How to create service which restarts on crash - c++

I am creating a service using CreateService. The service will run again fine if it happens to crash and I would like to have Windows restart the service if it crashes. I know it is possible to set this up from the services msc see below.
How can I programatically configure the service to always restart if it happens to crash.

Used Deltanine's approach, but modified it a bit to be able to control each failure action:
SC_ACTION failActions[3];
failActions[0].Type = SC_ACTION_RESTART; //Failure action: Restart Service
failActions[0].Delay = 120000; //number of milliseconds to wait before performing failure action = 2minutes
failActions[1].Type = SC_ACTION_RESTART;
failActions[1].Delay = 120000;
failActions[2].Type = SC_ACTION_NONE;
failActions[2].Delay = 120000;
servFailActions.dwResetPeriod = 86400; // Reset Failures Counter, in Seconds = 1day
servFailActions.lpCommand = NULL; //Command to perform due to service failure, not used
servFailActions.lpRebootMsg = NULL; //Message during rebooting computer due to service failure, not used
servFailActions.cActions = 3; // Number of failure action to manage
servFailActions.lpsaActions = failActions;
ChangeServiceConfig2(sc_service, SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, &servFailActions); //Apply above settings

You want to call ChangeServiceConfig2 after you've installed the service. Set the second parameter to SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS and pass in an instance of SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS as the third parameter, something like this:
int numBytes = sizeof(SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS) + sizeof(SC_ACTION);
std::vector<char> buffer(numBytes);
SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS *sfa = reinterpret_cast<SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS *>(&buffer[0]);
sfa.dwResetPeriod = INFINITE;
sfa.cActions = 1;
sfa.lpsaActions[0].Type = SC_ACTION_RESTART;
sfa.lpsaActions[0].Delay = 5000; // wait 5 seconds before restarting
ChangeServiceConfig2(hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, sfa);

The answer above will give you the gist... but it wont compile.
SC_ACTION actions;
sfa.dwResetPeriod = INFINITE;
sfa.lpCommand = NULL;
sfa.lpRebootMsg = NULL;
sfa.cActions = 1;
sfa.lpsaActions = &actions;
sfa.lpsaActions[0].Type = SC_ACTION_RESTART;
sfa.lpsaActions[0].Delay = 5000;
ChangeServiceConfig2(hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, &sfa)


How do I know a task's start time of Task Scheduler through Windows API?

I want to know this start time in code.
I found this Mircosoft document about ITask.
It provides some methods to get the task's information such as application name, max run time and working directory ... but doesn't have what I need - start time.
The task start time is associated with the task trigger, not the task itself.
In the following code you need to initialize IRegisteredTask with the task that you are looking for.
Notice that a task may have more than one trigger and each could have a different type.
void GetStartTime(IRegisteredTask* pTask)
ITaskTrigger *pTT = NULL;
ITaskDefinition *pDefinition = NULL;
ITriggerCollection *pTriggers = NULL;
LONG cTriggers = 0;
while (cTriggers > 0)
ITrigger *pT = NULL;
pTriggers->get_Item(cTriggers, &pT);
BSTR bStart;
bStart will be some thing like L"2013-08-01T12:05:00"

Akka (.net) cluster with remote nodes: Disassociated exception

Using akka (.net) I am trying to implement simple cluster use case.
Cluster - for nodes up/down events.
Remote - for sending message to specific node.
There are two actors: Master Node which listening cluster events and Slave Node which connecting to the cluster.
Address address = new Address("akka.tcp", "ClusterSystem", "master", 8080);
When ClusterEvent.MemberUp message is reseived Master Node creating actor link:
ClusterEvent.MemberUp up = message as ClusterEvent.MemberUp;
ActorSelection nodeActor = system.ActorSelection(up.Member.Address + "/user/slave_0");
Sending message to this actor causes an error:
Association with remote system akka.tcp://ClusterSystem#slave:8090 has failed; address is now gated for 5000 ms. Reason is: [Disassociated]
master config:
akka {
actor {
provider = ""Akka.Cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider, Akka.Cluster""
remote {
helios.tcp {
port = 8080
hostname = master
bind-hostname = master
bind-port = 8080
send-buffer-size = 512000b
receive-buffer-size = 512000b
maximum-frame-size = 1024000b
tcp-keepalive = on
failure-detector {
heartbeat - interval = 10 s
auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s
gossip-interval = 5s
stdout-loglevel = DEBUG
loglevel = DEBUG
debug {{
receive = on
autoreceive = on
lifecycle = on
event-stream = on
unhandled = on
slave config:
akka {
actor {
provider = ""Akka.Cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider, Akka.Cluster""
remote {
helios.tcp {
port = 8090
hostname = slave
bind-hostname = slave
bind-port = 8090
send-buffer-size = 512000b
receive-buffer-size = 512000b
maximum-frame-size = 1024000b
tcp-keepalive = on
failure-detector {
heartbeat - interval = 10 s
auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s
gossip-interval = 5s
stdout-loglevel = DEBUG
loglevel = DEBUG
debug {{
receive = on
autoreceive = on
lifecycle = on
event-stream = on
unhandled = on
Here's your problem:
failure-detector {
heartbeat - interval = 10 s
auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s
gossip-interval = 5s
heartbeat-interval and auto-down-unreachable-after are the same duration - therefore your nodes will almost always disassociate automatically after 10s, because you're betting on a race condition that the failure detector might lose.
auto-down-unreachable-after is a dangerous setting - do not use it. You'll end up with a split brain or worse.
And make sure your failure detector interval is always lower than your auto-down interval.

ColdFusion - Get next scheduled task due to run

This thread was useful in finding out the next run-time for a scheduled task.
How do I find out the next run time for a Scheduled Task?
But, is there also a way to simply get the next scheduled task due to run?
If I can get the date and name of the next task due to run, I can plug that date into a jQuery countdown timer, which will display a countdown to the next scheduled task, something like:
TaskABC due to run in:
12 03 20
hrs min sec
. This is for an admin interface in case you're wondering how geeky can people get:-)
I had the same thought as Bill. But was curious if there was another way.
I poked around and apparently the internal Scheduler class maintains a list of upcoming tasks. The list is private, but you can use the same reflection technique to access it. Interestingly the list also includes system tasks like the mail spooler, session/application trackers, watchers, etecetera. So you must iterate through it until you find a "scheduled task" ie CronTabEntry
Below is a very lightly tested function that seems to do the trick in CF9. (Note, includes the CreateTimeStruct function from
Returns a structure containing the name and time remaining until the next task. If no tasks were found, result.task is an empty string.
Excludes paused tasks
result = new TaskUtil().getNextTask();
component {
public struct function getNextTask() {
// get list of upcoming tasks from factory (UNDOCUMENTED)
local.scheduler = createObject("java", "coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory").getSchedulerService();
local.taskField = local.scheduler.getClass().getDeclaredField("_tasks");
local.taskField.setAccessible( true );
local.taskList = local.taskField.get(local.scheduler);
// taskList contains system jobs too, so we must iterate
// through the tasks to find the next "scheduled task"
local.nextTask = "";
local.tasks = local.taskList.iterator();
while ( local.tasks.hasNext() ) {
local.currTask =;
local.className = local.currTask.getRunnable().getClass().name;
// exit as soon as we find a scheduled task that is NOT paused
if (local.className eq "coldfusion.scheduling.CronTabEntry"
&& !local.currTask.getRunnable().paused) {
local.nextTask = local.currTask;
// if we found a task, calculate how many days, hours, etcetera
// until its next run time
local.details = { task="", remaining={} };
if ( isObject(local.nextTask) ) {
local.secondsToGo = (local.nextTask.getWhen() - now().getTime()) / 1000;
local.details.task = local.nextTask.getRunnable().task;
local.details.remaining = createTimeStruct(local.secondsToGo);
local.details.nextDate = dateAdd("s", local.nextTask.getWhen() / 1000
, "January 1 1970 00:00:00" );
return local.details;
* Abbreviated version of CreateTimeStruct by Dave Pomerance
* See
* #param timespan The timespan to convert.
* #return Returns a structure.
* #author Dave Pomerance
* #version 1, January 7, 2002
public struct function CreateTimeStruct(required numeric timespan) {
var timestruct = StructNew();
var mask = "s";
// only 4 allowed values for mask - if not one of those, return blank struct
if (ListFind("d,h,m,s", mask)) {
// compute seconds
if (mask eq "s") {
timestruct.s = (timespan mod 60) + (timespan - Int(timespan));
timespan = int(timespan/60);
mask = "m";
} else timestruct.s = 0;
// compute minutes
if (mask eq "m") {
timestruct.m = timespan mod 60;
timespan = int(timespan/60);
mask = "h";
} else timestruct.m = 0;
// compute hours, days
if (mask eq "h") {
timestruct.h = timespan mod 24;
timestruct.d = int(timespan/24);
} else {
timestruct.h = 0;
timestruct.d = timespan;
return timestruct;
My first thought is to iterate Leigh's getNextRunTime(string taskName) function over the collection of tasks. You can get an array of structs containing the details of all scheduled tasks using taskArray = createobject("java","coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory").getCronService().listAll();
The key in the struct containing the task name is "task". So you can extract all the task names as an array for example, run Leigh's function on each element and determine which one will run next.

Dynamics GP Web Services: SalesInvoice Creation with Lot Allocation

I'm trying to use the following code to create a new SalesInvoice based on an existing SalesOrder:
SalesInvoice invoice = new SalesInvoice();
invoice.DocumentTypeKey = new SalesDocumentTypeKey { Type = SalesDocumentType.Invoice };
invoice.CustomerKey = originalOrder.CustomerKey;
invoice.BatchKey = originalOrder.BatchKey;
invoice.Terms = new SalesTerms { DiscountTakenAmount = new MoneyAmount { Value = 0, Currency = "USD", DecimalDigits = 2 }, DiscountAvailableAmount = new MoneyAmount { Value = 0, Currency = "USD", DecimalDigits = 0 } };
invoice.OriginalSalesDocumentKey = originalOrder.Key;
List<SalesInvoiceLine> lineList = new List<SalesInvoiceLine>();
for (int i = 0; i < originalOrder.Lines.Length; i++)
SalesInvoiceLine line = new SalesInvoiceLine();
line.ItemKey = originalOrder.Lines[i].ItemKey;
line.Key = new SalesLineKey { LineSequenceNumber = originalOrder.Lines[i].Key.LineSequenceNumber; }
SalesLineLot lot = new SalesLineLot();
lot.LotNumber = originalOrder.Lines[i].Lots[0].LotNumber;
lot.Quantity = new Quantity { Value = 2200 };
lot.Key = new SalesLineLotKey { SequenceNumber = originalOrder.Lines[i].Lots[0].Key.SequenceNumber };
line.Lots = new SalesLineLot[] { lot };
line.Quantity = new Quantity { Value = 2200 };
invoice.Lines = lineList.ToArray();
DynamicsWS.CreateSalesInvoice(invoice, DynamicsContext, DynamicsWS.GetPolicyByOperation("CreateSalesInvoice", DynamicsContext));
When executed, I receive the following error:
SQL Server Exception: Operation expects a parameter which was not supplied.
And the more detailed exception from the Exception Console in Dynamics:
Procedure or function 'taSopLotAuto' expects parameter '#I_vLNITMSEQ',
which was not supplied.
After a considerable amount of digging through Google, I discovered a few things.
'taSopLotAuto' is an eConnect procedure within the Sales Order Processing component that attempts to automatically fill lots. I do not want the lots automatically filled, which is why I try to fill them manually in the code. I've also modified the CreateSalesInvoice policy from Automatic lot fulfillment to Manual lot fulfillment for the GP web services user, but that didn't change which eConnect procedure was called.
'#I_vLNITMSEQ' refers to the LineSequenceNumber. The LineSequenceNumber and SequenceNumber (of the Lot itself) must match. In my case they are both the default: 16384. Not only is this parameter set in the code above, but it also appears in the SOAP message that the server attempted to process - hardly "not supplied."
I can create an invoice sans line items without a hitch, but if I add line items it fails. I do not understand why I am receiving an error for a missing parameter that is clearly present.
Any ideas on how to successfully create a SalesInvoice through Dynamics GP 10.0 Web Services?
Maybe you mess to add the line key to the lot:
lot.Key = new SalesLineKey();
lot.Key.SalesDocumentKey = new SalesDocumentKey();
lot.Key.SalesDocumentKey.Id = seq.ToString();

WMI Remote connection

I have an issue regarding WMI connection through from Computer A (windows 2003 server) to Computer B (Windows XP)..
The error is as follows:
RPC server is unavailable..
There are a few steps that you must take in order to successfully leverage WMI connectivity. The basics are you must allow remote management on the target box of course. If you can’t RDP into it, chances are, you can’t remote manage anything else. This can also include Windows firewall issues too. Make sure your request can even get in at all.
Next, start simple. Can you even poll for the running processes on that box? Try to output all the running processes on the target box with System.Diagnostics.Process currentProcess = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses("machine-name"). If you can at least get some information on the box then the RPC message you are getting has to do with incorrect arguments being passed in, perhaps?
Anyways, I recently wrote a web application that allowed the users to find a server on the LAN and kill a target process there or start a new one. I did it in C# so the code snippet below is just what I used. It's not the best but its working in production right now:
public static class RemoteProcessAccess
public static void KillProcessByProcessID(string NameOfServer, string DomainName, string LogIn, string Password, int processID)
//#1 The vars for this static method
#region /// <variables> ...
string userName;
string password;
string machineName;
string myDomain;
Hashtable hs = new Hashtable();
ManagementScope mScope;
ConnectionOptions cnOptions;
ManagementObjectSearcher objSearcher;
ManagementOperationObserver opsObserver;
ManagementClass manageClass;
DirectoryEntry entry;
DirectorySearcher searcher;
DirectorySearcher userSearcher;
//#2 Set the basics sent into the method
machineName = NameOfServer;
myDomain = DomainName;
userName = LogIn;
password = Password;
cnOptions = new ConnectionOptions();
cnOptions.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate;
cnOptions.EnablePrivileges = true;
cnOptions.Username = myDomain + "\\" + userName;
cnOptions.Password = password;
mScope = new ManagementScope(#"\\" + machineName + #"\ROOT\CIMV2", cnOptions);
//#3 Begin Connection to Remote Box
objSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(String.Format("Select * from Win32_Process Where ProcessID = {0}", processID));
opsObserver = new ManagementOperationObserver();
objSearcher.Scope = mScope;
string[] sep = { "\n", "\t" };
//#4 Loop through
foreach (ManagementObject obj in objSearcher.Get())
string caption = obj.GetText(TextFormat.Mof);
string[] split = caption.Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// Iterate through the splitter
for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
if (split[i].Split('=').Length > 1)
string[] procDetails = split[i].Split('=');
procDetails[1] = procDetails[1].Replace(#"""", "");
procDetails[1] = procDetails[1].Replace(';', ' ');
switch (procDetails[0].Trim().ToLower())
//You could look for any of the properties here and do something else,
case "processid":
int tmpProc = Convert.ToInt32(procDetails[1].ToString());
//if the process id equals the one passed in....
//(this is redundant since we should have limited the return
//by the query where above, but we're paranoid here
if (tmpProc.Equals(processID))
obj.InvokeMethod(opsObserver, "Terminate", null);
}//end process ID switch...
}//end our if statement...
}//end our for loop...
}//end our for each loop...
}//end static method
Look at KB875605 ("How to troubleshoot WMI-related issues in Windows XP SP2")
You could enable the RPC server on any target machine by running this on the target's command prompt:
netsh firewall set service RemoteAdmin
Worked for me at least. :)
Try to use wmic command line to get information from the remote computer, also you can install the code of Services+ and try to connect and debug your connection to the server, most likely it is firewall problem or RPC services is down or disabled.