How do i really unit test code? - unit-testing

I was reading the Joel Test 2010 and it reminded me of an issue i had with unit testing.
How do i really unit test something? I dont unit test functions? only full classes? What if i have 15 classes that are <20lines. Should i write a 35line unit test for each class bringing 15*20 lines to 15*(20+35) lines (that's from 300 to 825, nearly 3x more code).
If a class is used by only two other classes in the module, should i unit test it or would the test against the other two classes suffice? what if they are all < 30lines of code should i bother?
If i write code to dump data and i never need to read it such as another app is used. The other app isnt command line or it is but no way to verify if the data is good. Do i still need to unit test it?
What if the app is a utility and the total is <500lines of code. Or is used that week and will be used in the future but always need to be reconfiguration because it is meant for a quick batch process and each project will require tweaks because the desire output is unchanged. (i'm trying to say theres no way around it, for valid reasons it will always be tweaked) do i unit test it and if so how? (maybe we dont care if we break a feature used in the past but not in the present or future).
I think this should be a wiki. Maybe people would like to say an exactly of what they should unit test (or should not)? maybe links to books are good. I tried one but it never clarified what should be unit tested, just the problems of writing unit testing and solutions.
Also if classes are meant to only be in that project (by design, spec or whatever other reason) and the class isnt useful alone (lets say it generates the html using data that returns html ready comments) do i really need to test it? say by checking if all public functions allow null comment objects when my project doesnt ever use null comment. Its those kind of things that make me wonder if i am unit testing the wrong code. Also tons of classes are throwaway when the project. Its the borderline throwaway or not very useful alone code which bothers me.

Here's what I'm hearing, whether you meant it this way or not: a whole litany of issues and excuses why unit testing might not be applicable to your code. In other words: "I don't see what I'll be getting out of unit tests, and they're a lot of bother to write; maybe they're not for me?"
You know what? You may be right. Unit tests are not a panacea. There are huge, wide swaths of testing that unit testing can't cover.
I think, though, that you're misestimating the cost of maintenance, and what things can break in your code. So here are my thoughts:
Should I test small classes? Yes, if there are things in that class that can possibly break.
Should I test functions? Yes, if there are things in this function that can possibly break. Why wouldn't you? Or is your concern over whether it's considered a unit or not? That's just quibbling over names, and shouldn't have any bearing on whether you should write unit tests for it! But it's common in my experience to see a method or function described as a unit under test.
Should I unit test a class if it's used by two other classes? Yes, if there's anything that can possibly break in that class. Should I test it separately? The advantage of doing so is to be able to isolate breakages straight down to the shared class, instead of hunting through the using classes to see if it was they that broke or one of their dependencies.
Should I test data output from my class if another program will read it? Hell yes, especially if that other program is a 3rd-party one! This is a great application of unit tests (or perhaps system tests, depending on the isolation involved in the test): to prove to yourself that the data you output is precisely what you think you should have output. I think you'll find that has the power to simplify support calls immeasurably. (Though please note it's not a substitute for good acceptance testing on that customer's end.)
Should I test throwaway code? Possibly. Will pursuing a TDD strategy get your throwaway code out the door faster? It might. Will having solid unit-tested chunks that you can adapt to new constraints reduce the need to throw code away? Perhaps.
Should I test code that's constantly changing? Yes. Just make sure all applicable tests are brought up to date and pass! Constantly changing code can be particularly susceptible to errors, after all, and enabling safe change is another of unit testing's great benefits. Plus, it probably puts a burden on your invariant code to be as robust as possible, to enable this velocity of change. And you know how you can convince yourself whether a piece of code is robust...
Should I test features that are no longer needed? No, you can remove the test, and probably the code as well (testing to ensure you didn't break anything in the process, of course!). Don't leave unit test rot around, especially if the test no longer works or runs, or people in your org will move away from unit tests and you'll lose the benefit. I've seen this happen. It's not pretty.
Should I test code that doesn't get used by my project, even if it was written in the context of my project? Depends on what the deliverable of your project is, and what the priorities of your project are. But are you sure nobody outside of your project will use it? If they won't, and you aren't, perhaps it's just dead code, in which case see above. From my point of view, I wouldn't feel I'd done a complete job with a class if my testing didn't cover all its important functionality, whether the project used all that functionality or not. I like classes that feel complete, but I keep an eye towards not overengineering a bunch of stuff I don't need. If I put something in a class, then, I intend for it to be used, and will therefore want to make sure it works. It's an issue of personal quality and satisfaction to me.

Don't get fixated on counting lines of code. Write as much test code as you need to convince yourself that every key piece of functionality is being thoroughly tested. As an extreme example, the SQLite project has a tests:source-code ratio of more than 600:1. I use the term "extreme" in a good sense here; the ludicrous amount of testing that goes on is possibly the predominant reason that SQLite has taken over the world.

How can you do all those calculations? Ideally you should never be in a situation where you could count the lines of your completed class and then start writting the unit test from scratch. Those 2 types of code (real code and test code) should be developed and evolved together, and the only LOC metric that should really worry you in the end is 0 LOCs for test code.

Relative LOC counts for code and tests are pointless. What matters more is test coverage. What matters most is finding the bugs.
When I'm writing unit tests, I tend to focus my efforts on testing complicated code that is more likely to contain bugs. Simple stuff (e.g. simple getter and setter methods) is unlikely to contain bugs, and can be tested indirectly by higher-level unit tests.

Some Time ago, i had The same question you have posted in mind. I studied a lot of articles, Tutorials, books and so on... Although These resources give me a good starting point, i still was insecure about how To apply efficiently Unit Testing code. After coming across xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code and put it in my shelf for about one year (You know, we have a lot of stuffs To study), it gives me what i need To apply efficiently Unit Testing code. With a lot of useful patterns (and advices), you will see how you can become an Unit Testing coder. Topics as
Test strategy patterns
Basic patterns
Fixture setup patterns
Result verification patterns
Test double patterns
Test organization patterns
Database patterns
Value patterns
And so on...
I will show you, for instance, derived value pattern
A derived input is often employed when we need to test a method that takes a complex object as an argument. For example, thorough input validation testing requires we exercise the method with each of the attributes of the object set to one or more possible invalid values. Because The first rejected value could cause Termination of The method, we must verify each bad attribute in a separate call. We can instantiate The invalid object easily by first creating a valid object and then replacing one of its attributes with a invalid value.
A Test organization pattern which is related To your question (Testcase class per feature)
As The number of Test methods grows, we need To decide on which Testcase class To put each Test method... Using a Testcase class per feature gives us a systematic way To break up a large Testcase class into several smaller ones without having To change out Test methods.
But before reading
My advice: read carefully

You seem to be concerned that there could be more test-code than the code-under-test.
I think the ratios could we be higher than you say. I would expect any serious test to exercise a wide range of inputs. So your 20 line class might well have 200 lines of test code.
I do not see that as a problem. The interesting thing for me is that writing tests doesn't seem to slow me down. Rather it makes me focus on the code as I write it.
So, yes test everything. Try not to think of testing as a chore.

I am part of a team that have just started adding test code to our existing, and rather old, code base.
I use 'test' here because I feel that it can be very vague as to weather it is a unit test, or a system test, or an integration test, or whatever. The differences between the terms have large grey areas, and don't add a lot of value.
Because we live in the real world, we don't have time to add test code for all of the existing functionality. We still have Dave the test guy, who finds most bugs. Instead, as we develop we write tests. You know how you run your code before you tell your boss that it works? Well, use a unit framework (we use Junit) to do those runs. And just keep them all, rather than deleting them. Whatever you normally do to convince yourself that it works. Do that.
If it is easy to write the code, do it. If not, leave it to Dave until you think of a good way to do automate it, or until you get that spare time between projects where 'they' are trying to decide what to put into the next release.

for java u can use junit
JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks.
* Getting Started
* Documentation
* JUnit related sites/projects
* Mailing Lists
* Get Involved
Getting Started
To get started with unit testing and JUnit read the article: JUnit Cookbook.
This article describes basic test writing using JUnit 4.
You find additional samples in the org.junit.samples package:
* - some simple test cases
* - test cases for java.util.Vector
JUnit 4.x only comes with a textual TestRunner. For graphical feedback, most major IDE's support JUnit 4. If necessary, you can run JUnit 4 tests in a JUnit 3 environment by adding the following method to each test class:
public static Test suite() {
return new JUnit4TestAdapter(ThisClass.class);
JUnit Cookbook
A cookbook for implementing tests with JUnit.
API documentation generated with javadoc.
Frequently asked questions
Some frequently asked questions about using JUnit.
Release notes
Latest JUnit release notes
The terms of the common public license used for JUnit.
The following documents still describe JUnit 3.8.
The JUnit 3.8 version of this homepage
Test Infected - Programmers Love Writing Tests
An article demonstrating the development process with JUnit.
JUnit - A cooks tour
JUnit Related Projects/Sites
* - a site for software developers using JUnit. It provides instructions for how to integrate JUnit with development tools like JBuilder and VisualAge/Java. As well as articles about and extensions to JUnit.
* - various implementations of the xUnit testing framework architecture.
Mailing Lists
There are three junit mailing lists:
* JUnit announce: Archives/Subscribe/Unsubscribe
* JUnit users list: Archives/Subscribe/Unsubscribe
* JUnit developer list: Archives/Subscribe/Unsubscribe
Get Involved
JUnit celebrates programmers testing their own software. As a result bugs, patches, and feature requests which include JUnit TestCases have a better chance of being addressed than those without.
JUnit source code is now hosted on GitHub.

One possibility is to reduce the 'test code' to a language that describes your tests, and an interpreter to run the tests. Teams I have been a part of have used this to wonderful ends, allowing us to write significantly more tests than the "lines of code" would have indicated.
This allowed our tests to be written much more quickly and greatly increased the test legibility.

I am going to answer what I believe are the main points of your question. First, how much test-code should you write? Well, Test-Driven Development can be of some help here. I do not use it as strictly as it is proposed in theory, but I find that writing a test first often helps me to understand the problem I want to solve much better. Also, it will usually lead to good test-coverage.
Secondly, which classes should you test? Again, TDD (or more precisely some of the principles behind it) can be of help. If you develop your system top down and write your tests first, you will have tests for the outer class when writing the inner class. These tests should fail if the inner class has bugs.
TDD is also tightly coupled with the idea of Design for Testability.
My answer is not intended to solve all your problems, but to give you some ideas.

I think it's impossible to write a comprehensive guide of exactly what you should and shouldn't unit test. There are simply too many permutations and types of objects, classes, and functions, to be able to cover them all.
I suggest applying personal responsibility to the testing, and determining the answer yourself. It's your code, and you're responsible for it working. If it breaks, you have to pay the consequences of fixing the code, repairing the data, taking responsibility for the lost revenue, and apologizing to the people whose application broke while they were trying to use it. Bottom line - your code should never break. So what do you have to do to ensure this?
Sometimes unit testing can work well to help you test out all of the specific methods in a library. Sometimes unit testing is just busy-work, because you can tell the code is working based on your use of the code during higher-level testing. You're the developer, you're responsible for making sure the code never breaks - what do you think is the best way to achieve that?
If you think unit testing is a waste of time in a specific circumstance - it probably is. If you've tested the code in all of the application use-case scenarios and they all work, the code is probably good.
If anything is happening in the code that you don't understand - even if the end result is acceptable - then you need to do some more testing to make sure there's nothing you don't understand.
To me, this seems like common sense.

Unit testing is mostly for testing your units from aspect of functionality. You can test and see if a specific input come, will we receive the expected value or will we throw the right exception?
Unit tests are very useful. I recommend you to write down these tests. However, not everything is required to be tested. For example, you don't need to test simple getters and setters.
If you want to write your unit tests in Java via Eclipse, please look at "How To Write Java Unit Tests". I hope it helps.


Unit Testing : what to test / what not to test?

Since a few days ago I've started to feel interested in Unit Testing and TDD in C# and VS2010. I've read blog posts, watched youtube tutorials, and plenty more stuff that explains why TDD and Unit Testing are so good for your code, and how to do it.
But the biggest problem I find is, that I don't know what to check in my tests and what not to check.
I understand that I should check all the logical operations, problems with references and dependencies, but for example, should I create an unit test for a string formatting that's supossed to be user-input? Or is it just wasting my time while I just can check it in the actual code?
Is there any guide to clarify this problem?
In TDD every line of code must be justified by a failing test-case written before the code.
This means that you cannot develop any code without a test-case. If you have a line of code (condition, branch, assignment, expression, constant, etc.) that can be modified or deleted without causing any test to fail, it means this line of code is useless and should be deleted (or you have a missing test to support its existence).
That is a bit extreme, but this is how TDD works. That being said if you have a piece of code and you are wondering whether it should be tested or not, you are not doing TDD correctly. But if you have a string formatting routine or variable incrementation or whatever small piece of code out there, there must be a test case supporting it.
UPDATE (use-case suggested by Ed.):
Like for example, adding an object to a list and creating a test to see if it is really inside or there is a duplicate when the list shouldn't allow them.
Here is a counterexample, you would be surprised how hard it is to spot copy-paste errors and how common they are:
private Set<String> inclusions = new HashSet<String>();
private Set<String> exclusions = new HashSet<String>();
public void include(String item) {
public void exclude(String item) {
On the other hand testing include() and exclude() methods alone is an overkill because they do not represent any use-cases by themselves. However, they are probably part of some business use-case, you should test instead.
Obviously you shouldn't test whether x in x = 7 is really 7 after assignment. Also testing generated getters/setters is an overkill. But it is the easiest code that often breaks. All too often due to copy&paste errors or typos (especially in dynamic languages).
See also:
Mutation testing
Your first few TDD projects are going to probably result in worse design/redesign and take longer to complete as you are learning (at least in my experience). This is why you shouldn't jump into using TDD on a large critical project.
My advice is to use "pure" TDD (acceptance/unit test everything test-first) on a few small projects (100-10,000 LOC). Either do the side projects on your own or if you don't code in your free time, use TDD on small internal utility programs for your job.
After you do "pure" TDD on about 6-12 projects, you will start to understand how TDD affects design and learn how to design for testability. Once you know how to design for testability, you will need to TDD less and maximize the ROI of unit, regression, acceptance, etc. tests rather than test everything up front.
For me, TDD is more of teaching method for good code design than a practical methodology. However, I still TDD logic code and unit test instead of debug.
There is no simple answer to this question. There is the law of diminishing returns in action, so achieving perfect coverage is seldom worth it. Knowing what to test is a thing of experience, not rules. It’s best to consciously evaluate the process as you go. Did something break? Was it feasible to test? If not, is it possible to rewrite the code to make it more testable? Is it worth it to always test for such cases in the future?
If you split your code into models, views and controllers, you’ll find that most of the critical code is in the models, and those should be fairly testable. (That’s one of the main points of MVC.) If a piece of code is critical, I test it, even if it means that I would have to rewrite it to make it more testable. If a piece of code is easy to get wrong or get broken by future updates, it gets a test. I seldom test controllers and views, as it’s not proving worth the trouble for me.
The way I see it all of your code falls into one of three buckets:
Code that is easy to test: This includes your own deterministic public methods.
Code that is difficult to test: This includes GUI, non-deterministic methods, private methods, and methods with complex setup.
Code that you don't want to test: This includes 3rd party code, and code that is difficult to test and not worth the effort.
Of the three, you should focus on testing the easy code. The difficult to test code should be refactored so that into two parts: code that you don't want to test and easy code. And of course, you should test the refactored easy code.
I think you should only unit test entry points to behavior of the system. This include public methods, public accessors and public fields, but not constants (constant fields, enums, methods, etc.). It also includes any code which directly deals with IO, I explain why further below.
My reasoning is as follows:
Everything that's public is basically an entry point to a behavior of the system. A unit test should therefore be written that guarantees that the expected behavior of that entry point works as required. You shouldn't test all possible ways of calling the entry point, only the ones that you explicitly require. Your unit tests are therefore also the specs of what behavior your system supports and your documentation of how to use it.
Things that are not public can basically be deleted/re-factored at will with no impact to the behavior of the system. If you were to test those, you'd create a hard dependency from your unit test to that code, which would prevent you from doing refactoring on it. That's why you should not test anything else but public methods, fields and accessors.
Constants by design are not behavior, but axioms. A unit test that verifies a constant is itself a constant, so it would only be duplicated code and useless effort to write a test for constants.
So to answer your specific example:
should I create an unit test for a string formatting that's supossed
to be user-input?
Yes, absolutely. All methods which receive or send external input/output (which can be summed up as receiving IO), should be unit tested. This is probably the only case where I'd say non-public things that receive IO should also be unit tested. That's because I consider IO to be a public entry. Anything that's an entry point to an external actor I consider public.
So unit test public methods, public fields, public accessors, even when those are static constructs and also unit test anything which receives or sends data from an external actor, be it a user, a database, a protocol, etc.
NOTE: You can write temporary unit tests on non public things as a way for you to help make sure your implementation works. This is more of a way to help you figure out how to implement it properly, and to make sure your implementation works as you intend. After you've tested that it works though, you should delete the unit test or disable it from your test suite.
Kent Beck, in Extreme Programming Explained, said you only need to test the things that need to work in production.
That's a brusque way of encapsulating both test-driven development, where every change in production code is supported by a test that fails when the change is not present; and You Ain't Gonna Need It, which says there's no value in creating general-purpose classes for applications that only deal with a couple of specific cases.
I think you have to change your point of view.
In a pure form TDD requires the red-green-refactor workflow:
write test (it must fail) RED
write code to satisfy test GREEN
refactor your code
So the question "What I have to test?" has a response like: "You have to write a test that correspond to a feature or a particular requirements".
In this way you get must code coverage and also a better code design (remember that TDD stands also for Test Driven "Design").
Generally speaking you have to test ALL public method/interfaces.
should I create an unit test for a string formatting that's supossed
to be user-input? Or is it just wasting my time while I just can check
it in the actual code?
Not sure I understand what you mean, but the tests you write in TDD are supposed to test your production code. They aren't tests that check user input.
To put it another way, there can be TDD unit tests that test the user input validation code, but there can't be TDD unit tests that validate the user input itself.

Goal of unit testing and TDD: find/minimize bugs or improve design?

I'm fairly green to unit testing and TDD, so please bear with me as I ask what some may consider newbie questions, or if this has been debated before. If this turns out to be considered a "bad question" (too subjective and open for debate), I will happily close it. However, I've searched for a couple days, and am not getting a definitive answer, and I need a better understand of this, so I know no better way to get more info than to post here.
I've started reading an older book on unit testing (because a colleague had it on hand), and its opening chapter talks about why to unit test. One of the points it makes is that in the long run, your code is much more reliable and cleaner, and less prone to bugs. It also points out that effective unit testing will make tracking and fixing bugs much easier. So it seems to focus quite a bit on the overall prevention/reduction of bugs in your code.
On the other hand, I also found an article about writing great unit tests, and it states that the goal of unit testing is to make your design more robust, and conversely, finding bugs is the goal of manual testing, not unit testing.
So being the newbie to TDD that I am, I'm a little confused as to the state of mind with which I should go into TDD and building my unit tests. I'll admit that part of the reason I'm taking this on now with my recently started project is because I'm tired of my changes breaking previously existing code. And admittedly, the linked article above does at least point this out as an advantage to TDD. But my hope is that by going back in and adding unit tests to my existing code (and then continuing TDD from this point forward) is to help prevent these bugs in the first place.
Are this book and this article really saying the same thing in different tones, or is there some subjectivity on this subject, and what I'm seeing is just two people having somewhat different views on how to approach TDD?
Thanks in advance.
Unit tests and automated tests generally are for both better design and verified code.
Unit test should test some execution path in some very small unit. This unit is usually public method or internal method exposed on your object. The method itself can still use many other protected or private methods from the same object instance. You can have single method and several unit test for this method to test different execution paths. (By execution path I meant something controlled by if, switch, etc.) Writing unit tests this way will validate that your code really does what you expect. This can be especially important in some corner cases where you expect to throw exception in some rare scenarios etc. You can also test how method behaves if you pass different parameters - for example null instead of object instance, negative value for integer used for indexing, etc. That is especially useful for public API.
Now suppose that your tested method also uses instances of other classes. How to deal with it? Should you still test your single method and believe that class works? What if the class is not implemented yet? What if the class has some complex logic inside? Should you test these execution paths as well on your current method? There are two approaches to deal with this:
For some cases you will simply let the real class instance to be tested together with your method. This is for example very common in case of logging (it is not bad to have logs available for test as well).
For other scenarios you would like to take this dependencies from your method but how to do it? The solution is dependency injection and implementing against abstraction instead of implementation. What does it mean? It means that your method / class will not create instances of these dependencies but instead it will get them either through method parameters, class constructor or class properties. It also means that you will not expect concrete implementation but either abstract base class or interface. This will allow you to pass fake, dummy or mock implementation to your tested object. These special type of implementations simply don't do any processing they get some data and return expected result. This will allow you to test your method without dependencies and lead to much better and more extensible design.
What is the disadvantage? Once you start using fakes / mocks you are testing single method / class but you don't have a test which will grab all real implementations and put them together to test if the whole system really works = You can have thousands of unit tests and validate that each your method works but it doesn't mean they will work together. This is scenario for more complex tests - integration or end-to-end tests.
Unit tests should be usually very easy to write - if they are not it means that your design is probably complicated and you should think about refactoring. They should be also very fast to execute so you can run them very often. Other kinds of test can be more complex and very slow and they should run mostly on build server.
How it fits with SW development process? The worst part of development process is stabilization and bug fixing because this part can be very hardly estimated. To be able to estimate how much time bug fixing takes you must know what causes the bug. But this investigation cannot be estimated. You can have bug which will take one hour to fix but you will spend two weeks by debugging your application and searching for this bug. When using good code coverage you will most probably find such bug early during development.
Automated testing don't say that SW doesn't contain bugs. It only say that you did your best to find and solve them during development and because of that your stabilization could be much less painful and much shorter. It also doesn't say that your SW does what it should - that is more about application logic itself which must be tested by some separate tests going through each use case / user story - acceptance tests (they can be also automated).
How this fit with TDD? TDD takes it to extreme because in TDD you will write your test first to drive your quality, code coverage and design.
It's a false choice. "Find/minimize bugs" OR improve design.
TDD, in particular (and as opposed to "just" unit testing) is all about giving you better design.
And when your design is better, what are the consequences?
Your code is easier to read
Your code is easier to understand
Your code is easier to test
Your code is easier to reuse
Your code is easier to debug
Your code has fewer bugs in the first place
With well-designed code, you spend less time finding and fixing bugs, and more time adding features and polish. So TDD gives you a savings on bugs and bug-hunting, by giving you better design. These things are not separate; they are dependent and interrelated.
There can many different reasons why you might want to test your code. Personally, I test for a number of reasons:
I usually design API using a combination of the normal design patterns (top-down) and test-driven development (TDD; bottom-up) to ensure that I have a sound API both from a best practices point-of-view as well as from an actual usage point-of-view. The focus of the tests is both on the major use-cases for the API, but also on the completeness of the API and the behavior - so they are primary "black box" tests. The development sequence is often:
main API based on design patterns and "gut feeling"
TDD tests for the major use-cases according to the high-level specification for the API - primary in order to make sure the API is "natural" and easy to use
fleshed out API and behavior
all the needed test cases to ensure the completeness and correct behavior
Whenever I fix an error in my code, I try to write a test to make sure it stay fixed. Somehow, the error got into my original design and passed my original testing of the code, so it is probably not all that trivial. I have noticed that many of the tests tests are "write box" tests.
In order to be able to make any sort of major re-factoring of the code, you need an extensive set of API tests to make sure the behavior of the code stays the same after the re-factoring. For any non-trivial API, I want the test suite to be in place and working for a long time before the re-factoring to be sure that all the major use-cases are covered in a good way. As often as not, you are forced to throw away most of your "white box" tests as they - by the very definition - makes too many assumptions about the internals. I usually try to "translate" as many as possible of these tests as the same non-trivial problems tend to survive re-factoring of the code.
In order to transfer any code between developers, I usually also want a good test suite with focus on the API and the major use-cases. So basically the tests from the initial TDD...
I think that answer to your question is: both.
You will improve design because there is one particular thing about TDD that is great: while you write tests you put yourself in the position of the client code that will be using the system under test - and this alone makes you think about certain design choices.
For example: UI. When you start writing the tests, you will see that those God-Forms are impossible to test, so you separate the logic behind the screens to a presenter/controller, and you get MVP/MVC/whatever.
Having the concept of unit testing a class and mocking dependencies brings you to Single Responsibility Principle. There is a point about every of SOLID principles.
As for bugs, well, if you unit test every method of every class you write (except properties, very simple methods and such) you will catch most bugs in the start. Write the integration tests, you cover almost all of them.
I'll take my stab at this using a remix of a previous answer I wrote. In short, I don't see this as a dichotomy between driving good design and minimizing bugs. I see it more as one (good design) leading to the other (minimizing bugs).
I tend towards saying TDD is a design process that happens to involve unit testing. It's a design process because within each Red-Green-Refactor iteration, you write the test first for code that doesn't exist. You're designing as you're going.
The first beauty of TDD is that the design of your code is guaranteed to be testable. Testable code tends to have loose coupling and high cohesion. Loose coupling and high cohesion are important because they make the code easy to change when requirements change. The second beauty of TDD is that after you're done implementing your system, you happen to have a huge regression suite to catch any bugs and changes in assumptions. Thus, TDD makes your code easy to change because of the design it creates and it makes your code safe to change because of the test harness it creates.
Trying to retrospectively add Unit tests can be quite painful and expensive. If the code doesn't support Unit test you may be better looking at integration tests to test your code.
Don't mix Unit Testing with TDD.
Unit Testing is just the fact of "testing" your code to ensure quality and maintainability.
TDD is a full blown development methodology in which you first write your tests (based on requirements), and only then you write the needed code (and just the needed code) to make that test pass. This means that you only write code to repair a broken test.
Once done that, you write another test, and the code needed to make it pass. In the way, you may be forced to do "refactoring" of the code to allow a new test run without braking another. This way, the "design" arises from the tests.
The purpose of this methodology is of course reduce bugs and improve design, but the main goal of it is to improve productivity because you write exactly the code you need. And you don't write documentation: the tests are the documentation. If a requirement changes, then you change the tests and the code afterwards. If new requirements appear, just add new tests.

Unit test adoption [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We have tried to introduce unit testing to our current project but it doesn't seem to be working. The extra code seems to have become a maintenance headache as when our internal Framework changes we have to go around and fix any unit tests that hang off it.
We have an abstract base class for unit testing our controllers that acts as a template calling into the child classes' abstract method implementations i.e. Framework calls Initialize so our controller classes all have their own Initialize method.
I used to be an advocate of unit testing but it doesn't seem to be working on our current project.
Can anyone help identify the problem and how we can make unit tests work for us rather than against us?
Avoid writing procedural code
Tests can be a bear to maintain if they're written against procedural-style code that relies heavily on global state or lies deep in the body of an ugly method.
If you're writing code in an OO language, use OO constructs effectively to reduce this.
Avoid global state if at all possible.
Avoid statics as they tend to ripple through your codebase and eventually cause things to be static that shouldn't be. They also bloat your test context (see below).
Exploit polymorphism effectively to prevent excessive ifs and flags
Find what changes, encapsulate it and separate it from what stays the same.
There are choke points in code that change a lot more frequently than other pieces. Do this in your codebase and your tests will become more healthy.
Good encapsulation leads to good, loosely coupled designs.
Refactor and modularize.
Keep tests small and focused.
The larger the context surrounding a test, the more difficult it will be to maintain.
Do whatever you can to shrink tests and the surrounding context in which they are executed.
Use composed method refactoring to test smaller chunks of code.
Are you using a newer testing framework like TestNG or JUnit4?
They allow you to remove duplication in tests by providing you with more fine-grained hooks into the test lifecycle.
Investigate using test doubles (mocks, fakes, stubs) to reduce the size of the test context.
Investigate the Test Data Builder pattern.
Remove duplication from tests, but make sure they retain focus.
You probably won't be able to remove all duplication, but still try to remove it where it's causing pain. Make sure you don't remove so much duplication that someone can't come in and tell what the test does at a glance. (See Paul Wheaton's "Evil Unit Tests" article for an alternative explanation of the same concept.)
No one will want to fix a test if they can't figure out what it's doing.
Follow the Arrange, Act, Assert Pattern.
Use only one assertion per test.
Test at the right level to what you're trying to verify.
Think about the complexity involved in a record-and-playback Selenium test and what could change under you versus testing a single method.
Isolate dependencies from one another.
Use dependency injection/inversion of control.
Use test doubles to initialize an object for testing, and make sure you're testing single units of code in isolation.
Make sure you're writing relevant tests
"Spring the Trap" by introducing a bug on purpose and make sure it gets caught by a test.
See also: Integration Tests Are A Scam
Know when to use State Based vs Interaction Based Testing
True unit tests need true isolation. Unit tests don't hit a database or open sockets. Stop at mocking these interactions. Verify you talk to your collaborators correctly, not that the proper result from this method call was "42".
Demonstrate Test-Driving Code
It's up for debate whether or not a given team will take to test-driving all code, or writing "tests first" for every line of code. But should they write at least some tests first? Absolutely. There are scenarios in which test-first is undoubtedly the best way to approach a problem.
Try this exercise: TDD as if you meant it (Another Description)
See also: Test Driven Development and the Scientific Method
Test Driven by Lasse Koskela
Growing OO Software, Guided by Tests by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce
Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers
Specification By Example by Gojko Adzic
Blogs to check out: Jay Fields, Andy Glover, Nat Pryce
As mentioned in other answers already:
XUnit Patterns
Test Smells
Google Testing Blog
"OO Design for Testability" by Miskov Hevery
"Evil Unit Tests" by Paul Wheaton
"Integration Tests Are A Scam" by J.B. Rainsberger
"The Economics of Software Design" by J.B. Rainsberger
"Test Driven Development and the Scientific Method" by Rick Mugridge
"TDD as if you Meant it" exercise originally by Keith Braithwaite, also workshopped by Gojko Adzic
Are you testing small enough units of code? You shouldn't see too many changes unless you are fundamentally changing everything in your core code.
Once things are stable, you will appreciate the unit tests more, but even now your tests are highlighting the extent to which changes to your framework are propogated through.
It is worth it, stick with it as best you can.
Without more information it's hard to make a decent stab at why you're suffering these problems. Sometimes it's inevitable that changing interfaces etc. will break a lot of things, other times it's down to design problems.
It's a good idea to try and categorise the failures you're seeing. What sort of problems are you having? E.g. is it test maintenance (as in making them compile after refactoring!) due to API changes, or is it down to the behaviour of the API changing? If you can see a pattern, then you can try to change the design of the production code, or better insulate the tests from changing.
If changing a handful of things causes untold devastation to your test suite in many places, there are a few things you can do (most of these are just common unit testing tips):
Develop small units of code and test
small units of code. Extract
interfaces or base classes where it
makes sense so that units of code
have 'seams' in them. The more
dependencies you have to pull in (or
worse, instantiate inside the class
using 'new'), the more exposed to
change your code will be. If each
unit of code has a handful of
dependencies (sometimes a couple or
none at all) then it is better
insulated from change.
Only ever assert on what the test
needs. Don't assert on intermediate,
incidental or unrelated state. Design by
contract and test by contract (e.g.
if you're testing a stack pop method,
don't test the count property after
pushing -- that should be in a
separate test).
I see this problem
quite a bit, especially if each test
is a variant. If any of that
incidental state changes, it breaks
everything that asserts on it
(whether the asserts are needed or
Just as with normal code, use factories and builders
in your unit tests. I learned that one when about 40 tests
needed a constructor call updated after an API change...
Just as importantly, use the front
door first. Your tests should always
use normal state if it's available. Only used interaction based testing when you have to (i.e. no state to verify against).
Anyway the gist of this is that I'd try to find out why/where the tests are breaking and go from there. Do your best to insulate yourself from change.
One of the benefits of unit testing is that when you make changes like this you can prove that you're not breaking your code. You do have to keep your tests in sync with your framework, but this rather mundane work is a lot easier than trying to figure out what broke when you refactored.
I would insists you to stick with the TDD. Try to check your Unit Testing framework do one RCA (Root Cause Analysis) with your team and identify the area.
Fix the unit testing code at suite level and do not change your code frequently specially the function names or other modules.
Would appreciate if you can share your case study well, then we can dig out more at the problem area?
Good question!
Designing good unit tests is hard as designing the software itself. This is rarely acknowledged by developers, so the result is often hastily-written unit tests that require maintenance whenever the system under test changes. So, part of the solution to your problem could be spending more time to improve the design of your unit tests.
I can recommend one great book that deserves its billing as The Design Patterns of Unit-Testing
If the problem is that your tests are getting out of date with the actual code, you could do one or both of:
Train all developers to not pass code reviews that don't update unit tests.
Set up an automatic test box that runs the full set of units tests after every check-in and emails those who break the build. (We used to think that that was just for the "big boys" but we used an open source package on a dedicated box.)
Well if the logic has changed in the code, and you have written tests for those pieces of code, I would assume the tests would need to be changed to check the new logic. Unit tests are supposed to be fairly simple code that tests the logic of your code.
Your unit tests are doing what they are supposed to do. Bring to the surface any breaks in behavior due to changes in the framework, immediate code or other external sources. What this is supposed to do is help you determine if the behavior did change and the unit tests need to be modified accordingly, or if a bug was introduced thus causing the unit test to fail and needs to be corrected.
Don't give up, while its frustrating now, the benefit will be realized.
I'm not sure about the specific issues that make it difficult to maintain tests for your code, but I can share some of my own experiences when I had similar issues with my tests breaking. I ultimately learned that the lack of testability was largely due to some design issues with the class under test:
Using concrete classes instead of interfaces
Using singletons
Calling lots of static methods for business logic and data access instead of interface methods
Because of this, I found that usually my tests were breaking - not because of a change in the class under test - but due to changes in other classes that the class under test was calling. In general, refactoring classes to ask for their data dependencies and testing with mock objects (EasyMock et al for Java) makes the testing much more focused and maintainable. I've really enjoyed some sites in particular on this topic:
Google testing blog
The guide to writing testable code
Why should you have to change your unit tests every time you make changes to your framework? Shouldn't this be the other way around?
If you're using TDD, then you should first decide that your tests are testing the wrong behavior, and that they should instead verify that the desired behavior exists. Now that you've fixed your tests, your tests fail, and you have to go squish the bugs in your framework until your tests pass again.
Everything comes with price of course. At this early stage of development it's normal that a lot of unit tests have to be changed.
You might want to review some bits of your code to do more encapsulation, create less dependencies etc.
When you near production date, you'll be happy you have those tests, trust me :)
Aren't your unit tests too black-box oriented ? I mean ... let me take an example : suppose you are unit testing some sort of container, do you use the get() method of the container to verify a new item was actually stored, or do you manage to get an handle to the actual storage to retrieve the item directly where it is stored ? The later makes brittle tests : when you change the implementation, you're breaking the tests.
You should test against the interfaces, not the internal implementation.
And when you change the framework you'd better off trying to change the tests first, and then the framework.
I would suggest investing into a test automation tool. If you are using continuous integration you can make it work in tandem. There are tools aout there which will scan your codebase and will generate tests for you. Then will run them. Downside of this approach is that its too generic. Because in many cases unit test's purpose is to break the system.
I have written numerous tests and yes I have to change them if the codebase changes.
There is a fine line with automation tool you would definatelly have better code coverage.
However, with a well wrttien develper based tests you will test system integrity as well.
Hope this helps.
If your code is really hard to test and the test code breaks or requires much effort to keep in sync, then you have a bigger problem.
Consider using the extract-method refactoring to yank out small blocks of code that do one thing and only one thing; without dependencies and write your tests to those small methods.
The extra code seems to have become a maintenance headache as when our internal Framework changes we have to go around and fix any unit tests that hang off it.
The alternative is that when your Framework changes, you don't test the changes. Or you don't test the Framework at all. Is that what you want?
You may try refactoring your Framework so that it is composed from smaller pieces that can be tested independently. Then when your Framework changes, you hope that either (a) fewer pieces change or (b) the changes are mostly in the ways in which the pieces are composed. Either way will get you better reuse of both code and tests. But real intellectual effort is involved; don't expect it to be easy.
I found that unless you use IoC / DI methodology that encourages writing very small classes, and follow Single Responsibility Principle religiously, the unit-tests end up testing interaction of multiple classes which makes them very complex and therefore fragile.
My point is, many of the novel software development techniques only work when used together. Particularly MVC, ORM, IoC, unit-testing and Mocking. The DDD (in the modern primitive sense) and TDD/BDD are more independent so you may use them or not.
Sometime designing the TDD tests launch questioning on the design of the application itself. Check if your classes have been well designed, your methods are only performing one thing a the time ... With good design it should be simple to write code to test simple method and classes.
I have been thinking about this topic myself. I'm very sold on the value of unit tests, but not on strict TDD. It seems to me that, up to a certain point, you may be doing exploratory programming where the way you have things divided up into classes/interfaces is going to need to change. If you've invested a lot of time in unit tests for the old class structure, that's increased inertia against refactoring, painful to discard that additional code, etc.

Practical refactoring using unit tests

Having just read the first four chapters of Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, I embarked on my first refactoring and almost immediately came to a roadblock. It stems from the requirement that before you begin refactoring, you should put unit tests around the legacy code. That allows you to be sure your refactoring didn't change what the original code did (only how it did it).
So my first question is this: how do I unit-test a method in legacy code? How can I put a unit test around a 500 line (if I'm lucky) method that doesn't do just one task? It seems to me that I would have to refactor my legacy code just to make it unit-testable.
Does anyone have any experience refactoring using unit tests? And, if so, do you have any practical examples you can share with me?
My second question is somewhat hard to explain. Here's an example: I want to refactor a legacy method that populates an object from a database record. Wouldn't I have to write a unit test that compares an object retrieved using the old method, with an object retrieved using my refactored method? Otherwise, how would I know that my refactored method produces the same results as the old method? If that is true, then how long do I leave the old deprecated method in the source code? Do I just whack it after I test a few different records? Or, do I need to keep it around for a while in case I encounter a bug in my refactored code?
Lastly, since a couple people have asked...the legacy code was originally written in VB6 and then ported to VB.NET with minimal architecture changes.
For instructions on how to refactor legacy code, you might want to read the book Working Effectively with Legacy Code. There's also a short PDF version available here.
Good example of theory meeting reality. Unit tests are meant to test a single operation and many pattern purists insist on Single Responsibilty, so we have lovely clean code and tests to go with it. However, in the real (messy) world, code (especially legacy code) does lots of things and has no tests. What this needs is dose of refactoring to clean the mess.
My approach is to build tests, using the Unit Test tools, that test lots of things in a single test. In one test, I may be checking the DB connection is open, changing lots of data, and doing a before/after check on the DB. I inevitably find myself writing helper classes to do the checking, and more often than not those helpers can then be added into the code base, as they have encapsulated emergent behaviour/logic/requirements. I don't mean I have a single huge test, what I do mean is mnay tests are doing work which a purist would call an integration test - does such a thing still exist? Also I've found it useful to create a test template and then create many tests from that, to check boundary conditions, complex processing etc.
BTW which language environment are we talking about? Some languages lend themselves to refactoring better than others.
From my experience, I'd write tests not for particular methods in the legacy code, but for the overall functionality it provides. These might or might not map closely to existing methods.
Write tests at what ever level of the system you can (if you can), if that means running a database etc then so be it. You will need to write a lot more code to assert what the code is currently doing as a 500 line+ method is going to possibly have a lot of behaviour wrapped up in it. As for comparing the old versus the new, if you write the tests against the old code, they pass and they cover everything it does then when you run them against the new code you are effectively checking the old against the new.
I did this to test a complex sql trigger I wanted to refactor, it was a pain and took time but a month later when we found another issue in that area it was worth having the tests there to rely on.
In my experience this is the reality when working on Legacy code. Book (Working with Legacy..) mentioned by Esko is an excellent work which describes various approaches which can take you there.
I have seen similar issues with out unit-test itself which has grown to become system/functional test. Most important thing to develop tests for Legacy or existing code is to define the term "unit". It can be even functional unit like "reading from database" etc. Identify key functional units and maintain tests which adds value.
As an aside, there was recent talk between Joel S. and Martin F. on TDD/unit-tests. My take is that it is important to define unit and keep focus on it! URLS: Open Letter, Joel's transcript and podcast
That really is one of the key problems of trying to refit legacy code. Are you able to break the problem domain down to something more granular? Does that 500+ line method make anything other than system calls to JDK/Win32/.NET Framework JARs/DLLs/assemblies? I.e. Are there more granular function calls within that 500+ line behemoth that you could unit test?
The following book: The Art of Unit Testing contains a couple of chapters with some interesting ideas on how to deal with legacy code in terms of developing Unit Tests.
I found it quite helpful.

What is unit testing? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I saw many questions asking 'how' to unit test in a specific language, but no question asking 'what', 'why', and 'when'.
What is it?
What does it do for me?
Why should I use it?
When should I use it (also when not)?
What are some common pitfalls and misconceptions
Unit testing is, roughly speaking, testing bits of your code in isolation with test code. The immediate advantages that come to mind are:
Running the tests becomes automate-able and repeatable
You can test at a much more granular level than point-and-click testing via a GUI
Note that if your test code writes to a file, opens a database connection or does something over the network, it's more appropriately categorized as an integration test. Integration tests are a good thing, but should not be confused with unit tests. Unit test code should be short, sweet and quick to execute.
Another way to look at unit testing is that you write the tests first. This is known as Test-Driven Development (TDD for short). TDD brings additional advantages:
You don't write speculative "I might need this in the future" code -- just enough to make the tests pass
The code you've written is always covered by tests
By writing the test first, you're forced into thinking about how you want to call the code, which usually improves the design of the code in the long run.
If you're not doing unit testing now, I recommend you get started on it. Get a good book, practically any xUnit-book will do because the concepts are very much transferable between them.
Sometimes writing unit tests can be painful. When it gets that way, try to find someone to help you, and resist the temptation to "just write the damn code". Unit testing is a lot like washing the dishes. It's not always pleasant, but it keeps your metaphorical kitchen clean, and you really want it to be clean. :)
Edit: One misconception comes to mind, although I'm not sure if it's so common. I've heard a project manager say that unit tests made the team write all the code twice. If it looks and feels that way, well, you're doing it wrong. Not only does writing the tests usually speed up development, but it also gives you a convenient "now I'm done" indicator that you wouldn't have otherwise.
I don't disagree with Dan (although a better choice may just be not to answer)...but...
Unit testing is the process of writing code to test the behavior and functionality of your system.
Obviously tests improve the quality of your code, but that's just a superficial benefit of unit testing. The real benefits are to:
Make it easier to change the technical implementation while making sure you don't change the behavior (refactoring). Properly unit tested code can be aggressively refactored/cleaned up with little chance of breaking anything without noticing it.
Give developers confidence when adding behavior or making fixes.
Document your code
Indicate areas of your code that are tightly coupled. It's hard to unit test code that's tightly coupled
Provide a means to use your API and look for difficulties early on
Indicates methods and classes that aren't very cohesive
You should unit test because its in your interest to deliver a maintainable and quality product to your client.
I'd suggest you use it for any system, or part of a system, which models real-world behavior. In other words, it's particularly well suited for enterprise development. I would not use it for throw-away/utility programs. I would not use it for parts of a system that are problematic to test (UI is a common example, but that isn't always the case)
The greatest pitfall is that developers test too large a unit, or they consider a method a unit. This is particularly true if you don't understand Inversion of Control - in which case your unit tests will always turn into end-to-end integration testing. Unit test should test individual behaviors - and most methods have many behaviors.
The greatest misconception is that programmers shouldn't test. Only bad or lazy programmers believe that. Should the guy building your roof not test it? Should the doctor replacing a heart valve not test the new valve? Only a programmer can test that his code does what he intended it to do (QA can test edge cases - how code behaves when it's told to do things the programmer didn't intend, and the client can do acceptance test - does the code do what what the client paid for it to do)
The main difference of unit testing, as opposed to "just opening a new project and test this specific code" is that it's automated, thus repeatable.
If you test your code manually, it may convince you that the code is working perfectly - in its current state. But what about a week later, when you made a slight modification in it? Are you willing to retest it again by hand whenever anything changes in your code? Most probably not :-(
But if you can run your tests anytime, with a single click, exactly the same way, within a few seconds, then they will show you immediately whenever something is broken. And if you also integrate the unit tests into your automated build process, they will alert you to bugs even in cases where a seemingly completely unrelated change broke something in a distant part of the codebase - when it would not even occur to you that there is a need to retest that particular functionality.
This is the main advantage of unit tests over hand testing. But wait, there is more:
unit tests shorten the development feedback loop dramatically: with a separate testing department it may take weeks for you to know that there is a bug in your code, by which time you have already forgotten much of the context, thus it may take you hours to find and fix the bug; OTOH with unit tests, the feedback cycle is measured in seconds, and the bug fix process is typically along the lines of an "oh sh*t, I forgot to check for that condition here" :-)
unit tests effectively document (your understanding of) the behaviour of your code
unit testing forces you to reevaluate your design choices, which results in simpler, cleaner design
Unit testing frameworks, in turn, make it easy for you to write and run your tests.
I was never taught unit testing at university, and it took me a while to "get" it. I read about it, went "ah, right, automated testing, that could be cool I guess", and then I forgot about it.
It took quite a bit longer before I really figured out the point: Let's say you're working on a large system and you write a small module. It compiles, you put it through its paces, it works great, you move on to the next task. Nine months down the line and two versions later someone else makes a change to some seemingly unrelated part of the program, and it breaks the module. Worse, they test their changes, and their code works, but they don't test your module; hell, they may not even know your module exists.
And now you've got a problem: broken code is in the trunk and nobody even knows. The best case is an internal tester finds it before you ship, but fixing code that late in the game is expensive. And if no internal tester finds it...well, that can get very expensive indeed.
The solution is unit tests. They'll catch problems when you write code - which is fine - but you could have done that by hand. The real payoff is that they'll catch problems nine months down the line when you're now working on a completely different project, but a summer intern thinks it'll look tidier if those parameters were in alphabetical order - and then the unit test you wrote way back fails, and someone throws things at the intern until he changes the parameter order back. That's the "why" of unit tests. :-)
Chipping in on the philosophical pros of unit testing and TDD here are a few of they key "lightbulb" observations which struck me on my tentative first steps on the road to TDD enlightenment (none original or necessarily news)...
TDD does NOT mean writing twice the amount of code. Test code is typically fairly quick and painless to write and is a key part of your design process and critically.
TDD helps you to realize when to stop coding! Your tests give you confidence that you've done enough for now and can stop tweaking and move on to the next thing.
The tests and the code work together to achieve better code. Your code could be bad / buggy. Your TEST could be bad / buggy. In TDD you are banking on the chances of BOTH being bad / buggy being fairly low. Often its the test that needs fixing but that's still a good outcome.
TDD helps with coding constipation. You know that feeling that you have so much to do you barely know where to start? It's Friday afternoon, if you just procrastinate for a couple more hours... TDD allows you to flesh out very quickly what you think you need to do, and gets your coding moving quickly. Also, like lab rats, I think we all respond to that big green light and work harder to see it again!
In a similar vein, these designer types can SEE what they're working on. They can wander off for a juice / cigarette / iphone break and return to a monitor that immediately gives them a visual cue as to where they got to. TDD gives us something similar. It's easier to see where we got to when life intervenes...
I think it was Fowler who said: "Imperfect tests, run frequently, are much better than perfect tests that are never written at all". I interprete this as giving me permission to write tests where I think they'll be most useful even if the rest of my code coverage is woefully incomplete.
TDD helps in all kinds of surprising ways down the line. Good unit tests can help document what something is supposed to do, they can help you migrate code from one project to another and give you an unwarranted feeling of superiority over your non-testing colleagues :)
This presentation is an excellent introduction to all the yummy goodness testing entails.
I would like to recommend the xUnit Testing Patterns book by Gerard Meszaros. It's large but is a great resource on unit testing. Here is a link to his web site where he discusses the basics of unit testing.
I use unit tests to save time.
When building business logic (or data access) testing functionality can often involve typing stuff into a lot of screens that may or may not be finished yet. Automating these tests saves time.
For me unit tests are a kind of modularised test harness. There is usually at least one test per public function. I write additional tests to cover various behaviours.
All the special cases that you thought of when developing the code can be recorded in the code in the unit tests. The unit tests also become a source of examples on how to use the code.
It is a lot faster for me to discover that my new code breaks something in my unit tests then to check in the code and have some front-end developer find a problem.
For data access testing I try to write tests that either have no change or clean up after themselves.
Unit tests aren’t going to be able to solve all the testing requirements. They will be able to save development time and test core parts of the application.
This is my take on it. I would say unit testing is the practice of writing software tests to verify that your real software does what it is meant to. This started with jUnit in the Java world and has become a best practice in PHP as well with SimpleTest and phpUnit. It's a core practice of Extreme Programming and helps you to be sure that your software still works as intended after editing. If you have sufficient test coverage, you can do major refactoring, bug fixing or add features rapidly with much less fear of introducing other problems.
It's most effective when all unit tests can be run automatically.
Unit testing is generally associated with OO development. The basic idea is to create a script which sets up the environment for your code and then exercises it; you write assertions, specify the intended output that you should receive and then execute your test script using a framework such as those mentioned above.
The framework will run all the tests against your code and then report back success or failure of each test. phpUnit is run from the Linux command line by default, though there are HTTP interfaces available for it. SimpleTest is web-based by nature and is much easier to get up and running, IMO. In combination with xDebug, phpUnit can give you automated statistics for code coverage which some people find very useful.
Some teams write hooks from their subversion repository so that unit tests are run automatically whenever you commit changes.
It's good practice to keep your unit tests in the same repository as your application.
LibrarIES like NUnit, xUnit or JUnit are just mandatory if you want to develop your projects using the TDD approach popularized by Kent Beck:
You can read Introduction to Test Driven Development (TDD) or Kent Beck's book Test Driven Development: By Example.
Then, if you want to be sure your tests cover a "good" part of your code, you can use software like NCover, JCover, PartCover or whatever. They'll tell you the coverage percentage of your code. Depending on how much you're adept at TDD, you'll know if you've practiced it well enough :)
Unit-testing is the testing of a unit of code (e.g. a single function) without the need for the infrastructure that that unit of code relies on. i.e. test it in isolation.
If, for example, the function that you're testing connects to a database and does an update, in a unit test you might not want to do that update. You would if it were an integration test but in this case it's not.
So a unit test would exercise the functionality enclosed in the "function" you're testing without side effects of the database update.
Say your function retrieved some numbers from a database and then performed a standard deviation calculation. What are you trying to test here? That the standard deviation is calculated correctly or that the data is returned from the database?
In a unit test you just want to test that the standard deviation is calculated correctly. In an integration test you want to test the standard deviation calculation and the database retrieval.
Unit testing is about writing code that tests your application code.
The Unit part of the name is about the intention to test small units of code (one method for example) at a time.
xUnit is there to help with this testing - they are frameworks that assist with this. Part of that is automated test runners that tell you what test fail and which ones pass.
They also have facilities to setup common code that you need in each test before hand and tear it down when all tests have finished.
You can have a test to check that an expected exception has been thrown, without having to write the whole try catch block yourself.
I think the point that you don't understand is that unit testing frameworks like NUnit (and the like) will help you in automating small to medium-sized tests. Usually you can run the tests in a GUI (that's the case with NUnit, for instance) by simply clicking a button and then - hopefully - see the progress bar stay green. If it turns red, the framework shows you which test failed and what exactly went wrong. In a normal unit test, you often use assertions, e.g. Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, actualValue, "some description") - so if the two values are unequal you will see an error saying "some description: expected <expectedValue> but was <actualValue>".
So as a conclusion unit testing will make testing faster and a lot more comfortable for developers. You can run all the unit tests before committing new code so that you don't break the build process of other developers on the same project.
Use Testivus. All you need to know is right there :)
Unit testing is a practice to make sure that the function or module which you are going to implement is going to behave as expected (requirements) and also to make sure how it behaves in scenarios like boundary conditions, and invalid input.
xUnit, NUnit, mbUnit, etc. are tools which help you in writing the tests.
Test Driven Development has sort of taken over the term Unit Test. As an old timer I will mention the more generic definition of it.
Unit Test also means testing a single component in a larger system. This single component could be a dll, exe, class library, etc. It could even be a single system in a multi-system application. So ultimately Unit Test ends up being the testing of whatever you want to call a single piece of a larger system.
You would then move up to integrated or system testing by testing how all the components work together.
First of all, whether speaking about Unit testing or any other kinds of automated testing (Integration, Load, UI testing etc.), the key difference from what you suggest is that it is automated, repeatable and it doesn't require any human resources to be consumed (= nobody has to perform the tests, they usually run at a press of a button).
I went to a presentation on unit testing at FoxForward 2007 and was told never to unit test anything that works with data. After all, if you test on live data, the results are unpredictable, and if you don't test on live data, you're not actually testing the code you wrote. Unfortunately, that's most of the coding I do these days. :-)
I did take a shot at TDD recently when I was writing a routine to save and restore settings. First, I verified that I could create the storage object. Then, that it had the method I needed to call. Then, that I could call it. Then, that I could pass it parameters. Then, that I could pass it specific parameters. And so on, until I was finally verifying that it would save the specified setting, allow me to change it, and then restore it, for several different syntaxes.
I didn't get to the end, because I needed-the-routine-now-dammit, but it was a good exercise.
What do you do if you are given a pile of crap and seem like you are stuck in a perpetual state of cleanup that you know with the addition of any new feature or code can break the current set because the current software is like a house of cards?
How can we do unit testing then?
You start small. The project I just got into had no unit testing until a few months ago. When coverage was that low, we would simply pick a file that had no coverage and click "add tests".
Right now we're up to over 40%, and we've managed to pick off most of the low-hanging fruit.
(The best part is that even at this low level of coverage, we've already run into many instances of the code doing the wrong thing, and the testing caught it. That's a huge motivator to push people to add more testing.)
This answers why you should be doing unit testing.
The 3 videos below cover unit testing in javascript but the general principles apply across most languages.
Unit Testing: Minutes Now Will Save Hours Later - Eric Mann -
JS Unit Testing (very good) -
Writing Testable JavaScript -
Now I'm just learning about the subject so I may not be 100% correct and there's more to it than what I'm describing here but my basic understanding of unit testing is that you write some test code (which is kept separate from your main code) that calls a function in your main code with input (arguments) that the function requires and the code then checks if it gets back a valid return value. If it does get back a valid value the unit testing framework that you're using to run the tests shows a green light (all good) if the value is invalid you get a red light and you then can fix the problem straight away before you release the new code to production, without testing you may actually not have caught the error.
So you write tests for you current code and create the code so that it passes the test. Months later you or someone else need to modify the function in your main code, because earlier you had already written test code for that function you now run again and the test may fail because the coder introduced a logic error in the function or return something completely different than what that function is supposed to return. Again without the test in place that error might be hard to track down as it can possibly affect other code as well and will go unnoticed.
Also the fact that you have a computer program that runs through your code and tests it instead of you manually doing it in the browser page by page saves time (unit testing for javascript). Let's say that you modify a function that is used by some script on a web page and it works all well and good for its new intended purpose. But, let's also say for arguments sake that there is another function you have somewhere else in your code that depends on that newly modified function for it to operate properly. This dependent function may now stop working because of the changes that you've made to the first function, however without tests in place that are run automatically by your computer you will not notice that there's a problem with that function until it is actually executed and you'll have to manually navigate to a web page that includes the script which executes the dependent function, only then you notice that there's a bug because of the change that you made to the first function.
To reiterate, having tests that are run while developing your application will catch these kinds of problems as you're coding. Not having the tests in place you'd have to manually go through your whole application and even then it can be hard to spot the bug, naively you send it out into production and after a while a kind user sends you a bug report (which won't be as good as your error messages in a testing framework).
It's quite confusing when you first hear of the subject and you think to yourself, am I not already testing my code? And the code that you've written is working like it is supposed to already, "why do I need another framework?"... Yes you are already testing your code but a computer is better at doing it. You just have to write good enough tests for a function/unit of code once and the rest is taken care of for you by the mighty cpu instead of you having to manually check that all of your code is still working when you make a change to your code.
Also, you don't have to unit test your code if you don't want to but it pays off as your project/code base starts to grow larger as the chances of introducing bugs increases.
Unit-testing and TDD in general enables you to have shorter feedback cycles about the software you are writing. Instead of having a large test phase at the very end of the implementation, you incrementally test everything you write. This increases code quality very much, as you immediately see, where you might have bugs.