How to instruct GCC to stop after 5 errors? - c++

Is it possible to instruct GNU c++ compiler to stop after 5 errors found? Can't find this in documentation.

The command-line option -fmax-errors=N directs the compiler to give up after N errors. This option is present in GCC 4.6 and later.
The command-line option -Wfatal-errors directs the compiler to give up after one error. This option is present in GCC 4.0 and later.
In both cases, warnings do not count toward the limit unless you also specify -Werror.

You can use gcc option:
for this purpose.

I would welcome such an option as well. For now, I'm using the following workaround to get the first five errors:
<make> 2>&1|grep error|head -5

I have to ask why you would want to do this. Sometimes the error that exists in the code is not the first or even found in the first five errors. Sometimes it's beyond that and only is recognizable once you scroll down the list. A better method might be to break up your code and place it into smaller libraries if you're bothered by compile times. Or if you're concerned with things scrolling off the screen of a command line, using the '>>' operator to pipe the messages into a file.


g++/clang++ Invert compilation error order

g++ and clang++ report compilation errors with the first erroneous line encountered at the top of their output. That is, the first line clang/g++ print on a compilation error are the one you usually care about. As I'm sure we have all experienced, you have to scroll up (often a lot) to see what the nasty error is. Is there any compilation flag (in clang++ or in g++) that presents compilation errors in reverse order?
I saw this question which asked the same thing I'm asking, but about GHC and thought about how much of a useful option this would be for C++ projects. I've never heard of this for clang++ or g++, and I couldn't find anything online nor on their man pages.

What is gcc compiler option "-unsigned" meant for?

I am compiling legacy code using gcc compiler 4.8.5 on RHEL7. All C and C++ files have "-unsigned" as one of the default flags for both gcc and g++ compilation. The compiler accepts this option and compiles successfully. However, I cannot find any documentation of this option anywhere either in gcc manual or online. Does anyone know what this option is? I have to port the code and am confused whether this compiler option needs to be ported or not.
I suspect it was just a mistake in the Makefile, or whatever is used to compile the code.
gcc does not support a -unsigned option. However, it does pass options to the linker, and GNU ld has a -u option:
Force SYMBOL to be entered in the output file as an undefined
symbol. Doing this may, for example, trigger linking of additional
modules from standard libraries. '-u' may be repeated with
different option arguments to enter additional undefined symbols.
This option is equivalent to the 'EXTERN' linker script command.
The space between -u and the symbol name is optional.
So the intent might have been to do something with unsigned types, but the effect, at least with modern versions of gcc, is to enter nsigned in the output file as an undefined symbol.
This seems to have no effect in the quick test I did (compiling and running a small "hello, world" program). The program runs correctly, and the output of nm hello includes:
U nsigned
With an older version of gcc (2.95.2) on a different system, I get a fatal link-time error about the undefined symbol.
I suspect the intention is for the program to be compiled with -funsigned-char. I don't know whether this instead used to be -unsigned, back in dinosaur times, and perhaps GCC actually still heeds that spelling; there's no way to know from the manual because, if it does, it's an undocumented feature.
I'd ask the original author for the intention here, since they didn't see fit to document.

how to satisfy both gcc4.1.2 and gcc 4.7.3

A project need to compile in both gcc4.1.2(company's server) and gcc 4.7.3+(desktop linux system), and have some problems:
1. gcc 4.1.2 does not have Wno-unused-result and Wno-unused-but-set-variable. I tried to substitute the latter two with Wno-unused, but still generate an ignoring return value of a build-in function error.
2. There's also no Wno-narrowing in gcc 4.1.2, is there anything else I can use?
What should I do to make both of them happy?
I'd suggest you deal with the differences between the two versions in the makefile. You can detect the GCC version and pramatically include the extra warning options if the GCC version supports them. This will help when the company finally moves forward.
Fixing the code is worth doing, but don't then not use the warnings. They're the thing telling you there's a problem in the first place (otherwise you wouldn't have enabled them right?)
Anyway, you can get round the unused warnings to system functions by casting the result to void which the compiler is happy you should ignore:
(void)builtin( ... );

max number of allowable warnings while compiling

Is it possible to 'tell' compiler that if total number of warnings (while compiling a C++ program) are more than say 10 then stop compiling further, and emit an error?
Or is it possible to hack a compiler like clang to provide this functionality.
GCC has two options together would achieve this, from gnu online docs:
Make all warnings into errors.
Limits the maximum number of error messages to n, at which point GCC bails out rather than attempting to continue processing the source
This would make a build with any warnings fail though, the options just define when to stop parsing.
I haven't seen this kind of feature in gcc or clang. You can certainly try to patch it into either of them, both are open source. There is also -Werror (accepted by both compilers) which simply treats warnings as errors.
How about using -Werror to make warnings into errors and -fmax-errors=n to set the limit.
(Also, perhaps making your code completely warning free would be a good thing).

Trace gcc compilation and what code slows it down

I want to find out what code causes slow compilation times in gcc. I previously had a code being compiled slowly and someone told me the command-line switch that makes gcc to print each step that it compiles, including each function/variable/symbol and so on. That helped a lot (I could literally see in console where gcc chokes), but I forgot what was the switch.
I found it (from the gcc man page):
Makes the compiler print out each function name as it is compiled, and print some statistics about each pass when it finishes.
See also this answer to a quite similar question.
You very probably want to invoke GCC with -time or more probably -ftime-report which gives you the time spent by cc1 or cc1plus ... (the compiler proper started by the gcc or g++command) which shows the time spent in each internal phases or passes of the GCC compiler. Don't forget also optimizations, debugging, and warnings flags (e.g. -Wall -O -g); they all slow down the compilation.
You'll learn that for C programs, parsing is a small fraction of the compilation time, as soon as you ask for some optimization, e.g. -O1 or -O2. (This is less true for C++, when parsing can take half of the time, notably since template expansion is considered as parsing).
Empirically, what slows down GCC are very long function bodies. Better have 50 functions of 1000 lines each than one single function of 50000 lines (and this could happen in programs generating some of their C++ code, e.g. RefPerSys or perhaps -in spring 2021- Bismon).
Try the -v (verbose) compilation.
See this link:
I understand. Maybe this will help:
gcc -fdump-tree-all -fdump-rtl-all
and the like (-fdump-passes). See here: