Django AdZone and problem in the admin - django

im would like to use the cool app Django-AdZone, i thinks is a nice work , but i have a litter problem:
i have 2 website, django-adzone is working very nice in one of those website, but in the second website is not working.
I cant see in the django admin the app adzone, i dont know why, i did the same steps for both website, and the second website is not showing the adzone in the admin, the are similar with relation to adzone.
Any idea?
thanks guys
sorry with my english

ok, now i know where is the error, is not django , is python2.5, here is the error while install
return self.loader.get_data(path)
zipimport.ZipImportError: bad local file header in /home/bismark/lib/python2.5/d jango_adzone-0.2-py2.5.egg


Not getting the expected result from Django reverse

hope anyone here will be able to help me out.
I am trying to get the reverse url for a viewset but somehow it's not working.
I will quickly go through what I have done from the moment everything was working fine to the moment the reverse stopped working.
I had a viewset on an app called "card" the reverse was reverse('card:card-list') everything was perfect, then I decided to move the card viewset to a different app called 'company' I did check the new urls structure by using the django_extensions and running the following command on the terminal python show_urls which gave me the new routing company:card-list I have then changed my reverse to reverse('company:card-list'), but now the code is broken and the reverse is not working as expected.
I have done those changes cause an end point as /api/company/card instead of /api/card/ .
Any ideas on how to solve it?
tks a lot

How can I add atribute to webpage in django

screenshotI'm following a tutorial to create a website using django. I keep getting this error when running the server.
AttributeError: module 'website.index' has no attribute 'webpage2'. Did you mean: 'webpage1'?
Don't know what I'm missing, the tutorial ran the server without any problem. The only thing I noticed was that it also gave my a missing os error. I fixed this part.
Thank you for your help
You need to add two views correspoending to the url
def webpage2(request):
def webpage3(request):

Django Upgrade from 1.11 to 2.2.1 Problem with URLs and Paths

Today I decided to upgrade my project from Django 1.11 to 2.2.1. I've been working through various issues with my project, and I'm fighting through them. However, I spent most of tonight trying to get the URLs to work and they won't cooperate. Long story short, I have multiple app in my project and each app has a URL with it's own namespace. In Django 1.11 this is working fine. However, when I try to port the logic over to Django 2.2.1, I keep getting an error saying that I have a circular import somewhere probably.
Here is a snippit of what works just fine in Django 1.11.......
My Main Project...In Django 1.11
But when I try to do this in Django 2.2.1.....
I realize that URLs were replaced by paths...
path('', include('AppA.urls')),
But when I try to start my application it says....
your project does not appear to have any patterns in it. If you see valid p
atterns in the file then the issue is probably caused by a circular import.
I can't seem to figure out how to create the namespace that is working in django 1.11 so that I can properly reference my urls in my templates.
I've been staring at this most of the evening and that might be why I'm not seeing it...I also looked at the Django doc...
And I just can't see what I might be doing wrong. Thanks in advance for any help to get me back on track.
As Bloodmallet pointed out to me...
I needed to add....
app_name = 'Appa'
to the top of my file. After doing this, the path URL worked as expected.
Instead of path(), consider using re_path():
from django.urls import include, re_path

Django - ContentType Does Not Exist for own app

I'm trying to learn how to use the ContentTypes framework, I can't seem to get it to find my own apps.
The docs have clear instructions for importing a model from django.contrib.sites, which works for me. However, when I try to substitute my own app and model, I am unsuccessful.
I have a model at MyApp.Events.models.Event. I try to call:
i = ContentType.objects.get(app_label="Events", model="Event")
in response, console prints:
django.contrib.contenttypes.models.DoesNotExist: ContentType matching
query does not exist.
I tried this as well which also failed:
i = ContentType.objects.get(app_label="events", model="event")
I have 'django.contrib.contenttypes' as well as this app listed under installed apps. Is there another setting I am missing to enable this functionality?
Since no one else posted it, here is the solution.
i = ContentType.objects.get(app_label="Events", model="event")
Even if your model is capitalized in your, it gets saved in all lowercase. I don't know if this is Django's idea of funny or PostgreSQL's, so your mileage may vary.

i need to restart django server to make my app properly work

so i made a python script to grab images from a subreddit (from Imgur and imgur albums). i successfully done that (it returns img urls) and wanted to integrate it into django so i can deploy it online and let other people use it. when i started running the server at my machine, the images from subreddit loads flawlessly, but when i try another subreddit, it craps out on me (i'll post the exception at the end of the post). so i restart the django server, and same thing happen. the images loads without a hitch. but the second time i do it, it craps out on me. what gives?
Exception Type: siteError, which pretty much encompasses urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError, socket.error, socket.sslerror
since i'm a noob in all of this, i'm not sure what's going on. so anyone care to help me?
note: l also host the app on same result.
Using a global in your get_subreddit function looks wrong to me.
reddit_url = ''
def get_subreddit(name):
global reddit_url
reddit_url += name
Every time, you run that function, you append the value of name to a global reddit_url.
It starts as
run get_subreddit("python") and it changes to
run get_subreddit("python") again, and it changes to
at this point, the url is invalid, and you have to restart your server.
You probably want to change get_subreddit so that it returns a url, and fetch this url in your function.
def get_subreddit(name):
return "" + name
# in your view
url = get_subreddit("python")
# now fetch url
There are probably other mistakes in your code as well. You can't really expect somebody on stack overflow to fix all the problems for you on a project of this size. The best thing you can do is learn some techniques for debugging your code yourself.
Look at the full traceback, not just the final SiteError. See what line of your code the problem is occurring in.
Add some logging or print statement, and try and work out why the SiteError is occurring.
Are you trying to download the url that you think you are (as I explained above, I don't think you are, because of problems with your get_subreddit method).
Finally, I recommend you make sure that the site works on your dev machine before you move on to deploying it on python anywhere. Deploying can cause lots of headaches all by itself, so it's good to start with an app that's working before you start.
Good luck :)