I'm an experienced C++ developer - how can I enter the gaming industry? - c++

I've been working in C++ in embedded environments for a number of years, developing navigation applications. There is a gaming company in my hometown that I like the look of, but I don't have game development experience. You could consider a navigation app as a type of game, depending on who you are running from.
My question is, what steps should I take to enter the industry? Is it a bad idea to enter the industry at this stage (I'm 30)?

Being 30 doesn't really matter, you can enter the games industry at any age assuming you have the drive and ability.
Start reading about gaming topics, and game development websites (gamedev, gamasutra etc.)
Start writing games. Clones of games you like, your own original ideas, tech demos, anything that you can point to and say "I wrote that, and along the way I learned these things, and solved these problems."
If there is a specific area of interest to you, AI, Rendering, Frontend, Tools & Pipelines, Audio, focus on building game/demo/sample projects that challenge you in that area. "Yeah, I've done that" sounds a lot better in an interview than "yeah I've heard of that".
Get to know people in the industry if you can, through online forums, friends of friends, etc... One good contact can do more for your chances than weeks of demo coding or months of sending resumes out. Game companies may have open houses or job fairs.
The "entry level" jobs in game development are likely to be Frontend or Tools. If you've done navigation apps, sounds like that might be a decent fit for you. If that has included more low level work and optimization on embedded platforms, you might also look at Systems roles.

I'd suggest you start trying to write some games in your spare time. Having some demos is always a good start when you go to an interview and it'll give you some insights into what your job is going to be.
Gamedev.net has an excellent set of tutorials to work through to get a grip of a lot of game-coding concepts.
Do they have any job offerings? If so, look at what they ask for in the CV and start educating yourself in those concepts / technologies.
Contacting them and asking if they have any jobs for an excellent software engineer can't hurt either :)

I see you already accepted an answer, but I'll throw in my two cents:
If the company does console (e.g. Xbox360, PS3) or handheld (e.g. DS, iPhone) games, you should definitely emphasize the embedded aspect of your resume. A few anecdotes about how you optimized the memory layout of a class, or sped up some code by taking advantage of an obscure feature of the chipset will show that you can think like a console programmer. Also, if you did any sort of AI for the navigation apps (e.g. A*, Djikstra), it's good to mention that.
A few people recommended writing games - that's not a bad long term plan if you know you want to get into the industry, but I don't think you should let that stop you from applying to this particular company in the meantime. However you should definitely pick up a copy of one of their recent games, play it for a few hours over the weekend, and be able to say what you liked about it.
As for websites, I second the Gamasutra recommendation, along with Kotaku.
Good luck!

"game industry" is a broad question. There are:
AI programming
Graphic programming.
Sound programming.
Tool programming.
Physics programming.
Network programming.
You probably already can deal with #7, #5 and #4.
As for the rest - mostly it is a dealing with some kind of API, plus you need a very good understanding of 3D math (unless you make 2D game, that is).
For 3d math I cannot help you. I picked info in various non-english sources, and most of them aren't available anymore. However, I think this resource might contain info of interest.
For general 3d graphic info you need to study DirectX SDK and NVidia SDKs (both DirectX and OpenGL), plus there are OpenGL books you HAVE to read:
1. Francis s Hill, "Computer Graphics using OpenGL".
2. OpenGL programming guide aka "Red Book"
3. OpenGL shading language (aka "Orange Book")
4. And you might want to take a look at OpenGL reference manucal ("Blue Book")
I'm talking about OpenGL because while it doesn't offer same level of control for hardware resources, it is easier to get started with than DirectX, and available on larger selection of platforms and have a same power as DirectX. Plus GLSL isn't that different from HLSL (except that GLSL doesn't have remnants of assembly shader programming like HLSL), close enough to C++, so it is relatively easy to get started.
One important thing - if you seriously want to deal with 3D, you have to be able to easily imagine 3d operations in your mind. I.e. how to rotate object, scale object, move object, what matrix means, what is reflection vectors, how to cut polygon with planes, how to find intersection of two meshes, etc, and you should have at least basic understanding of more complex thing like boolean operations on polygonal meshes. I have no idea how to develop this skill (it is very close to "mechanical drawing"), but you'll get a lot of difficulties without it.

Just putting "experienced C++ dev" on your CV will probably get you in the door. The (UK at least) games industry is dominated by graduates and inexperienced programmers - the older ones either burn out or get promoted into management.
A lot of games programming is just programming - the skills are entirely transferable. And your navigation software experience probably puts you in for an AI-related role.
If someone with your background applied to me, I'd certainly give them an interview.

Well I started at 16 with (paid) game development. Search for jobs on websites. Make your own low-budget games and then publish them in a way or another.
If you are good people will search for you, otherwise you have to struggle a bit.


Issue regarding practical approach on machine learning/computer vision fields

I am really passionate about the machine learning,data mining and computer vision fields and I was thinking at taking things a little bit further.
I was thinking at buying a LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 robot for trying to experiment machine learning/computer vision and robotics algorithms in order to try to understand better several existing concepts.
Would you encourage me into doing so? Do you recommend any other alternative for a practical approach in understanding these fields which is acceptably expensive like(nearly 200 - 250 pounds) ? Are there any mini robots which I can buy and experiment stuff with?
If your interests are machine learning, data mining and computer vision then I'd say a Lego mindstorms is not the best option for you. Not unless you are also interested in robotics/electronics.
Do do interesting machine learning you only need a computer and a problem to solve. Think ai-contest or mlcomp or similar.
Do do interesting data mining you need a computer, a lot of data and a question to answer. If you have an internet connection the amount of data you can get at is only limited by your bandwidth. Think netflix prize, try your hand at collecting and interpreting data from wherever. If you are learning, this is a nice place to start.
As for computer vision: All you need is a computer and images. Depending on the type of problem you find interesting you could do some processing of random webcam images, take all you holiday photo's and try to detect where all your travel companions are in them. If you have a webcam your options are endless.
Lego mindstorms allows you to combine machine learning and computer vision. I'm not sure where the datamining would come in, and you will spend (waste?) time on the robotics/electronics side of things, which you don't list as one of your passions.
Well, I would take a look at the irobot create... well within your budget, and very robust.
Depending on your age, you may not want to be seen with a "lego robot" if you are out of college :-)
Anyway, I buy the creates in batches for my lab. You can link to them with a hard cable(cheap) or put a blue tooth interface on it.
But a webcam on that puppy, hook it up to a multicore machine and you have an awesome working robot for the things you want to explore.
Also, the old roombas had a ttl level serial port (if that did not make sense to you , then skip it). I don't know about the new ones. So, it was possible to control any roomba vacuum from a laptop.
The Number One rule, and I cannot emphasize this enough: Have a reliable platform for experimentation. If you hand build something, just for basic functionality, you will spend all your time on minor issues and not get to the fun stuff.
Anyway. best of luck.

If I wanted to make a Pac-Man Game?

I am immediately placing this as a community wiki thing. I don't want to ask for help in programming yet or have even a specific question about programming, but rather the process and the resources needed to make such a game.
To put it simply: My college friend and I decided to give ourselves a really big challenge to further our skills in programming. In six months time we want to show ourselves a Pac-Man game. Pac-Man will be AI-controlled like the Ghosts and whichever Pac-Man lives the longest after a set of tries wins.
This isn't like anything we've done so far. The goal here, for me, isn't to create a perfect game, but to try and complete it, learn a whole bunch in the process. Even if I don't finish in the time, which is a good possibility, I would want to have at least tried this.
So my question is this: How should I start preparing myself? I already have started vector math, matrices, all that fun stuff. My desired platform would be DirectX 9.0c; is that advisable? Keep in mind that this is not a preference just for this project, but I wish to have some kind of future in graphics development, so I want to pick a platform that is future-safe.
As for the game development in general, what should I take into consideration? I have never done a real game before, so any and all advise to development of mid-scale projects( if this would be a mid-scale project ) is greatly appreciated.
My main concerns are the pit-falls and demotivators.
Sorry if the question is so vague. If it doesn't belong here, then I will remove it. Otherwise, any and all advise regarding making larger projects is greatly appreciated.
Given you've not tried this sort of thing before here's a few things I'd recommend.
Start with something other than DirectX (and presumably C++)
DirectX and C++ expose you to a lot of low-level stuff you can learn later. Keep things simple and perhaps try XNA and C# which is close enough you can port it later but will let you skip a lot of things like memory management and pointers for now.
Start with 2D instead of 3D
The original Pacman is 2D so you won't be needed vector math for now.
So where does that leave you?
Well, a few things to think about are the game loop, keeping things in sync, updating the screen and responding to user input.
These are great principles and will let you get something up and running a lot sooner. Do not underestimate how important it is to keep seeing progress - this is hard if you set the technical bar too high initially.
I'd go down this route (ordered to keep things fun and interesting)
Get a screen displaying - this is highly visual
Get a Pacman responding to user input
Get Pacman constrained to within the walls
Get a ghost responding to secondary user input - you can chase each other
Figure out some collision detection
Get the dots and power pills rendering so you can score and eat ghost
Render some more ghosts and figure out AI
Work out the code for finding when the level is complete
Make the map change and state reset when on a new level
Once you've got this working and running you can then decide if you want to play with better AI, 3D math or switch over to C++.
I had to write a pacman game in Java for an OO class. I found it to be very straightforward, possibly with the exception of figuring out the best way to map walls. After a bit of research, I came across this: http://javaboutique.internet.com/PacMan/source.html which uses bit-shifting to determine walls. It looks like complexity overkill, but I found it to be pretty elegant after I played around with the math a little. Other than that, pacman is a very array-friendly concept, so use an array for the board, some basic sprites, tinker with the speed and refresh, keep track of game data, and toss it in a loop.
As for the AI with the ghosts, there are articles written about them. Each ghost has a specific "strategy". Or you could roll your own..you could program them to be as easy as always heading towards pacman (or his general location/quadrant), or as complex (shortest-path) as you'd like.
Play pacman! This is the first task for your project!
I'd look at the original arcade cabinet assembly code for Pacman and the description of what it does. It's a real eye opener :)
Personally, here's what I would do:
study open source games to see what they do
buy a book about game programming (actually, I have a book about game programming already, but you probably want something more recent than that)
pick a toolset/game development library (Sourceforge, Google Code)
work through the tutorials that come with that library, possibly change to a different library if the API is too weird
come up with a requirements document
draw up a first pass design ("plan to throw one away"), try to have somebody review it
decide on a test plan
write up a schedule, not because I want to stay on schedule but because I want to break things down into easily-defined tasks
write the smallest complete game I could (eg., a Pac Man sprite that I can control inside a window: no maze, ghosts, score, lives, ability to die, etc.)
add features to that game until I've implemented the whole thing
Sounds like a good idea for a learning project! The 2 general things I recommend for your approach are
work in iterations
read a bunch about C++ and DirectX along the way
Start small -- write some code that does nothing more than draw Pac-Man on the screen. Then build on that by implementing movement across the screen. Then build the map boundaries and the inability to travel through them. And continue in this fashion, prioritizing the next task you need to complete, and then doing whatever it takes to complete it. Try not to make the tasks too big.
In order to figure out how to complete the tasks, you'll need to read. Books, web sites and existing code are all very helpful in figuring out how to do what you want. It's worth looking at several different ways to complete the same task, because some ways are better than other, or might better fit your project.
Good stuff! I am glad that Pacman motivates and inspires you.
Things to get started.
1) Decide on the development environment.
a) Are you building a standalone game or a networked game.
b) Which language are you targetting at to improve?
2) How well versed with AI?
3) How well versed with the programming algorithms techniques - like A * (A star) path finding, Dijkstra algorith, collision detection, hit testing or even recursive programming?
4) Are any of you talented in graphical design?
Good luck.
P/S FYI, if I were to write a Pacman game, I would do it in C# and Silverlight 4.0 (I can write C++ comfortably but my priority is to jump on the Silverlight bandwagon).

How to get started with game programming using VC++,C++,DirectX quickly?

Hi I am working in VC++ and I am quite interested in game programming and I have few queries.
1).What one must know before starting game programming ?
2).Can anybody give me info # resources like tutorial ,links ,etc. which would help me to start as fast as possible ?
3).Also give me info # some good books on game programming ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Before you start programming you must have a good understanding of the language, how to program and how to structure and test your code. Oh, and a huge amount of either patience or free time. On the maths front, Vectors, Matrices and Quaternions are the main things I found I needed.
The other thing that often goes overlooked when I programmer starts writing a game is someone to create the assets. Preferably someone specialized in it.
You mention DirectX, which is not actually a fast way to go as you have to build everything from square one, which means a lot more maths, performance testing and overall handwork. I would suggest at least a rendering engine like Ogre3D. There are plenty of tutorials and a very good community.
There is a good post here on why you should write games not engines.
The main reason you would want to use DirectX is to enhance your understanding of the lower levels, all the things an engine is abstracting for you. While I think this is a good thing to do, I wouldn't want to do it for a major or first project.
The main site I used for help was gamedev.net, although I also found some intresting articles on gamesutra
It takes time and requires a lot of patience. And playable game is more than just working C++ code.
First, download Visual C# Express Edition, and then download XNA Game Studio 3.1.
After that, check out the XNA Creators Club - that has lots of help to get you up and running quickly.
Are you 100% dedicated to C++? If not, I would recommend starting with XNA/C# instead. DirectX will force you to spend a lot of time up front learning API calls before you ever get something on the screen. XNA will allow you to start coding your game very quickly while getting immediate feedback while you program.
If you are committed to C++, I would recommend Beginning Game Programming by Jonathan Harbour. He starts with an easy to understand framework that won't take long to pick up. Remember that to use DirectX you will have to learn win32, and low level DirectX code.
For tutorials, try googling "c++ beginning game programming tutorial". Gamedev.net will be another invaluable resource. Go to the "For Beginners" forum and look through the stickies.
As for what you must know, it depends on your aspirations and your choice of tools. As a beginner, you will want to start small and in 2D or text games. To get a Pong game going in XNA, you only need to have basic C# skills and basic collision detection. To get a Pong game going in DirectX, you will need to understand win32 code, and a ton of device calls. To do a console text game, you only need to know basic C++ and maybe some basic gameflow techniques.
If using DirectX is not a fixed requirement, you should consider OpenGL, and use a library like SFML or Allegro to handle all the basic stuff.

Choosing a 3D game engine [closed]

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I want to start this as a hobby in developing a desktop game. I have found several engines, but I am not sure whether it does the initial job I am looking at.
Initially I want to do the following:
Create a figure (avatar), and let the user dress the avatar
Load the avatar in the game
In later stages, I want to develop this as a multi-player game.
What should I do?
I also recommend Ogre. Ogre can do this, it provides everything needed in regards of mesh and animation support, but not as a drop-in solution. You have to write lots of code for this to be done.
For our project we implemented something like you do. The main character and any other character can be dressed with different weapons and armor and the visuals of the character avatar change accordingly.
As a start hint for how to go about this: In your modeling tool (Blender, Maya, 3ds max, etc.) you model your avatar and all its clothes you need and rig them to the same skeleton. Then export everything individually to Ogre's mesh format.
At runtime you can then attach the clothing meshes the user chooses to the skeleton instance so that they together form the avatar. This is not hard to do via Ogre-API, but for even easier access to this you can use MeshMagick Ogre extension's meshmerge tool. It has been developed for exactly this purpose.
If you want to change other characteristics like facial features, this is possible too, as Ogre supports vertex pose animations out of the box, so you can prepare pathes for certain characteristics of the face and let the user change the face by sliders or somthing like this. (e.g like in Oblivion)
One thing to be aware regarding Ogre: It is a 3d graphics engine, not a game engine. So you can draw stuff to the screen with it and animate and light and in any way change the visuals, but it doesn't do input or physics or sound. For this you have to use other libs and integrate them. Several pre-bundled game engines based on Ogre are available though.
If you are good with C++ you should use Ogre, it's the best open-source engine, continuously been updated by it's creators, with a lot of tutorials and a very helpful community.
It's more of a GFX engine, but it has all the prerequisites you desire.
Good luck!
No engine is likely to do this for you. What they do is generally allow you to load and render 3d models. But combining them, the way you'd need to do to "dress them" is up to you. And creating them, or letting the user do so, is ultimately up to you. The engine might offer a number of tools to make the task easier (for example, rendering the model while the user is designing it), but a game engine is not a magic "make a game" box where you just have to press a button, and your custom game comes out.
A couple of people have said Ogre3D, I'll offer up Irrlicht as an alternative.
You might want to take a look at http://www.crystalspace3d.org/ - I have to admit it was more of an exploratory matter for me, but it seemed like a pretty nice engine - with physics and scripting included. They have an project which shows the avatar walking in the spacestation-like building with very smooth camera effects.
OTOH: depending on how far you want to push this, you might find yourself recreating the SecondLife(tm)-like kind of environment. If that's a fair assumption, then you might take a look at OpenSimulator and the associated opensource viewer projects and see if this may be of interest to you - and work there with the existing team to develop the code further, rather than working on your own.
If you good with C++, I suggest the C4 Engine. From my experiences, existing game engines are either too rigid or just nothing more than a collection of libraries.
Ogre is a good way to go if you are just interested in getting something to show. As some have already stated here, Ogre is a rendering engine. There are lots of add-ons and functions to complete common tasks like Audio, Input and whatnot. This is perfectly fine if your just aiming at playing around or creating a prototype.
Should you want to start a long-term project that will be developed over a longer period of time (which would be pretty likely considering you probably being the only developer and games being complex applications), you should really start thinking about what it is that you want to do. Then, based on you're goals, look for several engines that can tackle your needs (there's always some API to accomplish XYZ). Then it's up to you how you manage your game and where you use existing libraries - you'd basically tie up your own engine according to your needs.
It get's a bit more difficult if you start looking for a real game engine in terms of "engine for all my game-dev needs". Check out the nice list of 3d game engines at devmasters (http://www.devmaster.net/engines/), you'll find lots of alpha status game engines trying to accomplish this, although you should keep in mind that support and documentation usually isn't first class in those cases.
I personally never used it, but I evaluated the open source engine Delta3D (delta3d.org) for my project and was impressed by it's cool architecture. It encapsulates a whole bunch of other quality open source frameworks for stuff like graphics (OpenSceneGraph: openscenegraph.org) or physics (ODE: ode.org). That's probably as close as you'll get to a free and flexible game engine as far as I know. It was developed at an air force university, and due to it's academic background comes with lots of detailed documentation.
If you're good with C++ you can write your own engine :P
Ogre is the best of Irrlicht and Crystalspace, and the reasoning behind that is simple - Ogre has actually been used in a production pipeline by the game industry. It actually has a lot of weight behind it, whereas Irrlicht and Crystalspace are more or less applications that don't do a lot out of the box. Crystalspace however has a branch project that implements a game engine right into Blender 3d allowing the artist to play the role of programmer without leaving the actual software.
I'm not very big on Irrlicht - there is a lot of sneakiness behind its motives. For an open source project it branches out into many different derivatives that are either complete game engines or WYSWYG editors and they find ways to lock you into paying somehow.
Ogre excels at being a graphics engine rather than a library, and it has to be compiled to individual needs. The tradeoff is you can implement Ogre into any design work flow or even create a new one. Where it takes the load off your shoulders is having to write graphics code of any kind thus making it a very slick rapid prototyping engine in its basic form.
One engine that you could try is the Torque 3D game engine www.garagegames.com which, although not being freeware, allows for out of the box usability. While the functionality that you seek in terms of being able to fully customise the character is not instantly available within the engine, if you are willing to create the models yourself it should not be too hard to add them into the game and the utilise the game engine to change the 'skins' of the avatar. One thing that I feel will set this apart from the other engines is the fact that it comes with networking functionality pre-installed (from what you have described in your question I am guessing that you are attempting to either make an RTS or MMO, and if so I wish you good luck).
While it may seem strange that the engine is based around a shooting game, there are guides witin the Torque forums that allow you to add the coding for sword based combat and other things associated with a fantasy based game (if, that is, what you are planing on making).
But anyway... good luck with your project. If you are attempting what I think you are attempting it is no easy feat. But I'm sure you know what you are doing =)
Hope this helped
If you are interested in using the Irrlicht 3D engine, you can find a number of tutorials that step you through the process of creating simple 3D applications here.
I also suggest Irrlicht. It's easier to begin with, but it does not have half of the Ogre3D support though.

Application for sketching ideas on a computer [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I've always wanted to sketch all ideas I come up with in the computer instead of on paper, but everyone knows that sketching with good 'ol fashioned pen and paper beats the crap out of trying to do it with a mouse (or even worse, a touch pad).
So I turn to stack overflow with this question: Does any one of you know a magic program that will help in sketching out diagrams, ideas, etc. with decent speed on a computer?
I'm not after something that will do pretty diagrams (that take ages to do, btw.) like Visio, Dia (kudos the the Dia developers though, kick ass app), etc. but for jotting down quick ideas and drawing early work flow sketches, etc.
(I know - a wacom board, but it's not really feasible to carry it around with your laptop)
I still go for a whiteboard and a decent camera on the mobile phone.
Normally when working on the whiteboard, we often go through a phase of erasing out all the unimportant stuff after we've worked out what the real essence of the problem and the solution. So we put some nice pictures on the wiki ;)
Did you consider some kind of mind-mapping application ?
PersonalBrain is quite handy for that type of task, even though the "diagram" feature is quite limited.
alt text http://www.thebrain.com/site/personalbrain/learningzone/topUses/awareness3.png
I'm actually a big fan of OneNote. It's great for entering text and organizing it in a visual way.
This won't do for situations where you're working with other people, but I often do my brain-storming with GraphViz.
GraphViz gives you the dot and neato languages for drawing graphs. So you start jotting down items and the relationships between them in your favourite text editor:
graph brainstorm {
release -- documentation
release -- "bug fixes"
release -- enhancements
documentation -- "release notes"
documentation -- "user guide"
enhancements -- "user requests" -- "support team"
enhancements -- marketing -- demo
You can then turn this into a image:
neato diagram http://share4pic.com/images/2/9/3/2935067.jpg
There are lots of options for formatting and layout and so on if you want to prettify the output.
It doesn't work for idea's or diagrams, but i found this very impressive: I love sketch. Hopefully, we'll see similar tools in the future for other forms of information.
When i was still using windows i used adobe illustrator and a wacom tabled for sketching diagrams (example). Powerfull, but a steep learning curve, if you just want to do sketching.
On linux i use Inkscape (with a wacom tablet). It's not as powerful as illustrator, but it gets the job done. (example).
I would love to use a sketching tool for creating presentations. Have a number of slides on my screen, and just sketch to contents of every sheet, also using the wacom to drag and drop the slides in the right order, etc.
There was a research project called SILK (Sketching Interfaces Like Krazy) a few years ago (mid 90s) at Carnegie-Mellon. Two papers that talked about the work are Interactive Sketching for the Early Stages of User Interface Design and Just Draw It! Programming by Sketching Storyboards.
I thought their ideas were very cool, but the project seems to have blown away. I'm mentioning it here for two reasons:
To support the questioner's idea that this would be A Very Good Thing for early design stages, and
In hopes that someone else will have more luck than I did in finding out what happened to SILK (or at least the prototypes).
I know you are "not after something that will do pretty diagrams".
However, I believe this new web flash-based application LovelyCharts might be oo assistance for quick (and nice too) diagrams, and can be compliant with your goal to "jotting down quick ideas and drawing early work flow sketches, etc."
Example of work flow sketch:
The closest thing to the feeling of writing on paper with pencil or pen that I have found is a graphics tablet (relatively inexpensive and small Wacom Bamboo is enough) with Autodesk's SketchBook Pro software.
Try the trial (if you have graphics tablet handy, not really the same with a mouse), it's amazing how natural digital drawing feels with that app.
Depending on how close you are to implementing something, balsamiq mockups may be what you want. I find it great for mocking up user interfaces, and it's probably not a bad way to start sketching a development idea.
Autodesk Sketchbook Pro is the closest I've come to a whiteboard after an extensive search. Minimal controls, yet enough. It's also attractively priced, in line with its simplicty.
Maybe you should consider buying a Graphic Tablet .
I recommend Wacom Bamboo
I wouldn't suggest it, but people have mentioned mind-mapping products and even OneNote (¡sin comentarios!), so I'll plug my TheKBase Desktop and it's Cloud brother, TheKBase Web. NO, they will not help you draw things like on paper, but in many cases, diagrams are not what you need. You want to organize your ideas and whip them into shape.
If you insist on diagramming, 30x less annoying than Visio is SmartDraw (sorry for the Spanish grammar).
Moleskin for the win!