Store id values in cookie with coldfusion - cookies

Looking for a way to track the last 5 product ids in a cookie via coldfusion. I'll set a new id each time a product page is visited. The product ids could be stored in a comma separate list. How would I store only the last 5 product ids?

You could try something like this (untested):
<cfset thisproductid = id_you_somehow_know_from_this_page>
<cfif not structkeyexists( cookie, 'mylist' )>
<!--- no cookie? make one and set it to this ID --->
<cfcookie name="mylist" value="#thisproductid#">
<cfif listlen( cookie.mylist ) eq 5>
<!--- lifo --->
<cfset cookie.mylist = listdeleteat( cookie.mylist, 1 )>
<!--- check for odd conditions like listlen gt 5? up to you --->
<cfset cookie.mylist = listappend( cookie.mylist, thisproductid )>


How to compare a string from a query results?

I want to get the total number of records that a column has for a string.
For example, seller column = 'ONA'. I want to know how many records are equal to "ONA" and how many are not.
This is what I have:
<cfset stringONA= "ONA">
<CFSET onaseller= 0>
<CFSET notseller=0>
<cfloop query="getunion_again">
<cfif #getunion_again.seller# eq stringONA>
<cfset onaseller = onaseller +1 >
<cfset notseller = notseller +1>
<cfdump var=#onaseller #>
<cfdump var=#notseller #>
I'm not getting any errors, just not getting any count.
Wouldn't it just be easier to do a query-of-query to get the number of records that match your criteria without looping?
<cfquery name="qryCount" dbtype="query">
SELECT COUNT(*) AS positive_count
FROM getunion_again
WHERE seller = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#stringONA#">
<cfset onaseller = qryCount.positive_count>
<cfset notseller = getunion_again.recordcount - onaseller>
One can use listValueCountNoCase() to count the matches in a list, and one can use valueList() to extract a query column as a list. And the number of mismatches is the number of rows less the number of matches.
values = valueList(getunion_again.seller);
onaseller = listValueCountNoCase(values, stringONA);
notseller = getunion_again.recordCount - onaseller;

identifying the coldfusion value comng to run against query

I am passing dynamically named parameters in the url. (The number of sSearch parameters can go beyond 5 to 7 or 8 etc)
I want to run a loop to do a search within a query. I am trying like this:
<cfloop from="0" to="5" index="k">
<cfset counter = k>
<cfif IsDefined('url.sSearch_' & counter)>
<cfset "check_" & k = 'url.sSearch_' & counter>
I am trying to write in a query like this:
<cfquery datasource="#coldfusionDatasource#" name="qFiltered">
FROM mytable
<cfif len(trim(url.sSearch))>
<cfloop list="#listColumns#" index="thisColumn">
<cfif thisColumn neq listFirst(listColumns)> OR </cfif>
#thisColumn# LIKE <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"
value="%#trim(url.sSearch)#%" />
But it is not working. The error says check_ is undefined.
For dynamic variable naming using quotes, try:
<cfset "check_#k#" = 'url.sSearch_' & counter>
See this article

Need to insert the Upload count in the database and in table

I am getting the following details in my form. I need to loop through the fields which have "attachment" in the name and add the count to the table, and also the values in the new table.
ATTACHMENT C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\runtime\work\Catalina\localhost\tmp\neotmp3230094756217875313.tmp
ATTACHMENT2 C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\runtime\work\Catalina\localhost\tmp\neotmp4341408903737742616.tmp
ATTACHMENT3 C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\runtime\work\Catalina\localhost\tmp\neotmp2809169853442728277.tmp
I am trying to do a loop over the form fields, but I am lost in between, and am unsure where to proceed.
<CFLOOP collection="#structform#" item="whichField">
<cfif FindNoCase('attachment',whichField)>
<cfset total = len(whichField)>
<CFOUTPUT>#whichField# = #structform[whichField]#</CFOUTPUT><br>
I'm still not certain I've understood what's going on, so this might need tweaking/changing to make it work as needed, but this is without doubt a better approach:
<cfset Total = 0 />
<cfloop collection=#StructForm# item="FieldName" >
<cfif findNoCase('attachment',FieldName) AND len(StructForm[FieldName]) >
<cfset ++Total />
<CFLOOP collection="#structform#" item="whichField">
<cfif FindNoCase('attachment',whichField)>
<cfset lstvalue = ListAppend(lstvalue,whichField)>
<cfset total = ListLen(lstvalue)>
<cfif (len(total) AND total EQ 1) AND (Evaluate(lstvalue) EQ '')>
<cfset total = 0>

Set a variable dynamically into a structure via CFLOOP

I am trying to set a variable dynamically into a structure via CFLOOP. I have read Ben Nadal's blog post but cant seem to get the assignment correct. I would like to use dot notation and make the VIN a sub structure of values.
Here is my code:
<cfloop query="VINs">
<cfquery name="carsQue" datasource="carsData">
<cfset carsStruct= StructNew()>
<cfset carsStruct.[VIN].MAKE = '#carsQue.MODEL#'>
<cfset carsStruct.[VIN].MODEL = '#carsQue.MAKE#'>
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated,
Running a query inside a loop is almost always a bad idea. In your case, a better option would be:
<cfif ListLen(valuelist( gt 0>
<cfquery name=CarsQue datasource = "carsData">
select vin, model, make, etc
from carsDB
where vin in (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"
value="#valuelist(" list="true">)
<cfset carsStruct = StructNew()>
<cfloop query="carsQue">
code for your struct
code for vins query returning no data
Better yet would be to get all the data with one query. You didn't provide enough information to determine if this was possible, but it often is.
Create a structure outside loop and and setting variable within loop can solve the problem. in a current scenario each time loop run its create a new structure.
you can do some thing like this
<cfset carsStruct= StructNew()>
<cfloop query="VINs">
<cfquery name="carsQue" datasource="carsData">
WHERE VIN = <cfqueryparam cf_sql_type="cf_sql_varchar" value="#VINs.VIN#">
<cfset carsStruct[VINs.VIN].MAKE = carsQue.MODEL>
<cfset carsStruct[VINs.VIN].MODEL = carsQue.MAKE>
Based on the limited information you've given you should be able to run one query and loop through that to add to your struct.
<cfset carsStruct= {}> //new struct
<cfif VINs.RecordCount> //your VINs query has records
<cfquery name="carsQueue" datasource="carsData">
// Quoted list of all your VINs. cfqueryparam prevents against SQL injection
WHERE VIN IN (<cfqueryparam cf_sql_type="cf_sql_varchar" value="#ValueList(VINs.VIN)#" list="true">
<cfloop query="carsQueue">
<cfset carsStruct.[carsQueue.VIN].MAKE = carsQueue.MODEL>
<cfset carsStruct.[carsQueue.VIN].MODEL = carsQueue.MAKE>
// if VINs query return nothing a blank struct will be returned.
//You do NOT need this <cfelse> unless you are returning something when the query is blank

Creating array in coldfusion

How would I create an array that will return data in the following format via CF 8?
This information originates from an order table based on SKU value and QTY. I already know the query to use to pull the data. I just would like some help to format it.
The original data exists in the following format
SKU82328 QTY 1
SKU9832 QTY 3
SKU8923 QTY 1
<cfquery name"SkuQuery" datasource="DSN">
SELECT sku, quantity FROM someTable WHERE someCondition = 'true'
<cfset SkuList = ValueList(SkuQuery.sku)>
<cfset QuantityList = ValueList(SkuQuery.quantity)>
<cfset QueryString = "skulist=#URLEncodedFormat(SkuList)#&quantitylist=#URLEncodedFormat(QuantityList)#">
I think you would have to do something like below
<!--- Do the query --->
<cfquery name="test" datasource="cfsnippets">
SELECT Emp_ID, LastName, FirstName, Email
FROM Employees
<!--- Declare the array --->
<cfset myarray=arraynew(2)>
<!--- Populate the array row by row --->
<cfloop query="test">
<cfset myarray[CurrentRow][1]=Emp_ID>
<cfset myarray[CurrentRow][2]=LastName>
<cfset myarray[CurrentRow][3]=FirstName>
<cfset myarray[CurrentRow][4]=Email>
<!--- Now, create a loop to output the array contents --->
<cfset total_records=test.recordcount>
<cfloop index="Counter" from=1 to="#Total_Records#">
ID: #MyArray[Counter][1]#,
LASTNAME: #MyArray[Counter][2]#,
FIRSTNAME: #MyArray[Counter][3]#,
EMAIL: #MyArray[Counter][4]# <br>