Calling a C++ macro with fewer arguments - c++

Is it possible to call function-like-macros with less that all the parameters in linux?
Actually doing this only generates a warning in Visual Studio (warning 4003) and unassigned variables replaces with "".
But compiling it using g++ generates an error in linux ("error: macro *** requires ** arguments, but only ** given").
Is there any possible way to disable this or overcome it?

The number of arguments in a macro invocation must exactly match the number of parameters in the macro definition. So, no, you cannot invoke a macro with fewer arguments than it has parameters.
To "overcome" it, you can define multiple differently named macros with different numbers of parameters.
C++0x (which is not yet standard, but which your compiler might partially support) adds support for variadic macros which can be called with a variable number of arguments.

The standard (§16.3 - Macro replacement) is clear that you have to pass the same number of arguments:
"If the identifier-list in the macro
definition does not end with an
ellipsis, the number of arguments
(including those arguments consisting
of no preprocessing tokens) in an
invocation of a function-like macro
shall equal the number of parameters
in the macro definition."
I don't know of any g++ option to override this.


Why won't my variadic macro accept no arguments correctly?

Overloading Macro on Number of Arguments
I've been looking at the two links above, trying to get the following code to work:
#define _GET_NUMBER(_0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, NAME, ...) NAME
#define OUTPUT_ARGS_COUNT(...) _GET_NUMBER(_0, ##__VA_ARGS__, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
cout << OUTPUT_ARGS_COUNT("HelloWorld", 1.2) << endl;
cout << OUTPUT_ARGS_COUNT("HelloWorld") << endl;
cout << OUTPUT_ARGS_COUNT() << endl;
This compiles, runs, and gives the following output:
I can not for the life of me figure out why the call OUTPUT_ARGS_COUNT() is giving me 1 instead of 0. I have an ok understanding of the code I'm trying to use, but it's a tad greek to me still so I guess it's possible that I'm not applying something correctly despite the fact I literally copied and pasted the example code from the link on stack overflow.
I'm compiling using g++ 5.4.0 20160609.
Any ideas or additional resources you can point me to would be greatly appreciated.
You can see at
Second, the ‘##’ token paste operator has a special meaning when placed between a comma and a variable argument. If you write
#define eprintf(format, ...) fprintf (stderr, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
and the variable argument is left out when the eprintf macro is used, then the comma before the ‘##’ will be deleted. This does not happen if you pass an empty argument, nor does it happen if the token preceding ‘##’ is anything other than a comma.
eprintf ("success!\n")
→ fprintf(stderr, "success!\n");
The above explanation is ambiguous about the case where the only macro parameter is a variable arguments parameter, as it is meaningless to try to distinguish whether no argument at all is an empty argument or a missing argument. CPP retains the comma when conforming to a specific C standard. Otherwise the comma is dropped as an extension to the standard.
So, (unless appropriate extension used) OUTPUT_ARGS_COUNT() is counted as 1 empty argument (comma kept with ##__VA_ARGS__).
The C standard specifies
If the identifier-list in the macro definition does not end with an ellipsis, [...]. Otherwise, there shall be more arguments in the invocation than there are parameters in the macro definition (excluding the ...)
(C2011 6.10.3/4; emphasis added)
C++11 contains language to the same effect in paragraph 16.3/4.
In both cases, then, if your macro invocation were interpreted to have zero arguments then your program would be non-conforming. On the other hand, the preprocessor does recognize and support empty macro arguments -- that is, arguments consisting of zero preprocessing tokens. In principle, then, there is an ambiguity here between no argument and a single empty argument, but in practice, only the latter interpretation results in a conforming program.
That g++ opts for the latter interpretation (the other answer quotes its documentation to that effect) is thus reasonable and appropriate, but it is not safe to rely upon it if you want your code to be portable. A compiler that takes the alternative interpretation would behave differently, possibly by providing the behavior you expected, but also possibly by rejecting the code.

Weird behavior of variadic macro expansion with gcc and clang

I'm writing a variadic dispatcher macro in C++, to call a different macro based on the number of arguments (from none up to 5) provided to the dispatcher. I came up with this solution:
#define GETOVERRIDE(_ignored, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, NAME, ...) NAME
NAMEDARGS is the dispatcher macro; calling it with 1 argument will result in a call to NAMEDARGS1 which takes 1 argument, and so on (I don't provide the implementations of the various NAMEDARGS# since they are irrelevant in this context).
I tested the code gcc 7.1.1, and I found a weird behavior of the gcc expansion when using the -std=c++14 flag. With this test code:
NAMEDARGS(int, float)
I get these expansions:
$ gcc -E testMacro.cpp
NAMEDARGS2(int, float)
$ gcc -E -std=c++14 testMacro.cpp
NAMEDARGS2(int, float)
It seems that using the -std=c++14 flag the substitution of the zero-argument call fails, resulting in the call of the one-argument macro. I thought that this could be because the ##__VA_ARGS__ syntax is a GNU extension, thus not working with an ISO C++ preprocessor; however, when trying with clang 4.0.1 I obtain the desired expansion:
$ clang -E -std=c++14 testMacro.cpp
NAMEDARGS2(int, float)
So I don't understand what's going on here. Does clang implement this gnu extension, accepting non-ISO code also with -std==c++14 unlike gcc? Or maybe the problem lies elsewhere? Thanks for the help.
GCC defaults -std to gnu++14 (see here), which is C++14 with GNU extensions.
Comparing the two with only NAMEDARGS(...) defined shows how the expansions differ:
-std=gnu++14 -E
-std=c++14 -E
I'm not an experienced standard reader, but I found the following two passages in [cpp.replace] which suggest that GCC is correct in both invocations:
If the identifier-list in the macro definition does not end with an ellipsis, the number of arguments (including those arguments consisting of no preprocessing tokens) in an invocation of a function-like macro shall equal the number of parameters in the macro definition. Otherwise, there shall be more arguments in the invocation than there are parameters in the macro definition (excluding the ...). There shall exist a ) preprocessing token that terminates the invocation.
If there is a ... immediately preceding the ) in the function-like macro definition, then the trailing arguments, including any separating comma preprocessing tokens, are merged to form a single item: the variable arguments. The number of arguments so combined is such that, following merger, the number of arguments is one more than the number of parameters in the macro definition (excluding the ...).
It seems correct then that an empty __VA_ARGS__ is expanded to a single empty argument.
I can't find whether clang's behaviour here is intended.

Macro expansion order confusion between compilers

This piece of code compiles in Visual Studio 2015, but not in Clang:
#define COMMA ,
#define MC(a) a
#define MA(a,b,c) MC(a b c)
map <MA(int,COMMA,int)> FF;
It appears that Clang expands the COMMA macro before submitting it to the MC() macro. "Who is right" according to the C++ standard? Also, how can I make Clang behave like Visual Studio?
EDIT: Simplified the example, and changed some macro names.
Clang conforms to the standard; Visual Studio doesn't. I think you will have a lot of trouble getting Clang to not conform to the standard, so I won't attempt to answer "how do I get Clang to act like Visual Studio?". Maybe that wasn't really what you wanted to know.
When the compiler identifies the invocation of a function-like macro (that is, a macro with parameters) it expands the macro using the procedure explained in detail in §16.3 [cpp.replace] of the C++ standard. In the following, I've simplified the procedure by not considering the # and ## operators, because they do not appear in your example and the full procedure is more complicated.
We'll examine the invocation MC(int, COMMA, int). Here's what happens after the compiler sees the tokens MC and (, which indicate an invocation of the macro.
The compiler identifies what the arguments are, which involves finding the closing parenthesis. There are three arguments, which corresponds to the number of parameters, so that's OK. The arguments have not yet been expanded, so the compiler only sees the punctuation actually in the source file. It identifies the arguments as int, COMMA and int.
Every argument (except the ones whose corresponding parameter participates in token concatenation or stringification -- but, as I said, I'm not going to go into that scenario here) are then fully expanded. This happens before they are substituted into the macro body, so that the names of the macro's parameters don't leak out of the macro. So now the three arguments are int, , and int.
A copy of the macro body is made, in which each parameter is substituted with the corresponding (fully expanded) argument. The macro body ("replacement list", in standardese) was MC(A B C); after substituting the arguments, that becomes MC(A , C).
The sequence of tokens created in step 3 is inserted into the input in place of the macro invocation, and preprocessing continues.
At this point, the compiler will see the invocation of the function-like macro MC(A, B), and will proceed as above. However, this time the first step fails because two arguments are identified but the macro MC only has one parameter.

C++ Preprocessor Standard Behaviour

I'm studying the C++ standard on the exact behaviour the preprocessor (I need to implement some sort of C++ preprocessor). From what I understand, the example I made up (to aid my understanding) below should be valid:
#define dds(x) f(x,
#define f(a,b) a+b
I expect the first function like macro invocation dds(eoe) be replaced by f(eoe, (note the comma within the replacement string) which then considered as f(eoe,su) when the input is rescanned.
But a test with VC++2010 gave me this (I told the VC++ to output the preprocessed file):
This is counter-intuitive and is obviously incorrect. Is it a bug with VC++2010 or my misunderstanding of the C++ standard? In particular, is it incorrect to put a comma at the end of the replacement string like I did? My understanding of the C++ standard grammar is that any preprocessing-token's are allowed there.
I don't have GCC or other versions of VC++. Could someone help me to verify with these compilers.
My answer is valid for the C preprocessor, but according to Is a C++ preprocessor identical to a C preprocessor?, the differences are not relevant for this case.
From C, A Reference Manual, 5th edition:
When a functionlike macro call is encoutered, the entire macro call is
replaced, after parameter processing, by a copy of the body. Parameter
processing proceeds as follows. Actual argument token strings are
associated with the corresponding formal parameter names. A copy of
the body is then made in which every occurrence of a formal parameter
name is replace by a copy of the actual parameter token sequence
associated with it. This copy of the body then replaces the macro
[...] Once a macro call has been expanded, the scan for macro calls
resumes at the beginning of the expansion so that names of macros may
be recognized within the expansion for the purpose of further macro
Note the words within the expansion. That's what makes your example invalid. Now, combine it with this: UPDATE: read comments below.
[...] The macro is invoked by writing its name, a left parenthesis,
then once actual argument token sequence for each formal parameter,
then a right parenthesis. The actual argument token sequences are
separated by commas.
Basically, it all boils down to whether the preprocessor will rescan for further macro invocations only within the previous expansion, or if it will keep reading tokens that show up even after the expansion.
This may be hard to think about, but I believe that what should happen with your example is that the macro name f is recognized during rescanning, and since subsequent token processing reveals a macro invocation for f(), your example is correct and should output what you expect. GCC and clang give the correct output, and according to this reasoning, this would also be valid (and yield equivalent outputs):
#define dds f
#define f(a,b) a+b
And indeed, the preprocessing output is the same in both examples. As for the output you get with VC++, I'd say you found a bug.
This is consistent with C99 section, as well as C++ standard section 16.3.4, Rescanning and further replacement:
After all parameters in the replacement list have been substituted and # and ##
processing has taken place, all placemarker preprocessing tokens are removed. Then, the
resulting preprocessing token sequence is rescanned, along with all subsequent
preprocessing tokens of the source file, for more macro names to replace.
To the best of my understanding there is nothing in the [cpp.subst/rescan] portions of the standard that makes what you do illegal, and clang and gcc are right in expanding it as eoe+su, and the MSC (Visual C++) behaviour has to be reported as a bug.
I failed to make it work but I managed to find an ugly MSC workaround for you, using variadics - you may find it helpful, or you may not, but in any event it is:
#define f(a,b) (a+b
#define dds(...) f(__VA_ARGS__)
It is expanded as:
Of course, this won't work with gcc and clang.
Well, the problem i see is that the preprocessor does the following
ddx(x) becomes f(x,
However, f(x, is defined as well (even thou it's defined as f(a,b) ), so f(x, expands to x+ garbage.
So ddx(x) finally transforms into x + garbage (because you defined f(smthing, ).
Your dds(eoe) actually expands into a+b where a is eoe and b is et_l .
And it does that twice for whatever reason :).
This scenario you made is compiler specific, depends how the preprocessor chooses to handle the defines expansion.

Additional comma in the macro

Optional Parameters with C++ Macros
Why is the author of one of the messages in this thread use additional comma in the macro here?
This has been done so that GET_4TH_ARG will always be supplied with its vararg arguments (which is a requirement of the language).
For example, without it,
would expand to
rather than
The first form does not provide any vararg arguments (and so would not be a valid call), where the second form does provide an empty vararg argument to GET_4TH_ARG.
From the C++ standard: [cpp.replace]/4:
If the identifier-list in the macro definition does not end with an ellipsis, the number of arguments (including those arguments consisting of no preprocessing tokens) in an invocation of a function-like macro shall equal the number of parameters in the macro definition. Otherwise, there shall be more arguments in the invocation than there are parameters in the macro definition (excluding the ...). ...