$3.6.1/3 states-
"The function main shall not be used
(3.2) within a program.".
The sample academically motivated program below uses the name 'main' in a couple of ways which I thought are legitimate. This is based on the assumption that 'usage of a function' is related to calling the function (directly/indirectly).
struct MyClass{
friend int main();
int main(){
MyClass m;
int (*p)() = main; // but don't do anything
Fair enough, the code shown compiles with gcc/VS 2010.
I am surprised by Comeau's error.
Comeau online gives error while declaration 'p' (i.e while taking address of 'main') but not while declaraing 'main' as a friend.
Who/What is right with respect to C++03?
C++03 §3.2/2 says:
An object or non-overloaded function is used if its name appears in a potentially-evaluated expression.
It goes on to list what constitutes use of other various types of entities; this is the important one here.
A friend declaration is not an expression.
When the function main() is converted to a pointer and that pointer is assigned to p, that is an expression and it is potentially evaluated (C++03 §3.2/2):
An expression is potentially evaluated unless it appears where an integral constant expression is required (see 5.19), is the operand of the sizeof operator (5.3.3), or is the operand of the typeid operator and the expression does not designate an lvalue of polymorphic class type (5.2.8).
C++03 Appendix C.1 on C++ and ISO C Compatibility says:
Changes in 3.6
Change: Main cannot be called recursively and cannot have its address taken
Rationale: The main function may require special actions.
Effect on original feature: Deletion of semantically well-defined feature
Difficulty of converting: Trivial: create an intermediary function such as mymain(argc, argv.
How widely used: Seldom
Going by the exact wording ("shall not be used"), I would think that the first example is considered legal because it doesn't use the function in any way. It adds some kind of reference to it somewhere and allows the function to access the private data. It doesn't use main(), it provides more access to it.
The second example (taking the address) actually uses main() as a symbol, by taking the address of it and placing that into a pointer to a function. Not only will that allow you to easily break the rule of not calling main from within the program, it has to interact with it (at least the info that tells where main is at).
I think that in the first case, the friend function just refers to "some function called main" while in the second case its rather "oh, you mean THE ONE main? I can't allow that".
I am new to C++ and I am writing pseudo code here:
void fn(a) {}
It is correct to assume that in the function body fn what happens is this assignment
`a = b`
I know we can pass the reference/pointer instead of just the value. I get it. But at its core, it still does this assignment of parameter = argument right?
I would like to know:
if there is any official term for this?
when exactly does this assignment happen and what exactly makes this happen? is it the compiler?
if there is any official term for this?
The official semantics of a function call are discussed in the “Function call” section of the C standard. There is no term specifically for the assignments of values to parameters.
C++ 2017 draft N4659 8.2.2 “Function call” [expr.call] 4 says:
When a function is called, each parameter (11.3.5) shall be initialized (11.6, 15.8, 15.1) with its corresponding argument…
when exactly does this assignment happen and what exactly makes this happen? is it the compiler?
It happens when a function is called. The compiler is responsible for generating code that produces a program that performs the semantics of the source code (as defined by the C++ standard).
The C++ standard describes an execution environment, the results of various types of statements and the results of various types of expressions. A compiler is only required to produce code that, when,run, produces results as-if it were run on that described execution environment.
In terms of your actual question, that means that a function call in source code does not necessarily translate into any sort of call or jump instruction when run on actual hardware.
For example, given the function:
int sqr(int x, inty)
return x*y;
a compiler might well simply compute such a result in-place and not perform any sort of parameter passing. But whether you can actually count on that behavior is a detail left up to the compiler implementor.
All that being said, on actual hardware and without inlining, a function call's parameters are very much like any other variable initialization (think copy rather than assign). The exact details (such as order of parameter evaluation) are left up to each implementation.
I want to overload "->" operator globally for pointers. Is it possible?
A *var1 = new A(21);
int x = var1->someInt;
In that code it has to be triggered when reaching "var1"s "someInt" variable.
Actually I am trying to check the pointer before reaching its members. Also, I am trying to implement this system on a written code, so I don't want to change too much thing in the actual code.
I want to overload "->" operator globally. Is it possible?
No it is impossible.
Perhaps you might define a "root" class in your library or program (which would define that operator ->), and have all your classes inherit from it.
BTW, I am not sure you will be able to define your isPointerValid function in all cases (including the address of valid automatic variables of any class type), and efficiently.
There are many cases where you could not define such a function (e.g. union-s used in tagged union types; you don't easily know what member of a union is currently active. arbitrary casts; ...); .
For existing code and classes, the builtin meaning of -> (which you usually cannot redefine) has already been used to compile the code using them.
As described in C++17 standard draft in section 16.5.6 (emphasis mine):
An operator function shall either be a non-static member function or
be a non-member function that has at least one parameter whose type
is a class, a reference to a class, an enumeration, or a reference to
an enumeration.
Hence, it is not possible to overload an operator which doesn't take any arguments.
This is probably a bit of an unusual question, in that it asks for a fuller explanation of a short answer given to another question and of some aspects of the C++11 Standard related to it.
For ease of reference, I shall sum up the referenced question here. The OP defines a class:
struct Account
static constexpr int period = 30;
void foo(const int &) { }
void bar() { foo(period); } //no error?
and is wondering why he gets no error about his usage of an in-class initialized static data member (a book mentioned this to be illegal). Johannes Schaub's answer states, that:
This violates the One Definition Rule;
No diagnostics is required.
As much as I rely the source and validity of this answer, I honestly dislike it because I personally find it too cryptic, so I tried to work out a more meaningful answer myself, with only partial success. Relevant seems to be § 9.4.2/4:
"There shall be exactly one definition of a static data member that is odr-used (3.2) in a program; no diagnostic is required" [Emphases are mine]
Which gets me a bit closer to the point. And this is how § 3.2/2 defines an odr-used variable:
"A variable whose name appears as a potentially-evaluated expression is odr-used unless it is an object that satisfies the requirements for appearing in a constant expression (5.19) and the lvalue-to-rvalue conversion (4.1) is immediately applied" [Emphases are mine]
In the OP's question, variable period clearly satisfies the requirements for appearing in a constant expression, being a constexpr variable. So the reason must be certainly found in the second condition: "and the lvalue-to-rvalue conversion (4.1) is immediately applied".
This is where I have troubles interpreting the Standard. What does this second condition actually mean? What are the situations it covers? Does it mean that a static constexpr variable is not odr-used (and therefore can be in-class initialized) if it is returned from a function?
More generally: What are you allowed to do with a static constexpr variable so that you can in-class initialize it?
Does it mean that a static constexpr variable is not odr-used (and
therefore can be in-class initialized) if it is returned from a
Essentially, as long as you treat it as a value, rather than an object, then it is not odr-used. Consider that if you pasted in the value, the code would function identically- this is when it is treated as an rvalue. But there are some scenarios where it would not.
There are only a few scenarios where lvalue-to-rvalue conversion is not performed on primitives, and that's reference binding, &obj, and probably a couple others, but it's very few. Remember that, if the compiler gives you a const int& referring to period, then you must be able to take it's address, and furthermore, this address must be the same for each TU. That means, in C++'s horrendous TU system, that there must be one explicit definition.
If it is not odr-used, the compiler can make a copy in each TU, or substitute the value, or whatever it wants, and you can't observe the difference.
You missed a part of the premise. The class definition give above is completely valid, if you also define Account::period somewhere (but without providing an initializer). See the last sentance of 9.4.2/3:
The member shall still be defined in a namespace scope if it is odr-used
(3.2) in the program and the namespace scope definition shall not
contain an initializer.
This entire discussion only applies to static constexpr data members, not to namespace-scope static variables. When static data members are constexpr (rather than simply const) you have to initialize them in the class definition. So your question should really be: What are you allowed to do with a static constexpr data member so that you don't have to provide a definition for it at namespace scope?
From the preceding, the answer is that the member must not be odr-used. And you already found relevant parts of the definition of odr-used. So you can use the member in a context where it is not potentially-evaluated - as an unevaluated operand (for example of sizeofor decltype) or a subexpression thereof. And you can use it in an expression where the lvalue-to-rvalue conversion is immediately applied.
So now we are down to What uses of a variable cause an immediate lvalue to rvalue conversion?
Part of that answer is in §5/8:
Whenever a glvalue expression appears as an operand of an operator
that expects a prvalue for that operand, the lvalue-to-rvalue (4.1),
array-to-pointer (4.2), or function-to-pointer (4.3) standard
conversions are applied to convert the expression to a prvalue.
For arithmetic types that essentially applies to all operators that apply standard arithmetic conversions. So you can use the member in various arithmetic and logical operations without needing a definition.
I can't enumerate all things, you can or can't do here, because the requirements that something be a [g]lvalue or [p]rvalue are spread across the standard. The rule of thumb is: if only the value of the variable is used, a lvalue to rvalue conversion is applied; if the variable is used as an object, it is used as lvalue.
You can't use it in contexts where an lvalue is explicitly required, for example as argument to the address-of operator or mutating operators). Direct binding of lvalue references (without conversion) is such a context.
Some more examples (without detailed standardese analysis):
You can pass it to functions, unless the function parameter is a reference to which the variable can be directly bound.
For returning it from a function: if implicit conversion to the return type involves a user-defined conversion function, the rules for passing to a function apply. Otherwise you can return it, unless the function returns an lvalue (a reference) referring directly to the variable.
The key rule for odr-used variables, the "One Definition Rule" is in 3.2/3:
Every program shall contain exactly one definition of every non-inline
function or variable that is odr-used in that program; no diagnostic
The "no diagnostic required" part means that programs violating this rule cause undefined behavior, which may range from failing to compile, compiling and failing in surprising ways to compiling and acting as if everything was OK. And your compiler need not warn you about the problem.
The reason, as others have already indicated, is that many of these violations would only be detected by a linker. But optimizations may have removed references to objects, so that no cause for linkage failure remains or else linking may sometimes occur only at runtime or be defined to pick an arbitrary instance from multiple definitions of a name.
Why does this fail to compile:
int myVar = 0;
myVar ? []()->void{} : []()->void{};
with following error msg:
Error 2 error C2446: ':' : no conversion from 'red_black_core::`anonymous-namespace'::< lambda1>' to red_black_core::anonymous-namespace::< lambda0>
While this complies correctly:
void left()
void right()
int myVar = 0;
myVar ? left() : right();
The return type of the ?: operator has to be deduced from it's two operands, and the rules for determining this type are quite complex. Lambdas don't satisfy them because they can't be converted to each other. So when the compiler tries to work out what the result of that ?: is, then there can't be a result, because those two lambdas aren't convertible to each other.
However, when you try to compute the functions, then you actually called them, but you didn't call the lambdas. So when you call the functions, they both have void, so the return type of ?: is void.
void left()
void right()
int myVar = 0;
myVar ? left() : right();
is equivalent to
int myVar = 0;
myVar ? [](){}() : [](){}();
Note the extra () on the end- I actually called the lambda.
What you had originally is equivalent to
compiler_deduced_type var;
if (myVar)
var = [](){};
var = [](){};
But- no type exists that can be both lambdas. The compiler is well within it's rights to make both lambdas different types.
I remembered something. In the latest Standard draft, lambdas with no captures can be implicitly converted into function pointers of the same signature. That is, in the above code, compiler_deduced_type could be void(*)(). However, I know for a fact that MSVC does not include this behaviour because that was not defined at the time that they implemented lambdas. This is likely why GCC allows it and MSVC does not- GCC's lambda support is substantially newer than MSVC's.
Rules for conditional operator in the draft n3225 says at one point
Otherwise, the result is a prvalue. If the second and third operands do not have the same type, and either
has (possibly cv-qualified) class type, overload resolution is used to determine the conversions (if any) to be
applied to the operands (, 13.6). If the overload resolution fails, the program is ill-formed. Otherwise,
the conversions thus determined are applied, and the converted operands are used in place of the original
operands for the remainder of this section.
Up to that point, every other alternative (like, convert one to the other operand) failed, so we will now do what that paragraph says. The conversions we will apply are determined by overload resolution by transforming a ? b : c into operator?(a, b, c) (an imaginary function call to a so-named function). If you look what the candidates for the imaginary operator? are, you find (among others)
For every type T , where T is a pointer, pointer-to-member, or scoped enumeration type, there exist candidate operator functions of the form
T operator?(bool, T , T );
And this includes a candidate for which T is the type void(*)(). This is important, because lambda expressions yield an object of a class that can be converted to such a type. The spec says
The closure type for a lambda-expression with no lambda-capture has a public non-virtual non-explicit const conversion function to pointer to function having the same parameter and return types as the closure type’s function call operator. The value returned by this conversion function shall be the address of a function that, when invoked, has the same effect as invoking the closure type’s function call operator.
The lambda expressions can't be convert to any other of the parameter types listed, which means overload resolution succeeds, finds a single operator? and will convert both lambda expressions to function pointers. The remainder of the conditional opreator section will then proceed as usual, now having two branches for the conditional operator having the same type.
That's why also your first version is OK, and why GCC is right accepting it. However I don't really understand why you show the second version at all - as others explained, it's doing something different and it's not surprising that it works while the other doesn't (on your compiler). Next time, best try not to include useless code into the question.
Because every lambda is a unique type. It is basically syntactic sugar for a functor, and two separately implemented functors aren't the same type, even if they contain identical code.
The standard does specify that lambdas can be converted to function pointers if they don't capture anything, but that rule was added after MSVC's lambda support was implemented.
With that rule, however, two lambdas can be converted to the same type, and so I believe your code would be valid with a compliant compiler.
Both snippets compile just fine with GCC 4.5.2.
Maybe your compiler has no (or partial/broken) support to C++0x features such as lambda?
It doesn't fail to compile. It works just fine. You probably don't have C++0x enabled in your compiler.
An error message has now been added to the original question! It seems that you do have C++0x support, but that it is not complete in your compiler. This is not surprising.
The code is still valid C++0x, but I recommend only using C++0x features when you really have to, until it's standardised and there is full support across a range of toolchains. You have a viable C++03 alternative that you gave in your answer, and I suggest using it for the time being.
Possible alternative explanation:
Also note that you probably didn't write what you actually meant to write. []()->void{} is a lambda. []()->void{}() executes the lambda and evaluates to its result. Depending what you're doing with this result, your problem could be that the result of calling your lambda is void, and you can't do much with void.
Consider the following snippet:
struct Foo
static const T value = 123; //Where T is some POD-type
const T Foo::value; //Is this required?
In this case, does the standard require us to explicitly declare value in a translation unit? It seems I have conflicting information; boost and things like numeric_limits from the STL seem to do this sort of thing just like in my snippet.
OTOH, I remember reading somewhere (albeit a long long time ago) that you're still required to provide a declaration in a translation unit.
If this is the case, what about template specialization? Will each specialization require a declaration?
I'd appreciate your comments as to what the "right way" is.
You have to provide a definition in a translation unit too, in case you use the value variable. That means, if for example you read its value.
The important thing is that the compiler is not required to give a warning or error if you violate that rule. The Standard says "no diagnostic required" for a violation.
In the next C++ Standard version, the rule changed. A variable is not used when it is used as a constant expression. Simply reading value above where the variable is initialized directly in the class means that still no definition is required then.
See the definition of use in section 3.2 One Definition Rule of the Standard and requirement for a definition for static data-members in 9.4.2, paragraph 4 and 5 (in the C++98 Standard. Appears in paragraph 3 and 4 in the n2800 draft of the next Standard).
Correction: The rule already changed for c++03: If the variable appears where a integral constant expression is required, no definition is needed (quoting from an unofficial revisions list for the 2003 update), see resolution for this language defect report:
An expression is potentially evaluated unless it appears where an integral constant expression is required (see 5.19), is the operand of the sizeof operator (5.3.3), or is the operand of the typeid operator and the expression does not designate an lvalue of polymorphic class type (5.2.8)...
Note that even then, many uses are in cases where an integral constant is not required. Cases where one is, is in array dimensions or in template metaprogramming. So strictly speaking (see this report), only the c++1x solution provides really guarantee that in obvious cases also like "s == string::npos" where an integral constant is not required the definition of the static member is not needed, because the next Standard has a different, better wording of 3.2. This is however quite theoretical stuff, since most (all?) compiler don't moan anyway. Thanks for the guy in the comment section for telling me.
To add on to what litb said, from my copy of n2798:
2 The declaration of a static data member in its class definition is not a definition and
may be of an incomplete type other than cv-qualified void. The definition for a static
data member shall appear in a namespace scope enclosing the member’s class definition. In
the definition at namespace scope, the name of the static data member shall be qualified
by its class name using the :: operator.
You don't have to provide a definition for static integral constant members if you don't use them in some way that requires them to be stored in memory somewhere (e.g. take the address of such a member). See Stroustrup's The C++ Programming Language, section
Oops, I just re-read the question, and the question was for some type T. In general you would need to provide a definition, I agree. But if you used something from the int family, you wouldn't necessarily have to (with the caveat above).