I am trying to get the photos in a user profile. I tried to use https://graph.facebook.com/me/photos, but it returns tagged photos only. Can I get all the photos in all albums?
You are using the wrong API endpoint, you want the albums endpoint.
From the API page:
Photo Tags: https://graph.facebook.com/me/photos
Photo Albums: https://graph.facebook.com/me/albums
From that you can then call https://graph.facebook.com/ALBUM_ID/photos.
I have created Facebook and Twitter authentication with django-allauth. It is working fine as for authentication and I know how to extract logged in user's avatar with this code.
'user.socialaccount_set.all.0.get_avatar_url '
However, what I want to do is extract all user's avatar from User model but above code only gives me one user's avatar.
I guess I have to link user's avatar with django's User model or store it somewhere.
Could anyone teach me how to do that?
I am accessing FaceBook Developer and I am using me?fields=albums{picture} to access the cover photo of my albums . How can I go to profile picture album ? Basically I want to access the photos of profile picture album. Here is an image about what I want to do
finally I got the answer with the help of #CBroe
to get the album list type :
after that type your particular album id :
to get the photos of that particular album
I am using python-social-auth (within django) to implement facebook-login. I am able to successfully sign into my app using facebook and extract user email. But where in the database can I find the OAuth token generated by facebook? Is it in the password field in the user table?
It's in the UserSocialAuth extra_data field which is a JSONField.
Example of the value stored:
{"expires": "5184000", "id": "00000000000000000", "access_token": "the-token-value"}
I am trying to build a page on our company web site that will show all photos our company is tagged in on facebook. Its the left "Photos of You" tab when in the FB photo page.
Is there a way to select just those pictures for a photo wall on our site?
I'm using FQL to help speed up queries on large albums.
Here is some FQL to select tagged photos for a specific user/page (where 123 is uid).
SELECT object_id, pid, aid, src_big, src_small, caption, like_info,
comment_info, modified FROM photo WHERE object_id IN (SELECT
object_id FROM photo_tag WHERE subject = 123)
Not sure if it helps, but I built an application to create photo slideshows for any Facebook user or page. Feel free to also give that a try, Slideshow App
I am using the Facebook Graph API to query the users Photo Albums (I am using the Facebook SDK for Android). I am sending the Request me/albums to Facebook and I receive all albums. After receiving my result I have to filter the result list because I do not want to show the albums which have the attribute can_upload=false.
Can I send any parameter with my request to Facebook which returns only albums with the attribute can_upload=true?
If you want Facebook to filter results for you, you need to use FQL.
SELECT name, object_id FROM album WHERE owner= USER_ID AND can_upload = true