pwsz which I believe means pointer to a wide char string null terminated.
I have tried passing in a pointer to an unsigned short, BSTR and various other things and the DLL crashes on the string. I am totally lost as to why, I believe it has to do with my pwsz string construction and I'm lost as to how to fix this. I have read so may articles related but nothing works.
Can anyone help? I can post code if need be.
You could use MultiByteToWideChar to turn your LPSTR into an LPWSTR which should solve your problem.
Thanks to everyone. I did finally get a copy of the DLL source and my problem wasn't my string construction it was the poor documentation. Turns out they are using double pointers, fixes a ton of things!