'leiningen' related commands too slow with Mac OS X - clojure

I installed and run lein, but it seems to slow on My Mac (10.6.4).
Running 'time lein help' gives me
real 11m8.674s
user 0m54.297s
sys 1m32.621s
I tried once more.
real 15m25.560s
user 1m36.087s
sys 2m52.745s
What's wrong with this? Is anyone experiencing similar problem? Is there anyway to check what's the problem?
When I install, I used 'sudo lein deps', as I got some errors using 'lein deps'. I guess it caused some problem accessing files. When I run 'sudo lein SOMETHING', it works as usual.

One thing to note is that it will put the src directory on the classpath. If you run it from $HOME and have a 54GB ~/src directory like I do, the JVM will slow to a crawl just trying to find the basic things.

It's because of how it looks for hooks. It's explained here: http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/browse_thread/thread/e04ab3f6e17f85c4.
You could give cake a try. It worked out of the box for my simple project.clj without any changes, and is blazing fast because of the persistent JVM it uses.

Found solution
sudo lein uses different CLASSPATH than that with just lein. I guess my CLASSPATH that contains clojure or clojure-contrib conflicted with the lein.
When I added this code at line 126 of lein, the problem is gone.
For uninstalling/installing, I asked and got an answer here.


How to load this Clojure project in my cider REPL? Why I am receiving the message "The clojure executable isn’t on your ‘exec-path’" (NixOS)?

Recently, I started learning Clojure. I have been using Emacs, and cider (REPL). Also, I have NixOS as OS.
I have been able to successfully program in Clojure using this environment. Usually, I create the files, then I go to the directory where the .clj are, I execute cider-jack-in, a REPL is created, and interactive programming magic happens. Thus, I am able to load the file, load new versions of old functions, etc.
It also works if I just start Emacs and execute `cider-jack-in. The mini-buffer asks:
Are you sure you want to run `cider-jack-in' without a Clojure project? (y or n)
After answering y, everything works fine.
While reading the book Clojure for the Brave and True, I have also successfully used:
$ lein run
For learning purposes, I decided to explore some open source projects. Thus, I did a git clone of this open-source project.
Being on the folder, I decided to reproduce the steps that have worked so far. However, it does not work. After executing cider-jack-in, the mini-buffer echoes the following:
The clojure executable isn’t on your ‘exec-path
Also, if I try with lein I get:
[pedro#system:~/projects/http-cron]$ lein run
No :main namespace specified in project.clj.
Obs.: If I type clojure on the shell, this is what I get:
[pedro#system:~]$ clojure
The program 'clojure' is not in your PATH. You can make it available in an
ephemeral shell by typing:
nix-shell -p clojure
Why is this happening?
How can I solve this (considering that I am using NixOS)?
Going the imperative route, depending on whether you use NixOS with channels (default) or flakes, you can permanently install clojure into your environment with:
channels: nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA clojure
flakes: nix profile install nixpkgs#clojure
The preferred (declarative) way would however be adding clojure to environment.systemPackages in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and running sudo nixos-rebuild switch.

How do I start clojurescript repl with lein mies?

I'm trying to learn clojurescript.
In my terminal (on Mac) I typed
lein new mies js-practice
cd ~/js-practice
Then I get this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "node": error=2, No such file or directory,
I'm confused, because I'm following a tutorial line by line and I don't understand what I did wrong. Am I missing some simple command? Is there something I don't have downloaded?? I'm a total beginner so I really can use any pointers.
Thank you!!
I figured out my problem! I didn't have Node.js installed. I did
brew install node
And now scripts/repl works.
I feel kinda silly but as a beginner these basic things drive me crazy! :)
I will also look into shadow cljs at some point since that seems to be more commonly used. Thanks!

Getting Leiningen & Cygwin Working

I am trying to get Leiningen and Cygwin working together.
One of the problems I think I have is that I have Java installed in "C:\Program Files\Java..." directory. The space appears to be causing issues.
When I try to run the lein script in Cygwin, I am getting the following error:
./lein: line 325: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin\java.exe : command not found
Then I thought the issue was the space. So I changed line 325 from:
to (for testing purposes):
"$'C:\\\Program Files\\\Java\\\jdk1.8.0_05\\\bin\\\java.exe'" \
But, I am still getting this error:
./lein: line 325: $'C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_05\\bin\\java.exe' : commande introuvable
However, this file clearly exists:
Owner#Owner-PC ~
$ ls -alh $'C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_05\\bin\\java.exe'
-rwxr-xr-x 1 Owner None 187K 8 mai 15:39 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin\java.exe
The lein script appears to be properly configuring Leiningen for Cygwin, however I can't get it to work.
Note that I previously installed Leiningen outside of Cygwin (I was running it in Windows' normal shell).
What could be wrong with my setup, any ideas?
I use Leiningen via Cygwin with no problems.
Start over
Start over with a fresh copy of the lein script. There should be no need to edit it.
Set your PATH to include java
The easiest solution is to set your path in ~/.profile to include the path to Java's bin directory. Lein will then find java on the path and you'll have access to java and its related tools in your shell.
export JAVA_HOME="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_05/"
export PATH="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/:${PATH}"
Restart your shell or source ~/.profile. Verify that which java finds java command. And run java to verify you get the help output.
And/or explicitly set the LEIN_JAVA_CMD and JAVA_CMD variables
Alternatively, set the LEIN_JAVA_CMD and JAVA_CMD variables used by lein in your ~/.profile
export JAVA_HOME="/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_05/"
export LEIN_JAVA_CMD="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java"
export JAVA_CMD=`cygpath -w "${LEIN_JAVA_CMD}"`
Restart your shell or source ~/.profile.
Note: You can also set a separate LEIN_JVM_OPTS and JVM_OPTS if desired, but this should not be necessary.
If you have lein previously installed on Windows and want to reach it from cygwin, then do:
on cmd:
cd C:/Users/%userprofile%/.lein/bin
mklink lein lein.bat
on cygwin:
export CYGWIN=winsymlinks:nativestrict
I feel your pain. I tried something like this myself several years ago.
You have at least two problems. One is getting lein to run as under unix as you noted. There are really two lein scripts - one for unix, the other a batch script for use under windows.
Your bigger problem is java.exe - getting the windows java executable to behave as a cygwin shell, and particular the unix lein script running in a cygwin shell, expects is messy and fragile undertaking.
I would strongly recommend either using a clojure ide that supports Windows (perhaps LightTable) or installing a full linux virtual machine with the unix java SDK and doing clojure development in that environment. Ubuntu running on virtualbox is freely available and an option I have used in the past for just this purpose.
You need to create a symbolic link to the "lein.bat" file.so you use it properly in Cygwin.
Open CMD and go to the ".lein" path (cd %userprofile%\.lein\bin) and run this: mklink lein lein.bat
#a-webb is almost right ,but there are still some steps to complete.First,you will find a folder called “.lein” where you run the lein script in cygwin,go in,copy the folder "self-installs" inside to C:\Users\yourUserName.lein
,then,add C:\Users\yourUserName.lein\bin to the environment variable $Path.
I've found the easiest way is to:
Install via the windows binaries and
Copy the lein bash script into .lein/bin
Then it should just work in cygwin.

ClojureScript bRepl does not respond at all

I've been tinkering with clojure and clojurescript for some time and I always found the browser repl to be extremely unresponsive. It usually hangs on without giving a result, or throws a broken pipe exception. Now I'm in a situation where it always refuses to work.
Let's say I download the modern-cljs tutorial part 2 and I do all the steps to start the page, load the compiled javascript and start the bRepl. When I try to evaluate something as simple as (+ 3 4) well, it just doesn't work.
I'm on OSX 10.8.4 and my leiningen version is 2.3.2 on Java 1.6.0_51 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM. Any help is extremely appreciated.
I would suggest to clone the modern-cljs repo, then checkout the tutorial-02 branch, then clean and recompile.
git clone https://github.com/magomimmo/modern-cljs.git
cd modern-cljs
git checkout tutorial-02
lein do clean, cljsbuild clean
lein cljsbuild once
Be sure to have your http-server running (I'm assuming the port is 3000) and its root set to modern-cljs/resources/public directory
Then run the repl-listen substask as follows:
lein trampoline cljsbuild repl-listen
Wait for the cljs prompt. Then visit the localhost:3000/simple.html URL and wait that the connection with the brepl is ready.
At the cljs prompt you should now be able to evaluate cljs expressions. Eventually, reload the above URL.
If it still does not work, try to delete your maven repository:
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository
and redo everything from the lein do chain of commands.
Eventually you can follow the https://github.com/magomimmo/modern-cljs/blob/master/doc/tutorial-18.md#the-need-of-a-more-comfortable-brepl-experience tutorial to set up a more comfortable bREPL which uses https://github.com/cemerick/piggieback
I've had a few problems with this topic too. And here are the tricks that help me:
Clean leain deps: rm -rf ~/.m2/*
download lein deps: lein deps in your project root
I saw this message: "broken pipe" when there was too much time from the last brepl interaction. So, refresh the browser and that's all
sometimes my brepl hung on the first time i was trying to evaluate the code, again try to refresh the browser
don't forget to run: lein cljsbuild once before start the brepl
Good luck
PS: Anyway if you want to have a comfortable brepl experience you have to take a look to https://github.com/cemerick/austin . I have tested this brepl and works fine https://github.com/juanantonioruz/client
You should try using Chromium unsafely:
open -a Chromium --args --disable-web-security
chromium --disable-web-security
Then visit your page in the unsafe browser and try to connect to the brepl.
Because while brepl is running on port 9000, the web server hosting the page is necessarily using a different port, which constitutes XSS (see [this stack overflow discussion]).
The easiest way to get around this is to use Chromium unsafely for debugging, but you can enable XSS by some other means if you want.
What ClojureScript release are you specifying in your project.clj? If you aren't specifying a specific release, this likely the source of your troubles. 0.0-1913 is the latest one.
I've also seen a complete hang in the REPL when I forget to call repl/connect from within the browser. Since there is no output, it's hard to diagnose. It's worth verifying before you try more intrusive remedies.

Clojure : 'lein repl' history grepping?

I often find myself executing commands like this at bash :
history | grep 'find'
For example to look up a fancy find / xargs command i might have ran.
Im wondering --- where does the "lein repl" store its historical data ? It would be nice to know, because then I could write a leingrep.sh script, which simply grepped through the lein history session.
It is obvious that this is on disk somewhere, since history is preserved from one repl to the next.
Lein is using either readline (if you have it installed) or jline (if you are so unfortunate, I recommend installing readline). I wouldn't bother trying to look up the history file on disk - just press Ctrl-r, type in your search text, and keep hitting Ctrl-r until you find whatever you were looking for. This is a general readline feature, and will work in any readline app (including bash).
Once you get going with readline there are a couple controls to consider, via your ~/.inputrc file.
I'm not finding the default "history size" documented, but I'm guessing it's only ~100. I often lose some older entries I wished I'd had around. Also, "vi-mode" is wonderful thing for vi users. Together these (with a bonus) in .inputrc become:
set history-size 10000
set editing-mode vi
# Only require 1 tab for completion.
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
Note that this config will affect a lot of repl tools, like gdb, irb/pry, lein, psql, ipython, R, ...
Looking at my home folder. Seems like the lein repl has chosen jline.
The files where the history is stored is as follows:
Hope this helps.
I installed lein through Homebrew on my Mac:
brew install leiningen
and the history file is stored in my home directory:
Version is:
% lein --version
Leiningen 2.6.1 on Java 1.8.0_77 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
(I don't have no ~/.inputrc nor ~/.jline*)