Mocking the "save" method on domain classes - unit-testing

I'm having hard time mocking the save instance method in my unit tests in Grails 1.3.3. I've created a simple domain class named Person, it has one property (nullable) called "name".
package tutorial
class Person {
String name
static constraints = {
name nullable: true
In my test I'm trying to do something I've found in the documentation:
class PersonTests extends GrailsUnitTestCase {
public void testCanSavePerson() {
def testInstances = []
mockDomain(Person, testInstances)
assertEquals(0, Person.count())
new Person(name: "Bob").save()
assertEquals(1, Person.count())
However as soon as I run the test what I get is an exception:
at grails.test.MockUtils$_addValidateMethod_closure83.doCall(MockUtils.groovy:973)
at grails.test.MockUtils$_addValidateMethod_closure84.doCall(MockUtils.groovy:1014)
at grails.test.MockUtils$_addDynamicInstanceMethods_closure67.doCall(MockUtils.groovy:736)
at grails.test.MockUtils$_addDynamicInstanceMethods_closure67.doCall(MockUtils.groovy)
at tutorial.PersonTests.testCanSavePerson(PersonTests.groovy:25)
whereas the line 25 is exactly the one that calls save() on newly created instance.
Does anyone knows what am I doing wrong?

This is an already known bug in Grails 1.3.3. Read more about it and find a workaround in the associated JIRA ticket GRAILS-6482.


Grails Spock unit test requires to mock transaction manager

In Grails 3.1.12, I want to unit test a service:
class PlanService {
List<Plan> getPlans(Map params) {
def currentUser = (User)springSecurityService.getCurrentUser()
return Plan.findAllByCompany(currentUser.employer, params)
Like this:
#Mock([Plan, User, Company])
class PlanServiceSpec extends Specification {
void "Retrieve plan from the current user"() {
// create and save entities here
when: "the plans are retrieved"
def params = null
def plans = service.getPlans(params)
then: "the result should only include plans associated to the current user's company"
plans.size() == 2
Running the test from the console:
grails> test-app my.PlanServiceSpec -unit
Fails with:
my.FundingPlanServiceSpec > Retrieve plan from the current user FAILED
java.lang.IllegalStateException at PlanServiceSpec.groovy:48
and in the test report (HTML):
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No transactionManager was specified.
Using #Transactional or #Rollback requires a valid configured transaction manager.
If you are running in a unit test ensure the test has been properly configured
and that you run the test suite not an individual test method.
Now if I comment out the #Transactional annotation in the service, the test passes, but that's not the intended implementation. I am able to work around the problem by mocking the transaction manager:
service.transactionManager = Mock(PlatformTransactionManager) {
getTransaction(_) >> Mock(TransactionStatus)
But this seems very awkward, if not wrong.
Is there some incantation I forgot to invoke?
EDIT: looks similar to an old bug, but it's been closed more than a year.
Have you tried what a comments says that fixes the problem? If not, try to annotate the test class with:
and then:
service.transactionManager = getTransactionManager()
Was getting the same error in grails 3.3.2 when trying to test transactional service.
adding DataTest interface solved the issue for me.
class HelloServiceSpec extends Specification implements ServiceUnitTest<HelloService>, DataTest {

Grails 2.4.4 : How do mock a transient service inside a domain?

I have been trying to figure this out for 2 days now and I am really stuck and frustrated. I have a domain object with a service which is being used for custom validation. The domain looks like this:
class Llama {
String name
transient myFetcherService
static transients = [
static constraints = {
name validator: { val, obj ->
if (obj.nameExists(val) == true) {
//return some error here.
protected boolean nameExists(String name) {
List<Llama> llamasList = myFetcherService.fetchExistingLlamasByName(name)
if (llamasList.isEmpty()) {
return false
return true
Now, I have another Service, which simply saves a list of Llama objects. It looks like this:
class LlamaFactoryService {
public void createLlamas(List<String> llamaNames) {
llamaNames.each { name ->
new Llama(name: name).save()
In my test. I keep getting this error:
Failure: createLlamas should create Llammas (com.myLlamaProject.LlamaFactoryServiceSpec)
| java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method myFetcherService on null object
I don't understand. In my tests, added a metaClass for the service in the "given" section. When it tries to save, it's telling that the service is null. This is what my test looks like:
def myFetcherService = mockFor(MyFetcherService)
myFetcherService.demand.fetchExistingLlamasByName {def name -> return []}
Llama.metaClass.myFetcherService = myFetcherService.createMock()
//some validations here....
I also tried using metaClass on the method nameExists() like:
Llama.metaClass.myFetcherService = { def name -> false }
, but it gives me the same nullPointerException as the one above. Could someone point me to the right direction? I'm a bit stuck. :(
Thanks in advance for reading and helping.
You're using a unit test and the general rule for unit tests is that beans generally aren't created for you, so you'll need to inject them yourself.
(Code edited to reflect the fact I misread the question)
I think you want a testing pattern something like:
def mockMyFetcherService = Mock(MyFetcherService) // create the mock
Llama.metaClass.getMyFetcherService = { mockMyFetcherService } // inject the dependency
def returnList = [] // let's just define this here and you can re-use this pattern in other tests more easily
// tell Spock what you expect to have happen with your Mock - return the List you defined above
3 * mockFetcherService.fetchExistingLlamasByName(_) >> returnList
If the injection of the service into the metaClass doesn't work (suggested here), you could always try using the defineBeans{} closure within the unit test itself (
Thus you could try:
defineBeans {
where MockMyFetcherService is defined in the same file that defines the test. This is the approach followed here:
See here for examples of more Spock interactions.
If you're using Grails 2.4.3 or below you'll need to put CGLIB in BuildConfig.groovy but I see here that it's already done for you in 2.4.4, so you should be ok just to use Mock(classname).

Issue testing Laravel Controller with Mockery | trying to get property of non-object

I'm very new to testing controllers and I'm running into a problem with a method(). I believe I'm either missing something in my test or my Controller / Repository is designed incorrectly.
The application I'm writing is basically one of those secure "one time" tools. Where you create a note, the system provides you with a URL, once that url is retrieved the note is deleted. I actually have the application written but I am going back to write tests for practice (I know that's backwards).
My Controller:
use OneTimeNote\Repositories\NoteRepositoryInterface as Note;
class NoteController extends \Controller {
protected $note;
public function __construct(Note $note)
$this->note = $note;
public function getNote($url_id, $key)
$note = $this->note->find($url_id, $key);
if (!$note) {
return \Response::json(array('message' => 'Note not found'), 404);
return \Response::json($note);
I've injected my Note interface in to my controller and all is well.
My Test
use \Mockery as M;
class OneTimeNoteTest extends TestCase {
public function setUp()
$this->mock = $this->mock('OneTimeNote\Repositories\EloquentNoteRepository');
public function mock($class)
$mock = M::mock($class);
$this->app->instance($class, $mock);
return $mock;
public function testShouldReturnNoteObj()
// Should Return Note
$note = $this->call('GET', '/note/1234567890abcdefg/1234567890abcdefg');
$this->assertEquals('test', $note->getContent());
The error I'm getting
1) OneTimeNoteTest::testShouldReturnNoteObj
ErrorException: Trying to get property of non-object
Line 24 is in reference to this line found in my controller:
Basically my abstracted repository method delete() obviously can't find $note->id because it really doesn't exist in the testing environment. Should I create a Note within the test and try to actually deleting it? Or would that be something that should be a model test? As you can see I need help, thanks!
----- Update -----
I tried to stub the repository to return a Note object as Dave Marshall mentioned in his answer, however I'm now receiving another error.
1) OneTimeNoteTest::testShouldReturnNoteObj
BadMethodCallException: Method Mockery_0_OneTimeNote_Repositories_EloquentNoteRepository::delete() does not exist on this mock object
I do have a delete() method in my repository and I know it's working when I test my route in the browser.
public function delete($id)
You are stubbing the note repository to return a string, PHP is then trying to retrieve the id attribute of a string, hence the error.
You should stub the repository to return a Note object, something like:
$this->mock->shouldReceive('find')->once()->andReturn(new Note());
Building upon Dave's answer, I was able to figure out what my problem is. I wasn't mocking the delete() method. I didn't understand the need to mock each individual method in my controller that would be called.
I just added this line:
Since my delete method is just deleting the note after it is found, I went ahead and mocked it but set it to return null.

#Mock domain objects in unit testing in grails listOrderBy dynamic finder throws an exception

I am writing a unit test for a grails controller. Here is a snippet of the code:
class MyControllerTests {
void testController() {
Here is how the domain object looks like:
class MyDomain {
static constraints = {
name(nullable: false)
parent(nullable: true)
static belongsTo = Industry
static hasMany = [children: Industry]
Industry parent
String name
The method in the controller I am testing calls this GORM dynamic method:
The test fails when execution hits this line and the exception is not making much sense to me since the #Mock annotation should have added all the dynamic methods:
groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Cannot compare com.stuff.MyDomain with value 'com.stuff.MyDomain : 1' and com.stuff.MyDomain with value 'com.stuff.MyDomain : 4'
at org.grails.datastore.mapping.simple.query.SimpleMapQuery$_executeQuery_closure63_closure155.doCall(SimpleMapQuery.groovy:78)
The controller works fine when running the grails app. Any ideas?
You may mock the Industry domain object
as well:
#Mock([MyDomain, Industry])

Mock a method for Grails Unit Test

In one of my unit tests, I am having some difficulty getting a mocked method to executed. I have the following test code:
void testExample() {
def mockICFService = new MockFor(ICFService)
//Mock the methods
controller.metaClass.icfList = { def person ->
println "icfList"
return [new IC(conceptId:'12345')]
mockICFService.demand.getAllIC(1..1) { def id, def withHist, def appId ->
println "mocking service"
return new Person()
def model = controller.detail()
Inside of detail in my controller class I create a Person via the ICFService's getAllIC(). This part works correctly. Later in the function, however, there is a call to icfList (which is defined in the controller). Through println's I have determined that the call is still being made, although it is returning an empty array. I believe that this is because the array is populated based on data in the servletContext, but in Unit Testing there is no access to that (hence my trying to mock it out).
Does anyone know how to force the test to use the mocked version of controller.icfList instead of calling the actual method in controller?
When I try your code, what blows up for me is the mocked service, and the part that works properly is the mocked-out icfList() method. The opposite of your observation, interestingly. For what it's worth, here's what I did:
First replace new MockFor() class instantiation with the mockFor() method. Then you need to inject the mock service into the controller.
def mockICFService = mockFor(ICFService)
controller.iCFService = mockICFService.createMock()
By doing the above, only the mocked versions of icfList() and getAllIC() get called, so you are not using the servletContext at all. Check out the Grails testing documentation for more info.